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The Ultimate Question about Namine

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Okay, so we all know that Roxas has Ventus's heart in him or else Roxas would look like Sora, But then why is Namine blonde?!?! Namine is Kairi's nobody so in turn, she should be exactly like Kairi. What did ventus's heart get inside of Namine as well? Please post your Theories below.

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OK lol Kairi and ven were in soras heart. (namine was made when kairis heart went into soras?) and since ven was in soras, her hair was probably blonde because ven and kairi was in soras heart. LOL I have no clue what im talking about. this game can get so confusing at times. but yeah, theres my theory thats probably extremely invalid

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I'm just assuming that Namine's hair is blonde due to Sora's connection with Ven. Since Sora had housed both Kairi's and Ven's fractured heart, they might have influenced Namine's appearance. In a sense, she's not exactly a "normal" nobody since she is not using a body or shell and her "Somebody" is made of pure light. Still, we never know until information is released. Correct me of I am wrong, though. This is all just what I think. I don't know the official reason to why her hair color is blonde.

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Kairi's heart lacks darkness, being a princess of heart and all, so her body couldn't leave the realm of light and become a nobody when Sora unlocked her heart from his in KHI. Because of this she is an unprecidented Nobody, as Ansem the Wise stated in his ninth Secret report.


So because of this she more or less as a free character design as chosen by Nomura.

Edited by Kirux

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Okay, so we all know that Roxas has Ventus's heart in him or else Roxas would look like Sora, But then why is Namine blonde?!?! Namine is Kairi's nobody so in turn, she should be exactly like Kairi. What did ventus's heart get inside of Namine as well? Please post your Theories below.


Maybe the next Saga will be about Namine! <3


And you know how everyone has a trio in Kingdom Hearts?

  • Sora, Riku, Kairi
  • Donald, Goofy, Mickey
  • Lea, Xion, Roxas
  • Ven, Aqua, Terra
  • Pence, Olette, Hayner
What if Namine had a story before Chain of Memories and had her own trio?


I mean taking this road could lead to a lot of places. Maybe her trio was Marluxia and Larxene, after all it was only the two of them that was trying to overthrow the Organization. What if someone else's heart was in Kairi. Take into account that for most of KH1, Kairi did not have her heart. Therefore Namine existed through most of KH1, she has to have had a back story. What do you guys think?

Edited by Sky Heart

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Maybe the next Saga will be about Namine!


And you know how everyone has a trio in Kingdom Hearts?

  • Sora, Riku, Kairi
  • Donald, Goofy, Mickey
  • Lea, Xion, Roxas
  • Ven, Aqua, Terra
  • Pence, Olette, Hayner
What if Namine had a story before Chain of Memories and had her own trio?


I mean taking this road could lead to a lot of places. Maybe her trio was Marluxia and Larxene, after all it was only the two of them that was trying to overthrow the Organization. What if someone else's heart was in Kairi. Take into account that for most of KH1, Kairi did not have her heart. Therefore Namine existed through most of KH1, she has to have had a back story. What do you guys think?




Namine was born when Sora released Kairi 's and his own heart . So she only existed from that point on. Then she was found by the organization

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Namine was born when Sora released Kairi 's and his own heart . So she only existed from that point on. Then she was found by the organization


Way to copy my post loser. <3

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Except I didnt ? This is common knowledge for most people.


It was a joke because I said nearly the same exact thing in the post right before yours =.= nevermiiiiind

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Well, even though Namine was Kairi's Nobody the body used to create her was Sora's despite being her being a female and him being male. She is a direct result of Kairis' heart leaving Sora's body. That's why her resemblance to her original self is more subdued than most human-form Nobodies, because Kairi's body wasn't utilized at all in her creation. You may as well ask why Namine has long hair when, at the time of her creation, Kairi's hair was still short. Basically her design is "girl Roxas".

Edited by Sora_Kuno

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Neither Namine nor Roxas are normal Nobodies, Roxas really isn't a Nobody at all. A Nobody is a body that has lost it's heart but hasn't stopped hanging around. In Roxas' case, he would be Sora's Nobody, but since Sora had Ventus' heart that meant his Nobody recieved it, meaning that he looks like Ven, whose heart he has, rather than Sora, who merely released that heart. Meanwhile Namine was created from Kairi's heart while in Sora, like Ven, but while Ven's heart was unable to return, Kairi's was,meaning that her heart didn't complete th process Ven's did. So they look similar, but not identical, if Kairi had been unable to receive her heart Namine would look like Kairi.

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