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KH13 giveaway: Share your KH3D fan-art & win Meow Wow!

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Congrats to all the winners! I got on here early in the morning and saw nothing, got worried for a second.


I'm kinda bummed I didn't win but I learned a lot about Photoshop and my tablet because of this contest. I also learned that doing art contests while starting college classes again can be stressful....*cries* There are so many cool art contests on DA I can't do now. D:

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No offense intended, but if you really are 20, act like it. Here I thouht I was scolding some 13 y. o. Teenager.


And wow. When I draw, I end up with pained shoulders, and according to me, I don't even give 80% lol


i have emotional issues.... bad enough to make 6 counslers quit their jobs.... but im kinda over losing now... i still want this account gone though

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it sucks.... it didnt win


If you think that way, everyone else, even the second and third place sucks too OO and your art is cute, on the other one, the meow wow lying on his back is really cute.

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i have emotional issues.... bad enough to make 6 counslers quit their jobs.... but im kinda over losing now... i still want this account gone though


(yea, that was me at 15 too. It was fun though)


wouldn't it be easier to delete this web from your history and bookmarks, and never think of it again? If you want to leave that badly, that is.

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Thanks! Yours was good too! Your shading was so much smoother than mine. I have a tablet too, but I also have twitchy hands.


I do too. More lately than ever. I drew that with twitchy hands ;3;.... Like...well my whole arm twitched as I did it. >.< It was annoying @@

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Hey, sorry for jumping on this, but that attitude was me a couple months ago. I actually have good friends that go to art schools, and for the longest time it was really painful to see them make leap and bounds while I, in my opinion, didn't get better. The only thing that got me out of this slump was realizing that those friends aren't my competitors and that's there no 'time limit' when it comes to skill and ability. So you've been practicing since you're six, and at twenty you go 'How come no one likes it? How come my skill level's here while everyone's over there?' You have to realize that some people can't draw at all while someone else can crank out a da Vinci at age three. Also, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about your picture. You said you gave three hundred percent? Be freaking proud of it! That's your own three hundred percent, your own work and creation. One contest or a hundred can't even describe that picture's worth. If you gave it your all, that's all it matters. The pictures are there to make yourself happy, not cater to someone else.


I do apologize if I sound preachy, but I've also been through this. It's not a healthy mentality. No one should think like that, and I do mean it. So please, be happy with yourself and your work. However, if you continue to ignore everyone's advice and post angry rants, I'm afraid there's nothing more we can offer.


I know that was meant for someone else, but thanks. I've never liked my art. Now I realize that maybe thats because I dont give it my all.

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Complete coincidence haha.


But yes, congratulations to everyone who entered. I had a really good time looking through everyone's submissions. It was hard to choose the winners :(

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Complete coincidence haha.


But yes, congratulations to everyone who entered. I had a really good time looking through everyone's submissions. It was hard to choose the winners :(


Ah don´t worry. It was fun anyway :D

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Great job everyone!~ Those were some really phenomenal artworks!

And there's nothing wrong with losing a contest: "Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time."


Plus, you "win" free pageviews by entering. kukuku~

Edited by Ven_Kagamine

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Congratulations to the winners!

I didn't expect to win, and i didn't do much effort, but it was fun to enter and see all the other great entries!


Hahaha I felt the same way. It was like a secret showing to an art museum because you know after submitting their artwork everyone uploaded a link here first. xD

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Thank you for the placing! ;w; it was fun coming up with this on the spot because it crashed with my final week of school :D I really liked the style of the first place's art, you deserve the win! Eminaisai's art was great too, i don't know how to use colour pencils nicely haha. Hope everyone had a good time coming up with art :)

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ive been practicing since i was 6, i am 20


i will continually post shit he doesnt want on here till he does so, i dont want an account on this site.and i gave it like 300 %...if you look at the other crap on my da youd see that


Welp sorry I had to jump onto this as well because I don't know man it just bothers me. Anyway, this is going to sound really mean or something but it doesn't matter how much effort you put into your work for the contest- like the judges weren't looking for how much effort you put in you know- they just wanted to look at the results. You could've worked on something for like 20 years and come up with the same product but everyone's going to look at the product the same way no matter how much effort you put in. It's kind of like some people complain about how the art that they've but the most work into isn't noticed by others while the really rushed ones are the ones that people like the most. Yeah that's all I had to say.


Anyway congrats to the winners! I didn't have time to add an entry because go procrastination wooooo


Oh and Kiri do you possibly have a deviantart or pixiv or something that I could stalk? U:

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Great job everyone!~ Those were some really phenomenal artworks!

And there's nothing wrong with losing a contest: "Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time."


Plus, you "win" free pageviews by entering. kukuku~


I would have preferred an inspirational quote from kingdom hearts...

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