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KH13 giveaway: Share your KH3D fan-art & win Meow Wow!

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Do we have to be a certain age to enter the contest (18 years or older) and do we have to pay for any shipping?


You can be any age. And we will pay for shipping:)

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well here is my roxas drawing i have more but i think this is the best i have :)http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=394438603937525&set=a.385158694865516.78348.100001141657124&type=3&theater


We can't see this due to your Facebook privacy settings. You need to make it public.


anyone can participate? OO Even if I'm from Brazil?




Do we have to be a certain age to enter the contest (18 years or older) and do we have to pay for any shipping?


No, and no.

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Okay I finished my Drawing :D<3 I hope it's good http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png <3




Oh and here's the link to my dA with the drawing on it ._. So you can see it bigger if you wish :)




Dang, wish I could color like that on the computer.

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Haha, I'm sure it does. Well, looking at your drawing sort of inspired me to put more effort into my second one. I guess the next one's for you!


Awh <3 you make me blush!~ Do your best I can't wait to see it :)

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How about some High-Def 720p interactive art? I was going to make it 1080p, however I was afraid that it wouldn't show up properly on some older monitors. Use mouse buttons and Chrome users get added audio bonus


First Entry:



Second Entry for the lulz


Edited by NameTaken33

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