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Princess of Hearts' numbers

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Don't you guys think just 7 Princess of Hearts is too few? Nomura Tesuya should've make a Princess of Hearts in every worlds for example in Halloween Town Sally, Neverland Wendy, Land of Departure Aqua, and etc. Just minor change for the storyline like you need atleast 7 maiden's heart to make a Keyblade.

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._. They're also the 6 most commonly known princesses, minus Kairi the seventh. Ariel's also known, I guess he just didn't want to include her. ;A;


Belle, Aurora, Jasmine, Cinderella, Alice, Snow White are all basically from the classic princess Disney movies. While I personally wished they included a few others, those six are more recognized worldwide than the others I guess. o. o; They're also the first? Not counting Ariel who as I said before, was left out. ;A; -- Disney didn't create them though, they're just the first to few to be released in movies, popular idols as a "Disney Princess" and all that nonsense. o-o; (or whatever. xD)

Aqua... I think he just had a different idea with, so she just didn't end up as one. xD


Also, I think a little more than seven would just be too much. o. o ;;

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Truthfully, no, Seven is enough for me, even though I would like to have more worlds in each game, I feel that having seven princesses is enough to keep the story entertaining enough for me to want to play over and over. As for Ariel and Sally,


Ariel probably wasn't included cause she's half fish. Sally would probably be too dark for a figure who's heart is supposed to be only light, she's a zombie. The whole being dead thing plus the world she's from gets in the way.


The seven princesses are the one's from classic fairy tales "Disney didn't create snow white, there are many versions" (White Collar, Season 1 Episode 1). The Disney versions of the princesses were used because of finantial backing and they probably liked the story when they heard about it and though it would be good publisity and would "show them in a new light" or "open windows for teens". Stuff like that.

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Sally would probably be too dark for a figure who's heart is supposed to be only light, she's a zombie.


She's a rag doll, isn't she? >> But I agree, a princess of heart shouldn't reside in Halloween Town. Via, too much darkness.

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