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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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"Hey, Enx, this is an awesome show isn't it." said Jason as he cheered.


Theo and Allen were enjoying the show, when Allen felt the wind change direction really suddenly. "That's odd, why would the wind change directing so suddenly?" Allen asked himself.

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Red had made his way to the front row. When he was at the front row, he shouted, "Booo you guys suck!!" Red then started throwing tomatos and eggs at the singer, and the rest of the band.

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"Ouch and THAT'S saying something." said Enx, as he got back up on his feet before thinking to himself ("That's the second time that's happened today, geez, can't i catch a break?").

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Jason saw Red at the front throwing things at the stage. Jason looked.around to make sure no one was watching. "Twistornado." Jason said through a cough so it wasn't audible. A small tornado appeared and headed straight for Red.


Allen and Theo saw the small tornado. "Wait, that's one of my spells, and I didn't use it, so that means..." said Allen. "Gosei is somewhere in this crowd." finished Theo.

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