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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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Whilst Enx was running to the plaza where the concert stage was apparently being held at, did he stop for a minute before saying to himself "AH! dammit!! i just remembered!!! i forgot to say goodbye to that cutie from before!!!!" said Enx whilst referring about Kuro.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"I know! i know!! damn, talk about rushing me like this was the rush hour or something." said Enx, as both he and Tommy were heading to the plaza for the Nightclawers concert together.


(This song plays whilst both Enx and Tommy rushes towards the plaza-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwJ7LxxEOa8&feature=player_detailpage.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"Uh oh, it looks we're not gonna make it for the prelude, right then, time to put these legs of mach speed to the test." said Enx, getting ready to run as fast as he could, in order to make it on time for the beginning of the concert before then realising that both he and Tommy were already there, as Enx said to himself "D'oh! dang it!! i was just getting ready to show off too." said Enx, complaining about how he didn't get the chance to run wild.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"What are you being so cocky for Tommy? HUH!?" said Enx in a Black Comedy attitude, as he grabbed Tommy with Enx's arm and had started strangling Tommy's neck with Enx's arm.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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The music began to play and then singing could be heard. The audience was huge. The voice of the singer could be heard, but not seen. At 1:30, the glass was broken by a kick on the other side and Vamin stepped through it. At 1:58, the music ended and Vami and the dancer put on fist on the ground and stayed in a crouch position.



Song -

Edited by Xeveemon

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"Wow, that was awesome! however, why did that girl....seem so....familiar?" said Enx, puzzling on why Vami looked so familiar to Enx whilst seemingly having ignored what Tommy said to Enx.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Vami and the dancers got up when this song started playing :


During the profermance, Vami pointed out all the things she was singing about at 0:45. At 2:23, Vami and the dancers got down from the stage and went into the audience. At 2:53, Vami started to go back on stage. When the song ended, she had her arm in the air.

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