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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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However, two claws of Darkness smash away Kyle's attack and it's remains to the left and right respectively, protecting the cocoon, as Wild Card lay buried inside it before Xine had then said "....Listen everyone, whilst Maleficent takes care of these Thorns, we need to aim for that cocoon, it's the Thorns' lynchpin, destroy it, and we can finally end their ambush on our Ball both once and for all!" said Xine, going on ahead of everybody, preparing to attack the cocoon with his Keyblade before following after him was "Yeah!" Pais, then "Kelly, let's go!!" Horizont and finally "We won't let that thing hatch!!!" Riku, all three of them in a row from left, middle to right respectively, following after Master Xine, trying to prevent Wild Card's cocoon from hatching, not wanting to see what awaits beyond that. (All of them, in this fight, together!-https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=xczZSqLwhYM.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kelly looked at her band. "Okay you guys, it's time for bad note melody!" Kelly said as the band started to send magical sour notes at the cocoon. While Kelly herself got her keyblade out and went to attack the cocoon personally with light magic.

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Kyle slashed at the vines ensnaring him, and his Keyblade glowed with Light, as electricity surrounded it. He looked towards the cocoon with a stern look on his face, he looks at Dusk, and points at it to join in. Dusk nodded at this, and Energy Crystals surrounded Dusk, and he sent them off at the cocoon. "Let's end this, guys!" Shouted Kyle, talking to everyone. Kyle slashed his Keyblade in the air, sending a wave of powerful Light at Dusk's Energy Crystals, which began to spark electricity, and glow a yellow-colored Light, as then go on to hit the cocoon like a barrage of bombs of Light.

Edited by KHLegendIII

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Seis, Alucard, Aladdin, Hercules, Tarzan, Mulan, Captain Jack Sparrow, Peter Pan, Beast, Jack Skellington, Tifa Lockhart, Yuffie Kisaragi, Cid Highwind, Aerith Gainsborough, Roxas, Ventus, Terra, Aqua, Xion, Master Eraqus and last but not least Kairi all followed in after to strike at the cocoon, all together along with those that went on ahead before the aforementioned, as Kairi said leading the assault "COME ON EVERYONE! LET'S BREAK THAT COCOON!!" followed by everyone replying to her comment, shouting out in unison at the very same Time "YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted out everyone before just then, arriving a second after their combined shout out was Sora, lastly shouting out himself "DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted out Sora but a moment too late, as everyone had struck the cocoon together, only to unleash from it, a wave of Dark, destructive energy, enveloping all of the Temple of Light, transforming it's inner hallows into Dark, creepy halls along with the nice, happy decorations for the Ulbel Ball into twisted versions of themselves before finally, the very same black coloured lightning Wild Card used to show off in stopping Shadowdrius earlier had then surrounded the cracks within the cocoon itself, followed by a black coloured shroud resembling a plague, in turn finally showing someone emerging from both the cracked cocoon and the black shroud covering the said person, most very likely obviously guessed, as Wild Card but now, having a different air about him........ (Something bad, very, VERY bad is about to transpire-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpkeAQG6kQw&feature=player_detailpage.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Victoria stayed behind because she knew what was going to happen. But suddenly when everything turned dark, both Lucifer and Victoria became angels of darkness, as their light was also effected by the dark energy wave.


Victoria rushed at high speeds and trying to grabbed Enx by his throat and to hold him in front of the crowd. "You all really thought it would be that easy? Now you will suffer the wrath of the true Wild Card! And just as a offering, Enx here can be the first victim to die!" Victoria said in a very dark evil tone.


Lucifer laughed at the crowd evilly. "You guys are the worst idiots I have ever met, and I have met some pretty dumb people in my life!" Lucifer said with an evil laugh.

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"...The Wild Card....The World........Dark Warudo, The Wild Card IS The World and The World belongs to Darkness, hence, Dark Warudo, that is his true name, as well, as the name's origin, together both making, DARK-WARUDO." said in a demonic voice was the figure slowly emerging from the cocoon, as his entire Body was still covered by the fog, still yet to be seen by everyone until a few moments later, for the figure was most certainly making a move towards everyone but more importantly, could the figure now safely be assumed to be Wild Card at this point, his true name now being revealed to be called Dark Warudo, thanks to the demonic voice of which can also be safe to assume to be Bruhah-Bakh communicating through the cloak from before, now speaking differently from being latched onto Dark Warudo having emerged in a new, definitely menacing form, NOT, to be both especially underestimated and trifiled with so easily. (A Dark Being Appears!!!-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wgkrxQoJ6o&feature=player_detailpage.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Victoria stayed behind because she knew what was going to happen. But suddenly when everything turned dark, both Lucifer and Victoria became angels of darkness, as their light was also effected by the dark energy wave. Victoria rushed at high speeds and trying to grabbed Enx by his throat and to hold him in front of the crowd. "You all really thought it would be that easy? Now you will suffer the wrath of the true Wild Card! And just as a offering, Enx here can be the first victim to die!" Victoria said in a very dark evil tone.Lucifer laughed at the crowd evilly. "You guys are the worst idiots I have ever met, and I have met some pretty dumb people in my life!" Lucifer said with an evil laugh.

Victoria and Lucifer both then said. "Dark Warudo, the world of darkness!" as they knew what was happening for some reason. They were both now workers for Dark Warudo and Bruhah-Bakh.

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"You could never understand The World and it's true nature, and so, now stands before you the representation of The World, The DARK WORLD! BEHOLD!! the guardian to both true peace and justice: DARK WARUDO!!!!!!!!" shouted out the demonic voice until finally, emerging from the shroud now stood Dark Warudo both tall and proud, having a slightly drastically altered Appearance, he now had black coloured fur covering his neck, his wrists and the tops of his two feet respectively, he now wore what looked like the White Coat that Xemnas had at the end of Kingdom Hearts II but, as a long cape around his waist and finally, he now had crimson coloured eye make-up very similar to Lea's when he was his Nobody Axel but instead of just covering under the eyes, did they cover both above the eyes and the eyes themselves, other then that, Dark Warudo remained relatively unchanged from his last transformation until suddenly, climbing around his neck and then sticking itself onto his face was the cloak he was wearing, transforming it's Appearance into resembling the following character's image from another franchise all together-http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/kill-la-kill/images/6/64/Senketsu.png/revision/latest?cb=20140301064639 combined with a Pureblood Heartless Shadow's eyes more or less, lastly saying to all it's enemies "....Once, there were 20..." suddenly babbling something all of a sudden. (Wild Card -- Dark Warudo-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D31bW6SNTpA&feature=player_detailpage.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Invisa looked up at Dark Warudo with a stern look on her face, as she looked on her laptop, analyzing the enemy. "It seems this creature's power is high and dangerous, we should use caution in bringing this beast down." Said Invisa, talking to everyone. Kyle nodded, as he readied his Keyblade. Dusk and the others readied their weapons as well, as the Fairy Army appeared surrounding Dark Warudo, throwing spears of Light and arrows of Light being shot at him. "The Fairies aren't going to be enough to bring him down, we need to help out." Said Kyle, talking to everyone.

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Victoria stayed behind because she knew what was going to happen. But suddenly when everything turned dark, both Lucifer and Victoria became angels of darkness, as their light was also effected by the dark energy wave. Victoria rushed at high speeds and trying to grabbed Enx by his throat and to hold him in front of the crowd. "You all really thought it would be that easy? Now you will suffer the wrath of the true Wild Card! And just as a offering, Enx here can be the first victim to die!" Victoria said in a very dark evil tone.Lucifer laughed at the crowd evilly. "You guys are the worst idiots I have ever met, and I have met some pretty dumb people in my life!" Lucifer said with an evil laugh.

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Kyle looked at the Dark Warudo, with his Keyblade raised. He was confused by what he was saying. Master Lunarius was also confused by his words. Kyle looked on at the Dark Warudo sternly, getting ready to attack again. "What are you talking about?" Asked Kyle, asking the Dark Warudo a question.

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"In truth, there are actually 21 Kingdoms, 21 Worlds........the 21st serving, as the principle of both the Kingdoms and the Worlds, it is BOTH of them, the WHOLE WORLD ITSELF." said Dark Warudo, as it seems he was trying to say something along the lines of that there were originally 21 Kingdoms and 21 Worlds rather then just 20 for both of them each, however, the 21st for both the Kingdoms and the Worlds was actually the entire "World" itself or rather, to put it into other-words, reality itself, governing the other actual Kingdoms and Worlds, hence, as alluded to earlier, the 21st being the principle of them all, to say again in other-words, the "leader" of the 21 Kingdoms and 21 Worlds, including itself whilst being both it's respective Kingdom and World, together making up all of reality, also for the other 20 Kingdoms and Worlds respectively to reside in, completing the circle full "circle", as it were. (20 Kingdoms, 20 Worlds, 1 Kingdom and 1 World together making up reality, the "round table"-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvWa1fMpXIM&feature=player_detailpage.).

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Suddenly a laugh is heard in the crowd of Peter's army. "How nice, you think that is how many worlds there really were? You do realize that you forgot the different realities and their worlds, and the worlds no one have ever heard of." the voice said as the figure then came up to the front of the group. It was surprisingly a different version of Master Yen Sid, but was in his twenties and was more like a soilder then what Master Yen SId is really like.

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Dark Warudo looked towards the young Yen Sid before saying "........You just don't get it, what I am trying to say is that these separate 20 Kingdoms and 20 Worlds, all together, reside in the combined 21st Kingdom and 21st World, of which, is reality itself and that those 20 Kingdoms and 20 Worlds specifically were involved in--" before Dark Warudo could finish speaking however, did the older Yen Sid Appear, striking Dark Warudo upwards from below, right in his face, lastly saying "Enough, that story is not for the ears of all here to hear, go back to the shadows!!" said the older Yen Sid before using what looked like a Buddha Palm technique, a shock-wave to send Dark Warudo flying back into the sky, then going after him, joined by both Master Eraqus and Master Xine following after.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"True and what goes good with a distraction is a good old..." said the old Yen Sid before making a hand-sign like characters in the franchise Naruto do, saying "Ninja trick!!" said the old Yen Sid again, creating a smokescreen and then hiding everyone in it, as Dark Warudo quickly disperses the smokescreen, only, as he also quickly expected, would he find no one there, allowing Yen Sid's smokescreen to be a success before Dark Warudo lastly put his guard up, knowing the two Yen Sids and the two Masters could and would attack from anywhere.

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Suddenly, Young Master Yen Sid appeared in front of Dark Warudo and tried to punch him in the face with a super fast light speed punch full of light. "Surprise, b****!" Yen Sid said with hate in his voice towards Dark Warudo.

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Cracks could be heard from within Dark Warudo's face, as his jaw-bone inside was seen snapping before Dark Warudo himself was then seen sent flying off by the young Yen Sid's attack, being seen in the sky by the public below like Dark Warudo was a slipstream jet missile or something travelling across the Temple of Light at Mach-speed more or less.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Young Yen Sid teleported himself to Dark Warudo's location while being sent off and followed the attack with a lightspeed light magic air kick. "You are going to pay for ruining this ball for people!" Yen Sid said.

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Mid-way in the sky after being kicked by the young Yen Sid, the older Master Yen Sid, Master Eraqus and Master Xine, all brandishing their Keyblades in hand, were then seen above Dark Warudo, attacking high in the sky, down below at him, as Master Yen Sid, Master Eraqus and Master Xine caught Dark Warudo in the center middle of a triangle they made up, using their Keyblades, as a formation to make up the triangle before they had then said in the respective order of Yen Sid first "TRI-!", followed by Eraqus second "NI-!!" and then Xine third "TY!!!", lastly all saying together at the very same Time after saying their respective pieces of the word "Trinity", they had said shouting out "TRIANGLE!!!!!!!!" shouted out the three true Keyblade Masters before suddenly both very, very, VERY shockingly and very, very, VERY surprisingly, all three of their Keyblades had lit up in Light, bright, as the very sun itself, creating a giant tower full of Light from their triangle formation, with Dark Warudo trapped in the middle of it.

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