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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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(!?!?!?!? P-Promi........I........) said Pazur, as he fell to the ground, reverting back to his normal form upon the Rejection of Fate hitting him like it did, as just before losing consciousness, did he last have a thought of Promi smilling within his mind and he could only help but grit his teeth before then saying the words "....Da........mn........" said Pazur, as he fell on his backside, having now finally lost his fight with Marcus, with Czci, Delikatny and all of the other D.B.P.K currently still fighting obviously besides both Tabu and B.L.O.X sensing Pazur's final defeat at the hands of Marcus, as Czci lastly says to himself, despite Kyle was obviously still standing in front of Czci to overhear him the words "Pazur, did he....lose!?!?" said Czci to himself upon sensing his both friend and comrade's defeat.


(This song plays, as Pazur becomes the 1st of the remaining D.B.P.K left, fighting within the Chance to be defeated whilst his defeat could be sensed by all of his comrades everywhere, still fighting-https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLD79B46C60CF49122&feature=player_detailpage&v=K36Bpa9AFDQ.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius looks at B.L.O.X evilly as he jumps back, and summons up to billions upon billions of Dark Golem Necrosis. All of them jump on to B.L.O.X again, this Time, utilizing their beams of Darkness to attack him while holding him down. Shadowdrius charges up the same gigantic orb of Darkness between his eyes and the wind goes on to pull Delikatny towards Shadowdrius and Shadowdrius fires the same gigantic beam of Darkness at Delikatny like before.

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Delikatny moves at super fast speed yet again before stopping in mid air in turn in range away from Shadowdrius a little before then saying the words to Delikatny himself "Pazur........that idiot, he got himself killed whilst acting stupid again, didn't he? at this rate, the lord Ainz himself won't be happy if we start to allow ourselves to be picked off one by one, so........I'LL JUST HAVE TO MAKE THIS QUICK WON'T I!!!!!!!! B.L.O.X!!!!!!!!" shouted out Delikatny, as B.L.O.X had managed to block all of its enemies' last attacks before charging straight through them and then appearing alongside Delikatny, charging straight at Shadowdrius.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius smirks evilly at Delikatny and B.L.O.X as he begins to glow with Darkness. He is about to do something. Ten large tentacles of Darkness shoot out of his body at Delikatny and B.L.O.X, aiming to tie them up and held captive by them. Shadowdrius then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "Sorry, but this is the end of the road for YOU!" Shouted Shadowdrius, preparing to finish Delikatny and B.L.O.X off. Shadowdrius then creates huge surges of Darkness and electricity through his tentacles of Darkness that are holding Delikatny and B.L.O.X, and electrocute then severely with huge amounts of voltage.

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B.L.O.X yet again withstands the attacks whilst Delikatny diverts the electricity thunder charges through his legs before saying to Shadowdrius the words "Hmph, don't take me for a weak minded idiot like Pazur, I am....STRONGER THEN HIM!!!!" shouted out Delikatny, as he then flipped over and by doing so, had shot the thunder charges running through his legs right back at Shadowdrius in the form of a glowing yellow coloured football like attack.

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Meanwhile, Logan was still trying to dodge the beast to stay alive. 'Man, I am going to stab Ainz to death, if it is the last thing I do.' Logan thought to himself.



Peter looked over at Riku. "Hello? Worlds to Riku? Are you done with your flashback thing yet?" Peter asked waving his hand in front of Riku. "We need to hurry and save Mina." Peter said.

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"........Sorry, your right, I'll tell you about it later but right now, I am guessing that guy with the mask has already taken Mina to where a friend of mine told me he would." said Riku, perhaps referring to his mysterious yet very familiar saviour from his flashback before.

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"We'll, do you know where that place is? Cause we need to get there as soon as possible. If don't make it in time, we might never see her again. Man, if only I could fly, but Tink just had to go to her old home village." Peter said aloud worried.

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"Calm down, look, I know how much she means to you but getting all frustrated and acting childish like you are right now won't help both Mina and especially yourself in the least." said Riku with his tough but true enough words towards Peter.

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Shadowdrius just stands there, staring at Delikatny evilly. He is thinking of a way to defeat Delikatny utterly. He is also interested in knowing about his opponent before destroying him. He roars a loud roar, and pushes Delikaty back far away to the wall. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "Before we continue, tell more about yourself... What were you before you became a Nevermore?" Asked Shadowdrius, asking what Delikatny did before turning into a Nevermore.

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"Two things. One, I am Peter Pan of the other deminison, so I am still childish because of that. Two, I am just worried. Mina could get hurt, and if she does, I don't think I will ever be able to live with knowing that fact. I should have tried more to stop that guy from taking her, but I just couldn't." Peter said.

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Riku then grabs Peter by his collar roughly before saying to him "Now listen here, don't ever, EVER, look down on your family, friends and especially your loved ones' strengths, she knew the risks of going with that guy and she knew how much you would have hurted once she left, however, what she also knew was that you would come following in suit, learning to trust her enough until then where she could manage to hold out on her own until you would appear so stop acting so concerned for her, its like your embarrassing and even tarnishing her very own name because of that." said Riku, as he then softly let go of Peter's collar.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius just stands there, staring at Delikatny evilly. He is thinking of a way to defeat Delikatny utterly. He is also interested in knowing about his opponent before destroying him. He roars a loud roar, and pushes Delikaty back far away to the wall. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "Before we continue, tell more about yourself... What were you before you became a Nevermore?" Asked Shadowdrius, asking what Delikatny did before turning into a Nevermore.

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Peter smiled. "I guess you are right. It is just, I didn't grow up with much, and then one day I met this girl who had her father, the king, adopt me and my sister. Everything was better, but then Master Xehanort himself took all of that away when he tried to take over the worlds. He made my family disappear. After that, I manage to get by on my own until I was taken in to learn magic, and that is how Hook came out of me was out of a spell. I, also, then ran into this girl who had the power to help me believe in myself and that was Tink. Me and her then made a great team since. And she was my only friend for a while. And then we made it here to this deminison, and I took a job with Yen Sid. The rest you should already know about. But out of all of this, everyone who I ever cared for, except one person, has been destroyed in some way. That is why I am worried, I just don't want to lose someone else who I care for." Peter said.

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Nexus looked down at Pazur. It then glided away without a backwards glance. When it reached the door, black and white fire leapt from it and smashed the door off it's hinges, sending splinters into the Garden of Assemblage, burning out any remaining spells on the door. It floated into the garden.

Lacuna whistled at the sight of the creature Marcus, Annistha and Drave had become.

"So I was right." She murmured to herself.

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"Fuu fuu, even though the Doors had disappeared, it used its brawn energy to make one of them appear back and then use it to appear here, this monster would make an excellent addition in using Zawal on it." said Chlop appearing in front of the Nexus before placing his hand on it.

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Shadowdrius just stands there, staring at Delikatny evilly. He is thinking of a way to defeat Delikatny utterly. He is also interested in knowing about his opponent before destroying him. He roars a loud roar, and pushes Delikaty back far away to the wall. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "Before we continue, tell more about yourself... What were you before you became a Nevermore?" Asked Shadowdrius, asking what Delikatny did before turning into a Nevermore.

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Peter smiled. "I guess you are right. It is just, I didn't grow up with much, and then one day I met this girl who had her father, the king, adopt me and my sister. Everything was better, but then Master Xehanort himself took all of that away when he tried to take over the worlds. He made my family disappear. After that, I manage to get by on my own until I was taken in to learn magic, and that is how Hook came out of me was out of a spell. I, also, then ran into this girl who had the power to help me believe in myself and that was Tink. Me and her then made a great team since. And she was my only friend for a while. And then we made it here to this deminison, and I took a job with Yen Sid. The rest you should already know about. But out of all of this, everyone who I ever cared for, except one person, has been destroyed in some way. That is why I am worried, I just don't want to lose someone else who I care for." Peter said.

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The Black and White flames that helped make up the Nexus flared slightly Chlop's touch. As did its three Keyblades.

"Balance." Three voices said from it as it prepared to strike.

In the blink of an eye, Lacuna was between Chlop and Nexus, using one hand to pick Chlop's off the Nexus and the other to push him back. The whole time, she looked up into the dark slits and white pinpricks that made up the Nexus's eyes, smirking slightly.

"Now, now." She chided. "You all still have human sides left for a reason. Better part of valor and all that."

The Nexus looked at Lacuna as if seeing her for the first time.

"You think you know what we are?" The three harmonized voices inquired.

"I do know." Lacuna answered. "As you now know what I am."

There was a moment of tense silence between The Nexus and Lacuna.

[Nexus Shift: Marcus]

Without much ceremony, Marcus stood where the flaming wraith had been. He slumped forward and was caught by Lacuna, who brought him gently to the ground. After making sure Marcus was fine, the Void Witch looked up at Chlop with a grin.

"You were saying something, lucky man?" She asked in a flippant tone.


~*Inside The Nexus*~

Marcus, Drave and Annistha stirred from where they had been laying in there own sections of their combined Station Of Heart. Drave was the first up, glowering at the black and white pattern where all three of there stations mixed. Annistha sat with her knees hugged to her chest, looking at the same place. Marcus stayed on his back and stared upward.

"What in all the hells...?" He murmured.

"Looks like we got more than we thought." Annistha said in a small voice.

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"........I see, then, I guess we better hurry up." said Riku, as he sympathizes with Peter before then continuing on ahead of him whilst elsewhere, did Chlop say to Lacuna whilst brushing off the flame that touched his Body somehow without everyone seeing the words "Heh, nothing, nothing at all." said Chlop in a mocking tone towards Lacuna before then pointing in front of her at the screen showing both Delikatny and Shadowdrius still fighting.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius just stands there, staring at Delikatny evilly. He is thinking of a way to defeat Delikatny utterly. He is also interested in knowing about his opponent before destroying him. He roars a loud roar, and pushes Delikaty back far away to the wall. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "Before we continue, tell more about yourself... What were you before you became a Nevermore?" Asked Shadowdrius, asking what Delikatny did before turning into a Nevermore.

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"!?!? this is shocking, the leader of the X Hearts, for once not babbling on, wishes to ask me, his enemy, a question? fuu fuu, alright then, I suppose you could treat this, as your last wish before dying fuu fuu." said Delikatny, as he raised his hand, as a means of telling B.L.O.X to stop fighting for the moment with Delikatny then lastly saying to Shadowdrius "Once, I used to live in Aia Village and there, I loved the beauty of all flowers that I simply wanted to become a florist when I was older, until that b****** Kye took everything away from me! for me joining the D.B.P.K isn't about fulfilling their goals or anything, mine is just simply pure blooded revenge on Kye, no more, no less." said Delikatny explaining his reasons of joining the D.B.P.K.

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Shadowdrius listens to what Delikatny says right in front of him. He folds his arms as he looks down at him evilly. He is wanting to know more about what Kye did, what his enemy said about him interested him. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "I see... It had something to do with "That Incident", didn't it.. Go on if you have anything else to say.." Said Shadowdrius, wanting Delikatny to continue what he is saying.

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Bly and the others were still watching the fights with Alsgard, though Jake was getting a little edge-y. "Man, what is with this Ainz guy, making us wait this long for a fight?!" shouted Jake. "Hey, knock it off, you'll need all of your energy.....hothead." said Jason. "Hey, it's not my fault, i was trapped in the underworld on Olympus Colosseum, Hades was a real pain in the neck." said Jake. "Hey, Alsgard, how do you think everyone is doing?" asked Bly.

Edited by Keyblade_warrior895

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Peter nodded. He then followed behind Riku. He didn't know much about Riku, but he couldn't have thought of him to be the same guy who gave in to the darkness. He then started to think more about saving Mina, the only one that he has to care for other than his best friend.

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