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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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"Let me give you a little detail into your background Enxrouler, you see this World is actually a World that lives inside of the Realm of Darkness, it is the only World that remains unaffected by the temptations that the ever strong Darkness has, due to the fact that this World is located right in the very "Heart" of the Realm of Darkness and you see, my master, the Higher One, or so you may know him by the name-Master Xehanort, had placed you here after finding your lifeless body and transplanting into it, the missing half of the Yellow Topaz of the Sky in order for that to serve as your new "Heart", for you see Enxrouler, you are....Horizont's Doppelganger." said the young man with all of his both very very shocking and very very surprising revelations whilst Enx could only help but remain speechless to all of them before saying "Im a....Doppelganger?" said Enx, as the young man replied "Indeed, you are, you were born from the very moment that Horizont died, due to the effects of the Light's Embrace, you were created from all that pent up Darkness Horizont had locked away whilst using the Light's Embrace since one cannot COMPLETELY rid themselves of their Darkness and you see, Master Xehanort was going to use you, as one of his vessels, however, by the time we had found your unaging body and had given you life, you were already effected by the bonds of both Sora and those connected to him and duss, did you not turn out like a person named Vanitas who im sure you already know about, due to the memories that have been bothering you like dreams, am i right? since Horizont, who you are the doppelganger of, had reincarnated himself, as Sora and duss, that means you are technically Sora's doppelganger too and because of that, you have been witnessing the memories of both Sora and those he shares bonds with, for that reason and that reason alone, you have been chosen to fuse with me, a Replica of Sora, that was created during his time, as a captive of Organization XIII." said the young man ranting on whilst still being threatened by the other person in the Black Coat and yet remaining calm.


(This song plays, as Enx hears the truth about EVERYTHING-http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=njxaKZ2u6vM.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"WHA!?" shouted Enx, as he saw Tommy and Dawn fighting whilst the young man had said "Tch, damn woman, comes back and makes a ruckus already, oh well, don't matter, follow me Enx, that is, if you wish to learn more of the truth." said the young man after escaping but seemingly just barely, as he floated away in the same manner Xemnas does whilst leaving Enx torn between helping Tommy or going after the young man, as Enx finally decided whilst saying "Forgive me" and had gone after the young man.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Dawn looked at Tommy.



"Any last words?" Said Dawn.




"You ugly old hag..." Said Tommy.





Dawn prepared to bring the blade down at Tommy.




Tommy then took his sword and stabbed Dawn in the arm throwing her off.




"OW!!!!" Said Dawn.




"Tricked you old woman!!!" Said Tommy.




Dawn healed herself using Curaga.




"You shall pay...for calling me that name!!!" Said Dawn charging up a beam of Darkness in her keyblade.



Tommy teleported behind Dawn and slashed her multiple times and threw her at a wall.




"Hold still you!!!" Said Dawn.

Edited by Tom13

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"You might get Enx to believe in your story, but I will finally defeat you Xehanort, for that is what my friends wanted me to do." the figure then took off the hood to relieve a woman of about age 29 with blue eyes and long blue hair. "Me, Tori!!!!" Tori said and rushed at the Sora figure to attack him with her discs.

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"If you really wish to have alot of power, you must accept the darkness." The mysterious man said to Red.

"Woah." Red said as a keyblade appeared in his hand, "What is this?"

"That is a keyblade that you are holding. It has chosen you, Red."

Darkness had then surrounded Red, and he said, "I feel so much power."

"This power is yours to keep. I believe that in time, you'll become very powerful. Use it wisely." The mysterious man then opened a corridor of darkness, and went through it.

"Wait." Red said, but it was too late, the corridor disappeared and left Red by himself.

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After a long battle Tommy and Dawn were breathing hardly.





"Well, punk...You aren't half bad...But....When we meet again.....I shall be the victor...And with my new master things will be different next time..." Said Dawn teleporting away.




Tommy then ran to join up with Enx.

Edited by Tom13

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"I see....so it's true....it WAS her." said Mr. Green whilst getting sent flying back but not too far away by both Tori and her discs, as Mr. Green apprantly reveals that he has some sort of familarity to Duff.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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However, just then, by using a mere swift from his Keyblade, did Mr. Green break one of Tori's discs before saying "I hate to break it to ya but did you ever hear the name Sigil before?" said Mr. Green, revealing that he has some sort of connection with the man who took away Duff's memories many many years ago.

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(We're on the very last Day of the prolouge and everyone is in a nightmarish version of Treasure Town.).


"Well....im him....im the man....who took away your friend's memories....i am he....i........am Sigil." said Mr. Green, revealing his real persona to be that of Sigil in a both very shocking and very surprising manner.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"Why? why did all of this have to happen? i....i!!!!" said Enx, as he had kept running after the young man whilst trying to figure out on why Enx's life had to be ruined the way it was now.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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