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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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"You are the only one out of all of us to have aged physically, despite becoming a Nobody, even though Nobodies are the Bodies left behind by the Humans once they become Heartless, they shouldn't age upon becoming Nobodies, and yet, YOU are the only exception, Zexion, having aged from a child into an adult all the whilst both becoming and being a Nobody altogether, I guess that attributes to why your extensive knowledge and ability to both see and peer through Hearts had placed you a rank higher then both me and Axel, even though you were the youngest out of us all, even younger then both Demyx and Larxene before Roxas had joined Organization XIII, however, the only Heart whose you could not both see and peer through was Riku's, given that he had possessed a part of "Ansem" within him at the Time, thus two Hearts, one Body had thrown you off guard and THAT is what let you, to your Nobody in the living Realm's destruction, however, even in death, after being brought back from having faded away, you still hold valuable Intel and knowledge that is needed for Xehanort's Organization, in order, for their, his, our, MY plan to come to fruition, that is why you have been placed here, under the sleeping spell, so that we can make use of both you....--" said Saix, as then Appearing was Axel, fully brainwashed by Bruhah Bakh, both very, VERY shockingly and surprisingly carrying around his arm Ienzo, of whom Saix lastly talks about towards Zexion "and you, yourself." said Saix, as Ienzo was then placed behind the throne Zexion was sitting upon, the latter facing forward on the throne whilst the former facing backwards behind the throne. Zexion and Ienzo:https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=8rwoKm3CVik

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius looked at "Ansem", and smirked evilly at him. He emitted an Aura of Darkness, smirking at "Ansem". He began to laugh evilly at what he said. He folded his arms, still smirking. "I have regained most of my Memories about the War Of Beginnings, but some small details I haven't remembered yet, but I'm sure I'll remember those down the road, and I know what my purpose is, and I intend to go down that path... No matter what.." Said Shadowdrius, talking to "Ansem".




(This Theme plays as Shadowdrius talks. - 


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Luke looked at her. "Well, back in the days when I first became a cat, I was treated differently. People treated me like I was different, like I was a monster, like a beast. And so I decided to throw away my body, and just become a shadow, that was until I met you. When I met you, I didn't feel ashamed to be who I truly am now. Thanks to you, I am finally felt loved for who I truly am. And so Lucy, to show you the love you have shown me, I have worked with Victoria to prepare this song and this moment in time. Would you like to dance?" Luke asked Lucy with a big smile and blush on his face.

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In a cage, similar to the one Kairi was held in, in KINGDOM HEARTS II, at the Castle That Never Was, were seen Dilan, Even and Aeleus, talking amongst themselves, Aeleus the first one to speak "Braig....how low will he go in order to get what he wants? I thought he was one of us, one of Ansem the Wise's apprentices..." said Aeleus, followed by Even "HA! listen to yourself Aeleus, Braig? one of us? pah, the man was never one of us to begin with, in fact, he was just a mercenary alone to begin with, don't you remember? how we first met him? he was found, lying on death's doorstep outside at the front gates of Radiant Garden, only to be found by both Ansem the Wise and you two, next to be treated and then taken in by the old wise sage-king, not long afterwards lastly being placed amongst your ranks, as a protector of Radiant Garden, only in truth, to reveal his true nature later when he backstabbed both me and Ienzo during our, Xehanort's little excursion into the Darkness, yes...in actual reality, don't you find it strange? both he and Xehanort both Appeared the very same way, as one another, worming their way into our existence and Hearts? in truth, Braig Appeared two and a half years before Xehanort did, don't you remember?" said Even, as Dilan replied "What are you trying to get at Even? that somehow Braig was placed amongst our rank by Xehanort and that he already knew all of what was going to happen later on once it did? preposterous, the man received scars during that Time that weren't intentional, are you saying they too were part of both his and Xehanort's plan together?" said Dilan, Even next saying the words "....PRECISELY, Braig/Xigbar is a man whose Heart can fool its owner, as well, all for the sake of achieving its ultimate endgame, what that is I can't say, BUT, whatever he has planned for Ienzo I can most surely say that it won't be pleasant for the boy, perhaps they will be making use of our revived Nobodies, as well for some kind of grand scheme that Xehanort has planned out in mind, I mean, why else would he start a War with the entire Realm of Light itself? I can only wonder to thoughts of what will come about from the outside battles of this cell." said Even, speaking both looming and grave words, as he, Dilan and Aeleus wait patiently within their cell, wondering what may very well happen next.




Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius looked at "Ansem", and smirked evilly at him. He emitted an Aura of Darkness, smirking at "Ansem". He began to laugh evilly at what he said. He folded his arms, still smirking. "I have regained most of my Memories about the War Of Beginnings, but some small details I haven't remembered yet, but I'm sure I'll remember those down the road, and I know what my purpose is, and I intend to go down that path... No matter what.." Said Shadowdrius, talking to "Ansem".



(This Theme plays as Shadowdrius talks and what happens around him. - 


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"Tell me, what do you know....of Master Xehanort's Keyblade? the Dark Heart?" said "Ansem", posing a rather peculiar question towards Shadowdrius, as "Ansem" asks him about his original incarnation's Keyblade, wanting to know what Shadowdrius knows about it.

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Shadowdrius simply smirked evilly, as he unfolded his arms. He looked up at the Dark sky, smirking at it, and looked at "Ansem" with a very evil look on his face. "Well, from what I remember, it was first used by the Legendary Kokuou, during the final battle with Onmyodou... After fusing with the very source of me, KRAD, and eventually, the Master gained it, as a Will to be passed on." Said Shadowdirus, talking to "Ansem". Lucy looked at Luke, and felt sorry for him, and held his hand. "Luke... I'm sorry to hear that.." Said Lucy, talking to Luke.

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Luke smiled at Lucy. "I am not sorry about how things happened, cause if I hadn't have lost myself to the darkness, I would have never met you. You are the one thing that makes everything else worth it. Now, Victoria, music!" Luke said taking Lucy's hand and started to dance with her as Victoria sang this:


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"Heh, very good, you didn't miss a thing, yes: The Dark Heart is the most ancient of all Keyblades in terms of its linage, its purpose, you could say that it is the Keyblade of KRAD itself and to those that bare the Dark Heart, so too will they bare all that comes with it, KRAD's Dark powers, Kokuou's Kagirigan, all of that, the Keyblade itself is not made of Necrosis but it is forged from pure Darkness itself, as KRAD was in actuality a beast of Darkness itself, the Necrosis inside it originated from KRAD alone but KRAD himself originated from the Darkness, that is why the Dark Heart wasn't taken into consideration, as a Necrosis threat by the 21 Worlds alliance and instead, went on to become a relic that would seemingly be locked away forever in the hallows of all their wise "library" vaults you could say, however, it was because of their fault of treating it like any another ordinary Keyblade that a certain someone got his hands on it when they were too busy with their bigoted World diplomatic issues, yes: Cor of the Star had received the Dark Heart Keyblade after securing it without the 21 leaders, even Onmyodou himself knowing and then, that Keyblade went on throughout the ages to be passed from Master to apprentice, then to Master again respectively until finally, it ended up in the hands of Kye himself and I am most definitely certain that you know what had happened next afterwards, don't you? Shadowdrius? all those baring that Keyblade were filled with the desire of both KINGDOM HEARTS and the X-Blade, it was only natural that things turned out the way they did, I don't know if what Master Xehanort received was a gift, nor do I care, especially nor does he, all that matters is fulfilling the mission we were granted by that Keyblade and finally restoring balance to the Worlds, that is our mission, as denizens of the Darkness, you may do what you want Shadowdrius but remember, the Darkness is your ally, it is your friend, in the end, every Heart returns to the Darkness whence it came." said "Ansem", saying the last sentence of his signature phrase whilst revealing the origins behind Master Xehanort's Keyblade.The Dark Heart:https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=c13zAnm6nGc

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius nodded, as he grinned evilly. He remembered what the Dark Heart was, and knew what it could do. His evil smirk widened as he folded his arms. "Indeed, KRAD's power, aka the Dark Heart, has been of great use, and shall fulfill that wish." Said Shadowdrius, talking to "Ansem". Lucy smiled at Luke as she danced with him. "Thank you, Luke." Said Lucy, talking to Luke.

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"There is a reason why the Dark Heart was never passed on to you, even though it rightfully should have been, however, that is a story for another day, Shadowdrius, tell me, what do you make of your counterpart? the one of whom your human physical appearance is moulded after? the one whose vessel was used for your physical Body's birth?" said "Ansem", asking Shadowdrius about Kyle.

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Shadowdrius nodded, but growled in irritation when Kyle was brought up, causing his Aura of Darkness to emit brighter for a moment, but calmed down. He resumed smirking evilly. He looked up at the Dark sky again, thinking about what to do to Kyle, and looked at "Ansem" evilly. He folded his arms as he looked at him. "That's quite alright, I'm fine with what I have for the moment... As for Kyle... I hate him... I hate him so, SO much... He reminds me of a "Certain Someone"... He is a worthy foe, though, but I shall break his Heart into a million pieces, as I have things planned out in-store for him." Said Shadowdrius, talking to "Ansem".

Edited by KHLegendIII

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"Heh, I see, well just don't get carried away, my "son", after all, you are an important general in the forces of Darkness, now then, I must be off, I must attend to "Certain Matters" that need guidance, I shall speak with you again once this is over........" said "Ansem", pulling up the hood of his robe, as he then turned backwards and had opened up a Corridor of Darkness, proceeding to go forth and walk through it.

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Back at the Ulbel Ball, Ralene and Lucifer had taken Master Yen Sid and Master Eraqus aside to tell them something very important. "Yen Sid, Eraqus, we have something that we need to tell you that only you two must know and never tell anyone else." Ralene began to tell them.


Kelly looked at Horizont. "So, what is next? What do you want to do?" Kelly asked Horizont.


And as the song came to an end, Luke let loose of Lucy. "Now Lucy, I have one more surprise that can effect how we are as a couple. There has always been one thing that I wanted that I could never make real, until now." Luke told her.

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Shadowdrius nodded, as he then went on to speak to Ridley, Mother Brain, and Nightmare, about something. Meanwhile, back at The End Of The World HQ, Jokelion's Remnant and John Sharlion's Remnant were seen standing in the Halls, leaning on them, talking to each other. "Lord Shadowdrius is still out training... I wonder what makes him "Him"... And why did Lord Shadowdrius pick us for the x Hearts, and given us a piece of his Heart, turning us into versions of himself, during our time with Kye? I wonder... What's he have in mind? Where do we fit in? I don't understand." Said John Sharlion's Remnant, talking to himself out loud. Jokelion's Remnant looked at John Sharlion's Remnant, and laughed at him, pointing a finger at him, causing Jonh Sharlion's Remnant to look at him in irritation. "What is it, Jokelion? What's so funny?" Asked John Sharlion's Remnant, asking Jokelion's Remnant a question. Jokelion's Remnant smiled widely at John Sharlion's Remnant. "Aww, don't be confused, Johnny! I'm sure Lord Shadowdrius had "Chosen" us all for a reason. True, he may be unpredictable, but we all have a role in his little game. I'm sure he'll tell us everything someday." Said Jokelion's Remnant, talking to John Sharlion's Remnant. Lucy smiled, and nodded at Luke. "What is it?" Asked Lucy, asking Luke a question. 

Edited by KHLegendIII

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"What about Master Xine? he is the leader of the Temple of Light, he should be informed of this, as well........unless!" said Eraqus, wondering if what Ralene and Lucifer had to discuss was about Xehanort, as Yen Sid then unfolded both his arms and had proceeded to listen keenly to what the conversation that was about to begin was.


Horizont, after finishing recording the Sphere, of both his and Kelly's words then proceeded to say "I don't know, I'm happy if your happy, what you want to do, I want to follow after, that's my wish, Kelly, hey........wasn't there a surprise you were going to share with everyone? I'm curious now, come on, what is it? please tell me before everyone else knows about it." said Horizont, wanting Kelly to share her secret surprise with him.


"What if he never WILL share his intentions with you guys? what then?" suddenly Appearing before the two Remnants then was the fellow X Heart, now former turned traitor, Hellraizer, now by the name of Heavenriser.

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John Sharlion's Remnant looked at Heavenriser, unnerved by his appearance, but he glared at him. He folded his arms, not caring about what he said. "Then so be it, we don't care one bit, we're just going to do whatever he says, and we shall do our tasks he gives us without question. So, what are you doing here, traitor? Answer or else we shall personally have you eliminated." Said John Sharlion's Remnant, talking to Heavenriser. Jokelion's Remnant looked at Heavenriser, and laughed harshly at him. "It doesn't matter to me or Johnny over here, circus donkey! Our Master can tell us what to do no matter what! Even if it costs us, even our identities!" Shouted Jokelion's Remnant, talking to Heavenriser.

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Ralene nodded her head. "This can not be told to anyone but you two, meaning the only people who should know this are Lucifer, you two, Kilousase, and myself. Okay, so long ago after the events happened during our time together training and discovering Ice, I met back up with Lucifer. Lucifer had told me of what was to come in the future, the future we live in today. He told me that I needed to find a way to help the light prevail in the end. So we came up with the idea of time travel, but even time travel wasn't good enough, so we had to think of another way of using it, and that is when we decided that in order to protect the light, there must be four destined heroes that could help protect it. Those four heroes would each have to be created and sent off to live different lives, but would have to come together in the end to help protect the light. To create those four heroes, we took my DNA and Lucifer's and made four babies and sent them off to the places we knew that they needed to go. Those four babies grew up to be Deana, Tori, Kayla, and Kelly's own mother. That is how they became our children, just they were sent to different lives. We then made it possible for me to time travel whenever I wanted, so that way I could see my children grow up and know that they would wind up together as a team. But that also changed me, cause as I kept time traveling, I began to not age any longer, which is what happened to the first born child of one of my children, which is how Kelly can never truly die, and will stop aging soon. But then came the day that I had to change Kelly's home world into my kingdom, which I had no clue about when I was their princess. But that was after everyone had since moved away from that world due to them moving to the united world they had created. But after a long time, my world would revert back into the old world, and then be destroyed in the end. But now here we are, and none of my children know about who they truly are, and what they are destined for. And of course, now that Kelly's mother is no more, Kelly is the replacement in the plan. This is the top dark secret we have carried to help protect the light from those who want to destroy it like Xehanort. So you see, you can never tell anyone this, as their fates can not be messed with now, the only thing that needed to be done was Deana finding out that I am her mother. So please keep this a secret, please." Ralene said telling the whole truthful story.


(This was long in the making and I am so glad to finally be able to tell all you RPers!)

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(To be honest, I think you should Edit this following part: "we took my DNA and Lucifer's and made four babies", not entirely but just so that it isn't referred in full detail Dawn, I don't know, it's something like that.). "....Very well but Ralene, you must remember, even your children have the right to decide their fates, I'm not saying that you don't know that, however, in the end, like Terra, Ventus and Aqua are to me, my children, even they will soon have to spread their wings amongst the stars and fly, no matter what their origins, in the end, they are their own people, even though I don't agree with what you have done simply to protect the Light, by creating four youths to defend it for that purpose, nevertheless, as people of the old generation, we know that soon if not very, our children will surpass us and make up for the mistakes that we have made within our lives, not actually making up for them but rather correcting them, in other-words: bringing about a better future." said Eraqus, revealing through his words that he does not approve of how Deana, Tori, Kayla and Kelly's mother were conceived to protect the Light but that he does not think Ralene's decision was wrong either, as just then, chatter amongst the youths could be heard laughing whilst goofing around in the main hall, as Eraqus looks towards the youths and smiles at them, happy by them being happy.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Ralene looked at Eraqus. "I know, but we were young and without many options, but it is something I regret everyday, as these kids should have been free from the start. But now that I have seen them grow, I only want to make sure they are safe, we both do. And so that is why I haven't told them the whole story yet, it is to make sure they can be themselves, but I didn't mess with Kelly's mother's life and it turned out to be good for her. Kelly, however, may just be the one who is harder to handle than the others. She isn't like the others, which may mean that she will walk a dark path, maybe not in this timeline, but in a different timeline." Ralene said. Lucifer looked over at her. "She is right, something tells me, Kelly might need saving from herself soon, cause she may no longer be who she really is." Lucifer said.


Kelly looked at Horizont. "Well the surprise is different for everyone, but as for you, you should think about the most important time in your life." Kelly said. "What was the moment that is most special to you?"


Luke looked at Lucy. "I have always wanted to be half of who I was, and half of who I am today. Lucy, I want to be half man and half cat." Luke told Lucy surprisingly wanting to be both a man and a cat.

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"The most important........special moment to me? there's so many to count, I-AH!" suddenly, Horizont's head felt like it hurt real bad, as also suddenly, Memories started to pour in Horizont's head, namely those of the events of the Mark of Kye, of which had turned out differently in the alternate dimension but for some reason strange reason was Horizont recalling his main storyline's counterpart's Memories, namely of when he sacrificed himself in order to save Pais with the Light's Embrace.

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"Y-yeah, its nothing...." said Horizont before thinking to himself "What-what WAS that!? I thought I could have sworn that--......ah never mind, it doesn't matter, I'm sure its just the fireworks getting to me." said Horizont, as he decided to shrug off what was bothering him whilst continuing walking with Kelly.

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