Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 23, 2015 (edited) "Look! up there!! its Onmyodou and Kokuou!!!" said Yukionna, slightly shown to be using ice magic and a Keyblade more or less resembling the Diamond Dust Keyblade covered in ice, as she sees both the Buddha of Yin and Yang and the Deva-Asura of Many Faces falling down from the Tsuki-Ito construct, with following after her speaking is Hieronphaaze, saying the words "Hmph, aren't those two dead yet already? damn, this is so cutting into my relaxation, no matter, i'll take care of both of them myself--huh? Scythe? why are you standing in front of me? don't you want this War to end already, as well?" said Hieronphaaze, for just when it Appeared he was going to interfere in both Onmyodou and Kokuou's battle was he then stopped by Scythe, standing in front, saying "...Even so, this is their fight Hieron, I don't want this battle to drag on any longer but, I know that if you try to interfere now, you'll just upset the balance of the alliance and for that, I won't tolerate your actions....not even if you were once my sister's beloved." said Scythe, apparently having a certain chemistry between both him and Hieronphaaze, with the latter backing off from his previous plan whilst letting out a simple "Sigh" before proceeding to attack nearby black coloured ropes with what Appears to be a giant tome, as Scythe himself lastly lets out a "Sigh" too, clutching tightly behind his side with what looks like a "Keyscythe" within his hand. "SPIRAL!!!!!!" just then, a huge circle made of Light had Appeared and inside it were tons of black coloured ropes, a second later, instantly all vaporized within the circle, revealing close up inside it to have been the work of Spire Lancelot, saying the words "HAH! weakling threads of string!! you are no match for the King of Swords' Circle of Light, no matter how many numbers you Appear in!!!!" said Spire Lancelot, laughing at his victory towards his enemies before then Appeared floating behind him was Takaiya, saying the words "Yeah, yeah, you've got your "Light Sword: Damage Circle" technique to thank for that, in turn, thanks to both my father and elder brother Shuyu, Spire." said Takaiya, "raining on the parade" of Spire Lancelot's, showing a slight peeved look towards Takaiya whilst he had mentioned a relationship between both him and Spire Lancelot, involving namely a person called "Shuyu", of whom Takaiya said was his older brother whilst elsewhere, Scythe, using his Keyscythe shown from before, is seen back to back with Yukionna, attacking all of the black coloured ropes trying to aim themselves at Elder Tou and his pupils, only to be saved by Drozozo, performing a "unique" dance with parts of his Body, winking star shaped attacks at all of the black coloured ropes, instantly disintegrating them all whilst saying "Scythe-Chan, Yuki-Chan, let ME handle these mischiefs, they may be ropes but they still need to be taught a lesson by ME: "The King-Queen of Garden Rosia!", umm-hmm!!" said Drozozo, giving off another one of his Heart crushing winks, as both Takaiya and Spire Lancelot could feel it not too far away, the former saying first "H-Hey, was that?" followed by the latter "Y-Yep, there goes Queen-King on another of his "Rampages", oi...." said Spire, Takaiya lastly replying "...Yeah....its best not to get involved with that guy when he's like that, still, being a Sempai to both of us, I can see why his Kingdom has lasted for, as long, as it has against our respective Kingdoms' forces, he's got tons of charisma that inspires leadership...even if not in the "quite right" kind of sense, heh." said Takaiya, comically sweat dropping a bit from Drozozo's personality whilst speaking of the respect Takaiya has for Drozozo himself. Edited May 23, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 23, 2015 (edited) "Warz Magic: One War Destruction: EXPLOSION!!!!!!!!" Wanz the Warlock was seen wielding what looks like a conductor's baton, using it to then create a huge explosion right in the Magatama eye, damaging it if not greatly before saying "Hmm....looks like i'll have to use a Two War or higher technique against this thing, then again--Shura, my dear, if you please." said Wanz, Appearing next to him was Shura, saying herself "Hmph, can't do anything without me, can you? Warlock? very well, i'll show everyone that there is one another besides both Buddha and Deva-Asura that they should NOT trifle with: "The Guardian War Goddess of Ryou-Shambhala."." suddenly, a massive aura Appeared around Shura resembling a Japanese Oni's face, next followed by her brandishing a Guan-Dao before saying directly towards the Magatama eye "KRAD....you will pay for my grandfather's fall into Darkness, I'LL SEE TO IT PERSONALLY." said Shura in a Dark tone with a cold expression. Finally, landing back on ground was both Onmyodou and Kokuou, next to a crumbling waterfall in the background, the latter saying to the former "....AURRRRRGH! DON'T YOU EVER GIVE UP!?!?!?!?" shouted out Kokuou, receiving an instant reply "Nope." from Onmyodou, charging head on straight towards Kokuou with Keyblade in both hands, Kokuou trying to use Dark Firaga against Onmyodou once more. "Now then, grandfather, guide my spear, let it crush the foul enemy in front of me, "Suzumebachi Spear: Lightning Needle!!!!!!!!!!!!" suddenly, a massive amount of lightning built up in the tip of Shura's Guan-Dao, as she then shot it like an arrow towards the Magatama eye, intending to pierce it in its centre. Edited May 23, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 23, 2015 Alatos watched on at the arrow heading towards KRAD. He was still channeling Cosmos Energy into his Keyblade. He wasn't going to let anything bad happen while he and the others were around. The pupils shot Cosmos Torpedoes from their Etherealia Crystal Star Ships at the Magatama Eye as well, aiding the arrow. "I still need more time." Said Alatos, talking out loud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 23, 2015 (edited) The Cosmos Torpedoes had surrounded and then combined with the Guan-Dao/Arrow, giving it a yellow and blue hue colour to the energy both surrounding and covering it, giving and allowing it the strength to pierce directly through the Magatama eye, shattering it in its entirely, shocking and surprising everyone everywhere, as the black coloured ropes started to die out one by one, Shura lastly saying to this "......It is done, grandfather......" said Shura, closing her eyes and holding her hand close to her Heart. Locked in a combat of Keyblades yet again, Kokuou looked up into the sky to see the Magatama eye having been destroyed, an expression of despair being seen upon his face, as he says the words "..N-no, NO! NO!! NO!!! NOOOO!!!!" shouted out Kokuou, Onmyodou replying "....It is finished, Kokuou, Shura has thwarted your plans, I knew she could, after all, she IS Zmega's granddaughter, the granddaughter of the strongest combatant ever to participate in this War, you underestimated all of our combined strengths and you lost, Tsuki-Ito--is finished, Kokuou, give up, its Time to answer for your crimes." said Onmyodou, pulling his weapon away, only to then both very shockingly and very surprisingly be stabbed in the chest by Kokuou, saying lastly "No, its not over--NOT YET! I told you, I COMMAND THE MOON HEART NOW! IT BELONGS TO ME!! I WON'T STOP, I'LL KILL EVERYONE IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE! JUST WATCH ME!!" suddenly, leaving Onmyodou with Kokuou's Keyblade stuck in Buddha, the latter made a final, desperate ploy and launched himself upwards into the Sky, confronting everyone in front of the broken Magatama eye, one man against the whole universe.The End Vs. The Beginning:https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=L2Gx7XmHRrc Edited May 23, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 23, 2015 Alatos stared right at Kokuou with a very stern look on his face, channeling more Cosmos Energy into his Keyblade. Kalius and Staraph pointed their weapons at Kokuou, glaring at him.The pupils looked right at Kokuou, unflinched by his appearance. Elder Tou joined his pupils in the glaring, by flying in front of them. "Give it up, "Anomaly", as I refer to you now, you are no match for us, even with the power you have, you're no match for our combined power." Said Alatos, talking to Kokuou. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 23, 2015 (edited) "Anomaly? HA! YOUR RIGHT!! I MUST BE AN ANOMALY IF I REFUSE TO FOLLOW THE SAME PATH, AS ALL YOU FOOLS LIVING IN THIS UNIVERSE! DON'T YOU SEE? YOU HAVE BEEN BOTH CORRUPTED AND SWAYED BY THE RULINGS OF YOUR HEARTS! AS LONG, AS THEY REMAIN IN POWER, WE SHALL BE FORCED TO OBEY THEM, NO MATTER WHAT! I WILL NOT HEED TO THE WORKINGS OF SUCH THINGS THAT MANIPULATE US FROM INSIDE US WITHIN THE DARKNESS! I WILL SAVE THIS UNIVERSE...BY DESTROYING IT!" shouted out Kokuou to everyone, resembling a child having a temper-tantrum, as Onmyodou on ground pulled out Kokuou's Keyblade, looking up towards him with concern, up in the Sky sharing Onmyodou's concern was both Koushaku and Vangel, worried about Kokuou's mind state. Kokuou next said in a more clamed tone "........The Light of KINGDOM HEARTS was once ours but we were blinded by the rules of our Hearts, giving in to our true hateful selves, surrounded by stupidity, greed and other things and feelings, full of negativity, because of YOU ALL, we lost the chance to become TRUE Kings, Queens and Dukes, because of YOU ALL, this War started and I lost everything precious to me! now....................YOU'LL KNOW HOW I EXACTLY FEEL ONCE I AM DONE KILLING OFF ALL OF YOUR LOVED ONES! --!?" suddenly, Kokuou was placed inside a cage made of metal, revealed to have been created by Caesar King, saying to Kokuou "Enough, child, you bore me, KINGDOM HEARTS? of course we lost that Light because it was never meant to be ours, now shut up and Accept your place in life, like a good little boy, heh heh." Caesar hurtfully trampled on Kokuou's words before just then, his entire right side in a censored scene was chopped off, causing Caesar to roar out in pain "GWOAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!", as Kokuou lastly finished lifting up the palm of his hand, filled with Darkness in it just moments ago, finally saying "..Stupid dictator, I have had enough of you all, BEGONE! I am the Hitobashira that offers you all up, AS HUMAN SACRIFICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ASURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" just then, Kokuou's ASURA Appeared behind him, using its hands to break open Caesar's cage and then float right over on-top of the Magatama eye, intending to do something with it. A Hurt Heart Lashes Out:https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=7m0IUJS-LOY Edited May 23, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 23, 2015 (edited) Alatos remained unflinching towards Kokuou, as he successfully charged up Cosmos Energy in his Keyblade. He was ready to to cast Cosmos Stopza, or another powerful Spell if needed. He continued to look right at Kokuou, as his eyes glow a bright silver-colored Light. His body emitted a crimson-colored Aura. "What a corrupted child... You are greatly misguided, leading to Chaos and Hatred in your Heart, because of losing everything precious... That, right there, is signs of corruption in your Aura..." Said Alatos, talking to Kokuou with a menacing and knowing tone. Edited May 23, 2015 by KHLegendIII Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 23, 2015 "What do YOU know about ME!? HUH!?!? your just a stupid outsider, as are all of you! getting in the way of my plan to bring back KINGDOM HEARTS, Elder Tou, it was during your lifetime when you were a child that KINGDOM HEARTS existed, now, you'll watch me, as I bring it back to these Worlds, ONCE-MORE!!!!!!!!" shouted out Kokuou, using his ASURA, did he break off huge chunks of the Magatama eye and then have the ASURA eat them all, next having the ASURA combine with Kokuou himself, causing a great Darkness to emerge from his Body, covering all of Buranku in a black veil where not even a single speck of Light existed. Inside the Dark veil, in front of everyone, Appeared Kokuou, though now his hair had turned silver coloured, his skin turned more Lightly Darker and his eyes turned a bright golden colour, snickering to himself before he looked up towards everyone, revealing that he now has a X shaped tattoo running across his entire forehead, in each of the four boxes that the X made up on all it's four sides of up, down, left and right were black coloured Kingdom Crown Emblems, with Kokuou lastly saying towards everyone "There, its done, I've finally finished it, I've finally finished becoming the true Hitobashira of KRAD, I am now "Kokuou-KRAD", KRAD is now me and I am now KRAD, together, we shall bring back the Light of KINGDOM HEARTS and crush all that dare stand in "My" way." said Kokuou, now having become Kokuou-KRAD, Kokuou but with the power of KRAD now inside him, as he summons a new Keyblade, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY SHOCKINGLY AND SURPRISINGLY REVEALED TO BE MASTER XEHANORT'S! baring Kokuou's Kagirigan inside it and a goat shaped pattern to represent the monster that is KRAD, the two having become a perfect union of one another together, causing Onmyodou's down below expression to turn grave. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 23, 2015 Elder Tou growled at Kokuou-KRAD in disapproval. Alatos remained unnerved by Kokuou's words. "You foolish man. You are a threat to the "Perfect Balance" of Cosmos and Chaos... And we won't allow you to proceed with your plan, misguided one. You'll have to go through ALL of us first." Said Alatos, talking to Kokuou-KRAD with a menacing tone in his voice. The pupils were waiting for their next orders, looking at the others. Kalius and Staraph got ready for battle against Kokuou-KRAD. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 23, 2015 (edited) "With pleasure, KINGDOM HEARTS: Darkness." with a wave of his hand, an outrageous amount of Darkness poured from Kokuou-KRAD's palm, knocking back even all of the leaders of the 20 Kingdoms and to cause all life on Buranku to both die and fade away, becoming a desolate wasteland full of death and nothing more, Onmyodou looked at the waterfall behind him to see all of the water had dried up and vanished instantly, not leaving even a single drop behind, as he then saw all of his friends up in the Sky become chained together by ropes of Darkness, Kokuou-KRAD then floated over to Vangel, grabbing her face, saying to her "Tell me, Guardlight, do you still "love this man?" you annoying excuse for a woman, i'll kill you before you can even see the Light of KINGDOM HEARTS even once." said Kokuou-KRAD, only to be slightly surprised to see Vangel's face, whose checks he's pressing his fingers against, water down with a flood of never-ending tears, showing her broken Heart's expression towards him, of which he only reacted like a owl twisting its head towards, until Koushaku shouted out, "YOU STUPID IDIOT! YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE WHAT YOUR DOING TOWARDS THE WOMAN WHO LOVES YOU!?!?!?!?!? HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF KOKUOU! MY ELDER BROTHER!!" shouted out Koushaku, having lost all hope for his brother's redemption whilst Vangel could only look towards Kokuou-KRAD, of whom then gave cold expressions to both Koushaku first and then Vangel second, letting go of the latter's face whilst seeing down below on the ground Onmyodou looking upwards towards Kokuou-KRAD... (KHLegendIII, please may you have your Characters bind in ropes, as well? this last battle I'd like for Onmyodou and Kokuou-KRAD to face off against each other alone if that's alright.). Edited May 23, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 23, 2015 Alatos didn't even struggle out of his binds, his Aura still emitting. He was still glaring at Kokuou, but knew he was powerless in this state. He winked at Onmyodou, hoping for things to be finished. The pupils tried to struggle out of the binds, but not afraid at all. Elder Tou, Kalius, and Staraph were trying to struggle free, but Alatos looked at them, causing them to stop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 23, 2015 (edited) "........" Kokuou-KRAD looked at Onmyodou. "........" Onmyodou looked at Kokuou-KRAD. The former gazed at the latter before floating down towards him on ground, upon landing "Yo, long Time no see.". The Buddha of Yin and Yang replied "Yeah, more like a few minutes or so.". The two Appeared like they were friends all of a sudden like they once were, the Deva-Asura of Many Faces spoke "Tell me, my best friend and rival: Onmyodou of the Heikou Clan, what does it feel like? to have a Heart? to have a Heart and be basked in Light fully? now that I have become what I am, now that I am who I am, I-I can't feel my Heart, that is, if I ever had one to begin with, I can't feel a Heart beating in my chest, is-is because of me now having become like this? to have all the powers of the Worlds at my fingertips?". "....I can't say, since I don't know fully for sure, I mean, it shouldn't matter what it is you look like now, nor should it matter about thinking about it to begin with I believe, I'm not saying we shouldn't at least try to think about it and try to understand the Heart but personally, I think the Heart is what it is, just it itself alone, the same, as we are, Kokuou of the Oukoku Clan.". "...Kokuou? is that my name? ah yes, it is, isn't it? Its Kokuou of the Oukoku, you are my rival, Onmyodou of the Heikou, my former love was once named Ulbel, my younger brother is named Koushaku, my best friend is named Corazon, also from the same Clan, as me and my current love........is Vangel Guardlight.". "!?!? Kokuou! you!? --". "But, none of that matters anymore, nothing does, in the end, maybe nothing ever mattered to begin with, tell me, Onmyodou, is a Heart, truly a Heart? or is it just something that manipulates our feelings, our emotions, our very natures, our very ways of our very lives themselves? I don't understand, I don't think, i'll ever understand........". "You will, one day, not today and maybe not the next afterwards, but I think you will understand, though not alone, a Heart can't be made up of something that is only single, it has to be made up of all kinds of things, thoughts, emotions, feelings, likes, dislikes, personalities, etc, at least, that's the only thing I can tell you about it, heh.". "....! Heh, heh heh, hey, Onmyodou? can you do me a favour? let's fight, I want to see, I want to hear, I want to know all the kinds of things that make up a Heart, will you help me? I want to understand, what it means, to have, a Heart.". "....Yeah, okay, let's fight, I mean, that's what caused us to meet in the first place, right? us two fighting when we were just little brats who at the Time didn't know anything, didn't appreciate anything, until now, through this, at this very moment.". "Yes, you are correct, I think its Time, to see the joining of two halves that make up one, I won't go easy on you Onmyodou, this is the last battle, you lose and its all over, everything will come to an end, everyone, friends, family, allies, comrades...loved ones, all of the every, show me, the strength, of your Heart: ONMYODOU!". "Right, here I come: KOKUOU!!". The final showdown: BEGINS!!!!!!. Edited May 23, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 23, 2015 It is your turn to post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 23, 2015 (edited) Onmyodou ran to the left and Kokuou-KRAD ran to the right, the two prepared both themselves and their respective weapons against one another, suddenly, like how both their battle began and how all of their battles up to this point had been matched in deadlock, did Onmyodou and Kokuou lock Keyblades against one another. The two after a few moments of tackling each other in a stand still had then backed away, with Onmyodou performing Ars Arcanum whilst Kokuou performed Chaos Blade, each Time the two Clan leaders' weapons had clashed one after a Time straight afterwards, their weapons were still in deadlock, causing them to jump back away from each other once more to try different tactics, with Onmyodou using Mind Shield against Kokuou, in order to taunt the latter, only for him to Dive in towards the Mind Square through a streak of Darkness, like Terra-Xehanort used against both the Lingering Will and Aqua in the very far away future, catching Onmyodou off guard, as he was then thrown aback by Kokuou's new Keyblade, filled with Darkness, of which he proceeded to cast Dark orbs with that latched Onmyodou down onto the ground like he was caught in a sticky substance, as Kokuou then tried to deal a killing blow with both hands holding onto his Keyblade, trying to use the edge of it to pierce Onmyodou's Heart, however, quickly rolling about from left to right and right to left, did he managed to dodge back away from the killing blow, next moved a few steps away to regain his balance and like Kokuou did before, using a streak of Darkness, did Onmyodou use his own streak, made of Light, to Appear behind Kokuou and knock him back away by one mile, next trying to use Sonic Blade against him. However, Kokuou used Terra's Counter Hammer against Onmyodou and had proceeded to then use the Shotlock, Dark Volley, against Onmyodou, striking him greatly one Time after another, as he could feel the effects of Darkness plunging deep into his Heart, Kokuou said to Onmyodou "What's wrong? giving up already? come on Onmyodou, I thought YOU were stronger then that!" said Kokuou, now himself taunting Onmyodou, Onmyodou, falling for the taunt, proceeded to use another Shotlock, Prism Rain, against Kokuou, only for him to then use the Command Style, Dark Impulse and dodge the Prism Rain, next to Appear behind Onmyodou, damaging him even more. As it seemed Onmyodou was beginning to lose the battle, he then had an idea inside his head, involving Kokuou once more trying to use Dark Impulse to disappear from Onmyodou's sight, only for him to follow in after through the Dark tunnel that Kokuou had made, underground, Onmyodou had then used Aerial Slam to launch Kokuou up above ground, foiling his attempts at using Dark Impulse, Onmyodou himself then used the Command Style, Wingblade and with it, he shot five blades of Light around areas of Kokuou's Body, pinning him to a nearby wall, as Onmyodou next proceeded to try and slam down his Keyblade on the centre of Kokuou's torso, seemingly giving Onmyodou the upper hand, but before the attack could connect, a sudden shake in the ground Appeared below Onmyodou, swallowing him up, as Kokuou broke free of the Wingblade trap, next following after Onmyodou underground.https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=yQZmbOpXrng Edited May 23, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 23, 2015 It is your turn to post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 23, 2015 (edited) Underground was seen the World's core, composed entirely of magma, its Heart to say the least, Onmyodou was covered in a shroud of Light, protecting from the rubble and dirt all around whilst Kokuou was covered himself in a shroud of Darkness, the two looked like they were floating in the soil/"blood" of Buranku, as Kokuou then made a charge towards Onmyodou, the latter blocking against the former, only for Kokuou to disappear from Onmyodou's sight and then kick him from behind, as Kokuou next tried to use his legs to bury Onmyodou's back way into the ground, as his face could be seen getting smushed more or less against all the dirt it was being buried in front of, however, before Onmyodou's Body could be buried any further did it suddenly stopped, turned around and had released a giant Firaga right in front of Kokuou, shocking him whilst Onmyodou gave off a cheeky grin, the Firaga made it's way up towards the surface, through the hole that both Onmyodou and Kokuou used to Appear underground, showing off a thin stream of Fire for all to see, with back underground were still both Onmyodou and Kokuou, next jumping from one place to the next at warp-speed, latching their Keyblades against each other at each and every turn, they then Appeared in a pocket hole right under Buranku's core, giving them enough space to let loose, as Kokuou shot Dark Volleys at Onmyodou, to which he had blocked and sent right back at Kokuou, causing him to be damaged by his own attack until Onmyodou Appeared right in Kokuou's face, using the Command Style, Ghost Drive, letting off another cheeky grin towards Kokuou, attacking him from all sides, until lastly using Ars Arcanum to knock Kokuou right in front of the core, of whom was barely able to stop himself from being caught inside it, being burned alive by the magma, as just then, did the two Keyblade wielders start to sweat from the core's heat and had both decided to return topside, where there, Kokuou summoned a torrent of water surrounded by Darkness levitating it, next using the Darkness to pressurized the water and make it, as sharp, as steel, finally taking pieces from the water and shooting them like arrows towards Onmyodou, to which he cartwheel dodged each and every single of them before unleashing right in Kokuou's face a direct Fission Firaga, badly damaging Kokuou and forcing him into a corner, Onmyodou proceeding to then attack Kokuou after cornering him.https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=yQZmbOpXrng Edited May 23, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 23, 2015 It is your turn to post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 23, 2015 (edited) After unleashing a small hits on Kokuou's Body, a wave of Darkness surrounded him and pushed Onmyodou away, suddenly, Kokuou said the words "...You will sink into the Darkness of Oblivion! RRRRRAAAAGGGHH!!!!!!!!" Kokuou roared out a battle roar and suddenly, Appearing around him were 5 different Keyblades each, Kokuou then started floating up into the air, the 5 Keyblades making a perimeter around him, next, more Keyblades started to Appear and they were used to create a dome full of Keyblades themselves with both Onmyodou and Kokuou inside of it, blocking out all outside backgrounds watching in on their fight, Onmyodou, upon the battle's sudden shift in pace, immediately awakened a Light version of Dark Impulse, Light Impulse and had proceeded to attack Kokuou's 5 Keyblades protecting him from all sides one at a Time, as Onmyodou attacked one Keyblade at a Time, Kokuou used the other Keyblades to cast a different spell in the forms of Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Cure and Stop respectively at their highest levels to stop Onmyodou's efforts, doing so more or less in a pattern, for example first casting Stop and then using Cure to heal Kokuou's fatigue and then combine the Fire, Blizzard and Thunder Keyblades together to unleash a mighty storm attack on Onmyodou, floating away when preparing to cast the Stop spell first and then use the Cure spell straight afterwards, using the strengths of Light Impulse, Onmyodou was able to move at fast speeds and gain stronger attacks, destroying all of the 5 Keyblades eventually until Kokuou was left with his original one, as the battle grew more faster and harsher, for some reason, Onmyodou could feel a surge of energy deep within himself coming from his Light Impulse, until just then, when he dealt his latest blow to Kokuou, did the two enter a Realm made of Light on one side and Darkness on the other respectively, a Trinity Limit circle then Appeared behind Kokuou-KRAD and inside it was seen a spiritual version of Kokuou, as his original self and an unknown woman standing on the right and left sides of the circle respectively, the spirit Kokuou was seen wielding his original Keyblade whilst the unknown woman was seen wielding the Destiny's Embrace Keyblade, Onmyodou upon seeing the two spiritual figures then felt the energy from before, until suddenly, VERY, VERY, VERY shockingly and surprisingly, he was enveloped in a very familiar golden robe: indeed, the very same golden robe that Sora wears in the present today: The golden robe of Balance Mode! at last, for the very first Time ever, Onmyodou had at last finally awoken his Balance Mode but before he could ponder about it, Appearing up above the Trinity circle was KRAD's Magatama eye and, as Onmyodou then looked towards Kokuou-KRAD, he could see that he was unconscious but that emerging from was Kokuou's Dark ASURA, shrouded with Darkness everywhere all over its entire Body, as Onmyodou lastly said towards the ASURA "........! I get it, now it all makes sense, YOUR the representation of Kokuou's Darkness! everything that has happened so far is because of you! and this power, I also understand it, its the Key: TO VANQUISHING YOU!" shouted out Onmyodou. A new battle had begun, Onmyodou fought against Kokuou's Dark ASURA, and he knew the only way to defeat it was to get in the Trinity circle alongside both the spiritual normal Kokuou and the unknown woman, Onmyodou utilised his newfound power, as he awakened his Kutekigan eyes in an instant, preparing to end the War of Beginnings once and for all, the Dark ASURA, aided by the Magatama eye, created Dark Volleys and sent them straight at Onmyodou but using his new increased speed, he dodged them, next the Magatama eye spewed forth KRAD's eye sword from before and had tried to swing down upon Onmyodou's head, but also using new strength found from within him thanks to his Balance Mode, Onmyodou dodged the attack and used his leg to break the eye sword in two, the Dark ASURA grabbed Onmyodou with one of its hands, using its Darkness to suck out his life energy, as both Onmyodou and his Balance Mode started to slightly fade away, a voice spoke out: "ONMYODOU! ITS NOT OVER YET!! HERE! TAKE MY POWER!" it was the spiritual Kokuou's! realising that his best friend was still there, inside Onmyodou's Heart, he summoned a second Keyblade, Kokuou's Keyblade within Onmyodou's hand before finally, did he transform his own Keyblade into the Kingdom Key and Kokuou's Keyblade into the Way to the Dawn, together, filled with the power of Onmyodou's Balance Mode, he unleashed a new attack "UNISION STRIKE RAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", one Keyblade covered in Light and the other in Darkness, Onmyodou threw both Keyblades at his front enemies, the Light Kingdom Key at the Dark ASURA and the Darkness Way to the Dawn at the Magatama eye, momentarily blinding them both, next, Onmyodou jumped on-top of the Dark ASURA and into the Trinity circle behind it, inside, Onmyodou was reunited with Kokuou, as he momentarily smiled at both him and the unknown woman and vice versa, however, before anything else could be said and done the Dark ASURA tried to attack the three before they could complete their final attack, but at the final second, at the final gateway of hope, the two Keyblades from earlier came back and together, struck into the Dark ASURA's back, buying enough Time, allowing the three figures within the circle to perform their final attack, as the Magatama eye widened its eye in fear above the circle looking down below, together, Onmyodou, Kokuou and the woman joined their three Keyblades' together and by doing so, a huge Light ushered in deep from within the circle, causing the Magatama eye to suddenly stop like all of Time itself was stopped until lastly, FINALLY, it started to writhe in pain, followed by the Dark ASURA at the exact same Time, the latter faded into Darkness whilst the former started to crack parts of Light from within it, engulfing the whole area, until at the last moment, did Onmyodou share a last gander at both the spiritual Kokuou and the woman, all together sharing one last smile with one another. END IT! The End.. Edited May 23, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 23, 2015 It is your turn to post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 23, 2015 (edited) Returning back to the final battleground, Onmyodou looked around to see that the Keyblade dome had disappeared and that Kokuou-KRAD was seen laying down on the ground, suddenly, his Dark ASURA emerged from his Body, as it tried to strike Onmyodou and he was about to block, Kokuou nicked his teeth and the ASURA faded away into Darkness, Onmyodou surprised by what happened saw Kokuou, as he said "........Heh, sorry, it wasn't obeying when it should be, gah-GAAAAHHHHAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" a huge column of Darkness emerged from Kokuou's Body, Appearing, as a jet pitch black coloured orb up in the Sky until suddenly, it cracked, cracking into tiny bits of black coloured stardust that were then swept away by the winds of Buranku, as suddenly, life started returning to the World, along with everyone being levitated down to the ground, next their restraints fading away into nothingness, lastly, a great huge sunrise had Appeared far to the north, signifying that everything was over, EVERYTHING, was finally, FINALLY over.. (You can resuming posting now KHLegendIII :].). Edited May 23, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 23, 2015 Alatos looked up at the sky, his Keyblade disappeared, looking around. He could tell that it was finally over. Elder Tou was looking at what was in front of him, with his pupils doing the same. Kalius and Staraph looked at Onmyodou, feeling victorious. "It's finally over... I sense no more disturbance from the Shados World... Hopefully, things will stay like this." Said Alatos, talking to himself out loud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 23, 2015 (edited) On a skull shaped rock caused from the events that had occurring during the battle, on Buranku elsewhere, were seen both Cor and Kardia, talking amongst themselves, the latter first "Hmph, it Appears Heikou didn't use that Verse II: The Sun technique of his after all." said Kardia, Cor replying "True but he did unlock a new power instead that had helped ended the battle, his "Balance Mode", yes...things are going to get quite interesting, here now in the past present and in the future present generations next afterwards, fuu fuu." said Cor, as Kardia then said "Yeah but what about KRAD and Shadowdrius? now that KRAD is gone, Shadowdrius won't be able to access its full power--oh, wait." said Kardia before Cor then said the words "Already taken care of." very shockingly and surprisingly, Appearing in Cor's hand was the same Dark orb that was shown cracking only a few moments ago, Kardia then replied saying "Heh, you real swindle, you actually managed to DUPE everyone into thinking that KRAD's remains were destroyed just now." said Kardia, revealing a Dark truth, that KRAD was more or less still alive before Cor said "Hmph, nothing a little Star Magic couldn't help to create illusions with, lol, with this, Shadowdrius, in the very far away future will be able to access KRAD's power and become KRAD himself basically, once his Body has properly adjusted over Time." said Cor, Kardia next replying "Yeah and while the other Kings will begin searching for the Larva Shadowdrius, they won't be able to pinpoint exactly where it is, due to the Pocket Magic that Kokuou casted upon it, one of his last great failures you could say." said Kardia, mocking Kokuou before Cor then said "However, what's important isn't the orb itself but rather, the X-Blade, you sensed it, didn't you? the evil that possessed Kokuou, making him do all this to begin with, it hasn't died out that easily, nor will it, no, it shall return in the future, during the Era where Kye will begin researching the X-Blade, until by then, we must make sure that things proceed according to Destiny, lest the fate be unkind in its inevitable grand scheme." said Cor, Kardia replying "Don't worry, its like you said, inevitable, it will happen regardless, we'll just make sure that it IS inevitable, confusing but kind of making sense, no?" said Kardia, Cor saying "To us anyways, now, i'll need you to take this and have it buried amongst some third rate populace who don't even know how to make fire other then just how to pray, Acceptable?" said Cor, Kardia receiving the Dark orb "Yeah, yeah, bury it amongst cultists that only believe and do deity worshipping, I got it, perhaps THERE will do just fine, what about you?" said Kardia, Cor then lastly replying "There is something, I need to pick up, won't be long, to ensure that history stays the due course, THAT shall be needed, soon, Destati shall Appear and the Worlds will unite under the banner of Light that is KINGDOM HEARTS once more.." said Cor, with this, the two disappeared into Corridors of Darkness and Light, first Kardia and then Cor respectively. Edited May 23, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 23, 2015 Alatos looked up at the sky, his Keyblade disappeared, looking around. He could tell that it was finally over. Elder Tou was looking at what was in front of him, with his pupils doing the same. Kalius and Staraph looked at Onmyodou, feeling victorious. "It's finally over... I sense no more disturbance from the Shados World... Hopefully, things will stay like this." Said Alatos, talking to himself out loud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 23, 2015 (edited) "........" Kokuou remained silent, as Onmyodou sat next to him, the former knowing of all the horror he has committed, doesn't say a word, the latter knowing this and deciding to remain silent, as well. Ya-Malia attended to everyone's wounds in a single file, as Chikara spoke to Seigi "This World........its been affected, hasn't it?" said Chikara, as Seigi replied "....Yes, having been exposed to many different magical properties, I wouldn't hark a guess that very soon, Time will stop for this World, not in general but maybe in Worldly Years' Time." said Seigi, Chikara giving a simple nod, as Scythe then approached the two "Its not, as though the World itself has become damaged and/or desolate now has it? as long, as its Heart still keeps beating, things should be fine, right?" said Scythe, only for Seigi to reply "That's not the point, what if someone would come and make use of the Stopped Time in this World? things would become drastic." said Seigi, until Sekai then Appeared and said "Then we'll just have to have someone keep in charge of this World, that way, the powers of this World won't be abused and things will be kept safe, I do believe there is a World of Faeries out there, one that can keep things in check here, I will begin a search in the next few days myself personally to see if we can find someone on that World that would be willing to help us with Buranku's situation." said Sekai, with that, the Kings in discussion were in agreement and elsewhere, seen in a nearby tent, laying wounded on a bed was Caesar King, half of his entire side covered up in bandages, as Koushaku watched over Caesar, speaking to him "....You knew, you knew that you would get attacked like you did by Kokuou, so why? was it because of Ulbel?" said Koushaku, as Caesar angrily replied out "Shut up! welp!! its not--its not because of that..." said Caesar, until Koushaku mentioned "But, I know, I know why: Ulbel was your sister and she didn't actually die from disease, but from--" said Koushaku, as Caesar lastly lashed out "I said SHUT UP!! ..! ......Ulbel, she, she was my younger sister, when we were kids, it was me, her and Shuyu Musouhamarou, Takaiya's elder brother, all together, Shuyu was sent by his Kingdom, as a "transfer student", hoping to negotiate a peace treaty between his and our Kingdom but really, he was just sent, as a prisoner, in order to for his World of fighting sports to suck up to our Kingdom, back then, me and Ulbel were uncorrupted by the practices that was adult lives in warfare, but then, when we were older, Ulbel herself was sent, as a prisoner towards the Oukoku Clan, to be the "fiancée" of Kokuou, the current prince back then, so that our Kingdom could ourselves suck up to the Oukoku, it was when I found out that Ulbel was secretly murdered by someone after she went on to become the wife of my brother in law, Onmyodou of the Heikou Clan, that I had become like I who was, as Kokuou rightfully called me, a dictator, because of being exposed to adult life in warfare and from losing my only sibling in the Worlds, I believed that might made right, that winning was everything, however, from seeing Kokuou's pain, I believed I should have suffered like he did and receive judgment from his hand for falling to protect my kin, his one true love, Ulbel......" said Caesar, turning sideways on his medical bed away from Koushaku, as he showed a face of sorrow upon him. Edited May 23, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 23, 2015 Alatos was still looking up at the sky where the medical beds are. The pupils were seen wearing bandages, talking to each other. Elder Tou was in his Human form, with bandages on his back and chest, holding his cane. Kalius and Staraph were just standing where they were, looking at everyone. "I guess... This is it, then." Said Alatos, talking to himself out loud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites