KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 12, 2015 The figure looked at KRAD, and turned around to look at everyone around him. The pupils looked on, getting ready to attack KRAD. Elder Tou was wondering what KRAD was doing. Kalius and Starpah held up their weapons, getting ready to attack KRAD again. "We should take KRAD down before it's too late." Said the figure, talking to everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted May 12, 2015 Suddenly to a most surprise, Kilousase took out the Vase of Souls and tried to suck Kokuou in it. "You are wrong, this is my true self. Someday, I will have to do wrong to make things right, but I will never truly be hateful, as I care too much of others, something you know nothing about! And I can tell, no matter where I go or whatever I do, there will always be people like you who will try and make the wrong choices over selfish reasons. Tell me, did you ever once stop and asked people what life they truly want to live, what they want their worlds to be like?" Kilousase said while trying to use the Vase of Souls to suck in Kokuou to end this fight here and now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 14, 2015 (edited) However, before Kilousase could take action with the Vase of Souls, to suck up Kokuou inside of it, ending his evil finally both once and for all...: continuing off from where his knees had hit the ground, did suddenly, Kokuou finish completely breaking into mirror shards all over his entire Body, as whilst it seemed that there was now no need for the Vase of Souls, did also suddenly, Kokuou's voice next Appeared speaking through telepathy, lastly saying the words "......Did you not hear me before? thanks to you, my physical Body is now destroyed and now, at last, I can and WILL BOND with KRAD, allowing me to achieve Tsuki-Ito in the proper way that the plan is MEANT to become, in just a few short minutes, let's say 17 minutes more or less at best to be exact, truly, I must thank you for what you have done for me, both you, AND Onmyodou and now, these words that you have just spoken to me, they are just nothing more but false truths that you have been provided with by life itself, everything you said now is nothing more but corrupted examples that you have been swayed by, so now, I will rip away their corruption, especially their corruptive source, starting everything anew........THIS IS THE PROMISE, OF TSUKI-ITO." said Kokuou, his last words in a Dark, menacing tone, as then, they faded away within the air, causing to wonder what was going to happen next, namely, with KRAD.... Edited May 14, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 14, 2015 The figure looked at KRAD, and turned around to look at everyone around him. The pupils looked on, getting ready to attack KRAD. Elder Tou was wondering what KRAD was doing. Kalius and Starpah held up their weapons, getting ready to attack KRAD again. "We should take KRAD down before it's too late." Said the figure, talking to everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 18, 2015 (edited) ( Announcement: Founding Fathers Arc-To End on Page 541. Interlude/Ulbel Ball Arc-To Resume on Page 541 and End on Page 547. Main Storyline/Organization XIII Saga-To Resume on Page 547. These are the deadlines I have planned for the RP later on everyone, the Founding Fathers Arc, in other-words, the final fight between both Kokuou and Onmyodou + co, will End on Page 540 and then, straight afterwards, will the Ulbel Ball Arc's final events be shown before, until lastly, as everyone has been waiting for, will the Main Story, in other-words, the actual χ-Blade War itself, continue off from both where and when the RP went on hiatus. I hope this excites everyone :]. ). Edited May 24, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 18, 2015 The figure looked at KRAD, and turned around to look at everyone around him. The pupils looked on, getting ready to attack KRAD. Elder Tou was wondering what KRAD was doing. Kalius and Starpah held up their weapons, getting ready to attack KRAD again. "We should take KRAD down before it's too late." Said the figure, talking to everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 20, 2015 (edited) ( Just, as a reminder to everyone: don't worry, we're NOT going on hiatus again, the reason why I haven't replied so far is because first I had a bad cough/cold and then second I was playing KINGDOM HEARTS HD II.5 Remix, first Birth by Sleep Final Mix then second KINGDOM HEARTS II Final Mix, playing both games, I discovered ways in which to progress the story in thanks in parts to both Birth by Sleep and KINGDOM HEARTS II, so hopefully, I will provide these story ideas to everyone during the ending of the Ulbel Ball Arc and the resuming of the Organization XIII Saga, anyways, where did we leave off :]? ). Edited May 20, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 20, 2015 (edited) Very shockingly and very surprisingly, all of a sudden, the ground of Buranku on which everyone stood started shaking, all of the battle-torn land-sights, trees and rocks alike, started floating within the air, alongside not too distant rivers, all of the water from them making shapes like circles, squares and triangles for examples both somehow and quite possibly for some reason, as just then, looking towards KRAD, whose head had snapped, did suddenly, his head started getting more or less smaller........ (The End of the World-Part I: Prologue- Edited May 20, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 20, 2015 (edited) It turns out that more branches of ropes both on and around KRAD's head and neck are spewing more upon more of themselves, swallowing KRAD's entire head up in what looks like a giant ball of black coloured ropes, suddenly, did KRAD's entire Body started shrinking, as it was then twirled around and around and around from following the giant ball of black ropes covering his head first itself twirling around, as KRAD's Body grew smaller and smaller, did the giant ball of ropes grew bigger and bigger, until finally, KRAD's Body Appeared to be no more, completely and utterly both consumed and absorbed by the giant ball, looking like a giant orb, made all of black coloured string, bloating out Buranku's orbiting moon, instead: BECOMING THE MOON ITSELF. Edited May 20, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 20, 2015 (edited) "......Your words will cease, your falseness will come to an end, ALL TRUTHS WILL FINALLY BE BECKONED UPON." suddenly, emerging from the mirror shards that Kokuou broke down into, Appearing from all of them were little black coloured symbiotes, of which quickly proceeded to form into a black rope all together with one another whilst Kilousase was there, also quickly springing forth from where it was before Kilousase had a chance to attack it and/or seal it with the Vase of Souls, springing forth all the way over to the giant ball that KRAD now became, the black rope attaching itself to the giant ball until lastly "AT LAST! AT LAST!! AT LAST-AT LAST-AT LAST-AT LAST!!!!!!!! AT LAST!!!!!!!! FINALLY! FINALLY!! I HAVE REACHED TSUKI-ITO!!! AT LAST! FINALLY!! AH! HA!! HA!!! HA!!!! HAAAA!!!!!!!!" shouted out a very, VERY familiar voice: Kokuou, his voice communicating inside everyone's heads from the giant ball, which he has now become apart of. Edited May 20, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 20, 2015 The figure looked up at the ball sternly, feeling uneasy about it. The pupils got into position, wanting to try to destroy, as Elder Tou, in his true Dragon form, tried to get them to wait to strike at the right time. "Kokuou... What have you done?!" Asked Elder Tou, asking Kokuou a question. Kalius and Staraph pointed their weapons at the ball, ready to attack it. "Things may get harder form here." Thought the figure, mentally thinking to himself in his head. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 20, 2015 (edited) "......Now then, where were we? ah yes, TSUKI-ITO's explanation, first, to fulfil the plan is KRAD's demise and my attachment to its Body in the form that you all currently now see floating above your teeny tiny little heads, next, before I can actually begin the plan itself, I must use this final newfound power of mine to dispose of you all, just like the weeds of the Light that you are, you've all become far too "grown up", in the terms of plants to be reasoned with and thus, since you won't open your eyes to our only truths: that only hatred and rage are the things that we can trust alone--nay, that IS us! I will now Awaken your true selves and end these lies of hope, love, friendship and above all: the wills of life themselves, allowing us to truly, FINALLY, be happy for once in our petty lives, that they are........" said the voice of Kokuou, as just then, emerging from the giant ball of black ropes/strings was a giant and tall tower like construct with arms, as long, as VERY TALL skyscrapers, on-top of the construct could be seen what Appeared to be like a face, further on-top Appeared to be a disarranged version of both very, very, very, VERY shockingly and very, very, very, VERY surprisingly: Sora's Kingdom Crown! Kokuou last said the words from the face like pattern on the construct "Onmyodou, I wish I could have fought with you more but unfortunately, this is where we part ways, don't worry, i'll be sure to see you once TSUKI-ITO starts, until then--" said Kokuou. Suddenly "NO KOKUOU!" Onmyodou "I WON'T!! I won't let this happen any longer!!! you are my friend...and I....I......I WON'T LET YOU DISCONNECT YOUR TIES TO US ANY LONGER!!!!!!!!" shouted out towards Kokuou, as just then, in a flash of Light before Onmyodou Appeared what looked like the glider Riku used in KINGDOM HEARTS II, lastly getting on it and saying to the others besides Onmyodou "Get on-top if you want to join me! this will be our last shot to take down TSUKI-ITO for good!" said Onmyodou with seriousness and desperation in his voice.(The End of the World-Part II: The Counterattack- Edited May 20, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 20, 2015 The figure made his way to the glider, and got on it. "I suppose I shall come along. This bloodshed has gone on long enough." Said the figure, talking to Onmyodou. The figure's left hand emitted a crimson-colored Light of Cosmos Energy, and waved it, and crimson-colored ships made out of crimson-colored Etherealia Crystals, resembling Arwings from the Star Fox series,appeared in front of the pupils, The pupils got onto their rides, ready for it. Elder Tou began to fly around. Kalius and Staraph began to float into the air, still pointing their weapons at the ball. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 20, 2015 (edited) "Those crystals that hurt KRAD before, they might just work on the ball, as well, I know about TSUKI-ITO, especially of how it can be stopped, however, Time is of the essence, that ball is like a cocoon you see, inside it, is KRAD's Magatama eye, if the Magatama inside becomes fully assembled and is projected to everyone once the ball opens, from the Magatama, both it and the ball will spew forth those black coloured ropes and attach themselves to all living things within the universe, making them both hate and fight one another instantly, leaving only death in the wake, we have about 12 minutes to stop the ball from opening like a cocoon would, destroy the outside of it so that the inside won't be able to appear and fully open on the outside and lastly, stop Kokuou himself, you see, he's entered this state called "Hitobashira" or rather, he's become a Hitobashira, a "Human Sacrifice", that is needed to bond with KRAD, in order to fully control it, before, he was only directing its power when that tentacle merged with him but now he has KRAD fully under his manipulation and if we let him get away with TSUKI-ITO, the MOON-STRING, it will be the same, as death itself, at any rate, we waste Time talking, let's go! we only have 12/11 minutes to stop him!! those black ropes/strings contain Necrosis within them! don't touch them!! whatever you all do!!!!!!!! HIYAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled out Onmyodou, as he charged forth towards Kokuou and his giant ball on the glider with the figure joining him. (Attack!- Edited May 20, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 20, 2015 (edited) The pupils began to pilot their ships, and cannons from their ships fired lasers of Cosmos Energy at the ball, as the ships were made out of Etherealia Crystals, it was infused with their Energies. Staraph cast a big ball of Cosmos Energy, created by the Energy of the Etherealia Crystal, and fired it at the ball. Elder Tou breathed a blue-colored stream of Fire, infused with the power of the Etherealia Crystal he swallowed at the ball. The figure raised his Keyblade, and summoned as much power from other Etherealia Crystals back on the Ethereal World, and gathered their power into his Keyblade in the forms of crimson-colored Lights. "Now, we are ready to begin the onslaught." Sai dthe figure, talking to Onmyodou. Edited January 9, 2016 by KHLegendIII Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 20, 2015 (edited) "........" Onmyodou ignored the last part that the figure said before proceeding to shoot a beam of Light straight at the construct Kokuou's essence now had become, only for it to use its wide right claw to block all incoming attacks, like it was simply just pushing them away or something, protect the ball below, as Kokuou said to his enemies "BAH! why fight? all you do is bring about the inevitable, your Hearts belong again to Darkness, all Worlds begin in Darkness, and all so end....the Hearts are no different, Darkness sprouts within them, it grows, CONSUMES them, they're nature, in the end, every Heart belongs to the Darkness when they came, why can't you all understand that? I am only doing all this for the sake of peace." said Kokuou before then charging an orb of Darkness within his wide left claw, preparing it for an attack. Edited May 20, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 20, 2015 "Kokuou..." thought Koushaku to himself, as he and the other leaders still viewed from not too far away the ongoing battle, recalling a small flashback between both him and Kokuou: "But why!?!? why must you go to such lengths!? just to prove a point!? brother!?!?" said Koushaku, speaking from on-top of a throne in a large chamber towards Kokuou, bowing in front of Koushaku, saying the words "Do not call me your brother, we may have the same father but we are mothers apart, we are not TRUE brothers, nor will we ever be, plus, you have left the Oukoku Clan to join the ranks of The Devil Card, how can we be brothers after that?" said Kokuou, finishing bowing before proceeding to turn his back on Koushaku, of whom gets up from his throne, saying towards Kokuou the words "We ARE brothers! the reason I became this Kingdom's King is because I am originally of its royal bloodline, the same, as you are, of the Oukoku's bloodline but still!! we are members of each other's Kingdoms, are we not!? elder brother!?!? didn't Master Corazon and Lord Onmyodou help us believe in that concept!? that principle!?!?" said Koushaku until finally "I said DO NOT CALL ME YOUR BROTHER! you are not of Oukoku blood nor will you ever be!! plus, even being Oukoku doesn't help to bring this matter to a close, NOTHING WILL, the only way we can all finally enjoy our lives, free from both war and strife is to be immersed in Tsuki-Ito, the Moon-String plan, only then will we finally have the rights to unlock that which is buried deep within all our Hearts........" said Kokuou, as he left with those words, leaving Koushaku to sit back down on his throne after hearing what he did, returning to the present, to show him deeply worried about all that's going on, especially his elder brother, Kokuou. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 20, 2015 The pupils began to shoot more lasers of Cosmos Energy from their Etherealia Crystal Starships at the claws. Kalius raised his javelin, and Cosmos Energy, created by the Etherealia Crystal, covered it, and Kalius brought down at the other claw with a heavy downward slash. Elder Tou flew around both claws, casting down shards of Cosmos Energy, infused with the power of the Etherealia Crystal, down upon them like a rain shower, pelting at them. The figure raised his Keyblade, and charged up crimson-colored Cosmos Energy, channeling some of the power of the Etherealia Crystals stored inside of it, creating a big crimson-colored ball. "Warriors, let us strike." Said the figure, talking to everyone. The figure let loose the big crimson-colored ball of Cosmos energy at the right claw. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 20, 2015 (edited) The right claw was destroyed but just before the left claw was, as well, did it shoot its orb of Darkness at all of the warriors and Onmyodou, with Kokuou's voice shouting out in unison "BEHOLD! this is my "Jadro Przewiew" technique!! GOGOK!!!!!!!!" said Kokuou very, very shockingly and surprisingly, as just then, did he unleash a giant Jadro Magatama shaped blast at all his enemies, the attack catching Onmyodou's glider by a big inch, as he lastly replied to this "Damn it! i'll have to take things down below now!!" said Onmyodou before saying "Here! you can take charge of the glider now!!" towards the figure, then jumping off onto the giant ball below, at the feet of the construct, where there, somebody awaited Onmyodou... Edited May 20, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 20, 2015 The figure quickly took control of the Glider, and waved his hand, signalling the pupils to follow him. "This way, we shall attack the ball while it is left open." Said the figure, talking to the pupils. The pupils nodded, and piloted their Etherealia Crystal Star Ships toward the ball, and began to fire lasers of Cosmos Energy from them at the orb.The figure pointed his Keyblade at the ball, and began channeling power from the Etherealia Crystals, forming a bright crimson-colored ball of Cosmos Energy, with crimson-colored electricity, with a hue of a rainbow of colors surrounding it. "Behold, the power of the "Cosmos Light Jalodra"." Said the figure, talking out loud. The figure aimed his attack at the center of the ball, being careful not to hit Onmyodou by accident, and fired the Jalodra at the ball, and if it hit, the ball would be hit by an explosion of multiple colors in it's aftermath. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 20, 2015 It was none other then Kokuou, both very shockingly and very surprisingly seen in a outfit resembling both Riku's Dark Mode and Vanitas' outfit, with Kokuou himself now having reverted back to being in human form whilst seen on his outfit is the Kagirigan Emblem, located in the exact centre of the chest of the outfit, the outfit itself all coloured entirely jet pitch black before being shown on Kokuou was him with a third Kagirigan eye on his forehead, whereas both his left and right eyes were completely normal, saying to Onmyodou the words "Onmyodou...I see you have made it all the way here, at my "Station of Awakening", I'm sorry to say but you have no place here, begone." said Kokuou, a wave of Darkness nearly knocked Onmyodou off the construct but by placing his feet into the ground, did he managed to avoid that disaster before lastly saying the words " ends here, all of it, the Tsuki-Ito, the Moon Heart and the Sun Heart, both me and you too, I'm ending all of it with a single attack, you know the one." said Onmyodou. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 21, 2015 The figure quickly took control of the Glider, and waved his hand, signalling the pupils to follow him. "This way, we shall attack the ball while it is left open." Said the figure, talking to the pupils. The pupils nodded, and piloted their Etherealia Crystal Star Ships toward the ball, and began to fire lasers of Cosmos Energy from them at the orb.The figure pointed his Keyblade at the ball, and began channeling power from the Etherealia Crystals, forming a bright crimson-colored ball of Cosmos Energy, with crimson-colored electricity, with a hue of a rainbow of colors surrounding it. "Behold, the power of the "Cosmos Light Jalodra"." Said the figure, talking out loud. The figure aimed his attack at the center of the ball, being careful not to hit Onmyodou by accident, and fired the Jalodra at the ball, and if it hit, the ball would be hit by an explosion of multiple colors in it's aftermath. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 21, 2015 (edited) The ball took a massive amount of damage from the Jalodra, a huge chunk being seen in the ball on its upper left corner, as Onmyodou replies to this "Take a look at that, for the hopes of the future, not even you can bend them down, Kokuou." said Onmyodou until Kokuou replied lastly "Can't I?" said Kokuou before suddenly, catching Onmyodou off guard, did more black ropes Appear on the surface of the ball around the crater it received the damage from, quickly mending the crater with thousands upon thousands of small black ropes both tying themselves together and covering on-top of one another, looking, as though the Jalodra had no effect whatsoever on the ball and that it looks like it didn't receive any damage at all to begin with. Edited May 21, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 21, 2015 (edited) "Your naïve, Onmyodou, do you really think peace and understanding can come between the 20 Kingdoms? no, do you really think family bonds can be made beyond that of just having the same blood? NO! don't you see? ITS ALL POINTLESS AND MEANINGLESS, friendships,, all of that! all of it are just examples to show how both petty and pathetic we all are!! Tsuki-Ito is the promise of changing all that, you know, it was YOUR plan, as well once." said Kokuou before Onmyodou replied "Yes but back then it wasn't a plan, it was a dream, a dream we both shared between us and Ulbel, trying to make the universe a better place for everyone, your "plan" is the complete opposite of that, it threatens everything! my daughter, Aia, your brother, Koushaku, our mentor, Elder Tou, me, everyone else and above all, especially, YOU yourself, Kokuou, I don't know where these Dark ambitions first manifested inside your Heart but let me tell you now, once again, I intend to stop them, retake back both you and Tsuki-Ito and bring about our TRUE dream, the dream of uniting the 20 Worlds in peace, harmony and stability." said Onmyodou, readying his battle aura, Kokuou doing the same, who lastly says "You can try Onmyodou, you can only JUST try, however, once I am done with everything, even the goddess will awaken to her true self of hatred, you can't stop it Buddha! YOU-CAN'T-STOP-ANY OF IT!!!!!!!!" shouted out Kokuou, proceeding to summon his Keyblade, Onmyodou doing the same, as the two engage in combat the very same way that this final showdown had started in the first place.(The End of the World-Part III: The Final Showdown- Edited May 21, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 21, 2015 (edited) "CHAOS BLADE!!!!!!!!" shouted out the two Keyblade wielders, attacking each other with Chaos Blade before Onmyodou then said "SONIC BLADE!!!!!!" shouted out Onmyodou, next using Sonic Blade to quickly push Kokuou back, of whom jumps up into the air, saying himself the words "DARK FIRAGA!!!!!!" shouted out Kokuou also, launching a volley of Dark Firaga balls at Onmyodou, of whom at fast, lightning speed, used his Keyblade to block each and every single one of them, only for Kokuou to strike from behind without any notice "Your too slow, Buddha." said Kokuou, with both hands clutching his Keyblade, did he use it to knock Onmyodou forwards over a small width before watching him regain his position, as he charged at Kokuou clutching the Keyblade with both hands too, only for the enemy to look like he froze Time all of a sudden and then slightly pat Onmyodou on the back with the bottom of Kokuou's Keyblade, as Onmyodou turned to find Kokuou, he was nowhere in sight, then looking back forwards, did he Appear in front of Onmyodou slightly shocking him and causing him to jump away from his former comrade, as finally Onmyodou then retook his battle stance, Kokuou doing the same, ready to continue the fighting the both of them. (Fight! Fight!! Fight!!!- Edited May 21, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites