KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 3, 2015 The robbed figure approached Aerodus and Sarah, looking upon them, looking at them sternly. He put his hands behind his back, as he looked on at them. He slightly kicked them gently to wake them up. He was also concerned about their well-being. He could sense Chaos within their Hearts, and it could prove fatal if it remained, in order to pass on to his World, something would have to happen. "Stand up, you two..." Said the robbed man, talking to Aerodus and Sarah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 3, 2015 "....Nothing says about being involved in THIS battle, now does it?" wielding a Keyaxe, similar to Onmyodou's from before to the figure's neck was Chikara, all by himself, saying to the figure next "Now laddie, care to explain where ya come from? or less I'd have to chop your neck off with my wee big axe, damn it! I'm getting back into that accent again!!" said Chikara, showing off a certain accent whilst Kokuou says to Onmyodou "Lo and behold, this is my new "Necrosis: Evolution of Dragon Form", Buddha, its what came to be after I ate that chunk of meat I gained from Elder Tou whilst my Body was still infused with essences it was filled up with from being connected with KRAD before." said Kokuou, a small second flashback to both when he ate Elder Tou's Dragon Flesh and was attached to KRAD previously not to long ago then occurred in that order respectively before returning back to reality, as Kokuou said to Onmyodou whilst strangling the latter by his neck "Necrosis, it is the name of the Bodily parasites or white blood cells that envelop all of KRAD's insides, used accordingly and they can even come outside of the Body and take humanoid form, this is one of the very many things I had discovered about KRAD after I had "put him on a leash", all plum tuckered out from its fight with Zmega, PREVIOUSLY considered to be the most strongest and deadliest warrior in all of this War........that is, UNTIL NOW." said Kokuou, tightening his squeeze around Onmyodou's neck, causing him to "GYAH-HAH!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelp out in pain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 3, 2015 (edited) The figure held up a hand, and two orbs of Cosmos power appeared in his left hand, one, a Dark blue-colored orb, and the other, a Light blue-colored orb. It was clear that this figure came from the Ethereal World. He had plans for Aerodus and Sarah. "I am the God of Ethereal World, and I am here to get Leaders for my World of Cosmos, and prepare to keep the Balance of Cosmos and Chaos in check, and their Chaos shall be sent to Shados World to safeguard it as well... When these two perish, they shall eventually be reborn and revived as Etherealians, as the very first two Emperors of my world, and it's Leaders, with their Chaos being filled with the same positions in the Shados World, and neither shall remember their time as Humans until after a long time, and until then, their Memories shall be suppressed so that they don't know I helped them become they eventually become..." Said the figure, talking to Chikara. The figure threw the orbs of Cosmos at Aeordus and Sarah, the Dark blue-colored orb of cosmos entering Aerodus' body, and the Light blue-colored orb of Cosmos entering Sarah's body. (This theme plays as the figure does his thing. - ) Edited May 3, 2015 by KHLegendIII Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 4, 2015 "Doesn't sound like a 50/50 deal, I don't buy it, I'm not letting you take these two youngsters anywhere." said Chikara, as suddenly both shockingly and surprisingly, he turned his Keyaxe into 10x Times more then his normal "larger then life" size yet was still able to wield it like there was no heaviness to his weapon whatsoever, preparing to not let both Aerodus and Sarah be taken away by the unknown figure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 4, 2015 (edited) The figure held up a hand, telling him to wait. He looked up at the sky. "Relax, I never said my intentions are evil... They are good... For the Future... My intentions are for the Light, they'll only go there when they die, my World, the Ethereal World, the World of Cosmos, like the Shados World, is an afterlife for those with Pureness and Light in their Hearts, those with Chaos in their Hearts, have that Chaos split from them, and sent to the Shados World to be watched, but neither World has it's Leaders, so, I'm carefully establishing those positions, so both World shall have seven Emperors each watch over both Worlds in a blissful existence, the Ethereal Word working to establish Peace and Harmony, and the Shados World, to keep those with Chaos who would abuse it for evil purposes in check, and establish order there... There's nothing to worry about.. If something terrible happens.. I shall step in prevent anything bad from happening to either.. Neither shall be made aware of each other's existence.. These two, despite having Chaos, have proven that they have potential of bringing peace and harmony to my World.." Said the figure, talking to Chikara. Kalius and Staraph looked on in horror, as they watched what happened with Kokuou. Elder Tou growled as he saw Kokuou strangling Onmyodou. Edited May 4, 2015 by KHLegendIII Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted May 4, 2015 Suddenly appearing behind Kokuou was Dusk wielding his bow and arrows. "Hate to tell you this, but my son is the most powerful warrior that will ever live in his own realm! Now stand down Kokuou, or else I will end you myself. I am an angel and a demon, I have enough power to take you on!" Dusk said in a very serious tone as he then shot ten arrows of different elements at Kokuou. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 4, 2015 (edited) Kokuou kicked Dusk in the torso, sending him flying back, as Kokuou then said the words "Hmph, you stand before a Dragon, Nephilim, away with you." said Kokuou, calling Dusk a Nephilim, the hybrid between both an Angel and a Devil, despite knowing that he is actually part Demon, even though a Demon can be considered to be a Devil and vice versa. Edited May 4, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 4, 2015 The figure held up a hand, telling him to wait. He looked up at the sky. "Relax, I never said my intentions are evil... They are good... For the Future... My intentions are for the Light, they'll only go there when they die, my World, the Ethereal World, the World of Cosmos, like the Shados World, is an afterlife for those with Pureness and Light in their Hearts, those with Chaos in their Hearts, have that Chaos split from them, and sent to the Shados World to be watched, but neither World has it's Leaders, so, I'm carefully establishing those positions, so both World shall have seven Emperors each watch over both Worlds in a blissful existence, the Ethereal Word working to establish Peace and Harmony, and the Shados World, to keep those with Chaos who would abuse it for evil purposes in check, and establish order there... There's nothing to worry about.. If something terrible happens.. I shall step in prevent anything bad from happening to either.. Neither shall be made aware of each other's existence.. These two, despite having Chaos, have proven that they have potential of bringing peace and harmony to my World.." Said the figure, talking to Chikara. Kalius and Staraph looked on in horror, as they watched what happened with Kokuou. Elder Tou growled as he saw Kokuou strangling Onmyodou. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted May 4, 2015 Dusk laughed at Kokuou. "You think I will listen to reason? No, I am not going anywhere until you surrender! You are not the most powerful source in the worlds, and I can take you on! Plus, did you forget, a fairy or angel can beat a dragon!" Dusk said as he wasn't even fazed from the attack. He then spread his wings and made hundreds of light and dark orbs attack Kokuou in unison. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 5, 2015 Dusk had managed to save Onmyodou with Kokuou dropping the former from strangling him and then proceeding to kick away all of Dusk's attacks, lastly saying towards the latter "Hmph, fine then, you will be the first I will taste with this new power of mine." said Kokuou, as he evilly licked his lips before crouching downwards, preparing to fight Dusk head on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 5, 2015 (edited) The figure held up a hand, telling him to wait. He looked up at the sky. "Relax, I never said my intentions are evil... They are good... For the Future... My intentions are for the Light, they'll only go there when they die, my World, the Ethereal World, the World of Cosmos, like the Shados World, is an afterlife for those with Pureness and Light in their Hearts, those with Chaos in their Hearts, have that Chaos split from them, and sent to the Shados World to be watched, but neither World has it's Leaders, so, I'm carefully establishing those positions, so both World shall have seven Emperors each watch over both Worlds in a blissful existence, the Ethereal Word working to establish Peace and Harmony in that World, and the Shados World, to keep those with Chaos who would abuse it for evil purposes in check, and establish order there... There's nothing to worry about.. If something terrible happens.. I shall step in prevent anything bad from happening to either.. Neither shall be made aware of each other's existence.. These two, despite having Chaos, have proven that they have potential of bringing peace and harmony to my World.." Said the figure, talking to Chikara. Kalius and Staraph looked on in horror, as they watched what happened with Kokuou. Elder Tou growled as he saw Kokuou strangling Onmyodou. Edited May 5, 2015 by KHLegendIII Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted May 5, 2015 Dusk looked at Kokuou, "You are supposed to be a human being! You are not a dang cat for crying out loud!" Dusk said as he then blasted hundreds of more arrows at Kokuou and then summoned more light orbs and dark orbs nonstop. Dusk then thought in his mind where only Onmyodou would be able to hear him, "Any time you want to jump in here would be nice!" Dusk tried to deliver the message to Onmyodou. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 6, 2015 "S-sorry, just give me a few moments to recharge, the Kutekigan isn't battle powered like the Kagirigan is, I just need 5 minutes to recuperate, think you can hold out till then?" said Onmyodou, weakly crouching over to both Elder Tou and the others whilst replying to Dusk mentally, as Kokuou says himself physically towards Dusk the words "Speaking of which-" said Kokuou, suddenly revealing he has a long, LONG tail and had proceeded to use it just exactly like a whiplash, knocking all of Dusk's oncoming attacks into different parts of the battlefield. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 6, 2015 The figure held up a hand, telling him to wait. He looked up at the sky. "Relax, I never said my intentions are evil... They are good... For the Future... My intentions are for the Light, they'll only go there when they die, my World, the Ethereal World, the World of Cosmos, like the Shados World, is an afterlife for those with Pureness and Light in their Hearts, those with Chaos in their Hearts, have that Chaos split from them, and sent to the Shados World to be watched, but neither World has it's Leaders, so, I'm carefully establishing those positions, so both World shall have seven Emperors each watch over both Worlds in a blissful existence, the Ethereal Word working to establish Peace and Harmony in that World, and the Shados World, to keep those with Chaos who would abuse it for evil purposes in check, and establish order there... There's nothing to worry about.. If something terrible happens.. I shall step in prevent anything bad from happening to either.. Neither shall be made aware of each other's existence.. These two, despite having Chaos, have proven that they have potential of bringing peace and harmony to my World.." Said the figure, talking to Chikara. Kalius and Staraph looked on at Kokuou, waiting to jump in at any moment. Elder Tou also glared at Kokuou, ready to attack him at any moment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 7, 2015 (edited) "Human? perish the thought, I have become a god, thanks to acclimating with KRAD and very soon, all of you, all of your hate towards me, will enter into my Body and make me, a Dragon, born of Necrosis, even stronger, in a way, you should be blaming yourself, since your not at least trying to become perfect, unless we all become perfect, we will never understand one another and thus, the hatred will keep spreading, allowing me to use it to become more and more stronger, until eventually, all that will be left, will be nothing, but hatred, alone, now that I think about it more clearly, that might just actually be two things instead of one that all of you fools are to blame for." said Kokuou before then lastly saying the words whilst raising up both of his arms, looking, as if he was holding something in his two hands "....However, in truth, maybe your not to blame at all for anything, be it one thing or two, since in the end, how can you become perfect when it is beyond your reach? because perfection doesn't even compute with you lower half-lings, because it is impossible to seek peace between one another even over the most trivial of things, hatred arising no matter what the circumstances, in the end...nothing matters, nothing at all, only hatred, Humankind is the embodiment of hatred in physical form, it craves for hatred, it exists for hatred, it pleasures itself in hatred, forget both Light and Darkness, only HATRED matters and so, I am going to awaken everyone to their true selves with the Tsuki-Ito, the only means of "Unlocking the Door with the Key", as it were, don't you see? you should help me, i'll awaken your true self for you, you'll be able to finally see yourself in your true Light, please......Accept my offer." said Kokuou, passionately raising out his left hand towards Dusk whilst showing genuine sincerity upon Kokuou's face, truly expressing what he had just said towards Dusk, despite whilst Kokuou knowing all that is wrong with his ideals........ Edited May 7, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 7, 2015 (edited) "Hmm........" thought Chikara, lowering his Keyaxe for a bit, still wondering if he should trust the figure until suddenly, saying to the latter "....Can we make sure of their safety?" was Sekai, accompanied by Seigi before the former then proceeded to say again "We don't have a lot of Time to waste, Kokuou is getting stronger by each second that passes and if I am not mistaken, he intends to activate Tsuki-Ito any moment now, we must NOT let that happen! although we can't get directly involved, here, give this to Onmyodou." said Sekai before handing the figure what looks EXACTLY like the Drive orb Sora obtained upon receiving his new clothes in Kingdom Hearts II, in other-words, upon receiving the ability to transform into his Drive forms for the very first Time, as Sekai lastly says to the figure "Its fine if you don't want to get directly involved but please, hand this to someone near to Onmyodou so that he may receive it, that orb is filled with the essences of all the Kings, Queens and Dukes of the 20 Worlds, INCLUDING Kokuou, if Onmyodou can place his own essence into that orb, it shall become complete and then, a new-born power, unlike the which of nobody has ever seen before....................SHALL AWAKEN AND ARISE." said Sekai, very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY SHOCKINGLY declaring what he had just said, about a new power that has yet to be born, taking its both shape and form, once Onmyodou has combined his essence with that of ALL of his fellow Leaders...especially including Kokuou's, with it....will the Buddha of Yin and Yang finally stop the--no, FORMER Deva-Asura of Many Faces, both once, and-for-ALL. Edited May 7, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 7, 2015 (edited) "......Can you hear me? ......" "Huh?" "......Can you see me? ......" "What?" "......Can you speak to me? ......" "Who are you? what is this place? just where exactly am I? more importantly......who am I?" "You are you, your Heart is your Heart." "My Heart" "Yes, all Hearts are Connected to one another, even mine and might not notice it but....something is going to happen, something bad, it will really hurt all of the Hearts that are everywhere, no one will be able to stop it, unless............" Suddenly, Onmyodou had awakened his eyes after falling unconscious, trying to conserve his energy for the final battle, as he lastly said the words "What-what was that? did I...just have a premonition suddenly?" said Onmyodou. DESTATI Edited May 7, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 7, 2015 The figure nodded, as he stepped aside. He looked on at what was happening. He looked at Chikara, as he floated into the air. "Yes, you may secure their safety..." Said the figure, talking to Chikara. The figure looked on at Dusk and Kokuou sternly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 7, 2015 Chikara had grabbed both Aerodus and Sarah under his arms, being a hefty man, as Sekai had passed to the figure the orb, lastly saying "Please, deliver that to Onmyodou right away, the fate of the universe--........the fate of the future, lays in EVERYONE's hands." said Sekai, placing hope in those currently fighting the good fight, the battle was truly drawing near its close. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 7, 2015 The figure nodded, and turned into particles of crimson-colored particles of Cosmos, which then floated over to where Onmyodou is, and reformed, looking at Onmyodou. "I have come with something... something that could end this battle... The fate of the future and the Universe is in EVERYONE's hands, please... Take this." Said the figure, talking to Onmyodou. The figure knelt before Onmyodou, and showed him the orb, waiting for Onmyodou to take it. He looked up at Onmoyodou, showing his serious this is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 7, 2015 (edited) "..I.." said Onmyodou, until suddenly: "Don't be afraid, when the Time comes, you'll understand, just take it, you'll see." upon hearing the voice that spoke to him before, Onmyodou had closed his eyes and opened them up again, revealing that he had deactivated the Kutekigan all of a sudden, as he then took off his right hand's glove and had proceeded to absorb the orb through it's palm, just then, a huge, HUGE both golden and silver coloured aura enveloped Onmyodou inside of it, turning into a giant crystal with Onmyodou nowhere to be seen inside it. Onmyodou had returned to his Station of Awakening, only now broken in half, here to find floating up above the Station's empty half, a person with spiky hair and blue eyes, speaking to him "...See? I knew you could do it." said the person with spiky hair and blue eyes towards Onmyodou, as he replied "....!?!? Y-YOU!?!? aren't you supposed to be!?!?--" said Onmyodou, only to be interrupted "Ah, let's not spoil the future now, anyways, I have a message, a message from someone who wants to see you." said the person with spiky hair and blue eyes once more, as Onmyodou spoke "...A-Alright, what-what is it?" said Onmyodou, a bit on-guard for some reason, until the person with spiky hair and blue eyes himself spoke, saying "........"I can hear the music", she said." said the person with spiky hair and blue eyes lastly, his entire upper face not shown throughout the whole conversation, until suddenly, Onmyodou, getting the meaning of the message finally says in reply "......Yosh! got it, my Princess of Heart." said Onmyodou very shockingly. Returning to reality, the crystal shattered, revealing also very, very, very, VERY shockingly from it's mist, clearing, that amongst it was shown Onmyodou, his detached arm having suddenly REGROWN all of a sudden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wearing a silver cape, with silver gauntlets, shown on the gauntlets were two emblems of the Kutekigan blind eyes upon both of them each respectively, also shown were silver greaves, bearing the Kutekigan emblems upon them both each respectively, as well, including silver armour, with upon its silver chest-plate a golden emblem of the sun, lastly including a Japanese Kabuto helmet, revealing two eye sockets and a headband tied around Onmyodou's forehead, stretching all the way out of the back of the helmet, up to his neck, as Onmyodou finally says to the figure "....Thank you." said Onmyodou simply. Edited May 7, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 7, 2015 The figure nodded at Onmyodou, getting up. Elder Tou looked down at the figure suspiciously. "Could that be?" Thought Elder Tou mentally thinking to himself in his head. The figure looked at Elder Tou, and at Kokuou, Dusk, and at Onmyodou. "Good luck, Onmyodou... For this battle... Shall be the hardest of all..." Said the figure, talking to Onmyodou. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 7, 2015 Appearing in his hand whilst performing a swirling motion with it until stopping one minute later was a Khakkhara/Shakujo, that Onmyodou proceeded to reveal, as "Trident of Truth: Efil Heikou Sun Brahman: HEART." said Onmyodou, identifying the name of his weapon before walking casually over to Elder Tou, bowing before him " there, really no hope for Kokuou?" said Onmyodou, asking for an answer from his former teacher. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 7, 2015 (edited) Elder Tou looked at Onmyodou, and shook his head, and let out a Dragon-like growl. He looked upon Kokuou, and at Onmyodou. He wished there was a way to change Kokuou's mind, but he couldn't, as it seemed impossible, sadly. He let out a sad growl at Onmyodou. "No... Seeing how he prepared the "Birth" of another evil, born from KRAD, who he used and annihilated his Clan just so he can use it, and tried to attack me and my pupils, and I sense so much Hatred in him... There's no chance for him, I'm afraid..." Said Elder TOu, talking to Onmyodou. Edited May 7, 2015 by KHLegendIII Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted May 7, 2015 (edited) "....Although, I knew you would say that, I was afraid, afraid that you would say that regardless........however, no more, its over, I won't let it continue, if Kokuou intends the Tsuki-Ito, then I, intend "The Road to Dawn", a Road that all may walk and follow, Hand in Hand, all joining together, our Hearts, as one, that is my Dream, that was Ulbel's Dream, and............that................was, IS Kokuou's Dream! this Moon-String, i'll cut it, I'll cease the hatred here and let everyone hopefully forgive Kokuou, whether if he wants it or not! Elder, I can't, I WON'T kill him, but....I WILL end that plan he takes so much pride in, after that, he will atone for everything that he has done the right way, Kokuou's Moon and my Sun, don't you think, put together, they resemble a Heart somehow? Elder?" said Onmyodou, leaving onwards towards his fated enemy, leaving his question behind for Elder Tou to ponder about.(Your my friend, no matter what- Edited May 7, 2015 by Iamkingdomhearts1000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites