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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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Onmyodou was slightly alerted by the scale Kokuou was holding before thinking to himself "....That scale, I don't know, I don't like it, its giving off very Dark and negative vibes--!?!?!?!? wait! could that-COULD THAT HAVE COME FROM KRAD!?!?!?!? ....nevertheless, I have to keep my guard up, both around Kokuou and THAT scale!" said Onmyodou, making a defensive position, with Kokuou next saying "Hmph, foolish Onmyodou, taking a defensive stance over that, that has yet to be born? that's just dull, even for you, what you see before you is called Shadowdrius: it is a scale from KRAD's Body and is basically KRAD itself but is soon to be born in a more, "human" you could say like form, however, the back-draw to its birth is that it takes over at least 10 millenniums to do so, considering that there is already a KRAD pre-existing, anymore and the species could go wild, even ending up killing each other, due to them all being creatures "without Hearts" after all, so you can rest easy, "Buddha", by the Time it is born, you won't have to feel threatened, now knowing that it didn't take its first movements during YOUR Era, the next few following eras after 10s of 1000s of years........WON'T BE SO LUCKY, once I am gone, the Shadowdrius beast will take its Body from the Darkness of a host it finds appropriate and then, carry on the Tsuki-Ito plan without even knowing it, its pure being and essence will be that of hatred incarnate itself, it will spread hatred to others and make sure that the Moon-String plan has been carried out, not by my wishes, BUT ITS OWN WISHES!!!!!!!!!!!! Onmyodou......you have lost." said Kokuou before sending the scale up into space until suddenly, it disappeared in very fast, high Mach speed to the vast reaches of space, with Onmyodou saying lastly to this sudden occurrence, upon all that he has heard just now, shouting out "!?!?!?!?!?!? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted out Onmyodou, failing to prevent a great, future epidemic in just one, single instance, moment in Time. (The Birth of Evil-https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=N8tsDFDS2xw.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kalius and Staraph were completely shocked by what they heard. Elder Tou had seen the scale being sent up, a look of horror on his face. "Oh no... Could that have been?" Asked Elder Tou, asking himself a question out loud. His pupils were very confused by what happened. Elder Tou and his pupils picked up the pace, and began to head over to the battle to watch.

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"It Appears new evil has been born." said Sekai to the long brown coloured haired man whilst Onmyodou, in shock over what just happened, said to Kokuou "Kokuou...do you realise what you have just done? you have sent the egg of a creature yet to be born out into the universe, WAITING UNTIL THE TIME IT CAN TERRIORIZE THE NEXT GENERATIONS!?!?!?!? HAVE YOU TRULY FALLEN THAT LOW!?!?!?!?" shouted out Onmyodou whilst Kokuou just smirked, not replying at all, revelling in the evil he has just committed.

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Elder Tou and his pupils had arrived where Onmyodou and Kokuou were, standing below Kalius and Staraph. "How disgusting... Kokuou had now sent a part of KRAD into space, and making sure it's "Birth" arrives many years later just to carry on his plan... That is low..." Said Kalius, talking to everyone around him. Elder Tou was listening to what Kalius was saying, feeling more shocked, but looked on at Onmyodoue sternly. He wished for Onmyodou to end the battle, as this was becoming way too much. His pupils were very worried about what was happening.

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The man looked at Sekai. "What do you mean by for now? Are there to be more threats in the future? Is this battle truly the beginnings of what is yet to come? And who would be foolish enough to be so blind to hate and rage?" The man asked.

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"He's not blind to it, he lives in it, he breathes himself in it, that who's Kokuou-The Deva-Asura of Many Faces is, right now, he has created a new evil that will one day within the far, far, FAR away future take his place, as the supreme master of all evil and the almighty overlord of everything that is Darkness but right now, Kokuou is intending to settle things with his exact opposite in life, Onmyodou-The Buddha of Yin and Yang, they are the representatives of special powers called the Sun Heart and the Moon Heart, it is because of these two very special powers that both Onmyodou and Kokuou are strong, as they are, however, if things aren't taken care of properly, then the Moon Heart may very well be the only special power left in existence and Kokuou's ultimate endgame goal, his plan: The Tsuki-Ito/The Moon-String will become fulfilled, a String of Hatred binding itself to all that the threads of the plan touch, causing them to become hated and learn how to hate themselves, that is the Tsuki-Ito, that is what Kokuou calls his true unification plan, he intends to end the War by creating another, upon another, upon another, until eventually, nothing is left and all Wars will have truly ended then, only to leave behind hatred, pain and death." said Sekai, going in-depth about Kokuou's Tsuki-Ito more or less.

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The man looked at Sekai. "I see, but what can I do about all this? Is there not a way to see to it that the darkness doesn't truly win, that why people can also live in the light? There has to be something, what if another realm was created?" The man asked.

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"....Its possible, other realms can be created within the jurisdiction of the entire universe itself, however, to create one, a person would have to offer up a very important part of themselves that make them who they are, in other-words, a part of their identities, that is the price to pay to create an actual realm itself from scratch, the price is too big to pay, the exact amount needed in order for a realm to be made by a single person, as for your question about living in the Light, by itself without Darkness whatsoever: impossible, to live in the Light welcomes corruption and arrogance whereas to deny the Darkness is to welcome fear and ignorance, the two sides cannot live without one another, they are meant to coexist in Balance, if not harmony all together." said Sekai on the Balance of the whole universe.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kalius ans Staraph looked on at Aerodus ans Sarah, wanting to know what to do in the situation. Elder Tou was still shocked by what he heard, but he continued to pray. "We must support the Lord no matter what, even if we lose our lives in the process." Said Elder Tou, talking out loud. His pupils looked at him as if he went crazy. Elder Tou stared at them, with determination present on his face causing them to become determined as well.

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The man taught to himself. "Well what if a new realm was created, but left to be ruled by somebody else? Then light would have a home, and darkness would be lessen. You seem to know a lot, do you know how to enact that a new realm be created? This realm would have to be the opposite of this realm of course, as if the true darkness is here, then the true light must be in the other. And the realm would be made up of different versions of the people in this realm." The man said knowing something that he had in mind to help keep the light safe.

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"Yes but I must tell you, even if this new Realm, with similar but different versions/copies of people is created, the Darkness will still hold control there, in unison with the Light, that's just how things and that's just how things............will always be." said Sekai, answering the long brown coloured haired man's Question but also clarifying to him a certain "rule" more or less whilst elsewhere, Kokuou, seeing the Elder encouraging his pupils, with a click of Kokuou's fingers, does he set about exactly half the amount of pupils currently where they are on fire, causing Onmyodou to spray on them water made out of thin air by clapping his hands together whilst shouting out to Kokuou "KOKUOU NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted out Onmyodou, displeased by his "old friend" causing innocent civilians to be involved in their final showdown.

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Staraph raised his staff into the air, and created a barrier of Light over Elder Tou and his pupils. Kalius stood in front of Elder Tou and pupils, pointing his lance at Kokuou, not letting him at the pupils. "You're not getting through here." Said Kalius, talking to Kokuou. Elder Tou glared at Kokuou, still unnerved, as he continued to pray. The pupils let out a sigh of relief from being saved from being burned.

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"Hmph, don't worry, they weren't my main targets to begin with, as I was just getting fed up with them and so I decided to teach them a lesson, a reminder to both that idiotic Elder there and Onmyodou." said Kokuou, waving about his hand back and forth in a mocking manner, harassing both Elder Tou and his pupils, as Onmyodou looked on at Kokuou both in a silent expression and then a very annoyed and angered one, cannot standing him for all that he has done so far.

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"Kokuou........I've had it, I have had enough of it all, this madness has gone on long enough! I am taking you down!! here, and now!!!!!!!!" said Onmyodou, infusing his golden aura from before into one of his fists, preparing to attack Kokuou with it whilst showing an angry expression upon Onmyodou's face, as Kokuou lastly says the words "Show me, give it all you've got! Onmyodou, show me............EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted out Kokuou before just then, as Onmyodou was about to hit Kokuou right in the face, did his Stone Slab: Ominous Appear, blocking Onmyodou's attack, albeit whilst suffering some slight damage from his attack in the forms of cracks upon the Slab's surface.

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Elder Tou watched on at the battle sternly. He didn't like it when anyone go too far in evil deeds. He clenched his fist tightly, looking on at the battle. The pupils looked down at the battle, glaring on at it very sternly. "Kokuou... What have you done?" Asked Elder Tou, asking himself a question out loud.

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"Come! Ominous: Ring of the XII!!!!!!!!!!!!" said Kokuou, as just then, did he place a hand on the ground, immediately summoning up a magic circle from where his hand was on the ground, in turn, summoning up XI more Stone Slabs alongside the one that Onmyodou just attacked, all XII forming a perimeter around Onmyodou himself, catching him within a barrier that proceeds to produce electricity from the inside of it, electrocuting Onmyodou from the inside out of his entire Body, damaging him greatly whilst also causing him to spew up blood lastly. (A truly Ominous event occurring-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUw-L6TkRVo&feature=player_detailpage.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kalius and Staraph were shocked by what was happening. They glared right at Kokuou, holding back their anger towards him. Elder Tou and his pupils looked down at Onmyodou sternly, watching the battle. Elder Tou was praying for Onmyodou to defeat Kokuou, and try to bring the battle to a stop. "We're counting on you, Onmyodou..." Thought Elder Tou, mentally thinking to himself in his head mentally.

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"Don't you dare--" said Aerodus, followed by Sarah "Harm our lord--", then followed by both of them together "LIKE THAT!!!!!!" shouted out both Aerodus and Sarah, as they struck one after another at Kokuou, who managed to dodge both strikes until suddenly, with his bare hands, did he grab the two's heads and bash them against one another, knocking them out for the moment, with Kokuou next moving in to strike Kalius, saying to him up front and personal "Come, i'll take ALL of you on." said Kokuou, before he at a very fast speed, started twisting around until stopping in just one second, the same, as when he started spinning, giving a great, big drop kick into Kalius' chest, sending him flying all the way into the back innards of the White Forest.(Founding Fathers Mini-Arc Opening-https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=05JZ1Ir8-zY.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kokuou had proceeded to take off his torso armour and both of his gloves, as he took on a martial arts stance against the rest of his enemies, saying to them all "You won't even be the slightest entertainment for me, besides Onmyodou." said Kokuou, as instantly Appearing above of him within the air, slightly shocking him a bit was Onmyodou, saying to Kokuou "Try me then!!!!!!!!" said Onmyodou, smashing down his Keyblade on-top of Kokuou, only for him to block Onmyodou's Keyblade with both of Kokuou's hands before then saying to his rival "Hmph, is that the best you can do and offer after getting shocked by a few bolts? again, I am disappointed in you, Onmyodou." said Kokuou, taking grip of Onmyodou's Keyblade before swinging it around, in turn, its wielder, as well before launching him up into the air, giving chase afterwards and then lastly giving Onmyodou a bare punch to his stomach, the same, as Kalius a few moments ago, causing Onmyodou to spew up a bit of saliva before getting launched up into the air by Kokuou's attack.

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Kalius let out a grunt as he attempted to grind his feet into the ground to soften the blow, and then he flew back towards Kokuou, and twirled his javelin around, and sent a ferocious Twister from it at Kokuou. Staraph raised his staff into the air, and the yellow-colored Crystal emitted a sea-blue-colored Light, and a balls of Water appeared around him, and his staff then emitted a fiery-red-colored Light, and the balls of Water began to boil, and sent boiling hot tidal wave-like arrows of Water from the boiling balls of Water at Kokuou. Elder Tou raised his Keyblade, and cast a Thundaga spell in the shape of a Dragon at Kokuou, and the pupils sent out Firaga and Blizzaga spells in the shape of fireworks at Kokuou. Elder Tou was still unnerved by Kokuou's words, glaring at him. "You won't be harming MY pupil, whippersnapper!" Shouted Elder Tou, talking to Kokuou. 

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"Now, i'll show everyone here why I am called: The Deva-Asura of Many Faces." suddenly, Appearing around Kokuou's entire Body was what seemed to be another Body all together, with three faces and six arms, overlapping with Kokuou's Body, finally, all of his enemies' attacks united, as one against Kokuou, only to reveal in the aftermath of the combined assault on him, in the smoke that all of the attacks together had made, Kokuou standing......but not alone, now, hovering around him was what looked like an actual Asura deity itself, that Kokuou proceeded to lastly identify, as "...Behold, you meagre opponents, this is my Guardian: it is called "ASURA Guardian: ASURA."." said Kokuou, revealing the name of an ace he had up his sleeve.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Elder Tou looked on at ASURA, unnerved, but was worried about what could happen, but he knew that it had to be defeated. Kalius and Staraph glared at Kokuou and ASURA, looking at them sternly. The pupils looked on, looking more determined, gripping their Keyblades tightly. Elder Tou stood in front of his students, and looked at ASURA. "Students, if our Lord is stalled by this foul beast, he may not be able to win, so... Let us fight this thing!" Shouted Elder Tou, talking to his pupils with a determined tone in his voice. Elder Tou emitted a shining Light, and grew huge, and became a huge Dragon, emitting with Light, looking like a Chinese Dragon, with long wings, and long whiskers on his head, and had two arms, each armed with sharp claws, and long and thing spikes running down his body, as this was Elder Tou's true form. "Go, my students, let us take this entity down! Charge!" Shouted Elder Tou, talking to his pupils. The pupils nodded, as they began to charge straight towards ASURA, intending to stall it so Onmyodou could finish things, as Elder Tou flew in above ASURA, preparing to attack.

Edited by KHLegendIII

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The man thought for a moment. "Well if they keep that realm at unison, and the realm isn't actually destroy by itself, then I am fine with it. I will give up my whole being if it means helping others. Just tell me what I need to do, to make the Twisted Realm." The man said.

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"........Defeat the inheritor of the Moon Heart, defeat Kokuou, help those aiding the inheritor of the Sun Heart, Onmyodou, defeat Kokuou and bring about an end to this War, do this and I swear on my debt, that you shall be rewarded your Twisted Realm." said Sekai, making a bargain more or less with the long brown coloured haired man whilst elsewhere, Kokuou, seen alongside his ASURA, lastly says the words "...Hmph, I was wondering whether or not you would be bringing THAT out, "Elder", no matter, an ASURA versing a Dragon, makes quite, THE INTERESTING MATCHUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted out Kokuou, as both he and his ASURA were about to charge, attack and engage in battle with all of the former's enemies.

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Elder Tou flew in at ASURA and Kokuou, letting loose a spiral-shaped stream of golden-colored flames from his mouth at ASURA and Kokuou. Kalius and Staraph sent huge bolts of Light at ASURA and Kokuou. The pupils began slashing at ASURA, by jumping at it from the trees, and back to the trees, with some of them casting Graviga, Thundaga, and Triple Firaga spells at ASURA. They needed to win the battle for everyone's sake. "Kokuou, you left me with no other choice but to assume my true form to assume my full power, and try to put you in your place, I won't go down that easily!" Shouted Elder Tou, talking to Kokuou through telepathy.

Edited by KHLegendIII

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