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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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The cloak, stitched to Dark Warudo's face was basically Dark Warudo's "face" itself, speaking, with Bruhah-Bakh as the voice of the cloak's "voice", basically meaning that Dark Warudo himself IS actually Bruhah-Bakh himself, saying to the Masters "....Fuu fuu, what's wrong? aren't you going to enjoy your precious little Ball upstairs with your whelplings? or is it, that, YOU'VE come to silence me? ....fuu fuu, as expected, of the "True Keyblade Masters' Council", the ones in charge of practically EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, yes........it's YOU PEOPLE WHO ARE THE VERY REASON THAT TRUE BALANCE MUST BE RESTORED!!!!!!!!" shouted out Dark Warudo/Bruhah-Bakh, in a crazed manner, saying both shockingly and surprisingly that it is both Master Eraqus and the other elder true Keyblade Masters who are responsible for everything occurring both recently and currently...

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Joseph looked at Dark Warudo sternly. He folded his arms as he looked on at him. "Enough, we've come to get answers out of you." Said Joseph, talking to Dark Warudo. Meanwhile, above ground, Kyle was still leaning on a wall, watching on at the speech at the dance floor. He was listening to it peacefully, letting every detail get into his head. He was still looking forward to the event. 

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Lucifer still knew that lying and holding a secret to people you care about is not the right choice, it was just human instinct to do so. But since he wasn't exactly human, he couldn't understand what they knew or thought. But when they finally reached Dark Warudo, Lucifer couldn't help but feel angry towards him as he tried to ruin his daughter's fun.

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"Answers? what is there really more to discuss? you know, I know, we ALL know why you stupid old senior citizens are here, and that is....-" said Warudo, interrupted by Yen Sid "....The War, the War....................OF BEGINNINGS." said Yen Sid in a very grim and very Dark tone, GREATLY shivering, as he mentioned just the mere name of what he had just said: The War of Beginnings.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Joseph continued to look at Dark Warudo sternly. He folded his arms as he looked on at him. He also looked at Yen Sid in concern, and back at Dark Warudo. He could tell where this was going to go. He stayed quiet, knowing what could happen.

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....................Kingdom Hearts.....................


It is the name of the Heart of all Worlds, all of our Worlds themselves and it is also the Heart of the Hearts buried deep inside, each and every single one of us, be we of Light, Darkness, Good, Evil, so on, so forth.


...However, what was BEFORE Kingdom Hearts? in other-words....what is the Heart of the Heart of all Worlds? ........my friends, please, listen to this story, the story of how this battle shaped our entire very universe itself, this is the story...of Onmyodou and Kokuou.




said Master Xine, as all of a sudden, the Lights within the main hall went dim, causing everyone to wonder what was going on, until finally, standing in the centre where Xine just was a second ago, Lights all on the centre................WAS MARE.


All dressed up in golden robes with rainbow drapings across the entire sleeves, wearing a grass crown with the symbol of the Land of Departure's true Keyblade Masters on/in the centre of the crown and lastly, showing on the torso, in the centre, the main Kingdom Hearts Heart logo shown both behind and across the titles of each and every single main Kingdom Hearts video game so far, radiating a pure blue sky hue colour.


Mare then proceeds to look up towards the crowd and amongst everyone, does she eyeball with intent first Sora and then.....................Kyle, showing a bright, happy lit smile towards him, in doing so, it felt that both she and Kyle were standing amidst the seas of all of the oceans within the entire Worlds themselves for just a spilt second until finally, did everything return back to reality.


As Mare was ready to begin something.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kyle felt stunned by what he was seeing, blushing bright red, but kept his composure. Maria couldn't help but smile at her brother, as she kept quiet as well. Jake and Thunder were blinking in confusion, as Thunder kept poking his head in confusion. Akumu smirked as he watched what was happening. Lucy smiled at what was happening, as she leaned on a chair. 

Edited by KHLegendIII

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Mare had started to sing the following song for anyone and everyone to hear:



(Just, as the singing in the video starts to begin, imagine the singing being Mare's singing voice, singing to the lyrics of the music :].).

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Invisa smiled as she listened to what Mare was singing. Lucy couldn't help but dance. Jake and Thunder just fainted to the ground as they heard the song, saliva falling out of their mouths. Master Lunarius looked on at them, letting out a deep breath as he saw their disrespect. Kyle continued to blink as he kept listening to the song.

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Sora, Riku, Kairi, Roxas, Lea, Xion, Ventus, Terra, Aqua, Namine, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Horizont, Pais and Enx all stood amongst the front row, listening to the music, alongside the rest of the humongous crowds, also listening in to Mare's singing both inside and outside the Temple of Light, as all of everyone had then started to close their eyes all of a sudden, slowly and gently placing their Hands upon their Hearts, until finally, did they suddenly open up their eyes, imagining themselves floating up within the clear blue sky itself, still placing their Hands upon their Hearts, as both the music and the singing had continued, showing playing in an orchestra next to Mare a few meters away from her on the left side of the hall, amongst the orchestra's ranks, cameos of Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Stupeo Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia and Prompto Argentum from the upcoming Final Fantasy XV, each one of the four playing a different instrument.


Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kyle placed both of his hands on his Heart, smiling as he closed his eyes, listening to the music. He was enjoying this moment. Invisa, Sabrina, and Lucy began to dance to the music, waving their arms around in a pattern while dancing. Dusk and Tommy were seen dancing, doing the robot. Thomas was flying around, dancing in the air, as he listened to the music.

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Kelly and Victoria looked at their loves, both of them just smiling at them, for how they can sometimes be so proper. Luke appeared next to Lucy, and just floated on his stomach. Ralene and Kilousase were seen enjoying the music. Peter, Tink, and Hook were seen staring at everyone and everything going on.

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As everyone was starting to get into the both feel and/or groove of the music, were Roxas and Xion then seen clasping their hands with one another, followed by Ventus holding Namine and then performing a twirl with her, next Terra and Aqua proceeded to also clasp hands with each other, as well before raising them up into the sky, with lastly, did Pais float over to Invisa from behind her and reach out his arms, holding her tightly within them, for all these new born couples started to feel the effects of what the Ulbel Ball is really like and truly all about: feeling the concept of what is known, as love.


Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Gaia was dancing with Maria in the dance floor, smiling at each other. Thomas and Sabrina began to dance in the air, with particles of Fairy dust falling from them, making beautiful lights in their wake. Invisa smiled as she began to dance. Lucy began to twirl around, dancing as well. Kyle smiled as he listened to the mouth peacefully, dancing as well.

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Pais followed Invisa's lead and danced with her, enjoying the Time being spent with her whilst Riku was seen leaning on a wall, not interacting with any of the dancing at all and instead, holding a small wine glass but with lemonade in it, due to him being a minor and all, watching happily at all of the dancing between everyone and their loved ones going on, smirking to himself until suddenly, a person wearing high heels could be seen approaching him.

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Dusk was doing a head spin as he danced. Jake and Thunder were jumping around dancing as well. Master Lunarius was sitting on a chair, drinking cider in a mug, watching everything transpire. Invisa began to dance at Pais, smiling at him. Kyle was still seen dancing, smiling.

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Mare again eyeballed with intent at Kyle whilst still singing, as soon, as the singing was over and she had finished telling the story about both Onmyodou and Kokuou after the song, would Mare leap forth from where she stood, right into Kyle's arms, hugging him, as tightly, as she could.


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Kyle continued to dance, feeling peaceful. Akumu kept on watching the entire thing, just drinking some cider. King Jason and Lustrailia were dancing around by doing jumping jacks. Xylek did some tap dancing as he twirled around. Dusk jumped around, and danced while jumping.

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Approaching Riku in high heels was very both shockingly and surprisingly Olette, wearing a purple dress with a blue rose tied to the bottom of it, shown to be blushing around him, causing Riku to wonder what Olette wanted with him until finally, mustering up all of the courage that she had, did Olette offer Riku a beautiful red rose, again causing him to be very, very, VERY shocked by it, surprised by both the rose itself but more importantly: especially of what the meaning that the rose had, being offered to Riku by Olette, meant.


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Kyle continued to dance, feeling peaceful. Akumu kept on watching the entire thing, just drinking some cider. King Jason and Lustrailia were dancing around by doing jumping jacks. Xylek did some tap dancing as he twirled around. Dusk jumped around, and danced while jumping. Tommy danced around, floating in midair as he danced.
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Hayner and Pence were seen stuffing their faces at the food tables with Steve looking on at them, appalled by how they were eating whilst Riku was shown to have a big red, flustered face upon him, steam coming out from both his nose and his ears, not knowing how to react to this kind of thing happening to him, as he scratched the back of his head in nervousness with Olette twiddling her thumbs, also EXTREMELY nervous about Riku's answer towards her feelings for him, still holding the rose within her hands before Goofy lastly says, looking on at everything going on whilst standing next to Donald the words "Gawrsh! sure are a lot of happy people here, huh Donald?" said Goofy, happy for all of the couples that lay bare before his very eyes.


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Ziusion and Tai were seen tap dancing as well, as well as doing flips in midair. Kyle continued to dance, this time doing hand and head spins. Akumu jumped on to the dance floor, and began to dance like a rock star, but not before putting down his cup of cider on a chair.. King Jason and Lustrailia were dancing around by doing jumping jacks. Xylek did some tap dancing as he twirled around. Dusk jumped around, and danced while jumping. Tommy danced around, floating in midair as he danced.

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"You said it Goofy! boy, I never expected this event to so HUUUUGE!!" said Donald, replying to Goofy's comment until suddenly, the music had started to finish, with Mare raising her arms up into the air, as a moment of symbolizing something, symbolizing what all of the Ulbel Ball stands for: all things good and positive within the entire universe itself until finally, she reached the last verse of the song upon placing both of her hands upon her Heart and then lifting her head, looking upwards towards the huge crowds seen in front of both her eyes, starring intently once more at Kyle, showing the love she has for him upon her face's expression with all her both Heart and inner being, at last, the song ended, as the violin musicians within the orchestra had gracefully, swiftly and in a cool manner stopped playing their instruments, followed by the rest of the other instruments' musicians, a huge, loud applause, followed alongside large amounts of clapping could be heard from all of the crowds/audiences, praising Mare and the orchestra for the harmonic piece they had provided everybody.



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