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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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"...? Hmm? Kyle? HEEEY!! KYLE!! OVER HERE!! KYLE!!" shouted out Mare, noticing Kyle and then waving out to him, as Pais says to Akumu in a comedic tone "Major plan: success!" said Pais, exaggeratingly calling his plan to start both Kyle and Mare to get to know each other better a success.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Akumu nodded at Pais, as he watched Kyle gulp, and walk towards Mare, and wave at her. He was mentally trying to keep his cool, and began to regain his composure. Master Lunarius watched on, still chuckling at the sight. Akumu folded his arms as he smirked on at the sight. "O-oh, hey Mare. What;s up?" Asked Kyle, asking Mare a question.

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Kelly suddenly took her hand and ruffled Horizont's hair. "Hey I am only teasing you. I'm not mad with you in any way." Kelly said laughing. She then noticed Kyle. "Ah Kyle, so good to see you. Have you found a date to the Ulbel Ball yet?" Kelly asked looking at him and then at Mare and back to him.


"It's nice to see these young people live their lives with joy. Much more peaceful then back at the other realm." Kilousase said as he then looked at Ralene. "Well why don't we get going we need to finish everything in time." Kilousase said as him and Ralene walked away to go finish everything.

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Luke watched what was happening with Kyle and laughed. "Good thing I was never like him, right Lucy? We got to be a couple without all that silly waiting to ask each other out thing." Luke said.

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"Ah yes, Kilousase, Ralene, there is something I must ask of you both..." said Master Xine all of a sudden, apparently asking a both strange and mysterious request of both Kilousase and Ralene before elsewhere, does Horizont say the words "R-right......" said Horizont, still sceptical about if Kelly is still truly mad with him or not.

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Akumu nodded at Pais, as he watched Kyle gulp, and walk towards Mare, and wave at her. He was mentally trying to keep his cool, and began to regain his composure. Master Lunarius watched on, still chuckling at the sight. "Hey Kelly." Said Kyle, talking to Kelly. Akumu folded his arms as he smirked on at the sight. "O-oh, hey Mare. What's up?" Asked Kyle, asking Mare a question. 

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Kyle looked on at Mare as he tried to regain his composure. He was feeling anxious and excitement at the same time inside. Akumu continued to watch the sight, smirking. Master Lunarius just watche don at the sight, smiling with his arms folded. "I-I see... M-me too..." Said Kyle, talking to Mare.

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Suddenly, a huge bell could be heard emitting from inside the Temple of Light's halls, with Master Xine then using his Magic to communicate with everyone and say to them out on the front courtyards of the Temple "Okay everyone, it is Time you all rested up for now, we all have a big day ahead of us tomorrow!" said Master Xine, wanting everyone to now return to the insides of the Temple so that they all may rest up for tomorrow's big event, the Ulbel Ball, as Mare lastly says to Kyle "Oh......I guess...I'll see you tomorrow...Kyle..." said Mare to Kyle.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kyle nodded, and waved at Mare. "Yeah, I guess... I'll see you tomorrow..." Said Kyle, talking to Mare. Kyle walked away towards Pais and Akumu, blushing as he talked to her. Akumu snickered at the sight, but silenced himself when he saw Kyle glare at him and Pais. "I take it that you didn't get enough time?" Asked Akumu, asking Kyle a question. Kyle continued to glare at Akumu.

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Mare walked away from both Kyle and Horizont's group before whilst heading towards the Temple's front gates, did she give a slight glance back at Kyle without him noticing it, Horizont himself noticing this, looking between both Kyle and Mare and then saying to Kelly "......Hey, you think, if things were different...we would be in the very same position, as those two?" said Horizont to Kelly about both Kyle and Mare, with Pais lastly saying to Kyle "Come on, I know another part of you is thanking us." said Pais about what both he and Akumu did to Kyle moments ago.

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Akumu just folded his arms, smirking at Kyle. Kyle looked at Pais, and nodded at him. "That is true, I guess I could thank you..." Said Kyle, talking to Pais. Akumu leaned on a tree, still looking on at Kyle. Kyle was, indeed, glad that Pais and Akumu pushed him into the open, and talk with Mare.

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"Don't worry, you'll get your chance at the Ball, count on it." said Pais reassuring Kyle of his chances to be with Mare whilst meanwhile, across the stars, on a very familiar World and at a very familiar odd shaped Castle......

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Kyle looked at Pais, and nodded at him. He looked up at the sky, thinking about the Ulbel Ball tomorrow. Akumu watched shim, smiling as he unfolded his arms. Kyle looked at Pais again. "Thank you, I appreciate the comfort. I know that she and I will get a chance." Said Kyle, talking to Pais.

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"Now you're talking!" said Pais, happy about Kyle being motivated before returning to the very familiar odd shaped Castle, shouting out throughout one of it's both very long and very huge Corridors "OOOOOIIIII!!!!!!!! DOOOOONAAAAALD!!!!!!!! GOOOOOFYYYYY!!!!!!!!" was Sora! both shockingly and surprisingly walking alongside Riku, apparently looking for Donald, Goofy, the King, as well, as all of their other friends at the very familiar odd shaped Castle, now obviously turning out to be revealed, as Disney Castle. (This song plays, as Sora shouts out within the Castle-https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=n1AcFa7lvlU.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kelly looked at Horizont. "Oh come on now, you surely must remember how we were. While you were clearly crushing on me, I didn't let you know how I felt until after I introduced you to my parents. Anyways, I'd better be going, I have something to check up on. See you tomorrow." Kelly said walking off.


Ralene and Kilousase looked at Xine. "Yes? What can we do for you?" Ralene asked in a polite tone.

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"......Kelly......" said Horizont, watching, as he saw Kelly walk off before Master Xine then replied to both Kilousase and Ralene, saying "I need you two to do a very special something for me for the Ball tomorrow, an event that will make everyone, specifically couples happy, I'll leave the imagining of the event for the two of you to decide, please will you fulfil this request of mine for tomorrow?" said Master Xine, apparently wanting to host a grand event that people who are in love with one another will most certainly enjoy whilst also enjoying their Time together during the Ball itself.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Master Lunarius looked at Ralene and Kilousase with a smile on his face. He folded his arms as he looked on at them. He glanced over at Kyle, who was hanging out with his friends, and back at Ralene and Kilousase. He was looking forward to the Ball as well. "So, you tow, who are you going out with for the Ball?" Asked Master Lunarius, asking Ralene and Kilousase a question.

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"Hey, do you think it's Time to wake Dusk up? can't let be all alone and get into trouble with the Masters." said Pais, asking Kyle about whether or not they should wake Dusk up now, not wanting him to get into trouble with the true Keyblade Masters after they told everyone to come back in the Temple of Light to rest for the Ulbel Ball tomorrow night.

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Kyle snapped a finger, and teleported Dusk into his room. Akumu just whistled as he saw what Kyle did. Kyle began to walk over to the entrance gates of the Temple Of Light, and waved at Pais and Akumu. Akumu waved at Kyle, as he jumped through a window to get inside the Temple Of Light. "Don't worry, I just teleported him into his room. Good night." Said Kyle, talking to Pais.

Edited by KHLegendIII

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"...You know, maybe Dusk isn't the ONLY one that's carefree around here." said Pais about Kyle whilst thinking about Pais' earlier interaction with Dusk before shaking Pais' head and then proceeding to head himself into the Temple of Light.

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Kyle had eventually made his way to his room, and let out a deep breath, smiling to himself. "Tomorrow's the day, and hopefully, I can get together with Mare... I hope I don't embarrass her and I." Thought Kyle, mentally thinking to himself in his head. Kyle got into his bed, and put his blanket on, and looked at the ceiling, thinking about the Ulbel Ball. Kyle smiled once, more, before falling asleep. He was now in a peaceful sleep, and hoping for the best tomorrow.

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"...This......is all...--" speaking in a Dream to Kyle was a both very, very strange and very, very mysterious voice, uttering also both strange and mysterious words. (This song plays, as a voice speaks out to Kyle in a Dream-https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=50wj8Jw0Pvo&list=PLFBFF38BB8995B23A.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kyle moved around in his sleep, as he heard the voice. He was also trying to get comfortable in his head. He was also confused as to who's speaking to him. He eventually laid down on his side, sleeping peacefully. "Who... Are you?" Asked Kyle, asking the voice a question.

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"Descendent of the Light...will you, continue your path? or...will you, Distance from it? or......rather......will those around you Distance themselves, from the path? the choice...is all." said the voice, not making any sense at all before leaving Kyle to himself.

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