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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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(You mean for Kingdom Hearts: Ragnarok Rikunobodyxiii

(Yep. I felt at a deadend at the time and...just didn't want to deal with it. It wasn't the only reason I left for a bit, but it was a factor. And don't worry about feeling you have to do something special to make the rest of the game feel absolutely amazing. You did your best and got this up to almost 500 pages, an accomplishment few rps here can claim. Just do what you can, and we'll follow along. It'll be fun. :] )

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"The Reconnect. ReMIX Plan.".


It is my plan to set a long term goal to motivate myself to continue both the RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War RP and the Kingdom Hearts: The Xehanort Gaiden RP, in response to RPers' complaints about both RPs' long hiatus and so now I ask which RP would the RPers like to continue first? I've made everyone wait long, long, LONG enough so its only fair that they get to decide which RP they want to choose.

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(Hmm, i don't think we've seen Lacuna and Nexus on vacation yet. Let's check in on them.)


The bright festive lights in the out door cafe seemed to irritate Lacuna more as she spun around and around on her stool. Annistha flapped her menu down and sighed.

"Look, you said we could choose where we eat lunch today." She said, looking at her weird best friend.

"Yes, but you didn't say y'all's pick would be boring." Lacuna complained as she continued to spin. "This place is for old people."

Annistha looked around and couldn't deny that most of the clientele was older people.

[Nexus Shift: Drave]

Drave's massive shoulders replaced Annistha's smaller frame, causing another patron to do a double take.

"I was out voted." He said, sulkily. "I wanted wings."

Lacuna stopped spinning and grinned.

"I am so down with wings." She said. "Add my vote to yours."

[Nexus Shift: Marcus]

The Mage of the Nexus took control, causing another double take.

"That's not how our decision making process works." He told Lacuna, like a teacher scolding a student. "Only members of the Nexus vote in our decisions."

"Pfft!" The Void Witch exclaimed with the wave of her hand. "I'm not a part of anything, so I clearing butt into anything I want."

[Nexus Shift: Annistha]

Annistha's frame replaced Marcus, this time their observer didn't even react. She placed her elbows on the counter and held her head up. Inside the Nexus, Drave was trying to leverage in Lacuna's vote while Marcus was not budging an inch on she subject. They were both going up in volume.

"I can't wait for this vacation to be over." She muttered.

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(Hmm, i don't think we've seen Lacuna and Nexus on vacation yet. Let's check in on them.)The bright festive lights in the out door cafe seemed to irritate Lacuna more as she spun around and around on her stool. Annistha flapped her menu down and sighed."Look, you said we could choose where we eat lunch today." She said, looking at her weird best friend."Yes, but you didn't say y'all's pick would be boring." Lacuna complained as she continued to spin. "This place is for old people."Annistha looked around and couldn't deny that most of the clientele was older people.[Nexus Shift: Drave]Drave's massive shoulders replaced Annistha's smaller frame, causing another patron to do a double take."I was out voted." He said, sulkily. "I wanted wings."Lacuna stopped spinning and grinned."I am so down with wings." She said. "Add my vote to yours."[Nexus Shift: Marcus]The Mage of the Nexus took control, causing another double take."That's not how our decision making process works." He told Lacuna, like a teacher scolding a student. "Only members of the Nexus vote in our decisions.""Pfft!" The Void Witch exclaimed with the wave of her hand. "I'm not a part of anything, so I clearing butt into anything I want."[Nexus Shift: Annistha]Annistha's frame replaced Marcus, this time their observer didn't even react. She placed her elbows on the counter and held her head up. Inside the Nexus, Drave was trying to leverage in Lacuna's vote while Marcus was not budging an inch on she subject. They were both going up in volume."I can't wait for this vacation to be over." She muttered.

(Oh yeah, sorry rikunobodyxiii, I forgot to say that we will be resuming the RP on Thursday, just as a reminder to everyone, we will be resuming the Interlude Arc from this post rikunobodyxiii has just made on Thursday, till then, I hope everyone will be excited for the RP's resuming :].).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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(Hmm, i don't think we've seen Lacuna and Nexus on vacation yet. Let's check in on them.)The bright festive lights in the out door cafe seemed to irritate Lacuna more as she spun around and around on her stool. Annistha flapped her menu down and sighed."Look, you said we could choose where we eat lunch today." She said, looking at her weird best friend."Yes, but you didn't say y'all's pick would be boring." Lacuna complained as she continued to spin. "This place is for old people."Annistha looked around and couldn't deny that most of the clientele was older people.[Nexus Shift: Drave]Drave's massive shoulders replaced Annistha's smaller frame, causing another patron to do a double take."I was out voted." He said, sulkily. "I wanted wings."Lacuna stopped spinning and grinned."I am so down with wings." She said. "Add my vote to yours."[Nexus Shift: Marcus]The Mage of the Nexus took control, causing another double take."That's not how our decision making process works." He told Lacuna, like a teacher scolding a student. "Only members of the Nexus vote in our decisions.""Pfft!" The Void Witch exclaimed with the wave of her hand. "I'm not a part of anything, so I clearing butt into anything I want."[Nexus Shift: Annistha]Annistha's frame replaced Marcus, this time their observer didn't even react. She placed her elbows on the counter and held her head up. Inside the Nexus, Drave was trying to leverage in Lacuna's vote while Marcus was not budging an inch on she subject. They were both going up in volume."I can't wait for this vacation to be over." She muttered.


(Oh yeah, sorry rikunobodyxiii, I forgot to say that we will be resuming the RP on Thursday, just as a reminder to everyone, we will be resuming the Interlude Arc from this post rikunobodyxiii has just made on Thursday, till then, I hope everyone will be excited for the RP's resuming :].).

(We will all resume from rikunobodyxiii's post from a few days ago, everyone, the RP is officially open once more :].).

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Dusk continued to look at Lucy with fear in his eyes. Kyle waved at Lucy, catching her attention. "That's quite enough, Lucy. I think you've scared Dusk for one day." Said Kyle, talking to Lucy with a stern tone in his voice. Lucy looked at Dusk, and bowed her head at him, and turned away. "Sorry." Said Lucy, talking to Dusk with a n apologetic tone in her voice. Dusk let out a sigh of a relief as he got up, and walked towards another tree to relax. Kyle watched him go, and let out a sigh.

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"Sigh......is it just me? or, does it feel like an ETERNITY has passed? huh? Riku?" said Appearing slowly on the scene surprisingly, laying across the Paopu tree of the Destiny Islands was none other then Sora, talking to whom also Appears slowly on the scene surprisingly was none other then Riku, though in the latter's case, it was more or less obvious, due to Sora already calling out Riku's name, as he says to the former "...Yeah, it feels just like that exactly Sora, an eternity......" said Riku, as both he and Sora look out to the rising sun of the Destiny Islands before Sora straightens himself out on the Paopu tree and jumps off it, next saying to Riku "Oh well, at any rate, we've got to get ready and meet up with both Donald and Goofy and the king before Kairi finds out..." said Sora before showing off a cheerful smile on his face, as Riku pondered by what Sora meant before then suddenly realizing something in his head and saying "Oh......THAT huh? yeah, we better get to the Gummi Ship the king left us before, before Kairi wakes up, other-wise..." said Riku with Sora then continuing off from what Riku was about to say by lastly saying the words "Other-wise, the surprise will be ruined, can't let that happen, nuh uh, NO WAY!" shouted out Sora whilst raising his arms out into the open sky, declaring something along the lines of how like the World will soon be his or akin to that whilst Riku reactively merely face palmed himself but in a happy way, slightly chuckling at Sora's wide gesture, causing him to comically question Riku whilst saying words that aren't heard onscreen with the background slowly drifting away from both Sora and Riku and then into the rising sun of their World with words then appearing along the bright white sky next to the sun and being brightly lit by its showering rays, showing what the words say after being shined upon, lastly saying: 

"This story was on pause...in other-words, the Worlds themselves...were stopped, in Time itself, never moving forwards...always staying in one spot......now, Time's winding gears have begun to move again, but starting off from a point of Time...that isn't actually part of Time's chronological historical records......in other-words, Time has begun moving forwards...through the False Time again and this is not the 1st Time either......though the beckoning and callings of many Hearts has brought the False Time back...and intends to see the False Time's gears connected to the True Time, from Times of peace and serenity, to Times of death and destruction...the Hearts of the Worlds and the Hearts of the people......may they shine through the chaos and bring together the False Time of harmony and the True Time of disorder...as one, the one Time...the one......Heart.".


(The paragraph up above is a reference to the very long, long, LONG hiatus that had taken place over two years and a half now I believe, please may everyone have their Characters in the Interlude Arc feel as though it has been ages since they last did anything at all, which is obviously true, like if their Bodies were stiff for a very long time all of a sudden and/or something like that please, as a reminder to the long time that I haven't been giving my fellow RPers, their Characters and even my Characters the time they deserve during the running course of this RP, of which ironically enough is near to its ending, please may everyone do this as a request of mine whilst we proceed on with the Interlude Arc and then finally returning to the final chapter of the main storyline, the Organization XIII Saga.).


(This song is dedicated to the lost Time spent during the hiatus-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpmepVcxSyI&feature=player_detailpage.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Dusk continued to look at Lucy with fear in his eyes. Kyle waved at Lucy, catching her attention. "That's quite enough, Lucy. I think you've scared Dusk for one day." Said Kyle, talking to Lucy with a stern tone in his voice. Lucy looked at Dusk, and bowed her head at him, and turned away. "Sorry." Said Lucy, talking to Dusk with an apologetic tone in her voice. Dusk let out a sigh of a relief as he got up, and walked towards another tree to relax. Kyle watched him go, and let out a sigh.

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Luke looked at Lucy. "You know you shouldn't show much of that temper, it's not good for you." Luke said to her. "Anyways, I have a surprise for you, but I won't tell you what it is until later tonight. And trust me, you are going to enjoy it." Luke said to her with a smile.


Suddenly, the scene shifts over to a new world called The Land of Hope. It was a nice and peaceful world, one that was not filled with any darkness. In it an angel is seen picking an apple off a tree. The angel looked young, but in reality, he was older than time could tell. "Such is a beautiful day today. It's nice to come to such a peaceful world after working so hard in the other realm." the angel said to himself. Suddenly Victoria walked up behind him. "You've said it, dad. It's nice to be here." Victoria said claiming the other angel to be her father. "Ah, there you are. Help me pick some cherries from the tree over there, will you?" the angel said. "Sure dad. I actually wanted to remind you of today's holiday celebration. You didn't forget did you?" Victoria asked. The other angel started to laugh. "Of course I, the powerful Lucifier, didn't forget. That's why I am picking all these fruits, so that way people at the party can enjoy them." the angel called Lucifier said. "Well good, now I don't have to remind you like last time." Victoria said with a smile as the two then started to pick fruit from the trees.


Kelly was still over talking to Horizont. "Seriously, why you can't get presents before now is beyond me. You are such a liver pork. It's no wonder I broke up with you." Kelly said with a laugh.

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Kelly looked at Horizont. "Honey, why can't you ever get presents ahead of time? Harry and I got the gifts that we are giving to others awhile ago. You always have to wait until the last minute, don't you? You are such a liver pork." Kelly said.


Luke looked at Lucy. "You know you shouldn't show much of that temper, it's not good for you." Luke said to her. "Anyways, I have a surprise for you, but I won't tell you what it is until later tonight. And trust me, you are going to enjoy it." Luke said to her with a smile.Suddenly, the scene shifts over to a new world called The Land of Hope. It was a nice and peaceful world, one that was not filled with any darkness. In it an angel is seen picking an apple off a tree. The angel looked young, but in reality, he was older than time could tell. "Such is a beautiful day today. It's nice to come to such a peaceful world after working so hard in the other realm." the angel said to himself. Suddenly Victoria walked up behind him. "You've said it, dad. It's nice to be here." Victoria said claiming the other angel to be her father. "Ah, there you are. Help me pick some cherries from the tree over there, will you?" the angel said. "Sure dad. I actually wanted to remind you of today's holiday celebration. You didn't forget did you?" Victoria asked. The other angel started to laugh. "Of course I, the powerful Lucifier, didn't forget. That's why I am picking all these fruits, so that way people at the party can enjoy them." the angel called Lucifier said. "Well good, now I don't have to remind you like last time." Victoria said with a smile as the two then started to pick fruit from the trees.Kelly was still over talking to Horizont. "Seriously, why you can't get presents before now is beyond me. You are such a liver pork. It's no wonder I broke up with you." Kelly said with a laugh.

(No I mean like Im confused between both the 1st post you made and the 2nd post, where in the 1st one it looks like is Kelly still going out with Horizont, or is she just being nice/friends with him? I mean the bit where she says "Honey" specifically.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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(Saying honey like that was supposed to be sarcasm, it's a form of sarcasm in my family that I using here. And while they aren't going out together anymore, they are still good friends.)

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(Oh okay.).


"Ah-gee-d'oh! Kelly!! come on!!! have a little more faith in me!!!! sure, I may be bad at Time tracking but there is ONE thing I ain't!" said Horizont towards Kelly about the fact of a certain lack of presents to give to everyone they both know. 

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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{The Nexus & Lacuna}

"Is y'all's fight done yet?" Lacuna whined.

"No." Groaned Annistha.

"Come on! With this long halt in the fighting, I've had no one to fight. I'd start hacking civilians, if they would just put up a fight."

Annistha gave the Void Witch a sever look.

"Gah, okay fine." Lacuna fumed. "No killing little people. But seriously, Xehanort better get a move on. He's not getting any younger."



Tracea shuffled out of her bedroom in her dark tower. She wasn't sure if she should consider what she just had a nap, or hibernation. What she needed now is coffee.

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{The Nexus & Lacuna}"Is y'all's fight done yet?" Lacuna whined."No." Groaned Annistha."Come on! With this long halt in the fighting, I've had no one to fight. I'd start hacking civilians, if they would just put up a fight."Annistha gave the Void Witch a sever look."Gah, okay fine." Lacuna fumed. "No killing little people. But seriously, Xehanort better get a move on. He's not getting any younger."{Tracea}Tracea shuffled out of her bedroom in her dark tower. She wasn't sure if she should consider what she just had a nap, or hibernation. What she needed now is coffee.

(Im confused rikunobodyxiii, are your Characters still in the main storyline or have they become part of the Interlude Arc's own separate non-canon universe?).

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Dusk continued to look at Lucy with fear in his eyes. Kyle waved at Lucy, catching her attention. "That's quite enough, Lucy. I think you've scared Dusk for one day." Said Kyle, talking to Lucy with a stern tone in his voice. Lucy looked at Dusk, and bowed her head at him, and turned away. "Sorry." Said Lucy, talking to Dusk with an apologetic tone in her voice. Dusk let out a sigh of a relief as he got up, and walked towards another tree to relax. Kyle watched him go, and let out a sigh.

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"Oi oi Dusk! if there's one thing you should never, EVER do......it's make a girl angry, trust me, that's one of the top 1st rules within the guide(s) of all men everywhere! across the entire universe itself!!" said Pais, comically both crouching and kneeling towards Dusk, as Pais waved about his left hand both right and left ways whilst telling Dusk more or less about how he being a man shouldn't upset Lucy a woman but in a comedic way. (This song plays, as Pais talks with Dusk-https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL666B0456BB1CDF5D&v=C7V8jRF9ShY&feature=player_detailpage.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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