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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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"........That's right, I never....really answered....your question....did I....kid?" said Darts, his voice starting to now get more fainter, as Seis then walks over to where Darts, Alsgard and Kyle are.


(....This song plays....for Darts'....final....farewell........-http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Pxkrt6kPkL0.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kelly grunt and growled as soon as they reached the other place. "Why did you transport me away? I was just about to kill that @$$ of a master! And no matter what you say, this is who I am now! I am darkness!!!!!!!!" Kelly screamed out.

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Kyle and the others gather around Darts with sad looks on their faces, except for Shadowdrius. Lucy looks on in disbelief at what happened. Dusk is seen moaning sadly at the sight. Kyle then speaks to Darts by saying. "Why did you do it?" Asked Kyle, talking to Darts.

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"....Yeah I can see that, however, cool your jets for a mo, if you want someone that is a Master that in turn you want to kill THAT badly then don't worry, HE will eventually show up and then you can have "ALL THE FUN THAT YOU WANT" out of life." said Endlos whilst referring to a both strange and mysterious person in turn to Kelly whilst Darts elsewhere lastly says to Kyle "...."Hearts are unpredictable", remember those words? a "Wise" man once said them........before....back....in the past....Aia Village, the place where I was born....where all of the D.B.P.K were born....was ordered burn down by Kye........" said Darts, now explaining the core history of the D.B.P.K's foundation and his betrayal of both Seis and Alsgard back in the past whilst now they merely listen on, looking devoid of emotion.



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Shadowdrius reverts back to his original form, as he and the X Hearts members get together in a circle. Shadowdrius then speaks to everyone by saying. "I sense that Ainz is meeting his demise soon... Our work here is done.... Farewell for now, Keyblade Wielders, we'll see you on the battlefield! Hope to see you all there! Haha!" Shouted Shadowdrius, preparing to leave the area. Shadowdrius and the other X Hearts members teleport away in beams of Darkness to The End of The World. Kyle grunts at the sight of Shadowdrius as he turns back to Darts with a stern look on his face. Kyle then speaks to Darts by saying. "What is Aia?" Asked Kyle, asking a question.

Edited by Tom13

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Kelly looked at him. "Who the f--- would that be exactly? There is no one that I want to kill as must as Yen Sid and Xehanort. If I take down the original two, there is no one to stop me from taking over the universe!" Kelly said.

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"Oh believe me, THERE is someone else that you will want to kill not right now but very soon, not far off from now actually, though, if I tell you anymore, it will be spoiling the surprise for ya, trust me, you'll see." said Endlos to Kelly before showing a slight evil grin upon his face, as Darts replied to Kyle weakly "Aia....the place where it all started....the place....where everything....came to end........" said Darts to Kyle.

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Kyle kneels down in front of Darts, sternly. He is still feeling bad for what happened to Darts. He is wondering what exactly was Aia. He then speaks to Darts by saying. "Tell us, what was Aia like? Why did Kye burn it down?" Asked Kyle, asking a question.

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"It be better....to show you........" said Darts, as he then placed his finger upon Kyle's forehead before directly sending him to what appears like a virtual reality like retelling of the tragedy of Aia Village with a voice speaking like Darts' saying to Kyle "This place, Aia Village was one of the most beautiful Worlds one could have ever thought of and could behold with their very own eyes in majesty." said the voice like Darts' speaking more or less in a recorder manner.


(This song plays, as the tragedy is retold-http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=7LQR1sEm9-0.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kyle looks around the virtual reality-like version of Aia with amazement in his eyes. He wonders why Kye would burn down this place. He folds his arms as he looks around. He then speaks out loud by saying. "This place really does look beautiful.... What happened next?" Asked Kyle, asking Darts a question.

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Kyle looks around the virtual reality-like version of Aia with amazement in his eyes. He wonders why Kye would burn down this place. He folds his arms as he looks around. He then speaks out loud by saying. "This place really does look beautiful.... What happened next?" Asked Kyle, asking Darts a question.

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Kyle looks at the central plaza of Aia as he walks over to it. He is wondering what Darts wants to show him. He looks around the plaza as he arrives to it, he looks on at the statue in shock. He then speaks out loud by saying. "T-that's!" Shouted Kyle, spotting something.

Edited by Tom13

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"Correct, that statue you see before you is the spitting image of the one that one of your friends deeply cherishes, the one you call Mina." said the voice with its both very, very, VERY shocking and very, very, VERY surprising revelation about the statue right in front of Kyle.


(This song plays, as Kyle sees the statue-http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLFBFF38BB8995B23A&v=50wj8Jw0Pvo&feature=player_detailpage.).

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"You talk too much anyways. Oh wait, no you don't. And tell me what do you care about me for? The one guy who should care doesn't. So I don't care about him. Heck, I don't even love him." Kelly said.

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Kyle looks on at the statue of Mina with shock. He is surprised that Mina had a statue. He is wondering what role she played as the Remnant Goddess. He then speaks out loud by saying. "What role.... Did Mina play, as the Remnant Goddess?" Asked Kyle, asking a question.

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Kyle looks on at the statue of Mina with shock. He is surprised that Mina had a statue. He is wondering what role she played as the Remnant Goddess. He then speaks out loud by saying. "What role.... Did Mina play, as the Remnant Goddess?" Asked Kyle, asking a question.

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"That statue is called the "Ever Changing One" and it tells of not who IS the Remnant Goddess but who will BECOME the Remnant Goddess." said the voice to Kyle about Mina's eventual fate more or less.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kyle looks on at the statue with a stern look on his face. He folds his arms as he looks on at it. He looks around Aia, gazing upon it's sights. He then speaks out loud by saying. "I see..... What happened next?" Asked Kyle, asking a question.

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"The statue for some reason had the power to change its Appearance into that of the next Remnant Goddess, to foretell that Remnant Goddess' inevitable future and prepare for it, such was the custom of Aia....until....HE appeared........" said the voice to Kyle whilst continuing Darts' explanation of his betrayal towards both Alsgard and Seis.

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