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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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Lusterailia is seen where Ventus' body is, she picks it up and heads into a portal leading to Disney Castle. Kyle looks on at Darts sternly. He unfolds his arms as he looks at him. He then speaks out loud by saying. "What's going on here?" Asked Kyle, wondering what's going on.

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Shadowdrius laughs evilly as he floats into the air and claps his feet. Kyle and the others glare at him. Shadowdrius continues to laugh evilly as he looks at everyone. He then speaks to everyone by saying. "Good riddance to THAT Trashbag! Now, it's on to our main Trashbag, AINZ!!" Shouted Shadowdrius, mocking Darts.

Edited by Tom13

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Kyle looks at Darts sternly. He folds his arms as he looks at him. He is wondering what Darts means. He then speaks to Darts by saying. "What? What do you mean?" Asked Kyle, talking to Darts.

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(Sorry, I'm a bit busy today as well getting ready for my trip tomorrow, plus I feel asleep)



Kelly knew that getting rid of the heart wouldn't matter, which she why she is happy that she did it. She then held her keyblade up to Dart's neck. "Explain yourself, then die." Kelly said.

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Just then however, kicking Kelly's Keyblade to the ground was Seis, saying with a cold stare towards her the words "WATCH YOUR TONE, GIRL, YOU MAYBE BE A LADY BUT WHEN YOU ACT ALL HIGH AND MIGHTY LIKE THAT, YOU DON'T." said Seis, as Alsgard slowly walked over to Darts before kneeling in front of him and then saying to him "........Aaybon....are you....satisfied now?" said Alsgard, concerned for his friend, despite him being a enemy.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kyle looks on at what's happening confused. Dusk and Lucy also look on confused. Kyle unfolds his arms as he sees what's going on. He then speaks out loud by saying. "Okay, can anyone tell me what's happening?" Asked Kyle, asking about what's going on.

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"........Kyle....just shush for the moment........" said Alsgard with a slight weak fake smile towards Kyle before turning Alsgard's attention back at Darts, of whom slightly replies "........I don't, know....what your....talking....about....weakling........" said Darts before then coughing up blood a little.


(This song plays, as Darts begins to communicate with his two former best friends....one last Time........-http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=fIqKWLkm2-g.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Akumu looks on a what's happening. He clenches fists, grunts, and looks away from the sight. Even though he is happy that the battle may be over, but he is a little mad at what Darts did. He then speaks out loud by saying. "This is just a mess..... What a waste of honor... Now a sad life may be lost..." Said Akumu, commenting on the situation.

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Kelly then surprisingly took back her keyblade into her hand and held it at Seis's neck. "You are not to yell at me. I am a princess, ruler over people like you. I have more power than you shall ever have. I am sick of people like you who basically make a girl feel weak. I shall destroy you for yell at me and stopping me from destroying the enemy." Kelly said planning to get rid of Seis.

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"Honour or no, you think the guy should deserve a proper end, don't you?" said Lea both very, very shockingly and very, very surprisingly having appeared from out of nowhere whilst slowly walking past Akumu before looking on at what's happening right in front of Lea's very eyes, as he starts to look on sorrowfully before recalling images of both Isa and then Saix.


(http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=fIqKWLkm2-g This song still plays....).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Dusk looks on at Darts, and then at Kelly sternly. He then speaks to Kelly by saying. "That's enough, Kelly, you're proving that you aren't yourself! You're starting to fall into Darkness!! You trying to kill Darts proves it! Didn't that conversation with that guy, whoever Darts said earlier, change you or not?!" Shouted Dusk, talking to Kelly. Kyle looks at Kelly and away from the sight. Joseph let's out a sigh as he watches what's happening.

Edited by KHLegendIII

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"Enough, that is shameful behaviour." said appearing behind Kelly from out of nowhere and lightly taking hold of her Keyblade was both very, very, VERY shockingly and very, very, VERY surprisingly Master Yen Sid, looking on at Kelly before then looking on at Darts both sternly.



Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Master Lunarius looks at Kelly sternly. He folds his arms as he looks on at Kelly. He is not happy to see what she did. He then speaks to Kelly, "Think about it, Kelly, what would Horizont think if you're doing THIS? That proves that you may not have changed at all.... I'm not against you or anything.. You may be a Princess, but THAT doesn't give you the right to kill anyone as you wish..." Said Master Lunarius, talking to Kelly.

Edited by KHLegendIII

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Meanwhile, in the temple of the "Shados World", Grakius and Voidshius are seen hold the temple's "Legendary Key" in their hands, entering a portal back to The End of The World. Grakius is grinning evilly, as he speaks out loud by saying. "That Guardian was a challenge, but we got it! The "Key" that master Shadowdrius requested! With this, we have four "Legendary Keys"!" Shouted Grakius, pleased at his accomplishment. Shadowdrius senses what happened and grins evilly. He then thinks mentally in his head with the following words. "So, they've got "It", did they?" Thought Shadowdrius, mentally thinking about what Grakius and Voidshius did.

Edited by Tom13

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Akumu let's out a louder grunt, as he clenches his fist tighter. He is actually shocked by what happened. He may be evil, but he feels that this shouldn't have happened. He then speaks out loud by saying. "This is just terrible.... I actually feel sorry for this... It's kinda funny, but at the same time, it's not.." Said Akumu, commenting on Darts' death.

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"Even those effected by the Darkness feel sad for the lost of their comrades....trust me, I know on that one........" said Lea to Akumu whilst now being even more sorrowful, upon recalling when Lea killed Vexen and had the Riku Replica kill Zexion, as Axel.



Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius looks on at what's going on, with a sadistic smirk on his face. He seems to be showing any remorse, as he is seen laughing evilly. He lands on the ground as he looks on at the sight. "How PATHETIC! What a "Shame", now, that pathetic fool is now GONE! Hahaha!" Shouted Shadowdrius, mocking the loss of Darts.

Edited by Tom13

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Kelly looks at everybody. "Do you think I am still after Horizont? He is dead, gone and worst of all he left me alone to die and he is never coming back. And yes, that talk did change me, I now realize that I am THE PRINCESS OF DARKNESS!!!!!!!!!!" Kelly said as her voice began to change and her outfit changed into a girl version of Riku's Ansem costume but with being all black and red. She then held her new keyblade, which was the same on Riku Ansem used and held it to Master Yen Sid's heart. "I have had enough of you, old man. Someone has to be the one to put an end to you once and for all." Kelly said as she then gabbed the special keyblade, that can unlock people's hearts, into Yen Sid.

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However, pushing back both Yen Sid and Kelly away from one another was Endlos, having appeared from out of nowhere before saying to Kelly the words "Looks like you still haven't learnt even a single thing, eh? "Princess of Darkness"?" said Endlos before with a click of his fingers, did he transport himself and Kelly somewhere else whilst everyone, especially Darts had mearly remained silent.



Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kyle looks at Darts and folds his arms, as he starts to have a little sad look on his face. He is feeling bad that the battle had come to this. He watches on at Darts sadly. He then speaks to Darts by saying. "It really is bad... Why, why did you turn against your friends?" Asked Kyle, asking Darts a question.

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