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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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Shadowdrius looks on at what Alsgard and Seis are doing. He sighs as he continues sucking up and charging Particles of Darkness into his two weapons. This time, some of his Darkness gets merged with his two weapons. He then speaks to Darts by saying. "Hmph, Darts, you and Ainz, such misguided fools... You know that purification is impossible, but it's no use for you. Time for you to feel the power of one of the two signature moves of us X Hearts, but when I use them, they are MORE powerful.... Nebula's Orchestra!" Shouted Shadowdrius, prepare to attack Darts. Shadowdrius fires two electrical streams of very powerful Darkness at Darts with great force, they would cause huge explosions if they hit Darts.

Edited by Tom13

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An image plays into Luke's head of when Darts caught Lucy not long ago, as the real him blocks Shadowdrius' attack with now a blue coloured magic circle, as Darts says "Now for the Blue Trinity: Trinity Boom!!!!" said Darts, as he turned sideways in mid air and just before both Seis and Alsgard could attack Darts, did he slam down on the air like someone would on the ground, causing a massive "Skyquake" to happen that causes the oncoming two to be flung by it before even responding with words.

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Lacuna stopped systematicly deleting the defenses around Ven's body and stood still.

"I've devoured more like you then you even knew existed." She said in a flat tone.

Marcus looked at Lacuna, a worried expression on his face.

"Lacuna?" He said. "Don't-"

"No, no. This creep asked a basic question, he'll get a basic answer. I'm in the mood to give them."

Lacuna turned around, her eyes the black of nothingness.

"You all have these little minds who think they are the top of the heap. Oh, there are differences and some of you actually are worth a spit, but in the end, you die all the same."

She stepped forward, her lips twisting into a mad smile.

"So, this is how it goes. You can try to 'activate' Project D.T.D and meet your fate prematurely or you can go back to your master and tell him that his little project has been comendered by a crazy witch with voices in her head."

Lacuna clinched her fists and her Void Blades extended. Her mad smile turned into a grin.

"Can you guess which way I want you to jump?"

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Kyle looks on at what Darts is doing. He grips his Keyblade hard, as Lucy and Dusk do the same. Joseph looks on at what happens with a stern look on his face. Kyle then speaks to Darts by saying. "I'll find a weakness to your Trinity Marks! Don't think that I can't do anything about that!" Shouted Kyle, preparing to attack Darts. Kyle, Lucy, and Dusk run at Darts, preparing to slash him. Darktroshin laughs evilly as he speaks to Lacuna by saying. "Oh really, I existed in an era LONG, LONG before this era, your era, foolish project... I absorbed more souls than you think... You think you can kill off an "Paradox Heartless"? You're as arrogant as the boy I faced during that day, what was his name again? Horizont? Whatever... What I'm saying.. Is that you have no chance against me.." Said Darktroshin, talking to Lacuna.

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Luke voice spoke again in Lucy's mind. 'KAre....you.....okay.......please.......be........safe........I......love........you......' Luke's voice said. And just like that, dead silence fell upon Luke. He was totally out of there like his soul was inbetween this world and the next. His color fur started to fade into gray.

Suddenly like a bolt of lightning, Kelly appeared where Darktroshin was and pushed him into the wall. She then placed her keyblade at his neck. "Don't ever speak of that name! Ever! And he isn't that arrogant, just hotheaded." Kelly said with her keyblade at his neck.

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Luke voice spoke again in Lucy's mind. 'KAre....you.....okay.......please.......be........safe........I......love........you......' Luke's voice said. And just like that, dead silence fell upon Luke. He was totally out of there like his soul was inbetween this world and the next. His color fur started to fade into gray.Suddenly like a bolt of lightning, Kelly appeared where Darktroshin was and pushed him into the wall. She then placed her keyblade at his neck. "Don't ever speak of that name! Ever! And he isn't that arrogant, just hotheaded." Kelly said with her keyblade at his neck.



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[Nexus Shift: Annistha]

In the blink of an eye, Annistha replaced Marcus, in time to join Lacuna in laughter.

"And yet you are licking someone else's boots." Annistha taunted. "Being a Paradox Heartless must suck."

Lacuna walked closer to Darktroshin. One of her blades disappeared and she placed the free hand on the end of the Black Kingdom Key. The dark orb on the tip sputtered, then ceased to exist.

"Then prepare yourself for the Void." She whispered.

In a blur, she let go of the tip of the Keyblade and knocked it aside with her remaining void blade. Annistha was by Lacuna's side before the witch was done with the swing.

[Nexus Shift: Drave]

Drave's fist shot out, hitting Darktroshin center mass and knocking him back.

"Ready to fight darkness?" He growled to Harry.

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Suddenly, the Orb of Darkness returns to the tip of Darktroshin, but much bigger than before as the ticking of a clock is heard, as Darktroshin laughs evilly as he holds his Keyblade. He then speaks to Lacuna by saying. "You really don't know what a Paradox Heartless is do you? My kind have the power to rewind Time before you managed to attack me... My orb is back, because of that very ability... But I can only use this ability only once per battle... You can try to send me to the Void if you want, but, the truth is, my kind and I came from the Void, they and I command it's powers!" Shouted Darktroshin, talking to Lacuna. Kyle looks on at what Darts is doing. He grips his Keyblade hard, as Lucy and Dusk do the same. Joseph looks on at what happens with a stern look on his face. Kyle then speaks to Darts by saying. "I'll find a weakness to your Trinity Marks! Don't think that I can't do anything about that!" Shouted Kyle, preparing to attack Darts. Kyle, Lucy, and Dusk run at Darts, preparing to slash him.

Edited by Tom13

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Luke voice spoke again in Lucy's mind. 'KAre....you.....okay.......please.......be........safe........I......love........you......' Luke's voice said. And just like that, dead silence fell upon Luke. He was totally out of there like his soul was inbetween this world and the next. His color fur started to fade into gray.Suddenly like a bolt of lightning, Kelly appeared where Darktroshin was and pushed him into the wall. She then placed her keyblade at his neck. "Don't ever speak of that name! Ever! And he isn't that arrogant, just hotheaded." Kelly said with her keyblade at his neck.

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Lacuna chuckled.

"There is more than one type of void?" She mused. "Who knew?"

She stepped forward to attack Darktroshin again, but Drave grabbed her arm.

[Nexus Shift: Marcus]

"There is apparently a waiting line to kill this man." Marcus said, indicating Kelly. "And while Harry is a tag along, it would be rude to leave him out of the entertainment. Let's share this guy."

Lacuna glowered at Marcus for a moment, then nodded.

"I guess I'll have to go easy on you so that others can have fun." She sighed to Darktroshin.

Marcus silently thanked his stars for that. The Nexus had already had a melt down they couldn't control and none of them were ready for another so soon. And if Lacuna could lose control like that, not even Xehanort would out rank Lacuna as a threat.

With Marcus letting go of her arm, Lacuna pounced at Darktroshin, her two void blades aimed straight for him. Marcus eyed Kelly.

"What do you know about our opponent?" He asked her.

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Kelly didn't take her keyblade off of Darktroshin's neck. "I don't know much. All I really know is that my ex-boyfriend had a battle with him once. I am sure that if he was here, he would know more." Kelly said. Harry tried to keep his head down as he looked over to Marcus. "Marcus, that girl happens to be my sister in a way. She must not see me here." Harry whispered to him.

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"Grabbing on hold on Kyle's back from behind before teleporting him to a pocket dimension without everyone including Darts noticing was revealed to be both shockingly and surprisingly Czci, having his Body healed despite the fatal damage from earlier, as he says to Kyle "True but not without thinking out a plan first, trust me, Chlop would be like that." said Czci, as he then crosses his arms in front of Kyle.

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Kyle looks right at Czci sternly. He folds his arms as he looks right at him. Joseph continues to look right at Darts sternly. Kyle then speaks to Czci by saying. "Very well, so what do you think we should do" Asked Kyle, asking if there is a plan. Kyle then speaks to Czci again by saying. "But, I do have one question, it may be off-topic, but how did Marrilyn split into both a Heartbreaker AND a Nevermore at the Time she escape from the "Cauldron Of Justice" on that day?" Asked Kyle, asking about Marrilyn. Darktroshin looks on at Kelly with an evil smirk on his face, not feeling threatened by her as he speaks to her by saying. "Oh? Kelly, that guy Harry is here... Oh, and your "Ex-Boyfriend" actually died 100 years ago, not 61 years ago.. Tommy was a little "Misguided" on the specific date of when he died.." Said Darktroshin, revealing Harry's location.

Edited by Tom13

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Kelly looked a bit shocked at what she was told. "Wait....you mean I am older than 100 years?" Kelly said. "How....how can that be? Horizont couldn't have been gone for that long...if he was, then that means I might never get him back.....even if I am still his girl or not, I still want him back alive.....he just left me lying on the cold hard ground.....I......need him....." Kelly said backing off of Darktroshin and starting to have fear shown on the outside and the inside and started to have tears going down her face.

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Darktroshin looks right at Kelly with an evil smirk on his face. He folds his arms as he looks at her evilly. He is about to talk to her again. He then speaks to her by saying. "You're very old only by Time-wise, you are still the same age somehow.. As to see if Horizont is dead forever, we will all see in due Time... Oh, and since 100 years have passed, your sister and her prince may be dead at this point... It's also been 100 years since your kingdom fell..." Said Darktroshin, as he continues to talk to Kelly.

Edited by Tom13

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Kelly looked at Darktroshin, still in pain. "I know about my sister......her life was great and she lived with someone she loved. And now, Felix doesn't know, but I know that Felix is the closest to family that I still have other than Harry. And my kingdom is not doomed, it just fell to be rebuild another day." Kelly said seeing there be hope in those things.

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(Here's the Timeline of the RPs interwoven with the Games:


The War of Beginnings.


The Mark of Kye-1000 Years Later.


Birth by Sleep-100 Years Later.


A Fragmentary Passage.


Birth by Sleep Volume Two.


Kingdom Hearts-10 Years Later.


Chain of Memories.


358/2 Days.


II-1 Year Later.




Sign's of What's Next.


Blank Points.


3D: Dream Drop Distance.


Another Guardian of Light.


The χ-Blade War.


χ and III don't count, being respectively replaced by both The Mark of Kye and The χ-Blade War.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kyle looks right at Czci sternly. He folds his arms as he looks right at him. Joseph continues to look right at Darts sternly. Kyle then speaks to Czci by saying. "Very well, so what do you think we should do" Asked Kyle, asking if there is a plan. Kyle then speaks to Czci again by saying. "But, I do have one question, it may be off-topic, but how did Marrilyn split into both a Heartbreaker AND a Nevermore at the Time she escape from the "Cauldron Of Justice" on that day?" Asked Kyle, asking about Marrilyn.

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Marcus and Lacuna shared a look, with the latter rolling her eyes. Marcus jerked a thumb at Kelly, which Lacuna pouted about. Ignoring her, Marcus grabbed his floating Keyblade.

"Looks like the jig is up." He said to Harry. "And you'll have to explain why there was a problem to begin with."

With his Keyblade held in a reverse grip, Marcus brought it down into the ground, releasing a wave of ice directed at Darktroshin. Lacuna made sure Kelly wasn't in the path, then slapped the back of her head.

"Focus, deary!" She ordered. "You can either help take the boyfriend-killer down, or you can take him with you to have a sob fest. Your choice, sunshine."

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(But it was officially declared that it was 10 years before Sora even got the keyblade)




Kelly looked at Lacuna. "Hey, you show me some respect. I am a princess of both my kingdom and of heart. And you're right, we need to take this guy down and then I can worry about my ex later." Kelly said. She then took her keyblade and pointed it to Darktroshin and Harry did the same.

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(But it was officially declared that it was 10 years before Sora even got the keyblade)Kelly looked at Lacuna. "Hey, you show me some respect. I am a princess of both my kingdom and of heart. And you're right, we need to take this guy down and then I can worry about my ex later." Kelly said. She then took her keyblade and pointed it to Darktroshin and Harry did the same.


(Yeah, sorry bout that, got it all sorted now :].).

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