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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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Appearing in the battle was what was called the "Dark Time Gauge" or "D.T.G" for short, as the battle was seemingly on a Time limit whilst Riku started it off by first jumping into the air using Darkness before then using it to charge straight over to "Ansem" and hit him with Riku's Keyblade, only to get blocked by "Ansem" and taken hold of by his Xehanort's Guardian which had then thrown Riku all the way over into a nearby street lamp in the plaza they were currently fighting at before Riku's eyes started a glow a raging gold like colour like when Young Xehanort's did after he summoned his Keyblade but before battling Riku in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, as "Ansem" mearly evilly smirks at Riku, as he doesn't seem to notice both the rage he is currently showing off and the Dark Sigil on his back slowly manifesting itself, which "Ansem" seems to be planning on bringing it out on Riku.


(This song still plays-https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=w_IqF5kzDEk.).


(D.T.G Time: 2 minutes and counting.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius looks at B.L.O.X and laughs evilly at him and looks down at Delikatny. His claws glow with Darkness covering them. He is preparing to attack B.L.O.X and Delikatny. Shadowdrius snaps a finger and summons forth hordes of Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis to surround Delikatny. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "You are a COWARD. Looks like YOU can't do things on YOUR OWN!" Shouted Shadowdrius, cruelly mocking Delikatny and preparing to attack again. The Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis hordes begin to attack Delikatny with Fira and Blizzaga breath attacks, as Shadowdrius runs at B.L.O.X, and prepares to slash him in the face with his Darkness-covered claws.

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"RRRAAAHHH!!!!!!!!" Riku roared out his hatred before then taking on a pose like a wild beast would when hurting his prey, as then both very, very, VERY shockingly and very, very, VERY surprisingly, did he manifest the D.B.P.K's signature move, the Jadro though coloured entirely jet black, as "Ansem" talks to himself inside of his mind "Yes, that's it, that's what we need, come Riku, show us, the Dark Jadro, the "Zło Dusza Bomba." said "Ansem", as just upon finishing revealing the name of this seemingly far more powerful variation of the Jadro Przewiew, did Riku take "Ansem" by surprise from behind before shooting the technique right at him which caused a both complete and utter white scenery to envelop everything only to show in its short wake that everything that was right in front of Riku when he just did what he did a few moments ago was also both completely and utterly decimated, even the wall beyond the plaza where it was located right in front of both Riku and "Ansem" obviously.


(Dark Time Gauge: 50 seconds.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius looks at B.L.O.X and laughs evilly at him and looks down at Delikatny. His claws glow with Darkness covering them. He is preparing to attack B.L.O.X and Delikatny. Shadowdrius snaps a finger and summons forth hordes of Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis to surround Delikatny. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "You are a COWARD. Looks like YOU can't do things on YOUR OWN!" Shouted Shadowdrius, cruelly mocking Delikatny and preparing to attack again. The Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis hordes begin to attack Delikatny with Fira and Blizzaga breath attacks, as Shadowdrius runs at B.L.O.X, and prepares to slash him in the face with his Darkness-covered claws.

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On the side of where Dark Vami was, Dark Vami ended her talk with Ralene. "I understand." Dark Vami said. Ralene smirked and then disappeared. Dark Vami then vanished herself. She then reappeared in what was left of Kelly's home world. "This is where the story began, and this is where it will end. If it wasn't for that night, Kelly would have just been another princess, but instead she gave Kairi the spot of the Princess of Heart where she should have been. Plus, Horizont would not have ever met her so there would be no heart break." Dark Vami said. She then found a round glass sphere. "The sphere of light" she said as she held it. She then smashed it in her hand alone and place the remains in a plastic bag then placed it in her bag.

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"RRRAAH!!!!!!!!" shouted out Riku, continuing to act like a wild beast, as the Dark Sigil on his back had now completely formed by half 50%, as "Ansem" then appears floating slightly above in front of Riku whilst saying to the unresponsive young man the words "Tch, as I thought, you still have "Conscience" inside you, inside your Heart, that's why the "Cursed Insignia" hasn't appeared fully on your back, ........oh well, this was a successful examination enough for me to test out the Zlo Dusza for now, so now I shall release you from your pain, Riku, your suffering, come, be a part of me again and let us join, as one once more, so that we may fulfill "My" ambition." said "Ansem", as he could tell just both then and there that Riku's energy had run out (The Dark Time Gauge) and all of the Darkness including the Cursed Insignia on his back had all but completely faded away until a few seconds later, as "Ansem" proceeded to move on in at Riku to once again absorb him and take the power of the Zlo Dusza inside of him for "Ansem" himself before just then however, appearing from out of nowhere both very, very, VERY shockingly and very, very, VERY surprisingly was a familiar figure that "Ansem" proceeded to recognize by lastly saying the words "Y-YOU!?!?!?!?" shouted out "Ansem", as we could then see protecting Riku whilst laying down on his chest in turn on the ground in front of him a small figure wearing a Black Coat that proceeded to slowly stand tall before revealing a pair of long ears.


(This song plays, as "Ansem"'s experiment is more or less a success for/to him-https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=RWF-lcxdZxw.).

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Shadowdrius looks at B.L.O.X and laughs evilly at him and looks down at Delikatny. His claws glow with Darkness covering them. He is preparing to attack B.L.O.X and Delikatny. Shadowdrius snaps a finger and summons forth hordes of Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis to surround Delikatny. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "You are a COWARD. Looks like YOU can't do things on YOUR OWN!" Shouted Shadowdrius, cruelly mocking Delikatny and preparing to attack again. The Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis hordes begin to attack Delikatny with Fira and Blizzaga breath attacks, as Shadowdrius runs at B.L.O.X, and prepares to slash him in the face with his Darkness-covered claws.

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"B.L.O.X proceeded to not feel a thing and instead grab both of the Fire and Ice Serpent like Necrosis by their throats and then smashing their heads into one another before Delikatny says to Shadowdrius "Oh yeah, sorry but I forgot to mention another thing, B.L.O.X here, well, he is the most strongest being out of all us here in this World because of the setting you see around you, for you see, the Lord Ainz himself LOVES Games and so because both this World and B.L.O.X are technically a Game in the same thing, in otherwords, one another, right now, you can't do a thing against him, not even I can harm B.L.O.X even if I wanted to, watch." said Delikatny, as he proceeded to move at super fast lightning speed and try to kick B.L.O.X's head off but to no avail, as Delikatny lastly says "See? that's just the way things are." said Delikatny to his enemy Shadowdrius.

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Shadowdrius looks at B.L.O.X with an evil look on his face. He flies around to think of a plan. He lands on the ground and looks at Delikatny with an sadistic smirk on his face. His eyes glow a bright yellow color as he starts to look on at B.L.O.X in the eyes. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "I see.... If I can't harm it, what if I "Corrupt" it, hm?" Asked Shadowdrius, asking Delikatny a question.

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Dark Vami walked along the ashes and ruble that used to be the castle. "Okay, I am bad, but I am not this bad. I can't believe some of the things I have seen here, all the lives taken without meaning. I only kill when it comes to the point of needing to. Oh well, I can worry about that later. Now, I have to find that wardrobe." Dark Vami said to herself.

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Shadowdrius looks at B.L.O.X and snaps a finger. A huge horde up to thousands of Earth Serpent, Nexus Serpent, Twilight Chameleon, Nexus Swordsman, and Twilight Swordsman appear out of thin air, and jump onto B.L.O.X and try to pin him down, and attack him with Darkness, Twilight, and Rock based attacks. Shadowdrius laughs evilly as he charges Darkness in both of his arms where his Keyblade and crescent-shaped blade are fused into. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "That should take care of THAT. Now, I shall put you in your PLACE!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he prepares to attack Delikatny. Shadowdrius begins to fires big waves and typhoons of Darkness from his arms at Delikatny at high speed, even sucking in trees and other objects into the typhoons, which would assist in hurting Delikatny.

Edited by Tom13

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Pazur took the attacks head on ferociously, as he started to feel a little bit of pain within his torso before then grabbing on to Marcus, as Pazur lastly says to himself inside of his mind ("NO! I WON'T-I WON'T BE DONE IN HERE!!!!!!!!") shouted out Pazur to himself inside of his mind, as he proceeded to not let go of Marcus with all of Pazur's might.

(Oh yeah I forgot, today's the 1st anniversary of the 2nd RP, congratulations to everyone :], I hope you have enjoyed the RP so far and will continue to do so :], here's a song to celebrate the 2nd RP's anniversary :]-https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=LX9Jci-EJGM.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius looks at B.L.O.X and snaps a finger. A huge horde up to thousands of Earth Serpent, Nexus Serpent, Twilight Chameleon, Nexus Swordsman, and Twilight Swordsman appear out of thin air, and jump onto B.L.O.X and try to pin him down, and attack him with Darkness, Twilight, and Rock based attacks. Shadowdrius laughs evilly as he charges Darkness in both of his arms where his Keyblade and crescent-shaped blade are fused into. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "That should take care of THAT. Now, I shall put you in your PLACE!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he prepares to attack Delikatny. Shadowdrius begins to fires big waves and typhoons of Darkness from his arms at Delikatny at high speed, even sucking in trees and other objects into the typhoons, which would assist in hurting Delikatny.

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Marcus yelled out in pain. Anger twisted the yell into a roar as, for a moment, light shone out of his eyes.

[Nexus Shift]

A moment later, the body under Pazur's foot looked blank, but then burst into black and white flames. Light shone out of the dark coat and Darkness seemed to hang about the body like a fog. Barely, but noticeably, hovering above the now blank replica face, was a set of jagged eyes that were black except for two pin pirks of light in them. These were accompanied by a jagged mouth of pure black.

The Nexus roared again with three voices in harmony. It lashed out with the powers of Darkness and Light, blasting Pazur up and off it. It stood up slowly, as it summoned its weapons. Drave's Total Eclipse appeared in its right hand, Annistha's Rejection of Fate formed in its left hand, leaving Marcus's True Light's Flight to hover beside it.

It said nothing as it lifted Total Eclipse and True Light's Flight Swung around to fire a barrage of Light and Dark bolts at Pazur.

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Dark Vami finally found the wardrobe that she was searching for. "Why is it always hidden in the old room that a you grow up in? Okay, so all I need to do is open that door, and then I will be able to contact the other side, the other deminison." Dark Vami said to herself. She then went up to it to open it to find the other deminison.




(Happy Anniversary! But am I really the only one who has good taste in non anime type music? Anyways, happy birthday RP!)

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Dark Vami finally found the wardrobe that she was searching for. "Why is it always hidden in the old room that a you grow up in? Okay, so all I need to do is open that door, and then I will be able to contact the other side, the other deminison." Dark Vami said to herself. She then went up to it to open it to find the other deminison.(Happy Anniversary! But am I really the only one who has good taste in non anime type music? Anyways, happy birthday RP!)


(Lol :], everybody has their own different tastes but yeah :].).

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Shadowdrius looks at B.L.O.X and snaps a finger. A huge horde up to thousands of Earth Serpent, Nexus Serpent, Twilight Chameleon, Nexus Swordsman, and Twilight Swordsman appear out of thin air, and jump onto B.L.O.X and try to pin him down, and attack him with Darkness, Twilight, and Rock based attacks. Shadowdrius laughs evilly as he charges Darkness in both of his arms where his Keyblade and crescent-shaped blade are fused into. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "That should take care of THAT. Now, I shall put you in your PLACE!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he prepares to attack Delikatny. Shadowdrius begins to fires big waves and typhoons of Darkness from his arms at Delikatny at high speed, even sucking in trees and other objects into the typhoons, which would assist in hurting Delikatny.

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(........Why? why can't, I ever....prove....my....self........?) said Pazur, as he was now on his last knees from all of his enemies' attacks hitting him whilst meanwhile, did B.L.O.X managed to get all of the enemies that were placed ontop of him off before then quickly going to Delikatny's aid by blocking Shadowdrius' attacks with B.L.O.X's giant right arm.

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Shadowdrius looks at B.L.O.X evilly as he jumps back, and summons up to billions upon billions of Dark Golem Necrosis. All of them jump on to B.L.O.X again, this Time, utilizing their beams of Darkness to attack him while holding him down. Shadowdrius charges up the same gigantic orb of Darkness between his eyes and the wind goes on to pull Delikatny towards Shadowdrius and Shadowdrius fires the same gigantic beam of Darkness at Delikatny like before.

Edited by Tom13

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Nexus stopped firing bolts of Light and Dark energy and simply stared at Pazur. It then half stalked, half floated over to Pazur.

"Balance." It rasped with Marcus's, Annistha's and Drave's voices in perfect union.

It then brought Rejection of Fate down on Pazur.


Lacuna, feeling a little tired of waiting, altered her plan, and reinterred the Garden of Assblemage.

"Anybody win yet?" She asked in a quick burst.

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As she approched the door, Dark Vami started to think about something that was totally unlike her. 'What if I go through there and the plan that Ralene has fails?' Dark Vami thought in her mind. She then decided to sit down for a moment to just think of what to do after she got to the other side. What it would be like. "Good thing that I don't have to deal with anyone else like Kelly, Horizont, or Enx." Vami said.  

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