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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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"....I think, you took Mina's, no, a woman's feelings, for granted." said Aerith, as she refused to look at Peter whilst looking on Leon sternly before then going over to help him, as travelling through the Corridor of Darkness could we see both Mina and Lenda with the former's hands tied by the latter, as he lastly says to her "So you won't try any funny business." said Lenda, as Mina could only look on at him coldly whilst he could be seen doing something that looks like an evil smirk behind his mask.

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Shadowdrius just looks down at Delikatny. He then speaks to him by saying. ""Beauty", more like UGLY, maybe THIS will put YOU in your place.." Said Shadowdrius, as he prepares another attack. His eyes glow purple, as a gigantic ball of Darkness charges up in front of his eyes. The wind started to blow viciously, it would cause Delikatny to be blown into the the attack's path. Shadowdrius then fires a gigantic and very, very, very powerful beam of Darkness from the gigantic ball of Darkness, which seems to have the same effect as Mother Brain's Laser Brain Attack from Super Metroid, but with Shadowdrius' body glowing with black and purple colors, and not as powerful.

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"Thats not totally true. Mina, wether she wants to admit it or not, has feelings for me. There was something special about her. I couldn't read her thoughts, unlike I can you and Leon. That means that she was trying hard to keep her feelings locked away so no one got hurt. I think that is why she left me here, I think she is only trying to protect me. And wether I am right or not, I am not going to let anyone harm her. Where can I find where they went?" Peter asked.

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"I know the way." said both very, very shockingly and very, very surprisingly appearing from out of nowhere was Riku, of whom was seen previously entering Radiant Garden's castle before he then says to Peter lastly the words "Follow me, if your serious." said Riku, as he then opened up a Corridor of Darkness both very shockingly and very surprisingly, despite previously having lost the powers of Darkness more or less near the end of Kingdom Hearts II.

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Shadowdrius just looks down at Delikatny. He then speaks to him by saying. ""Beauty", more like UGLY, maybe THIS will put YOU in your place.." Said Shadowdrius, as he prepares another attack. His eyes glow purple, as a gigantic ball of Darkness charges up in front of his eyes. The wind started to blow viciously, it would cause Delikatny to be blown into the the attack's path. Shadowdrius then fires a gigantic and very, very, very powerful beam of Darkness from the gigantic ball of Darkness, which seems to have the same effect as Mother Brain's Laser Brain Attack from Super Metroid, but with Shadowdrius' body glowing with black and purple colors, and not as powerful.

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"Finally, less of the nagging, more of the fighting!!" said Delikatny, as he smiled evilly upon sensing a change in Shadowdrius' tone of voice whilst taking his attack head on.

(Special Announcement: In 2 days time will be the anniversary of when the 2nd RP started last year, what should we do as a special treat everyone :]?).

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Shadowdrius charges up Darkness in his left arm where his Keyblade is merged into. He then fires a barrage of Dark Firaga from his mouth at Delikatny. He flies high into the air and looks down on him. He then fires a series of big waves of Darkness from his left arm at Delikatny. He then speaks to him by saying. "Time for you to PERISH!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he attacks Delikatny.

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Peter looked at Riku. "I have never been more sure about anything. Mina is in danger, and wether she loves me or not, I can't just let her get hurt." Peter said. He then walked into the CoD and didn't look back.

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"....Heh, I see, your just like "him", in a sense, Aerith, please gather everyone at the Garden of Assemblage, it's Time we putted an end to this madness once and for all." said Riku, as Aerith simply nodded right back at him and he in turn before then both going through and closing the Corridor of Darkness, as meanwhile, could we see Mina with her hands still tied up following slightly behind Lenda, as she then asks him "........How? how did you....know, about me?" said Mina, as Lenda replies to her "Hmph, we know everything about those D.B.P.K numbskulls, including Krol's little snake pet, YOU, Bella." said Lenda, as Mina replies "Yes but even so, there was still no way for you to know that I had become Mina now so how?" said Mina with Lenda then saying "Heh, you REALLY thought Homebound's security was that secure? well, I guess it would have been for any of the other Organization XIII members, including Master Xehanort, however, im what you could say is a "Special Case", since after all, the D.B.P.K know nothing at all about me, right?" said Lenda, as Mina had then remained silent at his last comment before they continued walking down the Dark path that layed bare in front of them obviously.


(This song plays, as Lenda more or less talks about himself-https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=UqrcIBjxAB8.).

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Shadowdrius charges up Darkness in his left arm where his Keyblade is merged into. He then fires a barrage of Dark Firaga from his mouth at Delikatny. He flies high into the air and looks down on him. He then fires a series of big waves of Darkness from his left arm at Delikatny. He then speaks to him by saying. "Time for you to PERISH!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he attacks Delikatny.

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Just then however, did a giant punch smacked itself right into the middle of Shadowdrius' face before he could seemingly finish off Delikatny, as he then appeared both somehow unscathed from Shadowdrius' earlier attack and lastly says to him the words "Oh, sorry about that, you see, that last attack you just drew upon me, went straight to my friend here, it gave him one huge of a fill up for his stomach and so yeah, now he's prepped up and ready to fight, so allow me to introduce you to him, "B.L.O.X."." said Delikatny, as we then see the giant punch having come from the giant right hand of what looks like a giant 16 bit ogre like being with three horns ontop of its forehead in the middle, left and right of it respectively that Delikatny had obviously already identified, as B.L.O.X.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius looks at B.L.O.X and laughs evilly at him and looks down at Delikatny. His claws glow with Darkness covering them. He is preparing to attack B.L.O.X and Delikatny. Shadowdrius snaps a finger and summons forth hordes of Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis to surround Delikatny. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "You are a COWARD. Looks like YOU can't do things on YOUR OWN!" Shouted Shadowdrius, cruelly mocking Delikatny and preparing to attack again. The Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis hordes begin to attack Delikatny with Fira and Blizzaga breath attacks, as Shadowdrius runs at B.L.O.X, and prepares to slash him in the face with his Darkness-covered claws.

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Peter kept walking. "So, which way are we going and where are we going? Where could they have taken her?" Peter asked. He was really worried about her. To him, Mina was his Wendy, and that makes it seem like he has to save her no matter what. "Oh, if only Tink was here, and not visiting her friends back in Pixie Hallow." Peter said to himself.

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"I don't claim to know everything about both you and her Peter but the fact of the matter is that...." said Riku, as we then see a flashback of him walking towards Radiant Garden before saying to himself "Ainz....he's gotta be here!" said Riku, as just then, whispering through his left ear was a both familiar and evil voice that had said the following words to Riku "Hmph, playing fodder for others now are you? I expected much more of you, Riku." said the both familiar and evil voice, as Riku then lastly said "!? That voice!! Ansem!?!?" said Riku, as the scenery around him had started to change a little before turning into what looks like had appeared to be a Nightmare all of a sudden, as both shockingly and surprisingly appearing before him was none other then "Ansem" the Seeker of Darkness himself, floating above Riku whilst grinning evilly, as he mearly just stayed on the defensive for now around "Ansem.".


(This song plays, as the two archenemies appear before one another yet again-https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ingHocjTv1s.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius looks at B.L.O.X and laughs evilly at him and looks down at Delikatny. His claws glow with Darkness covering them. He is preparing to attack B.L.O.X and Delikatny. Shadowdrius snaps a finger and summons forth hordes of Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis to surround Delikatny. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "You are a COWARD. Looks like YOU can't do things on YOUR OWN!" Shouted Shadowdrius, cruelly mocking Delikatny and preparing to attack again. The Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis hordes begin to attack Delikatny with Fira and Blizzaga breath attacks, as Shadowdrius runs at B.L.O.X, and prepares to slash him in the face with his Darkness-covered claws.

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"Ansem....what are you doing here? I thought you were making plans alongside your fellow buddies of yourself for later on." said Riku, as "Ansem" then replied "Heh, I figured I just check up on my former pawn of the Dark after all we had been through together." said "Ansem", as Riku then summoned his Way to the Dawn Keyblade before saying to "Ansem" "I walk the Road to Dawn! I am a true Keyblade Master, Master Riku!!" said Riku, declaring his title to "Ansem" before he says "Ha ha ha, don't make me laugh, you may be a Master now but that doesn't mean you have fully Accepted the Darkness within your Heart, Riku, I know because both me and your Darkness are "Specially Linked" after all." said "Ansem", as Riku then says "You seem to forget yourself Ansem, the only reason I cannot fully Accept my Darkness, is because you are now part of it, just like you said and so, in order to fully Accept my Darkness once and for all, I just need to beat you, plain and simple." said Riku, as "Ansem" then says the following "........Tell me, boy, do you know what this place is?" said "Ansem", as Riku is quick to reply by saying "Of course I do, it's Radiant--" said Riku before then getting interrupted by "Ansem" "No, that's not what im asking, im saying do you KNOW what this place is?" said "Ansem", as Riku replies "!?!? ....Wait, this-this feeling........!?!?!?!? no! it can't be!!" said Riku, as "Ansem" says "Heh, exactly, this place, is a Nightmare." said "Ansem", as Riku then says "No! this can't be!! we aren't in the Sleeping Worlds so how!?!? --" said Riku before then getting interrupted by "Ansem" again, as he says "Your right, we're not in the Realm of Sleep but rather, a "Sleeping Memory." said "Ansem", as Riku says "Sleeping Memory!?!? what do you mean!? answer me!" said Riku, as "Ansem" says the words "Heh, very well then, i'll tell you, a Sleeping Memory....it is what we call the "Essence of a Dream or a Nightmare that was forgotten about, or, wishes to BE forgotten about." said "Ansem", as Riku replies "The Essence of a Dream or a Nightmare that was forgotten about, or wishes to be forgotten about? what exactly do you mean "Ansem"!?!?" said Riku, as "Ansem" then replies "Fool, do you not get a clue of anything? think back, to the details of this Sleeping Memory, I know your smart enough to at least figure THAT MUCH out, fuu fuu." said "Ansem" with a evil snigger, as Riku non Heartedly agrees to what "Ansem" says before closing Riku's eyes, as he starts to think for a few short minutes until finally realizing something by saying "!?!?!?!? T-this is!?!?!?!?" said Riku, as "Ansem" triumphantly smiles before saying lastly the words "Heh heh, that's right, Riku, this Sleeping Memory, is of when Radiant Garden fell to my experiments, after taking my mentor, Ansem the Wise's Name for myself, over 10 years ago." said the Seeker of Darkness with his both very, very, VERY shocking and very, very, VERY surprising revelation towards Riku about the Sleeping Memory they are currently in.


(This song plays, as "Ansem" reveals the truth to Riku about the Sleeping Memory they are in-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6HvwFOmuJ8.).

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Shadowdrius looks at B.L.O.X and laughs evilly at him and looks down at Delikatny. His claws glow with Darkness covering them. He is preparing to attack B.L.O.X and Delikatny. Shadowdrius snaps a finger and summons forth hordes of Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis to surround Delikatny. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "You are a COWARD. Looks like YOU can't do things on YOUR OWN!" Shouted Shadowdrius, cruelly mocking Delikatny and preparing to attack again. The Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis hordes begin to attack Delikatny with Fira and Blizzaga breath attacks, as Shadowdrius runs at B.L.O.X, and prepares to slash him in the face with his Darkness-covered claws.

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Shadowdrius looks at B.L.O.X and laughs evilly at him and looks down at Delikatny. His claws glow with Darkness covering them. He is preparing to attack B.L.O.X and Delikatny. Shadowdrius snaps a finger and summons forth hordes of Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis to surround Delikatny. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "You are a COWARD. Looks like YOU can't do things on YOUR OWN!" Shouted Shadowdrius, cruelly mocking Delikatny and preparing to attack again. The Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis hordes begin to attack Delikatny with Fira and Blizzaga breath attacks, as Shadowdrius runs at B.L.O.X, and prepares to slash him in the face with his Darkness-covered claws.

Edited by Tom13

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Peter looked at Riku. "What is it? We need to keep moving. I can't lose her." Peter said not even realizing Riku has a story going on. Peter was just so panicked at the moment.



(The flashback won't end for a while so you might want to portray the other Peter currently fighting as well as your other Characters Xeveemon.).


"........Why!? why did you bring me here!? of all places!? Ansem!?!?!?!?" said Riku, as "Ansem" then says "Fuu, wait so you can see for yourself." said "Ansem", as he then points to Riku right in front of both of them that he looks on in both shock and horror people running away, terrified for their lives from billions upon billions of Pureblood Heartless Shadows and millions upon millions of Nobody Dusks, as we then see a middle age old looking man tripping down on the floor before then shouting out the words with tears gushing out from his eyes "N-NO! PLEASE!! I BEG YOU!!! NO!!!!!!!!--" shouted out the man before his Heart was then stolen away by a Pureblood Heartless Shadow, as Riku turns his eyes away at both the carnage and the horror unfolding right before his very eyes, as "Ansem" mearly smirks evilly at it all happening right in front of him before saying to Riku the words "Don't try to hide it, Riku, you know that this is the truth and that even more so, you couldn't have done anything to stop it." said "Ansem", as Riku holds his fist tightly so much that he starts to bleed from it a little before shouting out to "Ansem" "I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU!!!!!!!! WHY!?!?!?!? WHY INVOLVE ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE IN YOUR STUPID PLAN!?!?!?!? ANSWER ME!!!!!!!! "ANSEM"!!!!!!!!" shouted out Riku, as he could feel his throat hurting from all of his shouting just now tied to the emotional grief he is also suffering from what he was seeing right before him, as "Ansem" lastly says "........For balance, for peace." said "Ansem" with his words towards Riku, as "Ansem" mearly remained indifferent at Riku, despite what he was feeling obviously.


(This song plays, as "Ansem" shows the truth of the Sleeping Memory from over 10 years ago-https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&list=PLDB01FA2D7C944AE8&v=8ixZle3HpFs.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius looks at B.L.O.X and laughs evilly at him and looks down at Delikatny. His claws glow with Darkness covering them. He is preparing to attack B.L.O.X and Delikatny. Shadowdrius snaps a finger and summons forth hordes of Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis to surround Delikatny. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "You are a COWARD. Looks like YOU can't do things on YOUR OWN!" Shouted Shadowdrius, cruelly mocking Delikatny and preparing to attack again. The Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis hordes begin to attack Delikatny with Fira and Blizzaga breath attacks, as Shadowdrius runs at B.L.O.X, and prepares to slash him in the face with his Darkness-covered claws.

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"ENOUGH!!!!!!!! I won't........I WON'T LET YOU DO IT ANY LONGER!!!!!!!!" shouted out Riku, as Darkness started to swell around both of his shoulders all the way over to both of his arms, as a Dark Sigil had started to appear on his back without him knowing bit by bit, as "Ansem" proceeded to look on very evilly at Riku now before summoning "Ansem"'s Xehanort's Guardian and with it, the images of all the people, Heartless and Nobodies had disappeared, signalling the beginning of both Riku and "Ansem"'s on going fight yet again.


(This song plays, as Riku battles "Ansem" once more in their eternal conflict-https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=w_IqF5kzDEk.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius looks at B.L.O.X and laughs evilly at him and looks down at Delikatny. His claws glow with Darkness covering them. He is preparing to attack B.L.O.X and Delikatny. Shadowdrius snaps a finger and summons forth hordes of Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis to surround Delikatny. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "You are a COWARD. Looks like YOU can't do things on YOUR OWN!" Shouted Shadowdrius, cruelly mocking Delikatny and preparing to attack again. The Flare Serpent and Freeze Serpent Necrosis hordes begin to attack Delikatny with Fira and Blizzaga breath attacks, as Shadowdrius runs at B.L.O.X, and prepares to slash him in the face with his Darkness-covered claws.

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