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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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Name: Aeterna (eternal in latin)Age: 1960History: Born into a family of demons as the youngest brother in an honorable line. After attempting to over throw my brother as head of the family for his evilambition to cause war and mayhem i was exiled from the demon realm and stripped of most of my power and responsibilities. After spending 1000 years in the prison i wasexiled to i had trained enough to match close to my old power and managed to break free of my restraints. I devoted myself to stopping my brothers evil ambitions andbecause of my strong ambitions and belief the light in my heart drew out to and manifested a keyblade, i fight on the side of light with the hopes of someday gettinga chance to fullfill my dream and bring justice once again to the demon world.Allignment: LightPersonality: Calm and Collected, Gullible, Strong sense of justice, Loyal.Appearance: Pale but not white skin, slightly muscular build, scar going down my left eye, black hair and emo fringe, yellow eyes, red spiked tail.   also 8ft 3" tall.Weapon: Huge double sided battle axe with flaming blades.Sub Weapon: Proficient in martial arts.Voice: deep and strong but pleasant sounding.Intro song: The gazette: remember the urgeTheme song: ff 8 premonition, black mages versionsad song: On the other side of the mountain, ff7battle theme song: the gazette: in the middle of chaosFinal battle theme: the gazette: Hesitating means deathEnding theme song: Sonic adventure: open your heart



Edited by EternalReckoning

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Name: Aeterna (eternal in latin)Age: 1960History: Born into a family of demons as the youngest brother in an honorable line. After attempting to over throw my brother as head of the family for his evilambition to cause war and mayhem i was exiled from the demon realm and stripped of most of my power and responsibilities. After spending 1000 years in the prison i wasexiled to i had trained enough to match close to my old power and managed to break free of my restraints. I devoted myself to stopping my brothers evil ambitions andbecause of my strong ambitions and belief the light in my heart drew out to and manifested a keyblade, i fight on the side of light with the hopes of someday gettinga chance to fullfill my dream and bring justice once again to the demon world.Allignment: LightPersonality: Calm and Collected, Gullible, Strong sense of justice, Loyal.Appearance: Pale but not white skin, slightly muscular build, scar going down my left eye, black hair and emo fringe, yellow eyes, red spiked tail.   also 8ft 3" tall.Weapon: Huge double sided battle axe with flaming blades.Sub Weapon: Proficient in martial arts.Voice: deep and strong but pleasant sounding.Intro song: The gazette: remember the urgeTheme song: ff 8 premonition, black mages versionsad song: On the other side of the mountain, ff7battle theme song: the gazette: in the middle of chaosFinal battle theme: the gazette: Hesitating means deathEnding theme song: Sonic adventure: open your heart




Accepted :], welcome to the RP :], it will be a long while before the RP ends but I hope that you and everyone else already on the RP will stay until the very end :].

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius laughs a cruel and hurtful laughter at Delikatny. He can tell that he doesn't like people mocking him. He can sense that it may play a part in his downfall. He then speaks to him while secretly creates an invisible wall of Darkness, which can electrocute those who run right into it by saying. "You're dancing is so disgraceful, even an old man can dance better than you!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he continues to mock Delikatny.

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Harry simply teleported himself behind the man. He then used a double team like attack where there were tons of him to confuse the man. "Man, dude, you may look strong, but you lack what a true keyblade master already has." Harry said.



R.E.T.O. looked at the girl. "I would know more about love than you will ever. I went behind my parents' backs to just be with the simple stable boy. What we had was true love, that is until my mother killed him. So that is when I killed her and became evil myself. I had true love before and that is how I know I had real love." R.E.T.O. said.

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"Please, you didn't dedicate enough Heart, mind, Body and soul towards your loved one, hence, you didn't really, LOVE HIM!!!!" shouted out Niena, as she then placed both of her combat knives into the ground before then standing ontop of both of them whilst meanwhile, did Milczący indeed become distracted by Harry's technique, despite not showing a single change of expression upon Milczący's face.

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Shadowdrius laughs a cruel and hurtful laughter at Delikatny. He can tell that he doesn't like people mocking him. He can sense that it may play a part in his downfall. He then speaks to him while secretly creates an invisible wall of Darkness, which can electrocute those who run right into it by saying. "You're dancing is so disgraceful, even an old man can dance better than you!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he continues to mock Delikatny.

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Harry and his clones then circled around and around causing a huge tornado in the middle of where the guy was standing.



R.E.T.O. looked at the girl. "Now you listen up b#%^*, I gave this man more than anything. I went behind my parents' backs ready to be killed myself for this guy. When he was killed, I even tried to bring him back many times. But, nothing worked, there was no way to bring him back. He was gone forever. And let me tell you one thing, Ainz will be destroyed, and then what will become of a girl like you who doesn't know anything that she thinks she does. I know what love was like for me, that was my take on it. Everyone has their own different ways with love, life, and death. So just because you have thoughts and ideals in one way does not make them set in Black and White for everybody else." R.E.T.O. screamed out at her. She then gave out a dark beam that was like a dark version of Samus's final smash in Super Smash Bros Brawl.

Edited by Xeveemon

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"Well, that's a little unfortunate." Marcus said to Pazur.

[Nexus Shift: Annistha]

Marcus's medium sized body and brown short hair with goatee was replaced by Annistha's small sized frame without so much as a flash or morphing. She ran forward, dropped and swept at Pazur's feet with her legs. After she was done, she rolled into a hand stand and pushed off. Landing on her feet, she gave Pazur an impish grin.

"We aren't so big on civilized rules." She said.

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Harry and his clones then circled around and around causing a huge tornado in the middle of where the guy was standing.R.E.T.O. looked at the girl. "Now you listen up bitch, I gave this man more than anything. I went behind my parents' backs ready to be killed myself for this guy. When he was killed, I even tried to bring him back many times. But, nothing worked, there was no way to bring him back. He was gone forever. And let me tell you one thing, Ainz will be destroyed, and then what will become of a girl like you who doesn't know anything that she thinks she does. I know what love was like for me, that was my take on it. Everyone has their own different ways with love, life, and death. So just because you have thoughts and ideals in one way does not make them set in Black and White for everybody else." R.E.T.O. screamed out at her. She then gave out a dark beam that was like a dark version of Samus's final smash in Super Smash Bros Brawl.


(Please censor the b**** part Xeveemon since this is still a Disney related RP.).

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"Even so, this is a battlefield where "certain rules" must be played, RED!!!!!!!!" shouted out randomly had Pazur, as suddenly, did giant spikes emerge from beneath Annistha's feet with one of them heading directly for her head.


The roar from where Logan currently is at is revealed to belong to a giant scaly behemoth like monster that more or less resembles the Imprisoned from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword without its arms.


(Name: Tabu.).


"Oy oy Chlop, it looks like Tabu's getting all prepped up and ready to go, hee hee." said Ainz whilst looking on a giant transparent screen above the middle of the Garden of Assemblage at Tabu having finally emerged from the Darkness where it was covering itself in, as Chlop replies to Ainz "....Indeed, although, to be honest my lord, I still had wished you wouldn't have brought that monster into the Chance, it could very well go on a rampage and kill everyone here should it escape." said Chlop with slight worry, as Ainz lastly replies "Don't worry Chlop, you know, as well, as I do, that Tabu won't do that, since after all, WE know better then anyone else would, fuu fuu, however, I am still concened about that old fossil coming to the Chance of all things, I won't ask you to spy on him though Chlop, since WE will be the ones laughting in the very end after all this is done, heh." said Ainz, still worried about what it is Master Xehanort is planning but nevertheless remains confident that the D.B.P.K will succeed in the end.


(This song plays, as Tabu appears to Logan from out of the shadows-

.). Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Logan looked at the monster. "Really? I did not sign up to die. I am still young!" Logan said as he was a bit scared of the monster. He then swallowed his fear and started to run for his life.

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Annistha danced over the spikes emerging below her, slicing through a few as she moved out of the danger zone. The strikes didn't destroy the spikes, only crack them.

"I'm glad you are using your home field advantage." She called to Pazur as she vaulted to reach an edge to the spikes.

[Nexus Shift: Drave]

Drave's massive size landed, causing dust to kick up.

"It'll help you last longer." He sneered.

Charging his Keyblade with Darkness, Drave took it in both hands and swung it with all his might. He hit and shattered the spikes closest to him. A wave of destruction expanded out, ripping up the spikes Annistha had damaged and sending it all at Pazur.

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Shadowdrius laughs a cruel and hurtful laughter at Delikatny. He can tell that he doesn't like people mocking him. He can sense that it may play a part in his downfall. He then speaks to him while secretly creates an invisible wall of Darkness, which can electrocute those who run right into it by saying. "Your dancing is so disgraceful, even an old man can dance better than you!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he continues to mock Delikatny.
Edited by Tom13

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"Shut up, feeble ant." said Delikatny towards Shadowdrius, not falling for his little trick whilst Pazur shouted out to Annistha "BLUE!!!!!!!!" again sprouting out another random word of a colour, as more spikes had again appeared but this Time on defense, as they had managed to protect Pazur at a moment's notice from Annistha's attacks.

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Shadowdrius looks right at Delikatny, laughing evilly at him. He can tell that he is getting very angry at him. He is certain that his shield may go down into failure. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "Oh? I'm not the feeble ant, you are, just like the worm's food that you call "The Dance Of The Weak Loser".." Said Shadowdrius, mocking Delikatny again.

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Drave moved forward and hacked his way through Pazur's defenses. His eyes seemed to be focused on his opponent, though he stuck at spikes with near perfect accuracy.

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Logan looked at the monster. "Really? I did not sign up to die. I am still young!" Logan said as he was a bit scared of the monster. He then swallowed his fear and started to run for his life.

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"GREEN!!!!!!!!" shouted out Pazur once more, as this Time, the spikes had appeared from the ground before then shaping themselves into what look like giant fangs that he proceeded to shoot directly at Drave whilst meanwhile at Peter's location, did Grzeczny lastly say the words "Ah yes, isn't enjoying a nice hot beverage simply the best?" said Grzeczny towards Peter, as Grzeczny proceeded to drink his cup of tea.

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Peter nodded. "I do reckon. There is nothing better to clam the old nerves. So basically it is better to have a good spot of tea than to focus on someone like Xehanort." Peter said in a gentlemen's voice.

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"Oh yes, Xehanort, indeed...." said Grzeczny, as he proceeded to stand up from his chair before saying to Peter the words "I am sorry mister Peter but I am afraid you must die now, for I must exact vengeance upon that b****** Xehanort for him, as Kye taking my whole life away." said Grzeczny, as he proceeded to clutch his hand on the very air itself before using it like a swift katana to cut in half both his and Peter's teacups whilst Tabu confronting Logan roars once more before shooting an orb of Darkness straight right at him.

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Peter jumped back in the air. "Hey, can't we talk about this? I dislike Xehanort as much as the next guy. He did destroy my home after all and I now live here and there. He also destroyed the lives of those who mattered to me. So can't we just talk about this and not attack me?" Peter said in his tricky but hidden tricky voice.



Logan dodged the attack. He then began to run away even faster. "AINZ! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SEND THIS BEAST AFTER ME OF ALL PEOPLE? I AM JUST A LEAF MAN!" Logan said running.

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"Hee hee, cause, your fun to tease, "Leaf Man", fuu fuu." said Ainz looking on at Logan's current predicament at the Garden of Assemblage whilst Grzeczny says to Peter "I know that you are right, however, I intend to be the one that will butcher up that b****** Xehanort, not Ainz and certainly not you monsieur." said Grzeczny, as he proceeded to now use his other hand to hold onto the air, as well whilst being the first D.B.P.K member so far that's still apart of it, of whom hasn't called Ainz THE Lord Ainz himself.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius looks right at Delikatny, laughing evilly at him. He can tell that he is getting very angry at him. He is certain that his shield may go down into failure. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "Oh? I'm not the feeble ant, you are, just like the worm's food that you call "The Dance Of The Weak Loser".." Said Shadowdrius, mocking Delikatny again.

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