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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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Kelly looked at Sora. "Look, I am not going to make you save Horizont, but there is something I would like you to think of. Horizont is my true love. Which means, that now that I have found him, I would rather die then be without him. True love is a powerful thing." Kelly said.

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Sora however, didn't hear Kelly's words, as he still kept pondering to himself until one after another respectively, did Roxas, Xion, Ventus, Horizont and Emx appeared around Sora within a circle, all smiling at him and regardless of whatever choice he makes, shows to him through their smiles of which he can immediately understand, is that they will support him all the way and so, after finally finished thinking to himself, did Sora then say the words to Kelly "........Would Horizont really want you to die just to be at his side? would he? I know he wouldn't and I know I wouldn't either, live Kelly, live....for your love." said Sora, showing Kelly in fact he was listening to her but rather instead of approving of her words just a few moments ago, did Sora want Kelly to understand what it truly means to be in love.


(This song plays, as Sora, with support from Roxas and the others within Sora's Heart, says strong, meaningful words to Kelly, which Sora hopes she would understand-http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=1n4Xzz5M7bM.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kyle watches on as Sora is talking to Kelly, as Invisa leans on the wall looking on at the sight with a stern look on her face. Kyle folds his arms as he looks on at the sight, staying quiet. He knows that this conversation is personal, so he knows that he shouldn't interfere. Kyle then thinks mentally in his head with the following words. "Look's like Sora is about to make his choice..." Thought Kyle, mentally thinking of what Sora is doing.

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Kelly laughed. "Ah such a meat brain, I was just using a figure of speech. But I do know that if I don't have Horizont, well then my heart will feel like it is missing something." Kelly said.

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"....Kelly, I will help on only one condition, that you DON'T die for the love between both you and Horizont, live for it instead, I don't want any of my friends, NONE of them, to die for what it is they want, I want us to live all together, for the future!" said Sora to Kelly, refusing to help her if she was going to die for her ambition, as Riku immediately thought to himself with a slight smirk on his face the words "Heh, Sora, you've grown, you would have helped her either way, but, unlike Kelly, YOU wouldn't want to die, just for the sake of something precious towards you, instead, you would live for it, so you could enjoy everyday with it, that something precious I know very well that you keep to your Heart." said Riku, proud of his friend Sora.

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Kyle looks on at Sora and Kelly's conversation and almost laughs at Sora's strong words playfully, but quickly shut himself. Invisa watches on the conversation with a small smile on her face. Master Lunarius and Joseph lean on the wall as well, watching the conversation as well. Kyle then thinks in his head with the following words. "Just like him, hehe.." Thought Kyle, mentally thinking in his head about Sora's words.

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Yen Sid merely laughed a little at the boy's deep, meaningful words towards Kelly, as Yen Sid then thought to himself "Sora, the Key that Connects them All....you TRULY are special, aren't you?" said Yen Sid about Sora, remarking on Time and Time again that he never ceased to amaze others.

(Congrads everyone once more! thank you all so much for all of us having reached yet another 100 pages! let's all keep up the good work and finally bring about an end to this battle :]!).



Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Invisa looks up at Yen Sid with a stern look on her face as she turns to face Sora. She laughs a little at him as she folds her arms. She found Sora's words to be funny. She then thinks to herself mentally with the following words. "Hehehe, that boy really is something, is he?" Thought Invisa, mentally thinking about Sora in her head.

Edited by Tom13

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Kelly looked at Sora. "Heck, even if I did really want to die, I couldn't. I wasn't born in the normal way that would allow me to die. If I am killed, I come right back. I have immortal powers of living. That is what makes me special. So, I couldn't die for anything. So if you are willing to help me save Horizont, then I am willing to do anything to help that I can." Kelly said to Sora with a smile.

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Invisa looks at her computer and looks shocked at what it shows. She looks up at Yen Sid with an urgent look on her face. Kyle looks over to Invisa with a confused look on his face, wondering what's going on. Invisa then speaks to Yen Sid by saying. "Master Yen Sid! Our "Legendary Keys"! They were stolen!" Shouted Invisa, talking to Yen Sid.

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Harry appeared behind Annistha. He had noticed that Kelly was there, and hoped to not be seen by her. He took Annistha's hand and pulled the both of them into a close room. "That was close." Harry said.

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Invisa looks right at Sora, letting out a sigh. She puts her hands to her hips, staring at Sora sternly. Kyle looks on at Sora and then at Invisa, with shock on his face upon hearing the news. Invisa speaks to Sora by saying. "Gee, kid, looks like you need to be informed.... Ugh, I don't even have time for a full explaination, so here's a summary.... The "Seven Legendary Keys" are objects that unlock the "Sealed Entrance" to the "Original Sleeping World", "Dimensional Spectral", there lies a special Book, known as the "Book of Argna".. Which is said to have vast knowledge of just about ALL of the Worlds, it's said to have a very "Special Power" within it.... Shadowdrius and his X Hearts collected four of the Keys, while we were out to fight the D.B.P.K, we collected three of the Keys along the way... We now have help of the final "Guardian"... But now it looks like our Keys were stolen..." Said Invisa, talking to Sora.

Edited by Tom13

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(Hey guys, i'm finally back, this is gonna be a short ost, just to get me back on track)


Bly, Belusair and the others finally arrived to where everyone else was, and decided that they should figure out what was going down. "Hey guys, what'd we miss? we going after Organization XIII yet?" asked Allen. "I hope so, i've got a score to settle with Xehanort." said Bly. The others waited for the info on what they were up to and where they were going.

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Kelly looked at the newcomers. "Umm, who the heck are these people? And we are just finding out the powerful keys were stolen, we have to find them first. After that, we can probably take down Organization 13." Kelly said.

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"....First, Sora, your decision?" said Yen Sid, as Sora replies "I've already stated it Master! not long ago, I promised myself, that those who I am because of need me, Im not simply gonna turn my back on them after everything they have done for me, no matter what, I WILL help them all!!" said Sora, as close up images of those within his Heart appear around his face within a circle with their own, as Yen Sid more or less seems to notice this with both shock and surprise before lastly saying the words "....Heh heh, very well then, Sora." said Yen Sid whilst Riku lets out a small smirk towards Sora, of whom lastly smiles back towards Yen Sid upon after hearing his reply.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"........" Sora remained silent, as Horizont standing on top of Sora's Station of Awakening uses Horizont's Heart after a moment of pondering to himself to draw Kelly's own Heart in physical form onto the Station, as Horizont then says to Kelly whilst his arms are folded "....Please, speak...." said Horizont, a bit weary of Kelly after all that has happened, as elsewhere, at Organization XIII's headquarters, do we see Mickey in a cage remaining silent before saying to himself "........Its almost Time." said Mickey, apparently having some sort of plan in mind to enact obviously once the Time is right.

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Kelly looked at the newcomers. "Umm, who the heck are these people? And we are just finding out the powerful keys were stolen, we have to find them first. After that, we can probably take down Organization 13." Kelly said.

"Well, to answer your question, me, Theo and Jason are guardians of light, the two that look like monsters are Jake and Elizabeth." said Allen. "Keyblade Master Belusair, at your service." said Belusair. "Name's Bly, as for looking like a type of heartless, i got someone whose name begins with X to thank for that." said Bly. Everyone in Allen's group then looked towards Sora. "Count us in for this mission, Keyblade Wielders stick together." said Belusair. "Master Yen Sid, it's good to see you again as well." said Jason.

Edited by Keyblade_warrior895

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"Well, to answer your question, me, Theo and Jason are guardians of light, the two that look like monsters are Jake and Elizabeth." said Allen. "Keyblade Master Belusair, at your service." said Belusair. "Name's Bly, as for looking like a type of heartless, i got someone whose name begins with X to thank for that." said Bly. Everyone in Allen's group then looked towards Sora. "Count us in for this mission, Keyblade Wielders stick together." said Belusair. "Master Yen Sid, it's good to see you again as well." said Jason. "Wait a minute, almost time for what, and whose the mouse?" asked Bly.


(Please edit Keyblade Warrior, Mickey is being held captive elsewhere.).


"Jason, Belusair, everyone, right now, we are getting ready........to go to War with the XIII Darknesses that plague the universe." said Yen Sid, explaining the situation to both Belusair and his group.

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Kelly looked at him. "Horizont, I never thought I would hear from you again. I have searched everywhere for you, just to see if you were safe. I have gone and seen so much after I woke up on the other side, but all I could think about was you. I am so proud of you for trying to help a friend, and I still very much love you just for being you." Kelly said smiling.

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"Right, it's about time we got to bust some heads of those guys." said Jake. "May i ask, do we get to fight villains of the other worlds while we're at it?" asked Elizabeth. "Hmm, good point, i wanna have a 'Chat' with Hades." said Jake. "Stay focused you two, we can settle personal scores when this is over." said Belusair. "Right, but first....." said Bly. "Yen Sid, i must ask that you forgive my actions all those years ago, i was blinded by power and strength." said Bly.

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