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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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New Characters Sheet:
Name- Lusteralia
Age- Unknown, looks like in her 30s.
History- Lusteralia is a mysterious woman who has strange powers over Light. Her powers can cause terrible things if in the wrong hands. She wants to end the conflict against evil, even if it means fighting herself.
Alignment- Light
Personality- The very same as Cosmos' from Dissidia: Final Fantasy 012 and 013.
Appearance- Posted Image (Has a Heart-like symbol on the center of her dress and has green hair instead of blonde.)
Weapon- Has a Keyblade that looks like a combination of the Oathkeeper and Starlight Keyblades.
Sub Weapon- N/A
Japanese Voice Actor/Actor- Sumi Shimamoto
English Voice Actor/Actor- Veronica Taylor
Theme Song- Same as Introduction.
Sad Theme Song- Same as Introduction.
Battle Theme Song- Same as Introduction.
Ending Theme Song- 













Kyle jumps at Tabu's back with his Keyblade and intends to slash it in the back. Shadowdrius sighs and teleports to the left side of Tabu and jumps at it's legs, intending to slash it in the legs. Kyle watches as Shadowdrius goes on to attack Tabu. Shadowdrius then speaks out loud to Tabu by saying. "Sink into oblivion and despair!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he attacks Tabu.




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Kyle jumps at Tabu's back with his Keyblade and intends to slash it in the back. Shadowdrius sighs and teleports to the left side of Tabu and jumps at it's legs, intending to slash it in the legs. Kyle watches as Shadowdrius goes on to attack Tabu. Shadowdrius then speaks out loud to Tabu by saying. "Sink into oblivion and despair!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he attacks Tabu.

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(The attack would, is successful, bring the dead back to the way they were before they died. It just doesn't work alot of the time because it is very hard to master, maintain, and control.)



Peter rushed at Ciazenie and slashed his hand. Peter then stood in front of Mina. "No one, and I repeat no one is going to hurt her while I am still alive. Heck, I could even be dead and not let you touch her." Peter said holding his keyblade out ready to protect.

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Kyle jumps at Tabu's back with his Keyblade and intends to slash it in the back. Shadowdrius sighs and teleports to the left side of Tabu and jumps at it's legs, intending to slash it in the legs. Kyle watches as Shadowdrius goes on to attack Tabu. Shadowdrius then speaks out loud to Tabu by saying. "Sink into oblivion and despair!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he attacks Tabu.

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"Heh, should we Alsgard?" said Seis, as Alsgard replied "Of course!", as just then, does Seis smirk at Alsgard's comment before facing both Belusair and all of the others before then nodding to them, in a way telling them to follow both him and Alsgard to the Keyblade Graveyard like location.

"Well, come on, i'm not gonna let them have all the fun." said Bly as he took off. "Man, he's fast for an old man." said Belusair as he took off as well, followed by the others. "So, what do ya think we'll run into when we get there?" asked Jason. "Who knows, but, we should be prepared for everything, and anything." said Allen. Everyone continued following Alsgard to where he was leading them.

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Kyle jumps at Tabu's back with his Keyblade and intends to slash it in the back. Shadowdrius sighs and teleports to the left side of Tabu and jumps at it's legs, intending to slash it in the legs. Kyle watches as Shadowdrius goes on to attack Tabu. Shadowdrius then speaks out loud to Tabu by saying. "Sink into oblivion and despair!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he attacks Tabu.

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(I see, however, I am not sure about that technique so now, i'll keep my eye on it and see what I think about it, cause I don't want that technique to appear later on, due to circumstances that will be explained.).

(Well the move will return later on, but with my character...)

 Peter rushed at Ciazenie and slashed his hand. Peter then stood in front of Mina. "No one, and I repeat no one is going to hurt her while I am still alive. Heck, I could even be dead and not let you touch her." Peter said holding his keyblade out ready to protect.

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Annistha jumped up and slightly to one side of Pletwa, placing a hand on the back of his shoulders and pushing him as he went by, hopefully ruining his balance."Haven't you heard it is rude to interrupt people?" She asked, landing and turning to face Pletwa in one graceful movement. She twirled her Keyblade expertly, it ending up pointing at Pletwa."Apparently, our attention is being paged." She said conversationally to Harry. "I guess it is time we mingled with the other guests."

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Harry nodded. "Like I said, ladies first." Harry said with a smile. He then took out his keyblade and held it pointing at Pletwa. "And bud, I wouldn't get in the way or try anything stupid." Harry said grinning.

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(Well the move will return later on, but with my character...)


(I see, well, how about this, I have decided just now that I will Accept your technique but on the condition that it not be used until I give the heads up because you see I have something planned for later on in mind that this technique I believe would effect so, as long, as I give the heads up about it, are you okay with that maybe?).


Tabu roars out in pain, as it suffers damage from both Kyle and Shadowdrius' joint attack on it whilst Czci mearly smirks at this before turning around to see arrive behind him was both Alsgard and the others, of whom Seis says among them to Czci lastly the words "Yo! long Time no see Czci!! heh." said Seis, as he grinned upon seeing Czci.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius smirks evilly as he sees Tabu roar in pain. He then covers his Keyblade in Darkness as he speaks to it by saying. "That's right, you pathetic and useless Darkfull, feel pain! I feed off of pain! I shall feed off your own pain to gain more power!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he prepares to attack Tabu again. He laughs evilly as he teleports all around Tabu, flying around him rapidly, while Kyle casts a Flamberg Firaga at Tabu. Shadowdrius then fires X-shaped waves of Darkness from his Keyblade at Tabu while flying around it in a circle.

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Tabu however, just before he could continued to be damaged by his enemies was saved at the very last second from both Kyle and Shadowdrius' attacks by the D.B.P.K brothers from before back at Homebound both Dwa and Czlowiek respectively.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius stares at the two people evilly. Akumu and John Sharlion's Remnant appear in front of the two people and push them back with their Keyblades, and create a force field to let Shadowdrius and the others inside of it to continue battling Tabu without being interrupted. Shadowdrius then charges up more Darkness into his Keyblade. He then speaks to the two people by saying. "You two pathetic fools, get out of my sight or I shall make you both sink in oblivion! An oblivion like no other!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he prepares to attack Tabu. Joseph listens to what Shadowdrius says and glares at him. Shadowdrius uses his Keyblade to open a portal and causes up to a thousand Keyblades to come flying out of the portal to go attack Tabu like the Keyblade storm like the one in the Keyblade Graveyard in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

Edited by Tom13

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(I see, well, how about this, I have decided just now that I will Accept your technique but on the condition that it not be used until I give the heads up because you see I have something planned for later on in mind that this technique I believe would effect so, as long, as I give the heads up about it, are you okay with that maybe?).


Tabu roars out in pain, as it suffers damage from both Kyle and Shadowdrius' joint attack on it whilst Czci mearly smirks at this before turning around to see arrive behind him was both Alsgard and the others, of whom Seis says among them to Czci lastly the words "Yo! long Time no see Czci!! heh." said Seis, as he grinned upon seeing Czci.


(What- to the -ever)



Peter rushed at Ciazenie and slashed his hand. Peter then stood in front of Mina. "No one, and I repeat no one is going to hurt her while I am still alive. Heck, I could even be dead and not let you touch her." Peter said holding his keyblade out ready to protect. 

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The two brothers Dwa and Czlowiek proceeded to remain silent however and instead, immediately transform into their fused brothers form before going straight after both John Sharlion's Remnant and Akumu.

(What- to the -ever)



Peter rushed at Ciazenie and slashed his hand. Peter then stood in front of Mina. "No one, and I repeat no one is going to hurt her while I am still alive. Heck, I could even be dead and not let you touch her." Peter said holding his keyblade out ready to protect. 


(Sorry if what I said before about not wanting that technique to appear later on was offensive :[, I didn't mean it in that exact manner, I meant like just not until I found a way to make it work within the story.).


Just, as Ciazenie's hand was cut in half by Peter, did Ciazenie then regenerate it back to his arm by using sowing needles that had appeared from where his hand was cut off from his arm before using his other hand to grab Peter by the neck, intending to squeeze all the life from out of it.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius watches evilly and sadistically as the storm of Keyblades goes at Tabu. He then charges more Darkness in his Keyblade. Kyle goes on to hit Tabu with an Icebreaker Delta attack, with the Icebreaker attack being used in three strikes instead of two. Shadowdrius then speaks out loud by saying. "Time for this Darkfull to feel it's very demise!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he prepares to attack Tabu. Shadowdrius floats into the air and waves his Keyblade around, causing it's blade to turn into that like a whip like the one Young Xehanort used, which Shadowdrius goes on to hit Tabu with severely.

Edited by Tom13

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"Kyle and Shadowdrius working together? now that's a first." said Seis, as Alsgard replied to Czci lastly with the words "Czci, how on earth did you get those two to agree to fight alongside one another?" said Alsgard, still looking on in unbelief of the fact that both Kyle and Shadowdrius are fighting alongside one another side by side.

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Shadowdrius just stares at Seis as he continues to hit Tabu with his current attacks. He doesn't like the word "Working Together". He continues to glare at Seis with a stern look on his face. He then speaks to Seis by saying. "Don't get yourself "Stuck In a Knot" I'm only doing this once. Putting an end to this pointless conflict with the Nevermore trash is the only reason I'm here, Ainz has no future, as soon you will not have one.." Said Shadowdrius, as he talks to Seis.

Edited by Tom13

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Kyle looks on at Tabu, and watches as most of the attacks that the others inflicted on it. He charges Light in his Keyblade as he raises it. He is preparing to attack Tabu with his Keyblade. He then speaks out loud by saying. "Time for you to feel the Light!" Shouted Kyle, as he prepares to attack Tabu. Kyle jumps at Tabu's back and fires a barraes up to a thousand waves of Light from his Keyblade at Tabu's back from above.

Edited by Tom13

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Time seemed to slow down, as Tabu was getting attacked from everywhere but it was certain that the damages inflicted upon it were certainly real and obviously happening before it then screamed out in agony at it's pain before then crashing down on the floor, belly first.

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Shadowdrius laughs evilly as Tabu falls onto his belly. He turns his Keyblade back to it's original form and charges up Darkness inside of it. He is preparing to possibly finish Tabu off. He then speaks out loud by saying. "Now you shall surrender to oblivion!" Shouted Shadowdrius, as he prepares to attack Tabu again. Shadowdrius fires a big beam of Pure Darkness from his Keyblade at Tabu in the face.

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(And I meant okay, but I was trying to say it cool. :D )



Peter was gasping for air. "Such....a.....terrible.....darkness..........Mina!.........Help me..........MINA!........." Peter said as he fainted. Suddenly, a flash of bright light appeared where Peter was. The light lifted Peter out of the grip that he was in. The light then placed Peter gently down and showed its true form. It happened to be none other than the other deminision's Tinker Bell. She then stood up and pointed her wand keyblade at the enemy. "No one hurts my friend and lives, even if they are already dead." Tink said.





Name- Crystal "Tink" Bell (aka Tinker Bell) Age- ?History- ?Alignment- LightPersonality- Good-hearted, a bit hothead at times, shares many traits with the Disney Tinker BellAppearance- Looks like Rose Mciver (aka Tinker Bell in Once Upon a Time) but with green hairlines, purple dress, and violet shoes, and without the classic wingsWeapon- A wand shaped keybladeSub Weapon- Her magicJapanese Voice Actor/Actor- Whoever does the voice of Xion in JapanEnglish Voice Actor/Actor- Rose MciverIntroduction Theme Song- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhUmqLSR7zQTheme Song- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcTBpgELh8sSad Theme Song- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiL2V-Z63ko


Battle Theme Song- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVUVlrMF_TUFinal Battle Theme Song- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_rp5rtyZJg 

Ending Theme Song- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_ewQyajWNw 



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Czci blocks the attack with his cleaver however, as he then says to Shadowdrius "Enough, he's beaten, let's just move on to the next opponent." said Czci, as we then see Oswald, Donald and Goofy, jumping right in front of Pletwa, in order to attack him obviously, only for Pletwa to then take on a pose with his hands similar to Vanille's from Final Fantasy XIII with which he then uses to channel energy through out all of his fingertips and then breathe fire at his enemies, catching all three of them off guard, as Oswald gets struck back whilst yelling out "GAH!!!!!!!!" before then getting catched by Riku, of whom says to Oswald lastly "Need help?" said Riku, as he proceeded to look on at the now evilly grinning Pletwa.

(And I meant okay, but I was trying to say it cool. :D )



Peter was gasping for air. "Such....a.....terrible.....darkness..........Mina!.........Help me..........MINA!........." Peter said as he fainted. Suddenly, a flash of bright light appeared where Peter was. The light lifted Peter out of the grip that he was in. The light then placed Peter gently down and showed its true form. It happened to be none other than the other deminision's Tinker Bell. She then stood up and pointed her wand keyblade at the enemy. "No one hurts my friend and lives, even if they are already dead." Tink said.





Name- Crystal "Tink" Bell (aka Tinker Bell) Age- ?History- ?Alignment- LightPersonality- Good-hearted, a bit hothead at times, shares many traits with the Disney Tinker BellAppearance- Looks like Rose Mciver (aka Tinker Bell in Once Upon a Time) but with green hairlines, purple dress, and violet shoes, and without the classic wingsWeapon- A wand shaped keybladeSub Weapon- Her magicJapanese Voice Actor/Actor- Whoever does the voice of Xion in JapanEnglish Voice Actor/Actor- Rose MciverIntroduction Theme Song- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhUmqLSR7zQTheme Song- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcTBpgELh8sSad Theme Song- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiL2V-Z63ko


Battle Theme Song- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVUVlrMF_TUFinal Battle Theme Song- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_rp5rtyZJg 

Ending Theme Song- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_ewQyajWNw 





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