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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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Kyle looks on at Lenda's hand, he can tell that it's strange for an opponent to use his own hand as a weapon. He jumps back and jumps high into the air and goes on to teleport behind Lenda and slash him into the air and slash him multiple Times in a similar fashion to Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts II. He continues to attack Lenda like this as he looks at him. He then speaks to Lenda by saying. "Take this!" Shouted Kyle, as he attacks Lenda.

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Kyle looks on at Lenda sternly as he lands on the ground. He points his Keyblade right at him again. He charges up Light in his Keyblade as he looks on at Lenda. He then speaks to Lenda by saying. "Let's do this!" Shouted Kyle, as he prepares to attack Lenda. Kyle then fires three big spheres of Light, looking like the ones used in Terra's Ultima Cannon Shotlock, and all three spheres of Light move in at Lenda to hit him with multiple explosions.

Edited by Tom13

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"No, not really. Cause I really didn't think it mattered. I really grew up on a deminison beyond all of this that you ruined my family in. So thanks to you, I have seen weirder things than a snake girl. So I really don't think little things like that matter anymore." Peter said.

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"........What if I told you that my research into her, the Remnant Goddess, DESTROYED your life to begin with?" said Xehanort with his both very, very shocking and very, very surprising words towards Peter, as Xehanort seems to be getting at something involving Peter's life that in turn involved Mina, as starts breathing heavily.

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Everyone looks on both very, very, VERY shockingly and very, very, VERY surprisingly at Shadowdrius from the Garden of Assemblage at its screen, with Chlop saying the words "T-That's!?!?!?!?" said Chlop, followed by Alsgard saying "A Jadro!?!?!?!?" said Alsgard, as Delikatny mearly grits his teeth before B.L.O.X appears in front of Delikatny now grinning before shouting out "SO WHAT!?!?!?!? A MERE JADRO WON'T STOP MINE!!!! IT IS A WORK OF ART!!!! OF BEAUTY!!!! SOMETHING YOU COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND!!!! I'LL SHOW YOU!!!! I'LL SHOW ALL OF YOU!!!! INCLUDING THAT B****** XEHANORT!!!! AS WELL, AS HIS SON AINZ!!!! TAAAAKE THIS SHADOWDRIUS!!!! B.L.O.X!!!!" shouted out Delikatny, as B.L.O.X had then merged itself in a hasty decision by Delikatny, to his Jadro, with Delikatny lastly shouting out the words "HERE IT IS!!!! MY ULTIMATE JADRO!!!! PIEKNY-JADRO-KONCZYC!!!!!!!!" shouted out Delikatny once more, as his hands combined and then turned into that of a cone shaped like cannon with which he then uses to fire upon Shadowdrius with Delikatny's Jadro, causing a huge explosion in its aftermath.

"Hey, Alsgard....mind telling me what the heck a Jadro is?" asked Belusair. The others were also curious about this creature, seeing as all they've ever fought were heartless and various other beasts. "Hey Allen, i forgot to ask, mind giving me the run down of what i missed in my travels?" asked Bly. "Hmm, the short version, Treasure Town disappeared, the D.B.P.K. came along and we've been fighting them since." said Allen. Belusair was waiting for Alsgard to answer his question about the Jadro.

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Peter thought for a second. He looked down at Mina. He then smiled. "Then I say it was worth it. I would give up anything for Mina. I would even give up my sisters just to save my heart." Peter said.

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"The Jadro....it is an attack made up of both Darkness and pure Darkness, condensed into a highly pressurized sphere with which one can use to shoot the Jadro with, it is a very powerful attack and the D.B.P.K's signature attack, the question is, how did you obtain it? huh? Shadowdrius?" said Alsgard, looking over towards his enemy with a stern look.

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Peter thought for a second. He looked down at Mina. He then smiled. "Then I say it was worth it. I would give up anything for Mina. I would even give up my sisters just to save my heart." Peter said.

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"........I disagree with you there." said Riku before then saying to Peter "It's not one person you should think of saving but rather, your whole loved ones!" said Riku, trying to rephrase Peter's words, as he stands in front of both him and Mina against Master Xehanort whilst Mina weakly but surely slightly smiles upon what Riku had said, not wishing for Mina to be saved alone by Peter but rather have both her along with everyone else that he cares about be saved, as well.

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Kyle looks on at Lenda sternly as he lands on the ground. He points his Keyblade right at him again. He charges up Light in his Keyblade as he looks on at Lenda. He then speaks to Lenda by saying. "Let's do this!" Shouted Kyle, as he prepares to attack Lenda. Kyle then fires three big spheres of Light, looking like the ones used in Terra's Ultima Cannon Shotlock, and all three spheres of Light move in at Lenda to hit him with multiple explosions. Shadowdrius looks on at Alsgard and speaks to him by saying. "I pretty much inherited this Jadro... That's all I'll say.." Said Shadowdrius, revealing a reason why has knows the Jadro .

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"........?" Alsgard decided to not go deeper into the matter, as elsewhere, emerging from the dust caused by the explosions was Lenda, of whom proceeded to not say a word and mearly look on at Kyle, as just then, did Czci arrive, saying to Kyle "Yo kid, thought you could use a hand!" said Czci before smirking at his enemy.

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Peter smiled, "Well, I still don't care that Mina was the reason why my love ones are gone. It's because I know that if it wasn't for them being gone, I wouldn't have met and seen so many people and places. I would have never have found out that I was Peter Pan, and my darker side is Captain Hook, I wouldn't have met my best friend Tink, I wouldn't have met everyone else including you Riku, and I would have never known what true love is. I know that someday I will save my family, but right now I have to save Mina, then I can save them. And no matter what you try to do Xehanort, my love ones will never be truly gone, they will always be apart of me." Peter said.

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After seeing Chlop do it, Lacuna managed to pull up a feed to the other battles. Marcus looked over her shoulder as she flipped through the fights.

"So what about your plan?" He murmured.

"On hold til the opportune moment." She quietly answered, stopping to watch Xehanort's match.

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Kyle looks at Czci and smirks a little as he turns his head back at Lenda. He can tell that his attack may not have put a scratch on him, he seems to be tough. He is trying to think of a plan to take down Lenda. He then speaks to Czci by saying. "Thanks, I could use a hand right now.. That guy seemed resist my attacks." Said Kyle, talking about Lenda

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"Yeah, I saw from over there, it seems he has the power of Space-Time teleportation, using his Body parts, as a medium." said Czci on the mechanics of Lenda's technique, as he mearly grunts upon his enemy realising this whilst meanwhile, did Xehanort let upon his face a small disappointed look before saying to both Riku and the others "Sigh, such a shame, oh well, I guess this plan was a failure after all, at any rate, I think I shall give you all a special treat, considering that you managed to "foil" my plan." said Xehanort, as he then makes appear from out of thin air a dead Body, of which he then throws towards his enemies before both revealing to them that it is the D.B.P.K that Xehanort had fought offscreen whilst everyone was busy earlier and then lastly saying the words "Thanks to this Nevermore's death, you should be able to return to the Garden of Assemblage, as for me, well, I shall meet you all later, be sure of that, fuu fuu." said Xehanort with a evil snigger on his face, as he proceeded to leave through a Corridor of Darkness.

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Kyle nods as he listens to what Czci says to him as he turns to face Lenda. He is wondering how the current enemy can be distracted from using the tactic he used. He folds his arms as he looks on at Lenda. He then speaks to Lenda by saying. "I see, how do we stop him from doing that?" Asked Kyle, wondering how to stop Lenda from using his own body parts as weapons.

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Kyle looks right at Czci with a stern look on his face. He unfolds his arms as he looks on at him. He wonders what the idea is to getting passed Lenda's attacks. He then speaks to Czci by saying. "What is it?" Asked Kyle, asking what the idea is.

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Peter looked a little revived that Xehanort was gone. "Thank goodness he left. But what about Mina? Is she going to be okay? And what does a body have to do with letting us leave?" Peter asked. He looked at Mina in his arms caring for her the most at the moment.

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"........Lemme see her for a mo." said Riku, as he went over to Mina before kneeling in front of both her and Peter, as Riku checked Mina's pulse by placing his hand on her neck before then using a Curaga spell to heal her, as he says to Peter the words "Im guessing that whatever Ainz is doing to both you and the others by separating you all can only be reversed once those guys of his have been defeated, in that case, we've got to--" said Riku before just then getting interrupted by Ainz, of whom lastly says to everyone the words "Dammit! that old man!! he's REALLY gone too far now!!! very well then, having no choice........I HEARBY DECLARE THE CHANCE TO BE OVER AND WE WILL NOW COMMENCE THE FINAL OPERATION!!!! EVERYONE!!!! GRAB MINA AND BRING HER TO ME!!!!!!!!" shouted out Ainz with a loud speaker like voice, as all the doors back at the Garden of Assemblage had then reappeared with Pletwa seeing his door appear right behind him before then going through it but not before lastly evilly smirking towards Dawn, as the door had then transported Pletwa to where both Riku and all of the others are, at the Keyblade Graveyard like location.


(The Chance Arc over, the D.B.P.K Final Battle Arc begins-https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=FLs6kR5tqPMr_bEybQ6eQFlw&feature=player_detailpage&v=of5P77ZZdI0.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kyle quickly moves out of the way of Lenda's attack by using a Dodge Roll. He looks at Lenda sternly while pointing his Keyblade at him. He is still wanting to know how to beat him. He then speaks to Lenda by saying. "That was rude, but we'll be sure to hit harder.." Said Kyle, as he talks to Lenda. Shadowdrius gets up from his throne, as he and his X Hearts members teleport to the Graveyard-like area. He watches Kyle battling against Lenda, smirking evilly. Joseph, Dusk, Sabrina, Lucy, and the others teleport to the Graveyard-like area as well.

Edited by Tom13

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Following in suite would be all of the other D.B.P.K members, whose battles are interrupted like Tabu's for example by Ainz, as he teleports them all to the Keyblade Graveyard like location but not before Pletwa tries to strike both Peter and Mina from above by opening Pletwa's mouth up really wide.


(This song plays, as the shark preys on its food-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeipSaLndgY&feature=player_detailpage&list=FLs6kR5tqPMr_bEybQ6eQFlw.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kyle looks right at Lenda with a stern look on his face. He is wondering what Lenda is. He folds his arms as he looks at him. He also glares at Shadowdrius before then turning back to Lenda. He then speaks out loud by saying. "Now what?" Asked Kyle, asking what's going to happen next.

Edited by Tom13

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