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RECONNECT. Kingdom Hearts III: The χ-Blade War.

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"........Well, so far, I think Kyle should be fine, he's fighting an enemy of ours who I would put my trust in and the others are at multiple locations that they have yet to encounter their respective foes at, Marcus has just defeated Pazur and so now that leaves only one question in mind for me........what about Xehanort?" said Alsgard, as he tightly gripped his right arm whilst thinking about what Master Xehanort is currently up to at his own arena.

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Shadowdrius listens to what Delikatny says right in front of him. He folds his arms as he looks down at him evilly. He is wanting to know more about what Kye did, what his enemy said about him interested him. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "I see... It had something to do with "That Incident", didn't it.. Go on if you have anything else to say.." Said Shadowdrius, wanting Delikatny to continue what he is saying.

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"Oooo." Lacuna exclaimed as she studied the screen. "What's the guy's name who's fighting Shadowdrius? I'm gonna cheer for him."

She then looked directly in Chlop's eyes, her own black and had the unsettling impression that they were empty.

"By the way, lucky man. Paws off my friends."

She then went back to studying the display with the fight on it, her eyes returning to there normal shifting colors.

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"....I know but if we use Hatred against him and end up killing him because of that Hatred, we won't be any different, no both me and Seis had prepared for that and we're not going to kill Xehanort." said Alsgard, as Seis replied by saying "Aye, we're just gonna teach him a lesson a little bit is all heh." said Seis, as he donned a demonic grin on his face a little whilst Delikatny replied to Shadowdrius saying the words "Ah yes, THAT incident, the one........" said Delikatny, as he stopped talking all of a sudden for some reason before then shouting out "THAT RUINED MY LIFE!!!!!!!!" shouted out Delikatny, as he appeared, as an illusion to Shadowdrius in front of him before the real Delikatny tried to land a hit on Shadowdrius from above with a Jadro.

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Shadowdrius smirks evilly as he uses his own tail to shield himself from Delikatny's Jadro. He laughs evilly as he looks on at Delikatny. He is planning to do something strange to his opponent. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "I think it's Time that I give you a piece of your own medicine.." Said Shadowdrius, preparing to attack Delikatny. Shadowdrius begins to charges a big purple ball of condensed Darkness in his mouth.

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"You guys can take him down, but i must request that the finishing blow comes from me, Xehanort loves the power of darkness so much, then it will be his undoing." said Bly. "Man, dad really doesn't like this guy, does he?" asked Allen. "What was your first clue?" asked Theo. "Hey, Alsgard, how do we outsmart Xehanort when we start hunting him?" asked Elizabeth.

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Everyone looks on both very, very, VERY shockingly and very, very, VERY surprisingly at Shadowdrius from the Garden of Assemblage at its screen, with Chlop saying the words "T-That's!?!?!?!?" said Chlop, followed by Alsgard saying "A Jadro!?!?!?!?" said Alsgard, as Delikatny mearly grits his teeth before B.L.O.X appears in front of Delikatny now grinning before shouting out "SO WHAT!?!?!?!? A MERE JADRO WON'T STOP MINE!!!! IT IS A WORK OF ART!!!! OF BEAUTY!!!! SOMETHING YOU COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND!!!! I'LL SHOW YOU!!!! I'LL SHOW ALL OF YOU!!!! INCLUDING THAT B****** XEHANORT!!!! AS WELL, AS HIS SON AINZ!!!! TAAAAKE THIS SHADOWDRIUS!!!! B.L.O.X!!!!" shouted out Delikatny, as B.L.O.X had then merged itself in a hasty decision by Delikatny, to his Jadro, with Delikatny lastly shouting out the words "HERE IT IS!!!! MY ULTIMATE JADRO!!!! PIEKNY-JADRO-KONCZYC!!!!!!!!" shouted out Delikatny once more, as his hands combined and then turned into that of a cone shaped like cannon with which he then uses to fire upon Shadowdrius with Delikatny's Jadro, causing a huge explosion in its aftermath.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius flies into the air and his Jadro is fully charged up. He laughs evilly at Delikatny below as he unfolds his arms as he looks down at him. He is preparing to fire his Jadro to obliterate Delikatny in one shot. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "Fool, your Jadro is weak in comparison to.... Masywny Cien Jadro!" Shouted Shadowdrius, preparing to fire his Jadro at Delikatny. Shadowdrius fires his Jadro from his mouth, which is tons more bigger and stronger, at Delikatny from the sky, it would cause a huge explosion in it's aftermath if it hit below.

Edited by Tom13

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Peter nodded. He then followed behind Riku. He didn't know much about Riku, but he couldn't have thought of him to be the same guy who gave in to the darkness. He then started to think more about saving Mina, the only one that he has to care for other than his best friend.

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Delikatny's "Beautiful Core Finish" had then clashed with Shadowdrius' "Massive Shadow Core" with the two Jadros equally in power, as Delikatny tries to force his Jadro further towards Shadowdrius' Jadro whilst thinking to Delikatny himself inside of his mind ("I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!!!!!!! I WILL!!!!!!!! I--!?!?!?!?") shouted out Delikatny to himself inside of his head before then realising that Shadowdrius' Jadro was much more powerful then Delikatny's, as it then started to push him back a little whilst he still tried to push his own Jadro further towards Shadowdrius' but unfortunately, to all attempts, no avail, as Delikatny had then lastly shouted out to both himself and Shadowdrius "T-THIS-THIS-THIS-CAN'T-BE!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!! IT CAN'T!!!!!!!! I WON'T ALLOW IT!!!!!!!! I WON'T--" shouted out Delikatny.


(This song plays, as the two Jadros clash-https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=VptStuoc4sI.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius laughs evilly at Delikatny as he lands on the ground. He folds his arms as he watches his Jadro push past his opponents' Jadro. He is amused by Delikatny's reaction. He then speaks to Delikatny by saying. "Ha! This proves that you are arrogant, this is the end of you... Farewell.." Said Shadowdrius, bidding farewell to Delikatny.

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"NO!!!!!!!! I WON'T!!!!!!!! I CAN'T!!!!!!!! I--I!!!!!!!!" shouted out Delikatny, as slowly but surely until suddenly, engulfing him in a huge blur, was Shadowdrius' Jadro, as Delikatny lastly shouted out whilst screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" shouted out Delikatny, as a huge white Light had enveloped the whole area, including the combatants themselves.

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Shadowdrius returns to his original form as he smirks evilly at Delikatny, as he clutches his arm a little. He is laughing very evilly and sadistically at what he did just now. He can tell that he lost some energy after using his Jadro for the first Time. He then speaks out loud by saying. "That's the end of that guy... Beauty? More like UGLY!" Shouted Shadowdrius, cruelly mocking Delikatny.

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However, just before Delikatny was entirely enveloped by the blast, did he think to himself ("Why? all I wanted was my revenge, why? why did I lose? was that so wrong? ....ah, wait a minute, this sensation, is it....Light? that's strange, though....I thought only....people with Hearts....had....them....ha ha, does this....mean....that I....gained....a....Heart? that........I........finally........understand........beau........ty........? gah........") said Delikatny, as he was then enveloped fully by the Light like substance whilst in what was left of both his and Shadowdrius' 8 bit styled battlefield, did a single non 8 bit flower somehow both strangely and mysteriously bloomed.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shadowdrius then teleports back into the Garden of Assembledge. He creates a throne of Darkness near Moonflion and Twilightdron to sit on. He is still smirking evilly at what he did to Delikatny. He then speaks out loud to everyone by saying. "That Jadro cost me a lot of energy, since that Jadro was one of the most powerful ones.... But that weak and pathetic fool had that end coming..." Said Shadowdrius, showing that he has no remorse for what he did to Delikatny.

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Zatsu then appeared saying to Shadowdrius "Welcome back, my lord, you are the 2nd to have returned." said Zatsu before eyeballing over to where both Lacuna and the others were with Marcus, the 1st victor to have returned before Shadowdrius being the 2nd.

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Shadowdrius looks at Zatsu with an evil smirk on his face. He folds his arms as he looks on at him. He is thinking about his allies and his enemy, Kyle. He then speaks to Zatsu by saying. "I see, how are the others doing with those pathetic rats??" Asked Shadowdrius, asking how the others are doing int heir battles.

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"So far, we have a water snake like enemy going up against one of our own whilst the others im sorry to say haven't even been confronted by enemies for them to finish for you my lord." said Zatsu to Shadowdrius about the current progression of things.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kyle looks at Cizci with a stern look on his face. He is still trying to be off-guard from the battle. He is planning to defeat his enemy, but wonders if it was worth battling someone who suffered because of Kye. He then speaks to Cizci by saying. "Ready to battle?" Asked Kyle, asking if the battle will start.

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"Heh, its like you read my mind." said Czci, as he then summoned up a giant cleaver before lifting it on top of his shoulder, as he then lastly to Kyle "Let's-go!!!!" before then both charging straight at him and locking weapons with him.


(This song plays, as both Czci and Kyle now fight-https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=azvG9rdH14c.).

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Kyle looks on at Czci with a stern look on his face. He pushes him back as he jumps back and casts beams of Light at Czci. He can tell that his opponent is no pushover. He then speaks to Czci by saying. "Take this!" Shouted Kyle, as he attacks Czci.

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"We've arrived." said Lenda, as he then untied the rope binding Mina's hands whilst she looked down only to slowly look up and see in horror right in front of her very eyes, Master Xehanort, of whom mearly grins evilly upon seeing both Mina and Lenda having arrived right in front of him obviously.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Kyle looks on at Czci with a stern look on his face. He pushes him back as he jumps back and casts beams of Light at Czci. He can tell that his opponent is no pushover. He then speaks to Czci by saying. "Take this!" Shouted Kyle, as he attacks Czci.

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