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Survival of the Fittest: Battle One

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A gem is being given away that can grant just one wish to the winner of the fight. To win it however you need to be other challengers and challenges to obtain it. Now it has started with many challengers from all over coming to win this Wishing Stone. I am the host Epicx.


I need at least eight characters to start this.



1 No cursing. Period.

2 No overpowering. Must have some weaknesses.

3 Try to post at least four sentences.

4 Post "I stole Epicx from Nianna."

5 You may have one to two characters.

6 Use proper grammar please.

7 Have fun.


Character Sheet:




Roleplay: (If they came from one. Otherwise just tell where they originally found.) Last auto saved: 17:02:04







Name: Epicx

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Roleplay: Kingdom Hearts

Appearance:Posted Image

Bio: The host of the Survival challenge he seems to be pretty relaxed about this. He currently has the stone and plans to give it to the toughest challenge who will have to fight him in the end to make sure there worthy of it.

Weapon: Gold pointed claws each with a different gem on the tip.




Name: Ace/Nightmare

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Roleplay:The New Avengers: A Darkness in the Light

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio:The clone with big attitude lasers. You don't want to be on the wrong side against him. He has constant changes in his personality going from calm to outright trouble in seconds.

Weapon: Posted Image


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Name: Summer

Age: 16

Gender: female

Roleplay: Pokemon: Shadows of Kanto

Appearance: long brown hair, blue eyes, school uniform, and blue sneakers,

Bio: new to battling with things other than Pokemon, Summer entered to practice her battling skills and get stronger. Leaving her Pokemon at home, she hopes to return victorious.

Weapon: Katana



I stole Epicx from Nianna

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Name: Nianna / Nanixna

Age: 18 (Don't ask why......)

Gender: Girl

Roleplay: Kingdome Hearts.

Apperence: Long black hair, with white bangs that cover her right eye. (my profile pic)

Bio: Turned into a Nobody when ataced by a Shadow, losing her right eye in the procces. (Thats why her hair covers her right eye.)

Weapon: Sonic Blast. (Staff) Controls all types of waves known to man, sound waves are her specalty.

Extra: Her weaknesses are sweets, and Axel.


Name: Pistol. (Angent Williams)

Age: 18

Gender: Girl

Roleplay: New Avengers. A Darkness in the Light.

Apperence: Blond hair in a pony tail. Wears dark jeans, black tank top, and a jacket that has the S.H.I.L.D. symbol on the right and left shoulders. On her belt, two gun hulders for her pistols.

Bio: Joined S.H.I.L.D. about 1 year ago because she was very good with guns.

Weapon: Pistols.

Extra: Not very self confident. Is afraid of blades (swords) and has a crush on Ace/Nightmare.


"I stole Epix from Nianna"




That reminds me, Rixku! Epix has blond hair, and a piricing in his lip and ear, that is conected by a chain!

Edited by Nianna

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Character Sheet:

Name: Lance Spear

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Roleplay: Ao No Exorcist RP

Appearance: http://t2.gstatic.co...ze: 12px;'>

Bio: He comes from his world to gain the gem to rid the world from demons.

Weapon: Excalibur, Armor Of Edge

Extra: He has a wolf that can travel at the speed of light. When Lance equips the Armor Of Edge, his wolf becomes even more powerful. Due to his battle with Satan himself, regular attacks won't faze him. His battle skills and physique is all inhuman and he can do things even the skilled of warriors cannot.

Weakness: His power is vast, but since he's a human, he cannot use too much of his power. If he does, he could kill himself.


Wolf's Weakness: If he uses his power too much, it could strain it's body


I stole Epicx from Nianna

Edited by timothyg016

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