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Imagination in Progress

What is your least favorite world in the Kingdom Hearts series?

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Now I really love 100 acre woods, and it made me cry in KHII, SO SAD. I digress; I'd have to break it down by game really.

KHI - a dead tie between Atlantica and Monstro. I love the little mermaid, but the swimming controls made me want to throw my PS2 out the window. And Monstro is Monstro, 'nuff said.

KHII - I'll have to go with Port Royal, actually. Having toony coloured Sora Donald Goofy running around in such a dark world was weird. The voices were all wrong, and those skeletons drove me bonkers.

358/2 - Beast's castle purely because of Lumiere and Cogsworth made running around that place impossible half the time.

BBS - Disney Town. Annoying minigames of aggrivation. I spent hours perfecting 'it's a small world' and couldn't get it out of my head for days.

Dream Drop Distance - I cannot express with words (well I could but there are children around) how infuriated I was when I saw Monstro again. I had to put the game down and walk away for 15 minutes before I could even attempt to play through it.


I didn't put in CoM or Re:Coded, mostly because I never finished CoM, and because Re:Coded was just kinda...boring.

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