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KH3D Kingdom Hearts 3D Final Mix

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Well.... If this game will be available in America or If Someday will release.... What new Features do you want in this game?


In my case I wanna:


- Spirit Black Hooded from the Nightmare Black Hooded

- New Dream Eaters

- New Keyblades

- More Portals with more secret bosses (Maybe another strange copy or someone relationated with Xehanort)

- Well, maybe amazing If Neku will be Playable, lol

- Perhaps a secret episode with Sora after beat the final boss

- Like the Other games another Secret Video with more explanation about the future of KH


And I don't know because there are a lot of ideas but What do you want if this game will get release?

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Ain't gonna happen. Normua said he has no thought, because their is no new content. I'd rather have a patch/dlc than a whole new game. It would save a lot more money. KH2FM was created because I think we got new content, KH1FM and BBSFM was the same deal. It's when Japan whines that's the only reason they get FM because they just NEED the new boss battle.

Edited by ApulApul3000

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Right now Nomura has no plans for a final mix.. ( he might later tho but as of now ,no ).. Secondly , the final mixes are always just for Japan. Which sucks.


Yeah maybe for now but.... What new features do you want?


Ain't gonna happen. Normua said he has no thought, because they're no new content. I'd rather have a patch/dlc than a whole new game. It would save a lot more money/


Yeah That's true.....

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I think they were already pushing their boundaries in 3D. Maximizing everything they could. I know many fans want a Final Mix version and usually Final Mix versions are created to please the fans, but if they really want to please us they would just create KH3, instead of wasting our time with more games that we would need to import from Japan if we wanted it.

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I think they were already pushing their boundaries in 3D. Maximizing everything they could. I know many fans want a Final Mix version and usually Final Mix versions are created to please the fans, but if they really want to please us they would just create KH3, instead of wasting our time with more games that we would need to import from Japan if we wanted it.


hehe That's a good point

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Well, I'd like a couple of new bosses like Braig/Xigbar, Master Xehanort and another secret boss, Julius sucks! -.-

And I'd also like Isa/Saïx appear just like Braig/Xigbar: telling Sora what's gonna happen and why are they there again

Ah! And obviously another secret final :3

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Well, I'd like a couple of new bosses like Braig/Xigbar, Master Xehanort and another secret boss, Julius sucks! -.-

And I'd also like Isa/Saïx appear just like Braig/Xigbar: telling Sora what's gonna happen and why are they there again

Ah! And obviously another secret final :3


Usually Secret Bosses to main games reveal the next final boss or plot to the next game. I don't know if Julius is relevant at all, but it could be a clue. Lord Kyroo could also be a clue to a Princess and the Frog World? I might just be analyzing it too much.

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A Secret Boss Battle with Sho Minamimoto from The World Ends With You in Traverse Town.


A new Keyblade called the "Reapers' Game" that you recieve upon defeating Sho Minamimoto.


New Secret Portals with Xemnas, the Anti Black Coat, "Ansem" the Seeker of Darkness, Young Xehanort and Armored Ventus Nightmare.


A new Keyblade called the "Crown of Kings" that resembles a combination between both the Kingdom Key and the Way to the Dawn that you recieve upon beating all of the new Secret Portals.


A new Secret Ending.

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Usually Secret Bosses to main games reveal the next final boss or plot to the next game. I don't know if Julius is relevant at all, but it could be a clue. Lord Kyroo could also be a clue to a Princess and the Frog World? I might just be analyzing it too much.


Well... about Lord Kyroo is a great Clue for this world....

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A Secret Boss Battle with Sho Minamimoto from The World Ends With You in Traverse Town.


A new Keyblade called the "Reapers' Game" that you recieve upon defeating Sho Minamimoto.


New Secret Portals with Xemnas, the Anti Black Coat, "Ansem" the Seeker of Darkness, Young Xehanort and Armored Ventus Nightmare.


A new Keyblade called the "Crown of Kings" that resembles a combination between both the Kingdom Key and the Way to the Dawn that you recieve upon beating all of the new Secret Portals.


A new Secret Ending.


You had me at Sho Minamimoto 8D

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A Secret Boss Battle with Sho Minamimoto from The World Ends With You in Traverse Town.


A new Keyblade called the "Reapers' Game" that you recieve upon defeating Sho Minamimoto.


New Secret Portals with Xemnas, the Anti Black Coat, "Ansem" the Seeker of Darkness, Young Xehanort and Armored Ventus Nightmare.


A new Keyblade called the "Crown of Kings" that resembles a combination between both the Kingdom Key and the Way to the Dawn that you recieve upon beating all of the new Secret Portals.


A new Secret Ending.


mmmm Great Ideas you have :D

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Different team made KH3D and all other games after KH2. Kingdom Hearts 3D: Final Mix wouldn't make KH3 come out any slower (or faster either)


But that doesn't mean that the team that worked on every game 'till KH2 is going to make KH3.

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But that doesn't mean that the team that worked on every game 'till KH2 is going to make KH3.


Correct. (although I'm not certain what team did CoM though)


The team that you're talking about is dubbed, the 'Kingdom Hearts Team' for obvious reasons. That team is currently working on 'Final Fantasy Versus XIII', and once they are, they will begin work on 'Kingdom Hearts III'.

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NA didn't get any new features, so its highly doubtful a FM is going to come out.


Exactly, that's the whole reason final mixes were made in the first place. All because of sephiroth in kh1. Look at 358/2 days. Its na version didn't get extra content so it did'nt get a final mix. Even the re: titles count as final mixes since they got new content (especially coded. from phone to ds equals improvement). Since no one has confirmed any na exclusives (which someone would usually have done by now) I can say it won't happen UNLESS Nomura throws a curveball but it's low chance.


IF.. "IF" it is made I want a question answered that probably never will be. Neku and all the twewy characters being in Ttown means there world was destroyed. That means Earth is destroyed. I would like to see this connect with the twewy 2 (which has been all but confirmed). Other that that pretty much the basic extras in all final mixes plus a fix for the glitch where riku and sora's portals switch.

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