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The New Enemy For Kingdom Hearts After Xehanort Saga

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Well, as far as it comes to a new villain, this is what comes to mind.

*scene begins*

Sora: Time to end this!

Riku: Right! All right everybody, as one!

*everyone does a giant beam of light attack and screen turns blank*

Xehanort: Ha Ha Ha! You fools think that you can defeat me!? You are sorely--

*he is stabbed in the back and he dies and some creepy awesome guy behind him laughs*

New Villain: Thank you Sora. Now Xehanort is finally out of the way, but now you have my power to deal with.

Sora: O.O Wait, what?

Riku: Son of a--



LOL, but in all seriousness, I imagine the new villain could be someone obsessed with light. After all, obsessing over the light can be bad too. Just look at the original Keyblade War. What was the reason for that? People fighting over the light. Light can be a cruel mistress, cold and unforgiving. >.<

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So far in the KH saga, we have faced:

Heartless - the embodiments of the darkness in our hearts.

Nobodies - the embodiments of Nothing.

Unversed - the embodiments of negative emotions.

Spirits/Dream Eaters - the embodiments of our dreams and nightmares.


We know that there is a dark realm, the light realm, the dream world... but, I believe there is one place we havn't really dealt with yet...


When we face off against Xemnas at the very end of KH2 we're taken to a white realm ... (where Xemnas' robe changed). I believe this is the realm of Nothing. Maybe something can come from here.

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