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Silvia Kuroi

Our Worlds are Ours Alone (1 x 1 with Sora's Baby)

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Long before the three heroes -Ventus, Aqua, and Terra- set foot in another world, long before even the terror of Master Xehanort could even be prophesied....long ago when Keyblade warriors were many.

They all gathered at The Land of Departure. Here, it was known as the Keyblade academy, where young apprentices seeking the ways of light would find themselves here. And two young teens, both aspiring to be named Master, find themselves here. What adventure awaits?


Just follow the usual Roleplay and Forum rules and such. That is all.


Here's my character:


Name: Cealus


Gender: Male


Age: 16


Personality: Fun-loving, adventurous, very silly. Is very protective of his friends and can't stand to see them hurt.


Appearance: Hair style is similar to that of Ventus, except black. Grey eyes, and wears a clothing style very similar to Ventus, though the color's are blue, black, and white. Has a black glove on his left hand.


Home world: Hollow Bastion


Bio: An aspiring Keyblade wielder from Hollow Bastion. Ever since he met a Keyblade Master in Hollow Bastion at a young age, it was his dream to join the academy and become a legend. And finally, after years of waiting, he is old enough to go and see if his heart is strong enough to wield the legendary weapon.


Keyblade (You'll get it soon after a Entry Exam): Posted Image

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Name:Jade Peercy Jackson



Bio:A young girl age 16 that has always wanted to be a Keyblade master like her father.

Home world: Traverse Town

Personlity:A bit navie, young at heart and a lover not a fighter.

Keyblade: Moon-Blade Posted Image

Apperance:Looks like this but without the wand.Posted Image

Edited by Sora's Baby

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"Wow." A young man stood in front of a prominent castle, it glowed a radiant golden and silver in the sun's light. The entire place gave off a magical aura, one filled with light and happiness.

"This castle...it's even cooler than the one back home!" The teen -Cealus- was a denizen of Hollow Bastion, or commonly known as Radiant Garden. He watched as many Keyblade wielders chatted, walked around, and just seemed to be generally in good spirits. One man stood very prominent, with a ridiculously long beard.

"All new Apprentices! Please, this way. You're orientation and Entry Exam will begin in the Apprentice's Auditorium!" The man hollered, and Cealus knew that was where he was going towards.

"I can't believe it! Today, I'll wield a Keyblade!"

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The 16 year old girl, Jade, had waited her whole life to be here. "I'm here." She said in a breathy kind-of-maner. She gave a sort of charmed smile as an older man just told her the words that she lived for. "Dad, I'll make you proud, I promise." Her dad had been dead for over two years and her mother much longer. Her goal was with'n reach, all she had to do was grab it.

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Cealus looked about the other potential apprentices. There was quite a few, probably around 50, Cealus guessed.

It's sad, only 10 out of everyone will pass. Though I've heard sometimes they've had less. I hope I pass. I want to be just like Master Nalicus, the brave man that defended my home. Cealus smiled, remembering the days when he got live in Nalicus' company, learning about the worlds beyond, and most importantly, the Keyblade.

Cealus shook his head, realizing the other potential apprentices were leaving without him. Oh crap! He thought, quickly running quicker to catch up with the crowd. And not long after, did they reach the Auditorium. It was dressed for the occasion, banners welcoming new apprentices, and a board of information.

"My name is Master Varius. I am the Head Instructor for the new Apprentices. Please, take a seat within the Auditorium. Your initiation will begin shortly." The crowd of teens began to fill into the room, and Cealus overheard several kid's snicker over Varius's beard.

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"This is my one shot to free myself from this darkness...anyone who stands in my way is an enemy" says the young man with the scar on his right cheek. "Mom watch over me..." the young man listens intently to Master Varius


Name: Draek

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Home world: Radiant Garden (Slums)

Appearance: Tall and slender with Long Dark- Hair tied in a pony tail. Mainly wears his signature black fur-lined coat, blue armor padded jeans and white sneakers.

Bio: Quiet and Calm, Close Combat Specialist. Refuses to give in to the darkness that has thrived within his heart and thus came to the Keyblade Academy to learn to use a Keyblade and eventually overcome his Dark past.

Keyblade: Unknown Only able materialize the hilt (due to not being true to himself)

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"This is my one shot to free myself from this darkness...anyone who stands in my way is an enemy" says the young man with the scar on his right cheek. "Mom watch over me..." the young man listens intently to Master Varius


Name: Draek

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Home world: Radiant Garden (Slums)

Appearance: Tall and slender with Long Dark- Hair tied in a pony tail. Mainly wears his signature black fur-lined coat, blue armor padded jeans and white sneakers.

Bio: Quiet and Calm, Close Combat Specialist. Refuses to give in to the darkness that has thrived within his heart and thus came to the Keyblade Academy to learn to use a Keyblade and eventually overcome his Dark past.

Keyblade: Unknown Only able materialize the hilt (due to not being true to himself)


This is a 1 x 1, meaning that there is only two people doing the Roleplay. And that is Sora's Baby and I. Unless we decide to allow more people, I cannot accept your sheet. I'm sorry.

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This is a 1 x 1, meaning that there is only two people doing the Roleplay. And that is Sora's Baby and I. Unless we decide to allow more people, I cannot accept your sheet. I'm sorry.


xD o well good job so far

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Jade followed the crowd into the auditorium. She sighed with relief. "My dream..." She wispered. "is only a test away...I can't belive it!" She couldn't have been happier, ext if her dad except was alive. "Dad..." She trailed without another word. "I love you." She finshed with'n her thoughts. She let herself smile. See was greatful to even be here. She had taken so many steps to get here.

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The teens all filed into a room, immediately sitting down in the set chairs. There was enough chairs for precisely the amount of people in them. Beyond them was a high table, and there sat two men, and one woman. Each looked old, about as old as Varius, but the men lacked the beard length.

"We are the Eldest Masters, the oldest warriors to wield the Keyblade. Today is a momentous day, as we accept our next group of apprentices. However.....we have decided, today, that only three of you will pass."

Gasps echoed through the room.

Three?! Cealus said in his mind, I've heard of only seven being accepted....but three? Wow.

"All of you will be tested on three things: Magical Capabilities, Deftness, and Keyblade weilding itself. Practice blades will be given at the time of the exam." The woman finished, grabbing a piece of paper. "We will begin the Exam now." She began to call of names, and the respecting person would be lead off to the training arena. The two men left to watch their Exam. Finally, the woman rang out: "Jade Jackson, of Traverse Town. Proceed to your Examination."

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"Right." She said meekly. She got up and walked slowly to the meeting room. "I wounder what I have to do?" She said to nobody at all. "I hope my train wasn't for nothing...well if I try then I should do fine." She stopped talking just steps away from the door. She quietly let herself in and stood in the middle of the room waiting for her mock Key-Blade as she called it.

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A young apprentice hands Jade a Practice Blade. The blade looks remarkably like the Kingdom Key, though it its entirely colored grey. The two other Masters sat patiently in their chairs, high above the arena.

"Your first Exam. Magic." The Master waved his hand, and three dummies appeared. "Hit these with your magic. As you do, they will begin to move, and attack. You must deal enough magical damage to defeat them. Begin"

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First Jade fires a Meg-Flare (Fire) at the three dummies. Then an Ice-Blast ,tiny shards of ice rain down upon the dummies from above. Lastly a Deep Frezee. The dummies frezee then unfrezee so quickly the fall to the ground defeated. The dummies fall to the ground with a thud and rip in half. She smiles and nods. "I then that'll work,right?" She asks.

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The two Master's gave nods of approval. One twirled his hands, and the dummies went back to they originally were.

"You're next Exam- Deftness. You will have to dodge the attacks of these dummies. The more you dodge, the faster they get. Block when necessary. This Exam will last one minute." The dummies began to hum with energy, and they immediately fired a salvo of fireballs.


Cealus began to get a bit nervous. Several of the teens returned back looking sad and sullen. Others appeared rather happy. Cealus began to fret that he wouldn't be able to do it. What if I don't make it? What if I bail at the last second? No...I have to do this, for the Master! I'll become a wielder no matter what!

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Jade dodged the first 15 seconds with ease. Then the dummies speed up with their attack. With that to spin around with the mock Key-Blade holding it to block. Then finshing with a high jump. With that the minute passed. "I was worried when the dummies speed up. I hadn't planed to use my Spin high Jump." She took a deep breath. "One more part to go." She thought.

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The Master's nodded again, approving. "Your last Exam, you must destroy these dummies in any way possible. Let your Keyblade guide you, and propel your heart. If your heart itself wishes for the dummies' demise, your Keyblade will respond in joint." The dummies charged up, ready to fight.

"There is no time limit. You must simply win." The Master's waved their hands, signifying the final part of the Exam had begun.

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"My heart,huh?"Jade said and nodded. She closed the eyes and let her heart take her. At first she stood and did nothing, but then at the last second. The Blade started to glow with enegry. Sunddenlly she lungged forword. Took the first dummy out in 3 slages.Dodged the second one's attack making them take out each other and then opening her eyes.

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The Master's gave a polite nod to Jade. "Thank you, Ms. Jackson. You may return to your seat." The apprentice from before returned, politely taking the Practice Weapon. The Master's waved Jade off, allowing her to leave.


The female Master began to go through the list again, and each person would go and shortly returned, though most looked sullen, as if their meaning was crushed in some way. It wasn't long before Cealus' name was called.

"Cealus...." The woman looked at the sheet, seeing he had no last name, "Your Examination will begin. Please enter the arena." Cealus breathed deeply, hurrying over to the designated doors.

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Jade left and went back to her seat. It wasn't long till some 'Cealus' Person was called. "He seems like a nice kid" She thought to herself. "I hope I get in." She said knowing everyone here felt the same way. She smiled.


(Sorry for the short post.)

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(It's fine by me, and this one is long to get the Entry Exam for Cealus out of the way.)


As Cealus entered the arena, an Apprentice handed him his Practice Blade. Cealus shakily took it, not believing for one second that it was really happening, he was partaking in the Entry Exam. He anxiously walked to the middle of the arena, facing the Masters.

"Your first Exam. Magic." The Master waved his hand again, and once again three dummies appeared, the same as Jade's Exam.. "Hit these with your magic. As you do, they will begin to move, and attack. You must deal enough magical damage to defeat them. Begin."


Cealus backed away from the dummies, not sure what to do. Oh man, what do i do...magic...I have to use magic! But can I really do it? Oh man.... Cealus sighed, clenching his fist. "Any time now, Mr. Cealus." One of the Master's impatiently said. With that, Cealus felt something click. He rushed the dummies, spinning the Practice Blade around.

"Sparkga!" He yelled, the area around him engulfed in a tornado of whipping colors. He gave a sigh. The Master's looked down upon him, not showing any signs of shock.


"You're next Exam, Mr. Cealus, is Deftness. You will have to dodge the attacks of these dummies. The more you dodge, the faster they get. Block when necessary. This Exam will last one minute." More dummies came to life, and began to hum with energy, launching off several bolts of lightning. Cealus stood there in amazement, and at the last second rolled out of the way to avoid the electricity. Soon, a minute passed, and Cealus managed to avoid all of the attacks.

The Master's nodded.


"Your final part of the Exam, you must destroy these dummies in any way possible. Let your Keyblade guide you, and propel your heart. If your heart itself wishes for the dummies' demise, your Keyblade will respond in joint." The dummies charged up, ready to fight.

"There is no time limit. You must simply win." The Master's waved their hands again, signifying the final part of the Exam -A momentous part of Cealus' life- had begun.


Not long after, Cealus returned to his seat. He looked shaken up. "I don't think I passed." He muttered, looking sullen, even more so than the rest of the kids.

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Jade watched as "Cealus" came back to his sit. "I wish I could get up a talk to him, he looks washed out...poor guy." She sighed. Jade felt bad. "If I get in then I'm taking someone's life." She sighed once again. Mostly everyone had finshed the test. She felt glad because as is her heart was was racing and she could pass out. In reality though she was just over thinking things.


(Thank you.)

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The two male Master's returned to their respective seats in the auditorium. All three Masters began to speak with each other, looking over the notes taken during the Exam. Finally, after a painful 10 minutes, the female Master cleared her throat.

"Thank you for your patience. We have conversed...and decided who will become our newest Apprentices." She set out three sheets of paper, presumably for those who passed.

"First, Forin Gondor, you have passed the Exam." A young girl stood up, and was directed to stand on a podium in front of the Masters.

"Second, Jade Jackson. You have passed."

"And third..." Cealus began to get very anxious, worried that he didn't do well enough. Come on...come on!

"Cealus. You have passed."

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Jade stood up calmly and walked to the podium. She stood where the women told her to. She was acting clam. Though, really she wasn't calm. So many thoughts were going around her mind that she almost didn't hear the last person that was called. "Cealus, you have passed." She smiled. For some reason him not passing was a worry for her.

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