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KH3D Whats the 3 best dream eaters/Flick rush

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I need to know whats the 3 best dream eaters to use in flick rush.


Aka there Name


AF lvl





Thats what i need for the top best dream eaters to use. right now im stuck at the secrect cup round 3.

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I'm not sure if level/rank/dispostion have anything to do with it actually...


I have got * Star rank on all flick rush cups, and I found ryu dragon is a really good option. If you use the orange card, ryu dragon then flies to the sky and then you get a different list of commands. If you're not already close to the enemy, you can use dragon breath to attack and close in on the enemy, then use dragon blast, thats a really powerful command. I find I can knock off from 1/4-1/3 of the enemie's health with that command, so can be very useful.


Using a cat dream eater is very useful too. If you can block an attack with it, you can an elixr command, which can be used to heal all of your dream eater's HP, (As I think HP remaining is a factor for what rank you get) It also has quite a good attack also, which I think is also an orange card which has a tornado on it. That can deal quite a lot of damange also, but not as much as dragon blast.


Lastly, a fish dream eater seems to be useful too. If you can use the spout command I think its called? The fish fires a beam at the dream eater and lasts quite a while, so can keep attacking that dream eater or another if he switches, just has to be a quite high value so it cant be broke or defended.


Those 3 are the team I used, however I also previously used Meowjesty, I found his "Bounce" attack can also deal a lot of damage also.


I wish you luck on the cup, if you're aiming for * star ranks, I can only suggest that you try and do it quite quickly as well as having a lot of your dream eater HP's remaining. Good luck!

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Tyranto Rex has proved to be really useful.He can use a bite attack that takes away alot of hp from the enemy and he also uses a tail spin attack that takes away like 20% of the enemies hp.

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get two dream eaters with megaflare and one with an elixir if you arent good at charging your decks during attack/defense, it will also help heal


basically the plan is this, megaflare hits their entire team


dont attack openly, defend with all 4 cards (use your highest first) and charge your deck while defending. use megaflare (and buff with all 4 unless u get a star to add to it. repeat.


switch dream eaters to dodge attacks, use elixirs to charge your decks when you get low/want to heal


s-rank is generally based off successful attacks, so the more you ensure you're successful (due to their absurd numbers in later cups) the easier it will be.

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