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KH3D Who was the hardest boss for you in kh 3d SPOILERS

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i started the game and beat it on proud mode in my opinion ansem fight 2 was the hardest for me YMX and Nightmare ventus were pretty easy for me which boss fight was hard for you guys ?

Edited by thekh13

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YMX was horrible for me... I regret facing him on lvl 34 on proud -- only after getting to 38 I managed to beat him :D


yah i had to get up to level 44 before i fought with ansem and YMX

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tutti frutti. The only reason that I had found the bosses particularly hard is due to the drop system and feeling rushed in the boss fights. Outside of that, I can't really say that any of them were particularly hard when learning their fighting styles.

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Ansem final form. SO MANY CHEAP KILLS.


YMX was beating the crap outta me, but then I ground my level to 41 and was able to beat him within three tries.



Also, Riku's boss in the Country of the Musketeers. That dang Mole just kept teleporting away every time I got near him. Spellican in Symphony of Sorcery was also annoying.

Edited by DragonMaster

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Imo the hardest boss for me was Julius due to how cheap and strong his moves were. I would cast a bunch of balloons and charges at me like they weren't even there and gets me before the balloons finally decide to affect him. And them there is that stupid lightning attack and his glowing hands that negate your moves. Took me six tries with sora and three with riku -____-

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Wow I just started Symphony of Sorcery for Riku and Sora(Rikiu lvl 38 and Sora lvl 37, playing on proud), what is the combat lvl recommendation for TWTNW. Also, when do you unlock the Julius battle?

Edited by DarknessOrLight

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I thought that Xemnas or the 2nd form Ansem was hardest. Xemnas, because I had to keep blocking and countering (and that move where he flies in a circle around you and shoots etheral bullet things always killing me), and Ansem because of his stupid *WHOOSH blow back, giant energy orbs shooting lazers at you,don't get caught by them or they will drain you to 1 HP*.... And the downward punch things from the guardian

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The hardest boss for me has been Julius. He's the only boss that I've been grinding for in this game, and I still can't beat him. I've only tried twice on Sora and once on Riku so far. Going to try to get to level 60 since I'm no pro.


Wow I just started Symphony of Sorcery for Riku and Sora(Rikiu lvl 38 and Sora lvl 37, playing on proud), what is the combat lvl recommendation for TWTNW. Also, when do you unlock the Julius battle?


I believe the recommended levels for TWTNW is 38 for Riku and 40 for Sora.

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Ansem 2 and YMX, YMX trolled me with his stupid regen health, he did it 4 times, I was only level 32. Ansem 2 was a pain in the ass because of a alot of cheap deaths. And Anti Black Coat Nightmare. The stupid line thing he trapped you in and when you hit the ground if he hit you it was insta kill if you didn't have once more. I also hate that you can't refight ansem, he was a really fun fight.

Edited by ApulApul3000

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For me it was Julius.


I just can't beat him without this super cheap balloon and balloonga tactic.


Don't use balloonga, balloonra does more damage (I don't get why) I use firaga burst and IMO, he's a joke. He's not hard it's like KH1 ice titan to me.

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