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KH: HD collection could have 5 games... AND one WILL be 3D

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As some people may know, a new God of War collection has 5 games (GOW 1, 2, 3, CoO and GoS). While all these games have already been remastered it still shows that an HD collection with 5 games is possible.


Following on from this logic I will put forward that these 5 games will be part of the KH HD collection:

-KH: Birth By Sleep

-KH 1

-KH Re:Chain of Memories

-KH 2

-KH: Dream Drop Distance

None of these games will require huge upgrades as shown by the two GoW psp games (that are part of the new collection) and the two ps2 games. The only difficult part would be changing the interface for Dream Drop Distance to accommodate traditional controllers.


So... I am excited to play 1, 2, ReCOM, BBS and 3D on my PS3 xD The only hard part would be getting the rights to 3D as Nintendo may own the rights to that game... but if Square puts this collection on the Wii U with exclusive content (for 3D, say) then Nintendo would probably let SE do this (as all the hardcore KH fans will buy a Wii U just for an extra boss fight xD). The Wii U KH3D would obviously be superior anyway (using the controller's touch screen for dropping etc) and Square could put touch screen functionality in all the Wii U titles, just to sweeten the deal for Nintendo. These 5 games are the only ones with important (and necessary) stories so in order to make a proper KH collection these games would need to be included.

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There's a very big difference between taking four games that have already been ported, and a game that is already HD, and making a collection

And God of War is a much shorter, simpler game than KH

Porting all of those games, and selling it for thirty dollars descends into madness

It'd be AWESOME if it happened

But that's practically impossible


Also, Nintendo has no rights to 3D

But it was just released. It's still full price

They're not going to put it in a a collection

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Not sure how the announcement of a God of War Collection by Sony would influence an HD KH collection, but eh, whatever. I would like such a thing, but BBS and KH3D being in it would be very unlikely -- especially the latter considering it came out so recently -- I think just KH, Re:CoM, and KH2 being in it is more plausible, since the system they're on is going out of style (and I'm surprised the titles themselves aren't OOP themselves). And no, Nintendo doesn't own any rights to 3D, it's all Disney and Square Enix I believe. If Nintendo did have some share in the KH games released on their handhelds, then Chain of Memories' remake wouldn't exist. :P

Edited by J. Severe

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There's a very big difference between taking four games that have already been ported, and a game that is already HD, and making a collection

And God of War is a much shorter, simpler game than KH

Porting all of those games, and selling it for thirty dollars descends into madness

It'd be AWESOME if it happened

But that's practically impossible


Also, Nintendo has no rights to 3D

But it was just released. It's still full price

They're not going to put it in a a collection


God of War is a shorter game, but has better graphics and is more complex in some ways. My prediction is a late 2013 release of the KH collection. I'm not sure about other countries but, for NZ, BBS was impossible to find in any retailers (new) a year after release. Every KH game gets a final mix, so whats so bizarre about 3D being part of a collection a year and a half after its release? All 5 games would be insane value for money, I agree, but the God of War collection shows it isn't impossible as some people suggest. And one of the games in the God of War collection is a ps3 title whereas all of the KH's are last-gen. It would take quite alot of effort to release, but the BBS/3D team could do the remastering, while the KH team works on 3.

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God of War is a shorter game, but has better graphics and is more complex in some ways. My prediction is a late 2013 release of the KH collection. I'm not sure about other countries but, for NZ, BBS was impossible to find in any retailers (new) a year after release. Every KH game gets a final mix, so whats so bizarre about 3D being part of a collection a year and a half after its release? All 5 games would be insane value for money, I agree, but the God of War collection shows it isn't impossible as some people suggest. And one of the games in the God of War collection is a ps3 title whereas all of the KH's are last-gen. It would take quite alot of effort to release, but the BBS/3D team could do the remastering, while the KH team works on 3.


1- God of War does not have better graphics than KH. It's significantly blockier. Additionally, there are MORE graphcis, with MORE animations in KH. And the complexity of the story isn't what they have to translate into HD. KH has hours of cutscenes, God of War does not. There's no way they'd finish a collection in a little over a year if it includes all of the things you say, unless Square Enix allocated SERIOUS manpower to it. Like, more manpower than has ever been allocated to Final Fantasy, a much more profitable franchise. Birth by Sleep is hard to find in a lot of palces. Most PSP games are. Only three KH games have ever gotten a final mix. Putting a full price forty dollar game into a collection that will most likely be cheaper than it? Square Enix would essentially be destroying the value of their product.

First of all, all five God of War games could probably be beaten in less time than Kingdom Hearts 1. Second, God of War games depreciate in value VERY quickly. Second, because they are essentially just boxing two existing ports with an existing game, it requires a fraction of the effort it would require to remake a KH game. And that's another flaw with what you're saying; you talk about five KH remasters, yet this God of War collection only has four. God of War is already a PS3 game. And that's ANOTHER thing, this collection is essentially five PS3 games, no porting required. The KH games being last gen is a DISADVANTAGE; it means they need to be ported (And also stuff would need to be redone to accommodate widescreen) The value is too insane.

It would take metrics TONNES of work to do. The BBS/3D team alone couldn't do it in a timely fashion, and shouldn't be relegated to porting five old games.


What is a lot more likely is that we'll see KH1 and 2, MAYBE BBS or CoM (Not both) remastered. However, there's a very good chance they wouldn't be bundled together, it seems likely that Square would want to split it up, to maximize profits (Seriously, what you're suggesting is to take a bunch of 20-40 dollar games and release them all a bargain bin price... how do you make money doing that?)

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tutti frutti. I could see something like splitting up the games in two parts, and that's if Square decided to make some sort of collection for the KH series. I can see KH1 and KH2 on one disk and CoM and BBS on another, more so in the same manner that the God of War games were split up for being put on the PS3. But on one side the games for the GOW series are relatively short when compared to the KH series. Even if there was a KH collection, I'm sure that there would be a great deal of work that would go into making something like that for the PS3. It's not completely impossible to do, if anything more than likely time consuming. In a sense, I hope that Square does do something like that. If Nomura really wanted to put out a KH game each year, the KH collection is something that he may need to think about.

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What is a lot more likely is that we'll see KH1 and 2, MAYBE BBS or CoM (Not both) remastered. However, there's a very good chance they wouldn't be bundled together, it seems likely that Square would want to split it up, to maximize profits (Seriously, what you're suggesting is to take a bunch of 20-40 dollar games and release them all a bargain bin price... how do you make money doing that?)


Damn you Hatok and your logic... I still think they will re-release these five games but two parts would make more sense: its what GoW did before releasing the whole 5-game thing. So maybe Nomura will release KH 1, 2 and Re:CoM in early 2013 (with another unannounced title at the end of 2013), then BBS and 3D early 2014 as remasters.... then Kh3 at the end of 2014 xD It doesn't make sense to put all of them into one package, I agree, but it isn't impossible. I never actually believed they would do this. I was merely thinking about how SE could possibly pull it off...


As to you saying KH games have better graphics... I am confused. Please elaborate. As to having more cutscenes thats irrelevant: cutscenes are not redone in remasters (at least not the ps2 GoW games: only in-game assets are turned into HD, cutscenes are merely rescoped to fit widescreen views). BBS would require alot of work but the other 4 wouldn't need all cutscenes to be remade. Of course it depends on the quality of the remaster.... I would like High-quality remasters but with a game like KH it wouldn't be necessary... its more about story, gameplay etc whereas with GoW its spectacle.

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Damn you Hatok and your logic... I still think they will re-release these five games but two parts would make more sense: its what GoW did before releasing the whole 5-game thing. So maybe Nomura will release KH 1, 2 and Re:CoM in early 2013 (with another unannounced title at the end of 2013), then BBS and 3D early 2014 as remasters.... then Kh3 at the end of 2014 xD It doesn't make sense to put all of them into one package, I agree, but it isn't impossible. I never actually believed they would do this. I was merely thinking about how SE could possibly pull it off...


As to you saying KH games have better graphics... I am confused. Please elaborate. As to having more cutscenes thats irrelevant: cutscenes are not redone in remasters (at least not the ps2 GoW games: only in-game assets are turned into HD, cutscenes are merely rescoped to fit widescreen views). BBS would require alot of work but the other 4 wouldn't need all cutscenes to be remade. Of course it depends on the quality of the remaster.... I would like High-quality remasters but with a game like KH it wouldn't be necessary... its more about story, gameplay etc whereas with GoW its spectacle.


You were talking about God of War's story, factoring that into the remake for some reason, so I countered with the fact that KH has a significantly larger.

Anyways, the thing about KH is that makes VERY EXTENSIVE use of 2D graphics for special effects. As it stands, those graphics are fitted for the lower resolution, 4:3 scenes. So a degree of remaking would be needed for the cutscenes.

Beyond that it all coems down to what Square Enix wants to do. They have a tendency to want to show off. Keep in mind these are the people who refuse to remake FF VIII until they can recreate the entire game at FF XIII quality in under a year.

I can't see them settling for a minimalistic remake.


As for God of War. It's a very pretty game, but KH pulls more out of the system than GoW does. GoW looks like a PS2 game. KH looks like something more. It's part of being made by square Enix

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You were talking about God of War's story, factoring that into the remake for some reason, so I countered with the fact that KH has a significantly larger.

Anyways, the thing about KH is that makes VERY EXTENSIVE use of 2D graphics for special effects. As it stands, those graphics are fitted for the lower resolution, 4:3 scenes. So a degree of remaking would be needed for the cutscenes.

Beyond that it all coems down to what Square Enix wants to do. They have a tendency to want to show off. Keep in mind these are the people who refuse to remake FF VIII until they can recreate the entire game at FF XIII quality in under a year.

I can't see them settling for a minimalistic remake.


As for God of War. It's a very pretty game, but KH pulls more out of the system than GoW does. GoW looks like a PS2 game. KH looks like something more. It's part of being made by square Enix


You were the first to mention story xD I agree with you, but Nomura did say he wanted to do something to address all the games being across different systems and a series of HD collections is what would best address this. He would want to make them high quality... so putting out all 5 games in two years is asking a bit too much.

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As some people may know, a new God of War collection has 5 games (GOW 1, 2, 3, CoO and GoS). While all these games have already been remastered it still shows that an HD collection with 5 games is possible.


Following on from this logic I will put forward that these 5 games will be part of the KH HD collection:

-KH: Birth By Sleep

-KH 1

-KH Re:Chain of Memories

-KH 2

-KH: Dream Drop Distance

None of these games will require huge upgrades as shown by the two GoW psp games (that are part of the new collection) and the two ps2 games. The only difficult part would be changing the interface for Dream Drop Distance to accommodate traditional controllers.


So... I am excited to play 1, 2, ReCOM, BBS and 3D on my PS3 xD The only hard part would be getting the rights to 3D as Nintendo may own the rights to that game... but if Square puts this collection on the Wii U with exclusive content (for 3D, say) then Nintendo would probably let SE do this (as all the hardcore KH fans will buy a Wii U just for an extra boss fight xD). The Wii U KH3D would obviously be superior anyway (using the controller's touch screen for dropping etc) and Square could put touch screen functionality in all the Wii U titles, just to sweeten the deal for Nintendo. These 5 games are the only ones with important (and necessary) stories so in order to make a proper KH collection these games would need to be included.


Do you even understand how game development and rights work?

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You don't, God of War doesn't even relate to Kingdom Hearts in the slightest. When people make these kinds of threads and have no idea what they're talking about, it pisses me off. Square-Enix can make the HD Collection anything they want, and it'll be a half-assed port (although we'll see with FFXHD) of KH1 + KH2. (Possibly KHRe:CoM too)


This'll also be out after KH3 (if it even does exist in Nomura's insane mind), due to Nomura jumping the gun saying KH3 is the next game.

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You don't, God of War doesn't even relate to Kingdom Hearts in the slightest. When people make these kinds of threads and have no idea what they're talking about, it pisses me off. Square-Enix can make the HD Collection anything they want, and it'll be a half-assed port (although we'll see with FFXHD) of KH1 + KH2. (Possibly KHRe:CoM too)


This'll also be out after KH3 (if it even does exist in Nomura's insane mind), due to Nomura jumping the gun saying KH3 is the next game.


Hmm? okay? you obviously know everything about me. I will forever bow down to your god-like abilities. I know it isn't practical to suggest a five game collection but it isn't impossible as people suggest. BBS and 3D are close to the graphics of 1 and 2 and would not require full remakes like Days and Re:coded. The only reason it wouldn't and couldn't be made is that Square wouldn't make enough profit, and I admit that I didn't think in terms of profitability when I wrote this.


Hatok and Dolan said it all.


They did. Except Dolan was a dick about it. A 13-year old dick. I feel shit having my ass handed to me by a 13 year old but oh-well you learn new stuff everyday...

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Hmm? okay? you obviously know everything about me. I will forever bow down to your god-like abilities. I know it isn't practical to suggest a five game collection but it isn't impossible as people suggest. BBS and 3D are close to the graphics of 1 and 2 and would not require full remakes like Days and Re:coded. The only reason it wouldn't and couldn't be made is that Square wouldn't make enough profit, and I admit that I didn't think in terms of profitability when I wrote this.



They did. Except Dolan was a dick about it. A 13-year old dick. I feel shit having my ass handed to me by a 13 year old but oh-well you learn new stuff everyday...



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tutti frutti. I could see something like splitting up the games in two parts, and that's if Square decided to make some sort of collection for the KH series. I can see KH1 and KH2 on one disk and CoM and BBS on another, more so in the same manner that the God of War games were split up for being put on the PS3. But on one side the games for the GOW series are relatively short when compared to the KH series. Even if there was a KH collection, I'm sure that there would be a great deal of work that would go into making something like that for the PS3. It's not completely impossible to do, if anything more than likely time consuming. In a sense, I hope that Square does do something like that. If Nomura really wanted to put out a KH game each year, the KH collection is something that he may need to think about.


You know what's more likely?

Kingdom Hearts Ultimate HD Final Mix ++

Kingdom Hearts II Ultimate HD Final Mix ++

Kingdom Hearts: Re:Chain of Memories HD Remix

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Ultimate HD Final Mix ++

One per year

Thirty bucks each

As far as I'm concerned, if they do HD remakes, it's most likely to happen like this (Only there won't be four, KH1 and 2 are guaranteed, but as I said before, it's probably a maybe for BBS or CoM, and it wouldn't be both)

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You know what's more likely?

Kingdom Hearts Ultimate HD Final Mix ++

Kingdom Hearts II Ultimate HD Final Mix ++

Kingdom Hearts: Re:Chain of Memories HD Remix

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Ultimate HD Final Mix ++

One per year

Thirty bucks each

As far as I'm concerned, if they do HD remakes, it's most likely to happen like this (Only there won't be four, KH1 and 2 are guaranteed, but as I said before, it's probably a maybe for BBS or CoM, and it wouldn't be both)


Seems about as reasonable as releasing 5 games... And, of course, if they did this, then they would release a KH 1 and 2 collection afterwards, then a BBS/COM collection, then a collection with all four.


I still think remastering 3D makes sense: its story is probably the most important out of all of the handheld titles, and if the series continues for another ten years then this title will be infinitely more important than Re:CoM... Whatever though :/

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Tokyo Game Show 2012:


Kingdom Hearts HD Collection announced.


Will include:


Kingdom Hearts HD

Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories HD

Kingdom Hearts II HD

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep HD


Release dates:

Japan: December 21, 2012

North America: February 25, 2013

Australia: February 28, 2013

Europe: March 2, 2013

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Tokyo Game Show 2012:


Kingdom Hearts HD Collection announced.


Will include:


Kingdom Hearts HD

Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories HD

Kingdom Hearts II HD

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep HD


Release dates:

Japan: December 21, 2012

North America: February 25, 2013

Australia: February 28, 2013

Europe: March 2, 2013


... why do I get the feeling somebody is going to take this as fact and start spreading it around? :/

Also, any particular reason you don't think Europe'll get it first?

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... why do I get the feeling somebody is going to take this as fact and start spreading it around? :/

Also, any particular reason you don't think Europe'll get it first?


Nearly every KH game is released in the order of North America, Australia and then Europe. We can assume KH3D was released in Europe first because of that whole Nintendo games being released in Europe first thing. There's nothing to suggest Europe would get it first. So we should just assume the usual order of, NA, AU and then EU.

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