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KHCoM The Organization XIII member I hate in this game!

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I dont hate any of them, but i strongly dislike Saix


I understand this is your opinion but *ahem* i hate saix. with all the drakness inside my heart, I hate him. Why? because hes the total dick of the organization. according to kh2, 358, and 358's secret reports, saix was scheming (took zexions job) with axel to overthrow the organization. Xemnas, having saix as his own kiss*** let him decide who else to send to castle oblivion. killing off Larxene, and Marluxia was fine because they were traitors, as for Vexen, Lexaeus, and Zexion they were killed off because they are VERY loyal to Xemnas and Saix didnt want them to interfere with his scheme. (In a secret report Zexion said he suspects conspiracy within axel and saix which could be why Axel says Zexion found out waay too much.) Because saix killed off those 3 members for no firetrucking reason is why i hate him. (yes partly because im a big ol zexion fanboy) but still hes a dick....right?

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I actually really like Larxene lol

The only thing I find annoying about her is her laugh, but other than that, I love Larxene



Lexaeus, he is the only one I don't really care about and he bores me.



btw I love Larxene, her laugh and her personality is firetrucking amazing. 8D


I love you

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Personally, I HATE Larxene with a passion. Dunno why, but she just rubs me the wrong way with her laugh and taunts (I'm kinda trigger-happy, and taunts really bug me.)

I've always found Xigbar rather weird and... off in way. And when I saw this one cutscene KH3D, (trying to keep it spoiler free!) I flipped out screaming "I KNEW HE WAS WITH THE BARRELS!!" for a good five minutes until my Dad told me to shut up. :/

Vexen creeps me out, because... well, he's Vexen. You don't need to be told anything more.

Marluxia also creeps me out. Is it normal for a guy to have PINK hair?!? Seriously!?

Xion, I found annoying. Probably because I know this one girl who acts like her, and she was annoying. Meh.

I was okay with Saix, until just recently. -.- He's a BARREL! Plus, he acts so much like my Dad, it's scary.

Other wise, I'm okay with the rest of the members. Except for obviously, Xemnas. He's a BARREL!

P.S. The BARRELS! reference is from Pewdiepie, btw.

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I don't "hate" any member, just some of their actions and decisions. I'm looking at you, Saix and Axel... Those two are awesome excluding what they did to my favourite member and number IV.

Despite the hatred against certain members, I love them all.


That's what makes me a true Organization XIII fan, imo.

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I'm pretty sure I want to take one of Larxene's kunai and



-ahem- That is to say, I do not like her very much...now if this were a KHII thread, I'd have some select words for a certain musician...

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I don't really hate them. But there are some members that I don't care for.

Axel is kind of overrated. He has his moments but isn't the best, in my opinion and some of his fangirls are way too rabid. You'll always be a cool fangirl in my book Flaming Lea ;)

Xigbar is just a troll. Period. But at least he's good for comic relief.

In terms of battle; Larxene, Lexeaus, and Demyx were extreme pains in my arse.

Marluxia is my favorite member next to Luxord, but nontheless was a challenge to fight.

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Probably Saix for sheer unlikability. Luxord, while one of my favorites on design alone (Dat suave Goatee) is severely underdeveloped, even for a minor organization member (describe his character in a list of 5 words, I dare you), rivaling N64 era Waluigi (I love him from the Gamecube era onward)

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Saïx, who has a dialogue like this

"Hey Axel, we were friends back in Radiant Garden right?"


"Cool, so could you kill these people for me?"


*Chain of Memories*

"Hey Axel, we were friends back in Radiant Garden right?"


"Hang out with Roxas and have him think you're his friend."

*Becomes friends with Roxas & Xion*

"Hey Axel, we were friends back in Radiant Garden right?"


"And you've done me some big favors right?"


So I figure I'll let you decide whether we should kill Roxas or Xion."

*Xion Dies, Roxas is captured*

"Hey Axel, we were friends back in Radiant Garden right?"


"Go kill your other friend."

*Fights Roxas, loses*

"Hey Axel, we were friends back in Radiant Garden right?"


"I'm going to have you turned into a Dusk"


He, who feels possibly more than anyone that desire for completion, to be a whole person, hates Xion because she isn't 'real'.


And searching for some emotion, some sign of a heart, and finding nothing he gets mad. Angry. Ya know, emotional.


All that said, I feel a little bad every time I beat him and he turns to Kingdom Hearts, and you know that really, all he wants is to be whole again.

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Stinking Larxene. Her weird giggling and taunts irritated the heck out of me. Then again Marluxia was annoying in battle, but character wise, I don't mind him. Vexen.....derp.....he's just plain creepy. Saix was a jerk....so that slightly irritated me. But overall Organization XIII is awesome and so are its members :D


However, I vote Xigbar troll of the year xD

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Vexen: "You're only number six, how dare you?!" Bitch please, you have the lowest seat of the Organization

Larxene: "Think you could defeat me?" You were defeat by young Sora, and annoying voice, so please

Saix annoys me a lot, he thinks he's so important, but just another nuisance. "Oh I get angry and start hitting everything" get a hold of yourself.

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