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Taylor Thomas B-Erumeldir

KH3D Secret Message? *Spoilers*

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"The past shall be reawakened as a new number in never-before-seen detail. Prepare yourself for the awakening of the next number."


What do you all think it means? Could it, hopefully, mean that Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming soon? Or does it mean that the first and second games could be remade in HD for the PS3?

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no. its just talking about kh3 and how it will be the highlight of all the games up until now. bascially its saying that kh3 will be a game which brings information and things we saw in all the other games back into kh3.

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There was a recent topic concerning this already but, whatever.

It's definitely KH3. It mentions a "new" number specifically. Also, some work with KH3 has already been done on the Crystal Tools engine, which is on the ps3.

Edited by LightningXIII

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There was a recent topic concerning this already but, whatever.

It is most likely KH3. It mentions a "new" number specifically. Also, some work with KH has already been done on the Crystal Tools engine, which is on the ps3. Although the possibility of remakes can't be ruled out either, as it says "the past shall be reawakened." But after this it says, "as a new number". So we can't be too sure until we really find out.


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a movie would be really nice, but not a movie for KH 3

this has to be a game and it will be a game

after KH 3 they can do a movie for an optional end/ a side story like they did with FFVII

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if KH 3 will be released on PS3 then the graphics would be like versus XIII or better (=> Agni's Philosophy Demo for the CGI scene/s)

but of course with the "KH comic style"

Edited by Mila

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"The past shall be reawakened as a new number in never-before-seen detail. Prepare yourself for the awakening of the next number."


What do you all think it means? Could it, hopefully, mean that Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming soon? Or does it mean that the first and second games could be remade in HD for the PS3?


I think there's a very real possibility that it's both:


"The past shall be reawakened as a new number in never-before-seen detail."- Remakes of the first 2




"Prepare yourself for the awakening of the next number"- KHIII


Did I just blow your mind?

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I hope they'd make KH 3 on xbox 360... they make so much money .


ONLY if it's multi-platform and also on PS3. But even if it was multi-platform, it'd more likely be on PS3 and Wii U than PS3 and 360.

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ONLY if it's multi-platform and also on PS3. But even if it was multi-platform, it'd more likely be on PS3 and Wii U than PS3 and 360.


Why Wii U? Square Enix has released games like Final Fantasy 13 on the Xbox so I think it'd be more likely on there, considering the fact that they've released like no games on the old Wii. I just don't see them ditching one console for a new one that is just being released and would have to adapt to the new gimmick (two screens, or just a giants DS ): ), when they could do it on one that has held strong on the market (xbox), and that they already have experience with... Edited by Master Juan

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Why Wii U? Square Enix has released games like Final Fantasy 13 on the Xbox so I think it'd be more likely on there, considering the fact that they've released like no games on the old Wii. I just don't see them ditching one console for a new one that is just being released and would have to adapt to the new gimmick (two screens, or just a giants DS ): ), when they could do it on one that has held strong on the market (xbox), and that they already have experience with...


I know this is silly especially since I hold no grudge towards the Xbox console or anything although I do admit that the Sony consoles are my favorite but I sincerely hope they don't release Kingdom Hearts 3 on Xbox 360. I would just feel like I was...I don't know, betrayed. Like I said I know it's stupid but I hope to see Kingdom Hearts 3 exclusive to the PS3. Although if they do an HD collection and it is also released on the 360 then in my opinion that would pretty much confirm 3 will also be on the 360.

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I know this is silly especially since I hold no grudge towards the Xbox console or anything although I do admit that the Sony consoles are my favorite but I sincerely hope they don't release Kingdom Hearts 3 on Xbox 360. I would just feel like I was...I don't know, betrayed. Like I said I know it's stupid but I hope to see Kingdom Hearts 3 exclusive to the PS3. Although if they do an HD collection and it is also released on the 360 then in my opinion that would pretty much confirm 3 will also be on the 360.


Haha well I feel betrayed when Square puts one Kingdom Hearts game on 1 console, and another on a different one, forcing me to buy the console just to enjoy the game lol. Did you know Kingdom Hearts will have at least been on 6 different consoles once 3 or an HD collection comes out (PS2 GBA PSP DS 3DS and PS3/Xbox/Wii U)? Thats kind of ridiculous considering there's only 7 games.... So you can't really look at it that way... at all. Edited by Master Juan

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Haha well I feel betrayed when Square puts one Kingdom Hearts game on 1 console, and another on a different one, forcing me to buy the console just to enjoy the game lol. Did you know Kingdom Hearts will have at least been on 6 different consoles once 3 or an HD collection comes out (PS2 GBA PSP DS 3DS and PS3/Xbox/Wii U)? Thats kind of ridiculous considering there's only 7 games.... So you can't really look at it that way... at all.


Hehe, yeah when you put it that way you're right. They should have stuck to specific consoles, it's so difficult for people to enjoy all the games now, you need so many consoles to play them all.

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Hehe, yeah when you put it that way you're right. They should have stuck to specific consoles, it's so difficult for people to enjoy all the games now, you need so many consoles to play them all.


not gonna lie, it's not that much of a hassle seeing as the games themselves are announced at least 2 years before their actual release. If you set aside even 5 dollars a month after the announcement you will have enough for the console, maybe even the game itself. That's what I did at least, before I got a job, after that..."3ds 250$?....BOUGHT"

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"The past shall be reawakened as a new number in never-before-seen detail. Prepare yourself for the awakening of the next number."



Hi everyone, I'm SoraxKairi7 (ff.net) and I just finished this game today and this secret message has been bugging me all day. lol So I looked around this forum for answers and although yes, I do think that it means KH3 I have been trying to think - what about KH3? What is the new number? Is it just the III? Will there be yet another new character? I'm really just thinking aloud here... what does it all mean? I'm just as confused as everyone else.


"The past shall be reawakened~"

This is obvious - Ven needs to wake up along with the others;

Aqua will find her way out of the darkness,

Ahh, it's been a while since I've played BBS.


New number... I wanna know what it means!!


And someone was saying that after KH3 the Xehanort saga will end and a new saga will begin? So Kingdom Hearts is going to be like a super long series? I know its just speculation but I just can't imagine what could possibly happen after the Xehanort saga. How much more complicated can it get? lol


There won't be any Disney left... other than the sequels, and that's not too appealing to me~

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I think if they kinda ditched Disney to a point and started going to Final Fantasy worlds, it would be cool. Or let Kingdom Hearts have it's own life with unique worlds like Traverse Town, TWTNW, etc. I think the games would be just as good, if not better. Though, I am not a huge Disney fan and have felt that the Disney gimmick has held KH back a bit. At this point, I just don't think too manay KH fans actually love and buy this series for the Disney aspects of it and I think the series is strong enough to hold it's own without Disney. That's just me and my opinion though. lol

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Maybe with the appearance of the Dream Eaters it was a sign that they were moving away from Disney. Now that I think about it it would be nice to have a bunch of KH related worlds instead of Disney, but I still don't know.

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Or if they would just focus better on the story instead of trying to force Disney worlds and characters in the games. KH 1 and 2 did this very well. The story still felt present and kept flowing even in the Disney worlds. BBS didn't do it very well, Days definantly didn't do it, I don't know about Coded, and CoM, from what I have seen, doesn't do it atall. In 3D, just like CoM, the story is nonexistant during the Disney worlds. Just because a game isn't titled, doesn't mean you should slack on it. It's still a sequel. :/

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Maybe with the appearance of the Dream Eaters it was a sign that they were moving away from Disney. Now that I think about it it would be nice to have a bunch of KH related worlds instead of Disney, but I still don't know.


Yeah at this point it seems like they did all they can with disney. Honestly if I was sora I wouldn't want to even see a disney character while fighting ever again.


As for the kingdom hearts getting it's own world's I would honestly enjoy that. Some ppl want more final fantasy but honestly haven't we seen enough of them? It really is time for kingdom hearts to have it's own never before seen worlds with brand new characters.

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^ Well that, and every FF game is about the same pretty much. Whatever happened to it being a mashup game anyway?? It was supposed to be Disney and Final Fantasy, but it's been just Disney basicly since, well since KH2 ended. But KH being it's own monster would be best I think, but I am pretty sure Disney pays them alot and gives very good resources to help create these games in the first place. They are usualy better quality than most SE games that are not main FF titles.

Edited by Silent Fantasy

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