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is it worth getting a 3ds

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3DS = KH3D

also there's that Colors 3D drawing thing that looks epic

and Epic Mickey

and... other games that I haven't really looked at yet, KH3D is distracting xD

But yes. Its worth it.

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There are some good games coming out on that thing. In terms of what's already out, there's Ocarina of Time 3D (I never played the original, so I loved this), Mario Kart (if that's your thing), and of course, KH3D. But before you ask for a specific color 3DS, you might want to wait until the 20th this month when the 3DS XL comes out. The screen is bigger (resolution doesn't appear to decrease), I heard the 3D works better and stuff. It's $200 instead of $170, but that'd be worth it I think if you waited. I'd get one if I didn't already have a 3DS. So think about it.


I just always had a hard time finding games I liked to play on my PSP (BBS and Crisis Core were pretty much it). But on the 3DS I could find a few things for sure (and you can still play DS games on it too, so you have lots of choices).

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Depends on the style of games that you like. I'm sure you want to play a game besides KH3D, so look through some of the 3DS game library and see if you're interested in any of the games that you like.

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Worth it because then you can get kh3d, maybe some Resident Evil, and there's even a Super Smash bros. coming out probably next year


Super Smash Brothers wont come out next year. Lol. We'll be lucky if it comes out in late 2014.


The Nintendo 3DS is the best handheld console. So it's only a matter if you want a handheld console.

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Super Smash Brothers wont come out next year. Lol. We'll be lucky if it comes out in late 2014.


The Nintendo 3DS is the best handheld console. So it's only a matter if you want a handheld console.


it can't be that long, can it? Oh well, I'll just have to be patient.

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