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KH13 giveaway: Share your KH3D impressions & win the guide!

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Kingdom Hearts. If you are into JRPGs, then chances are you have heard about this 10 year old series. This unlikely crossover of Final Fantasy and Disney has given us six games and one remake. Now that Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance is out and I beat the entrie game, I can give decent impressions. First there is the story. Dream Drop Distance, which I'll call 3D, happens after the events of Recoded where Riku and Sora must take a test to become Keyblade Masters since Master Xehanort is returning. They will go through seven sleeping worlds and unlock their keyholes. If you have played the first few Kingdom Hearts games, things are not what they seem. I expected this to occur and thought I'd be able to guess most of the plot. Turns out I was dead wrong. There are so many plot twists, especially in the last world, that make several plot breaking revelations, I'd have thought this really was Kingdom Hearts III. (I also think Sosuke Aizen has found his match for the most well thought out plan from a Japanese villian ever) Not only that, it will literally make you rethink everything that has every happened and will answer that which has been changed, while still leaving answers for what I hope with 110% of my being will lead us to Kingdom Hearts III which I hope will also make its way onto the Xbox 360 or if not at least the Wii U. That being said, the plot is very confusing, especially if you haven't played the other games. (But the momento section helps alleviate this). People and reviewers have said that all the games' plots are confusing, but I never had a problem understanding it. I never played Chain of Memories or even knew it existed until after Kingdom Hearts II (I didn't get into the series until II came out in Japan) and I still understood all that happened. But this game's plot had me racing to the wikis to fully understand what had occured.


As for the gameplay, I found that it combined the best of all the games and the added flowmotion made it the greatest gameplay of the series... But then came the drop gauge and boy was I annoyed. If you have the correct items this may not be a problem, but if you don't keep them there for the rest of the game by sacrificing one command slot, then when you come to boss it can all fall apart. See, since Sora and Riku are in two seperate realities of a world, you have a limited amount of time between the two and when the drop gauge depleates, you switch between the two. This wouldn't be quite a problem if the great gameplay wasn't so asorbing that you forget about the whole thing, but when it does come and you are in a boss battle and drop, you have to start the battle over again from the beginning making for some frusuating experiences. (Yes! I'm talking about you Xemnas!) Luckily, it doesn't make gameplay the worst of the series (For me, that goes to Chain of Memories), but it's a part that's good in theory, but horrible in execution. Let's not forget the dream eaters. This was a great addition for me and gave much more strategy then II ever did. The dive mode is also much better then the gummi ship. Also, the second to last boss is fairly challenging, dare I say the hardest non-opitional boss in the series.


As for the graphics, I was amazed and overwhelmed by the greatness of them. If Super Mario 64 DS made me happy about the graphical capability of the DS, then 3D made me happy about the graphical capability of the 3DS. There is so much more fluid CG motions of all the characters faces then any of the other games and the texture like faces are few and far between. Basically, I can't imagine Kingdom Hearts looking better. (And this coming from a handheld!)


Finally, there is the audio. Yoko Shinomura-san has outdone herself yet again. I wasn't that impressed for most of the new songss, but the old songs are the best ones and the remixes are stunning. (Try hearing the beggining of Xemnas' Boss Battle theme and you will undoubtably agree with me) There's also another remix of Dearly Beloved, which is every bit of unique from the others as it should be. As for the theme song, if I have to hear some form of Hikari/Simple and Clean or Passion/Sanctuary ever again, I may just explode. The acting is also truly marvelous. It isn't perfect, since this is a handheld, but its better then most handheld acting. All original characters, except Ansem the Wise, reprise their original voice actors. The characters of The World Ends with You appear fully voiced by the actors that spoke limited lines in the original game, except for Rhyme, but her replacement sounds great and similar to the type of voice her original actor Kate Higgins has. The only problem is Joshua. It's not that his voice sounds bad, its just it doesn't sound as sarcastic as his dialoge should sound. As for the Disney Voices, most of the originals reprise their roles, but those who don't, either because the voice actor died, retired or had no room in their schedule to voice, have suitable replacements. For example, Jim Cummings sounds so much like Tony Jay's Frollo that its chilling. There is some times where the dialouge take pauses when it shouldn't. ("Now's the time...*Pause*... we settle the score is an early example)


So my impressions of the game make Kingdom Hearts 3D an excellent addition to the Kingdom Hearts mythos and makes me even more excited for the inevitable Kingdom Hearts III. It is far from perfect with the most confusing story so far and the drop gauge being the big culprits. There's also the old problems like the camera control and the lock-on in here too. If I were to rate this game like a professional review, I would give the story a 7/10, the gameplay an 8/10, the graphics a 10/10 and the audio a 9/10 to make it an 8.5/10 kind of game.

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Um... is everyone supposed to be giving summaries, reviews and explanations?

That's not really an impression...



- We want you to tell us your impressions of Kingdom Hearts 3D so far! Basically, we want you to either write a short review, tell us your KH3D story, or share with us your experience of the game-- with at least a couple of paragraphs.


I think reviews are fine. Besides, what is a review, but the impression that the game gave the reviewer?


Looking at my post, my "short review" really isn't so short.

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Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance], was the perfect sequel, but I hoped that it would've taken the story a little bit further.

But now, the story takes us to the Mysterious Tower, where Yen Sid and King Mickey are sending Sora and Riku to complete the Mark of Mastery- exam. They must go to the dream world and unlock the 7 sleeping keyholes.


When you got further in the game, you received reports which told you the things that had happened in the previous games, so you don't need to know every single thing about the previous games to play KH 3D.


The Flow Motion... I love it! First I thought that it would make Sora and Riku too overwhelming in battles, but it didn't. Though some bosses felt impossible to beat without Flow Motion (The Grid; Commantis) and in the final bosses, there wasn't anything to jump from. It also made exploring a little less boring, jumping on the walls is fun.


Next: the Reality Shift. This was a nice and fun thing, it made beating up regular dream eaters fun. But in the world: Symphony of Sorcery, I hated it..


The dream eater kind of replaced Donald and Goofy, but fighting just didn't feel the same. The only useful thing about the dream eaters was the link ability, with that you could do much damage.

But I still missed Donald casting curaga on my ass.


+The plot was great

+The game played as both, Riku and Sora


-The Drop gauge was empty in no time

-The dream eaters were pretty much useless, and collecting the materials to make stronger dream eaters... pfft...


Thank you for your time.

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Kingdom Hearts. If you are into JRPGs, then chances are you have heard about this 10 year old series. This unlikely crossover of Final Fantasy and Disney has given us six games and one remake. Now that Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance is out and I beat the entrie game, I can give decent impressions. First there is the story. Dream Drop Distance, which I'll call 3D, happens after the events of Recoded where Riku and Sora must take a test to become Keyblade Masters since Master Xehanort is returning. They will go through seven sleeping worlds and unlock their keyholes. If you have played the first few Kingdom Hearts games, things are not what they seem. I expected this to occur and thought I'd be able to guess most of the plot. Turns out I was dead wrong. There are so many plot twists, especially in the last world, that make several plot breaking revelations, I'd have thought this really was Kingdom Hearts III. (I also think Sosuke Aizen has found his match for the most well thought out plan from a Japanese villian ever) Not only that, it will literally make you rethink everything that has every happened and will answer that which has been changed, while still leaving answers for what I hope with 110% of my being will lead us to Kingdom Hearts III which I hope will also make its way onto the Xbox 360 or if not at least the Wii U. That being said, the plot is very confusing, especially if you haven't played the other games. (But the momento section helps alleviate this). People and reviewers have said that all the games' plots are confusing, but I never had a problem understanding it. I never played Chain of Memories or even knew it existed until after Kingdom Hearts II (I didn't get into the series until II came out in Japan) and I still understood all that happened. But this game's plot had me racing to the wikis to fully understand what had occured.


As for the gameplay, I found that it combined the best of all the games and the added flowmotion made it the greatest gameplay of the series... But then came the drop gauge and boy was I annoyed. If you have the correct items this may not be a problem, but if you don't keep them there for the rest of the game by sacrificing one command slot, then when you come to boss it can all fall apart. See, since Sora and Riku are in two seperate realities of a world, you have a limited amount of time between the two and when the drop gauge depleates, you switch between the two. This wouldn't be quite a problem if the great gameplay wasn't so asorbing that you forget about the whole thing, but when it does come and you are in a boss battle and drop, you have to start the battle over again from the beginning making for some frusuating experiences. (Yes! I'm talking about you Xemnas!) Luckily, it doesn't make gameplay the worst of the series (For me, that goes to Chain of Memories), but it's a part that's good in theory, but horrible in execution. Let's not forget the dream eaters. This was a great addition for me and gave much more strategy then II ever did. The dive mode is also much better then the gummi ship. Also, the second to last boss is fairly challenging, dare I say the hardest non-opitional boss in the series.


As for the graphics, I was amazed and overwhelmed by the greatness of them. If Super Mario 64 DS made me happy about the graphical capability of the DS, then 3D made me happy about the graphical capability of the 3DS. There is so much more fluid CG motions of all the characters faces then any of the other games and the texture like faces are few and far between. Basically, I can't imagine Kingdom Hearts looking better. (And this coming from a handheld!)


Finally, there is the audio. Yoko Shinomura-san has outdone herself yet again. I wasn't that impressed for most of the new songss, but the old songs are the best ones and the remixes are stunning. (Try hearing the beggining of Xemnas' Boss Battle theme and you will undoubtably agree with me) There's also another remix of Dearly Beloved, which is every bit of unique from the others as it should be. As for the theme song, if I have to hear some form of Hikari/Simple and Clean or Passion/Sanctuary ever again, I may just explode. The acting is also truly marvelous. It isn't perfect, since this is a handheld, but its better then most handheld acting. All original characters, except Ansem the Wise, reprise their original voice actors. The characters of The World Ends with You appear fully voiced by the actors that spoke limited lines in the original game, except for Rhyme, but her replacement sounds great and similar to the type of voice her original actor Kate Higgins has. The only problem is Joshua. It's not that his voice sounds bad, its just it doesn't sound as sarcastic as his dialoge should sound. As for the Disney Voices, most of the originals reprise their roles, but those who don't, either because the voice actor died, retired or had no room in their schedule to voice, have suitable replacements. For example, Jim Cummings sounds so much like Tony Jay's Frollo that its chilling. There is some times where the dialouge take pauses when it shouldn't. ("Now's the time...*Pause*... we settle the score is an early example)


So my impressions of the game make Kingdom Hearts 3D an excellent addition to the Kingdom Hearts mythos and makes me even more excited for the inevitable Kingdom Hearts III. It is far from perfect with the most confusing story so far and the drop gauge being the big culprits. There's also the old problems like the camera control and the lock-on in here too. If I were to rate this game like a professional review, I would give the story a 7/10, the gameplay an 8/10, the graphics a 10/10 and the audio a 9/10 to make it an 8.5/10 kind of game.


This sounds suspiciously familiar...

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Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance in my opinion is a very different game when it comes to the series. It's gameplay is superb and it's story is different than what was expected. First let's talk gameplay.


The gameplay/combat of this game is what I would consider close to the perfect combat system. The Flowmotion is what every gamer wants, a chance to use the environment to their strengths. It opened a huge door for the combat, and also made exploring fun and much easier, I very rarely would find myself walking across a landscape, I would be figuring out the craziest and most fun way to move across it.

The maps in this game were huge, even with the Flowmotion I found it hard to explore every area because I would get lost in the cities or fields.

The Reality Shift was an excellent element that finally gave the touch screen purpose. Although I didn't use it as much as I would have liked to, the developers made sure that there were instances where it was required, which was a great reminder that it was their to help me.

The Dream Eaters were a very different approach for your party members. You treat them as pets, you play games with them, you feed them and you pet and tickle them, I forgot I was playing Kingdom Hearts at times. They were surprisingly helpful in battle, I would go and battle one group of enemies and look back and they had almost cleared their own group. Linking with them as Sora and Riku were very different experiences and both had their positives and negatives. Sora's linking felt more like the summons that we had used in the first two Kingdom Hearts Games, While Riku felt more like the Command style from Birth By Sleep, it really helped combine the series together. Flick Rush was a different and more difficult approach for the coliseum the Kingdom Hearts is cherished for, It is very fast paced and kept you on your toes until the last flick was successful. Lastly, the Abilty system. I had mixed feelings at first, not knowing which Dream Eaters gave me what abilities, but in the end it was a great strength, it made me utilize a lot of Spirits that I would have otherwise left untouched.

Of course we have our beloved command system back, which is much appreciated in Combat as it gives us more variety than the original few spells we had.

And lastly, The Drop System. I came into this game knowing what it was and what it did, little did I know what it actually meant to use it. My first drop was during a boss battle, which was highly frustrating, I immediately did not like it. After a while though I found myself in love with it! It really does help keep the story on track and doesn't let you spoil yourself with one character. You have to complete a world with both characters if you wanted to see a cutscene relating to the overall story, so i would find myself completing a world and then anxiously waiting to drop to finish with another character. The bonus system was a huge help when I knew I needed some extra power for my other character. The Drop System is unique and it is a great addition, I hope that if they have a multiple character story in future games that they continue along the lines of the system.


Onto the story of this game. The story was one where you have to pay attention at all times if you want to understand it. Some pieces of it come to you in mementos, which are things that Sora and Riku recall from the past. Other pieces came to you after finishing a world with both characters. Although I must admit this game did not place much focus on the story. I found that the game seemed pretty based on the story of the world you were in, it wasn't until the last world that you were bombarded with things relating to the overall story. I would hope in the future that they even out the story more and not save it until the last thirty minutes of the game.


This game most definitely belongs in this series, although it only added more questions rather than giving us answers. The gameplay of this game is by far the best the series has ever seen and I can't wait to see what they throw at us next! I would highly recommend this game to anyone new or old to the series. New people will have things explained to them through Mementos, and long time fans will appreciate what it has to offer.

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Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] is the long awaited prequel to Kingdom Hearts III. It's announcement at E3 2010 surprised me. I had not expected a new title so soon. Since it's announcement I've had to view and upload tons of screenshots. This means I've seen everything Square Enix released to the media and public. And some of the stuff excited me despite seeing it so many times. The visuals looked absolutely stunning for the Nintendo 3DS. And it's one of the main reasons I purchased a 3DS last year.


I saw Flowmotion in action many times in screenshots and videos. But at the time I hardly understood it. I was worried it would hurt the gameplay experience that made me love Kingdom Hearts II so much. It just seemed so different, so un-KH-like. When the demo was released I tried out Flowmotion but at the time it seemed more like a way of moving around the battlefield rather than an attack. I'm happy to say that Square Enix has surprised me with this. And after reaching the end of the game I can say that Flowmotion is a very useful and powerful means of getting out of a 'jam'. Sometimes it's not really just the damage it causes, it's what it does to the battle. Jumping onto a wall allows you to easily get around an enemy or Dream Eater and then land a blow resulting in the enemy being stunned for a short time. It helps if the enemy is spamming an annoying attack which is hard to get out of, or is the one of more annoying Dream Eaters. It also makes the battle more interesting than just slashing a Keyblade a few times or running and jumping around. Now I ask the question will Square Enix use Flowmotion in Kingdom Hearts III? And if so, how? I would like to see a more wide range of attacks. With certain attacks being available later on and for certain situations. Kind of like how Reaction Commands were. And on a concluding note for this topic, thankfully the camera wasn't too bad with this title other wise disaster could have occurred with Flowmotion. Particularly with certain boss battles.


Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] has achieved my expectations above and beyond. At times I was kind of annoyed with Sora and Riku's stories and how they connected. At one point you're playing as one character and what happens to the other is kind of spoiled and you're left 'out in the dark' on some things until you complete it with that other character. I think I would have preferred it if it changed characters after you reached a certain part of the story. But hats off to Square Enix for trying something different. It's hard to please everyone with the character system.


As I soon finish Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] I can say this. Kingdom Hearts 3D has been the most interesting title in the Kingdom Hearts series since Kingdom Hearts II. Square Enix are masters in the theatre part of video games. And I can see why. Their cutscenes could be adapted into a television series if Square Enix wanted them too.


I recommend Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] to everyone with a Nintendo 3DS. It is the number one original title on the Nintendo 3DS by far. And I've chosen my words carefully.

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Kingom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] for the 3DS is one of the better games to the Kingdom Hearts series. It has a gripping storyline and the style of game-play is extremely easy to grasp, with excellent extra features like the 'Flow Motion' and the task of collecting the recipes and ingredients for the Dream Eaters so as to make them to use in your own party.


I found that the features like Flowmotion and Reality Shift abilities, and the way the Flick Rush battles, which are an excellent way to allow gamers to play with their friends, as with the Link Portals, allowing the 3DS StreetPass function to share player's challenges with each other, are played, using the touch screen to "flick" the cards up for your move, the 'Spirits' section of the menu, which allows you to take some time out of game-play in order to bond with your spirits to help them earn Link Points with which you can purchase and unlock their abilities, which in itself aids Sora and Riku in their journey all give this game a much higher level of interaction for its players, leading it to be, in my own opinion, far better than the other games in the Kingdom Hearts series for hand-held consoles.


The Drop function is a good way to keep players entertained and alert to what they are doing as it allows them to switch between Sora and Riku's stories, which, although they aren't entirely the same, i.e. in Prankster's Paradise, Riku goes to different places to Sora, they still fit together really well.


The mini-game now used for travelling to worlds, 'Dive', is enjoyable and something that I, personally, like to replay in an attempt to beat my previous scores.


Of course, like any other game, there are things that I myself would have liked to see. I would have liked to have maybe one or two more worlds to visit, but I'm really pleased that the worlds that were there seemed to be larger, with more areas to explore, but it makes the game seem shorter than the rest. We only re-visit one world as part of the story and it would have been great to have more places to see. That being said, I love the game and I think it's absolutely brilliant. I can't put it down. The story's fantastic, you don't have to sit through all the memory scenes until you're ready, able to enter them through the 'Memento' section of the main menu, you learn a little more about the story of Kingdom Hearts, Ansem and some members of Organization XIII.


For me, it gets 9 stars out of a possible 10.

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WOW! I'm so appreciative of all these giveaways. I'm going to give this one a go, even after reading the amazing responses!


Firstly I got a 3DS for Christmas in anticipation of KH3D. In mid-July I visited JB Hifi and questioned them about pre-order bonuses. They told me they were quite sure that Square Enix would include something small, I said thats good enough for me. I pre-ordered Kingdom Hearts 3D about a week before its release. I was so excited! I had a count down on my phone for about a month. Each day I came onto KH13.com and read all I could about the game without any spoilers. So far I've managed to only spoil a few things, very serious things, but I can deal with it.


The game was meant to be sent on the 25th, the day before its Australian release. It wasn't sent until the 30th /tear. Luckily I got it the day after that and play it almost every oppertunity I get.


The Review

Honestly, I'm not very far... I'm only up to Tron's world playing as Sora...

But thats because everything so far is brilliant! The opening in 3D was gorgeous and I watch it every time I turn the game on. The main menu's music is almost tear raising, so beautiful. The opening cutscene made my heart pound and I jumped up and down in excitement. The beginning confused me with Sora and Riku, ut further on it was all explained.

All the new areas and characters in Traverse Town are wonderful. I had heard nothing of the Post Office and spent almost half an hour in there just soaking it in.

The Dream Eaters are fantastic. I've wasted too much time on playing the games, feeding them, changing their colours and creating new Spirits. Their colours and styles are brilliant. The link attacks and all their variations are wonderful, the different styles for Sora and so much fun. Riding my Meow Wow is the best. Riku's links are just as exciting, the best one where Riku gets wings and flies around devestating the Nightmares.

The Nightmares are the coolest enemies, like a cross between cute and a... nightmare? The bosses are magnificent and challenging.

The Drop system has recieved its fair share of hate. Saddly it seems that a lot of people really hate it. Personally, I think its wonderful! It adds an intensity to the game like nothing else could. In boss battles I suddenly notice I'm nearly in 'Bonus Time' and the battle gains a whole new thrill. I fight as fast as I can hammering the commands and using the links. Sometimes I beat the boss before my time runs out, other times I can't beat the boss in time, the smallest amount of health left on the boss. My heart pounding! and suddenly its over, the characters asleep. The feelings and heart pounding vanish, time to take up the next character and start all over again. I love it!!!!!

The 'Flowmotion' ability has to be the best thing Square Enix has ever done. And I mean it. I barely touch the ground anymore. I climb to the highest hights by using 'Y' into the wall and then jumping. The pysics motion of both characters when you do this is awesome. The flowmotion attacks are a usefull way to dispatch enemies and a fun way to navigate the large maps.

Which brings me to my next topic. The lack of worlds but the gain of world size. They're HUGE! And each area's map is gigantic. The treasure chests are tactically hidden and it'll take you a long time to track each one down. I prefer these larger maps to more worlds. Also the world selection so far seems well thought out for developing each character.

Reality Shift is awesome. I've only done a few, obviously, but Slingshot is the best. You get to launch your enemies sky high and then they destroy other enemies. I forget the name of Les Cite des Cloches reality shift but its pretty fun.

The story, so far, is fun and indepth. I love the Mementos section and it makes the normal situation of story telling different and fun.


Now I know that this seems to have gone on for ever but this has flowed so easily, it probably sounds like rubbish. I don't expect to win anyhting but I thought it'd be fun to share my experience with anyone who wants to read it.


If you're reading this, obviously you're a Kingdom Hearts fan. If you don't have KH3D I say this "You have to go get this game!" Even if you have to buy a 3DS first, its worth it!


And lastly; my favourite experience with KH3D so far.

It has to be scaling the outside of the cathedral, all the way to the tippy top. You hit 'Y' and then jump and then repeat. If you haven't already done this; try it. Its the coolest thing I've ever done in a KH game and you should all do it.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to play som Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance.




Wow this is so long!

So many spelling mistakes.


Edited by KeybladeWielder_

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I'll have to start by saying that I don't have KH3D with me yet. I ordered the MoM version and they don't send to my country games and such so I had to send it to a friend and he sent it to me few days ago and he said up to 6-10 business days. So I'd say I have still a week at least in front of me before it arrives. Therefore all I can talk about is the pre-game impressions and what it means to me!


I have tried really hard to avoid massive spoilers because what's the fun if you know 90% of the game before you actually play it. The gameplay? No, thank you. Story is top priority for me so I had to go through posts fast as to not catch anything major. The story of KH3D seems promising though. Sora and Riku taking their Mastery exams but what in the series has gone well for this to go well? Nothing so of course, bad stuff will happen. So more and more information came about the game. I saw Axel alive again, and him being my favorite character since the first time he appeared in kh2, I was overjoyed! Then I saw the collaboration with TWEWY characters and it is a game I dearly love as well so that can only mean that the game will be awesome. From the few stuff I've read here and there from fans and review scores, it seems everyone agrees this is an awesome game! The lowest score I've seen is an 8 and I wouldn't say that's low at all!


I've also been very curious about many thing the game contains: the flow motion, the drop system, the dream eaters growth and generally more details. I'm excited to find out myself how everything works and even though I was never the type to complete a game 100% becaue that takes a lotttt of time and as said story is what matters for me mainly and cannot play something repetitively for long without something new to find out. This game seems to have a lot of new features and it just seems incredible!! From all the nice things I've read about it, I can hardly wait to get it in my hands.


As silly as it may sound, the first time I heard about KH from a friend I didn't find it interesting at all. Then, a while later, I found out the KH manga and I simply fell in love with the series. I had to get the games which I did asap and also had to buy a ps2 as well and I simply fell in love even more so I played every other sequel and spin off except CoM which I watched a playthrough for it. Even if someone asks why I love htis series so much, I cannot answer. I can find many things that annoy me but when I even hear somethin about kh, it makes my day! It really is silly but kh will probably be my only game crush forever since I never stopped loving it for 4-5 years now.


In conclusion, I anticipate this game so much, I can hardly sit and wait for it and I recommend to anyone to play it because I know it's worth it!

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I have played every KH to date, so as you may expect, I was greatly excited to getting my hands on KH3D!

So the day finally come, booted the game onto my 3DS and was welcomed to the intro. Its a shame with the intro as in terms of visuals, I think it may be the best yet, but with having no vocals, I dont find it as good to watch as previous intros have been to watch.

However, now we get to the real game... I started my first playthrough on proud, (Like a true KH Player!), and the game starts off explaining the story in a quite unique way, at least as far as KH games go, by starting the game off at the beginning of their journey, then having flashbacks through out the game of why they're there and other such details, as well as what is occuring in other worlds at the time when Sora and Riku are on their journey.


The first gameplay of the game then starts with a fight to get you into the basics of KH gameplay, feels just like KH and on a 3DS, very nice. Now we get to the more exclusive features of this KH title. To replace the gummi ship games we're familiar to in KH1/2, we have a "Diving system", were Sora and Riku have to to "Dive" into the sleeping worlds. While diving into the sleeping worlds, Sora and Riku have to do things, such as navigating through obstacles and collecting star points, defeating dream eaters and defeating bosses. I find this feature to be really good, espicially in 3D. In all honesty, I'm not really that much of a fan of the gummi ship games, while they did add more replayability, I didnt particularly enjoy the gummi ship mini games that much, so in my opinion, I do prefer diving compared to gummi ship mini games, I do think diving could be further improved by perhaps making the sections a little longer, and perhaps make diving into the world more noticeable, such as having twists and turns and seeing the world come more into focus as you progress, making it just that more exciting, however they are only little things I would enjoy added into the system.


After diving into the sleeping world, you can now choose from the world map to either play the diving section again, or to just pick an area in the world to instantly appear in. Now this brings us to more exclusive additions in this title, the perhaps most noticeable addition is flow-motion. I found this a really great addition to KH and very simple to use. Just point the analogue to which object you want you want to use flowmotion on, e.g. a wall, and press Y, from there on, its very easy to link more and more flow-motions together. Not only does it mean much bigger worlds and areas to explore, and using flow-motion to access treasure chests that would otherwise be impossible in the previous titles, it also makes traversing through the world that more interesting and enjoyable. You can swing around lamposts, jump off walls, mega jumps, grind on rails and spin vertically on poles. All of these features are used quite uniquely in worlds, for example in "The Grid", you can find on circuits on the floor, while in "Symphony of Sorcery" you can grind rail on rainbows and ice rails, a very good addition in KH, to make all those worlds more unique.


However, flow-motion is not just for use in exploring worlds, which even if it was would already be a great addition, it can also be utilised in combat, as while in flowmotion around an object, you can press A, which will activate a certain attack based on the object you activated flow-motion on. I admit, that at first, I was concerned about flow-motion in combat, as in the demo at least, I got the impression that I should be dependent on flow-motion and I'd miss out on the strategy involved in combat, such as blocking, dodging and just normal commands. However the full game was much better, flow-motion really feels just like an extra asset you can use and not something that you should now be relying on. At times it can even happen by accident, which is a nice suprise indeed, as in combat you can use flow-motion against large dream eaters, so you can use flow motion in the usual way, just move to the large dream eater and press Y, then you can spin around the large dream eater, damaging others around it, and then press A to throw the large dream eater, damaging it in the process and others that the large dream eater may impact after being thrown. I am glad flow-motion was made in this KH, as I know developers were unsure about it, and they were right to be that way, however, I feel they got it just right by making it another asset more than something to depend on.


Of course, we're missing out on another exclusive addition, (And many more yet to come), our new companions and enemies, called "Dream Eaters."

This was another thing I was concerned about as I felt they were going to be more gimmicky. However, after trying quite a many of them, I find they can be used quite stategically actually. Each dream eater gets its own "Ability Link", which is like a a chain of commands/abilities/stat increases, which are unlocked by gaining link points for dream eaters. These are earned in many ways, one being by just participating in combat with that dream eater, also by petting/stroking your dream eaters and also by playing mini games with the dream eaters. However, some of these commands/stat changes/abilties on the command link boards arent permanent. Some of them require you to have that dream eater equipped to still have access to them. Therefore, using all of your dream eaters can be beneifical to your growth and development of your characters. You gain these dream eaters by making them via recipes and ingredients. You can gain recipes via opening chests, buying them in shops and by doing special link portals. You can then gain ingredients in a similar way, but also via defeating enemy dream eaters. One thing I do wish would have happened is to have the worlds characters acting as companions or even to have them fight alongside you, as I felt really no connection to the characters and only really seen them in cutscenes.


There are a great many things to do with dream eaters, such as playing mini games with them, petting/stroking them, fighting with them in combat, link and dual link styles and flick rush. With Sora, his link/dual link styles are different than how Riku uses them. With Sora, he is in an undamagable state, when linked or dual linked, where Sora is using his Dream Eater as an companion and utilising the Dream Eater to attack the enemies, while with Riku, he is not in an undamagable state, however he can absorb Dream Eaters, which will change his attack style, which as a result will mean much more faster/cooler/powerful attacks, this is similar to command styles in birth by sleep. With dual links however, when both dream eaters are linked at the same time, Sora will do a more powerful attack, such as an asteroid attack, or zooming into all of his enemies, while Riku will get a more powerful link style to use.


Flick rush, another feature utilising dream eaters, feels like a replacement of mirage arena from Birth by Sleep, with many matches to do. However, gameplay wise, you utilise dream eaters in a way similar to Chain of Memories. You get several cards with a number on them. The higher the number, the more damage the card will do to the enemy. You can also chain cards together resulting in a higher value card, meaning more damage. In this however, you can use cards to attack and defend by sliding the cards up to attack and down to defend. If the value of the card/s is higher than the value of your enemy's card/s, you will either defend that attack, gaining a more powerful card, or if you chose to attack, you will break that enemy's attack and you will continue your attack. However if your values are lower, you will gain damage.


The last new addition worth mentioning are link portals. Link portals are scattered around worlds, which can be used to give you temporary access to other dream eaters or a challenge to defeat a certain amount of dream eaters. In these battle challenges, you will usually get a challenge which will ask you to try defeating these dream eaters with a restriction, such as to not use X commands, or not to get hurt more than 3x or to defeat them in a certain amount of time. These feel similar to Mirage Arena in Birth by Sleep also, however shorter and more bite sized. There are however "Special Link Portals", which are harder than the other link portals and count towards 100% and to gain a keyblade. After beating the game, you also get access to "Secret Portals", which allow you to replay boss fights, which is a very nice feature and one I hope is used in the future. However, get prepared for a challenge, as these bosses arent like they were the first time you fought them. They now deal more damage and have more HP, but if you manage to beat them all, you get access to another keyblade and also count for 100%.


Last but not least, the other new exclusive feature in KH3D is reality shift. With Reality Shift, you "Dive" into the ground and a little mini game appears onto the bottom screen, which is different in each world, such as a "Slingshot" in traverse town, which can be used to throw certain objects and even enemies into other enemies, However, reality shift can also be used to open up secret passage ways in the world, therefore adding more usefulness to the feature. I do feel it is a little gimmicky, however I do still like the feature.


I believe I have covered all of the exclusive features in KH3D, (A lot of them!), so now I'll talk briefly about the significance of this title story wise. This game seems to link very strongly to the next KH and hints very clearly what you can expect in the future. I feel the story itself is very good, with quite a few twists, turns and shocks. I feel story wise, KH3D is better than Birth by Sleep, as me being a KH fan, I could predict most of what occured in birth by sleep, while in KH3D, not so much. Another brilliant part story wise is the mementos feature, which tells you about events in all other KH games, which can be really useful for newcomers, as well as fans that need a little reminder. The music in this game is also very good, I may even go as far to say the best I've heard in a KH game. I did feel some boss themes didnt seem to fit well and seemed too "Cheerful", however the music as a whole is definately brilliant.

The game was definately worth the money for me, seeing I've spent nearly 50 hours on this game alone, far beating other games on my 3DS.


Story: 8.5/10

Gameplay: 9/10

Music: 9.5/10


Overall: 9/10


Hope the review helps you see how great of a game this is, espicially for a 3DS game, its an achievement.

Edited by LAA

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I like how the reviews seem to be getting longer and longer ^.^ Anyways I may as well give it a shot.. :P



In my opinion, I think this game is the best Kingdom Hearts to date. The difficulty was ramped way up, the music and graphics in the worlds are vastly improved and most of the storyline is wrapped up nicely. Although like any other KH game it always leaves us asking more questions but I felt satisfied after completing the story safe in the knowing that KH3 would be the next title to be released. The graphics are very impressive for a handheld and this game was also the main reason why I bought a 3DS in the first place.


There were a few negatives though, I didn't really enjoy the new feature of being dropped so often and especially during boss fights. It was an interesting feature but would have preferred it if you could choose when to drop. Also the game's worlds didn't really affect the storyline that much. I mean, you saw a short 30 second cut scene after completing the world with both characters, but that was it. Furthermore, I was sceptical about the dream eaters being both enemies and allies at first, but they grew on me, and now I just love them. (aura lion ftw). Though the tournaments feature never really interested me that much after trying it a few times.


Furthermore it was the first time I had the chance to play as Riku in 3D, (haven't played Re:CoM), and this time it delves into his personality more deeply letting you find out more about his true nature. I also liked how the organisations and Sora's true role was discovered which tied up lots of loose ends. I finally feel like I understand the series once and for all since KH2 and I thank Nomura for producing this game as it was a vital chapter in the series. KH I £> you

Edited by MegaNeku

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Ok so this paragraph or paragraphs will be filled with how i feel about the game,what draws me to it, and my personal review of KHDDD.


First off, the kingdom hearts series is something that is very dear to my heart. The first game came out when i was about 7 yrs old and my brother and i had no where to hook up our playstation 2 except for in our tent trailer that had a little TV. So we would sit in there , roasting hot, playing for hours and hours. Honestly when i was young, i didnt play the game. I was just fine watching my bro play the game. I was always scared of trying to fight the bosses hehe :) when i got a little older, about 11, kh2 had been out for a bit and i completley forgot about the game until brent brought home kh 2 and so i started a game on kh1 and started to play the games :) but again i was just a kid and i didnt understand the deep story of whar kh really is. I e,was in it for the disney hehe :) when i turned about 14 yrs old i got into thegames more. Started playing 358 and chain of memories, birth by sleep. The story is just the most insane thing in the world! Though i dont mind the disney, i could honestly do without. Then again if it didnt have disney i dont know if i ever would have gotten into when i was younger. Again kh has always been right here.


The reason i think everyone is so attracted to kh, including myself, is because it brings something to the tab,e for all ages. Its got the disney for the kids and the much deeper story than most kids realize that teens or even adults love. Or if your one of those people that loves both the disney and the kh story then u probably love going back into the disney and remebering when u were a kid and how cool that was to u( me).


I actually just recently beat all the games. Just a little before 3d came out. And i was so depressed that i had no more kh to play....i had no idea what to do with myself. I could started a new game on one if them but i couldnt..i could of just progressed in one of my old files but i couldnt....so i waited...it was very hard and now the game is hear its kinda soreal. I have been waiting sooooo long for this game! So heres is my review. I love absolutley every world. The tron world was very impressive to me. The drop system is brilliant! It really helps understand the characters stories easier. And i LOVE the flowmotion. It is so easy to use! The only thing i could without is ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING CAUSE EVERTHING IS PERFECT! its everthing that i hoped it would be and more. Well thats my thoughts and reviews of kh. Thanks for reading :)


Ok so this paragraph or paragraphs will be filled with how i feel about the game,what draws me to it, and my personal review of KHDDD.


First off, the kingdom hearts series is something that is very dear to my heart. The first game came out when i was about 7 yrs old and my brother and i had no where to hook up our playstation 2 except for in our tent trailer that had a little TV. So we would sit in there , roasting hot, playing for hours and hours. Honestly when i was young, i didnt play the game. I was just fine watching my bro play the game. I was always scared of trying to fight the bosses hehe :) when i got a little older, about 11, kh2 had been out for a bit and i completley forgot about the game until brent brought home kh 2 and so i started a game on kh1 and started to play the games :) but again i was just a kid and i didnt understand the deep story of whar kh really is. I e,was in it for the disney hehe :) when i turned about 14 yrs old i got into thegames more. Started playing 358 and chain of memories, birth by sleep. The story is just the most insane thing in the world! Though i dont mind the disney, i could honestly do without. Then again if it didnt have disney i dont know if i ever would have gotten into when i was younger. Again kh has always been right here.


The reason i think everyone is so attracted to kh, including myself, is because it brings something to the tab,e for all ages. Its got the disney for the kids and the much deeper story than most kids realize that teens or even adults love. Or if your one of those people that loves both the disney and the kh story then u probably love going back into the disney and remebering when u were a kid and how cool that was to u( me).


I actually just recently beat all the games. Just a little before 3d came out. And i was so depressed that i had no more kh to play....i had no idea what to do with myself. I could started a new game on one if them but i couldnt..i could of just progressed in one of my old files but i couldnt....so i waited...it was very hard and now the game is hear its kinda soreal. I have been waiting sooooo long for this game! So heres is my review. I love absolutley every world. The tron world was very impressive to me. The drop system is brilliant! It really helps understand the characters stories easier. And i LOVE the flowmotion. It is so easy to use! The only thing i could without is ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING CAUSE EVERTHING IS PERFECT! its everthing that i hoped it would be and more. The story is great! The voice acting is great! Haley joel osment, u rock! Well thats my thoughts and reviews of kh. Thanks for reading :)

Edited by KHlover15

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Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance is a game that, I think, is the game with the best story of all the games. It's fantastically fleshed out. The gameplay is the best of the games, considering the flow motion. Something that makes the game wonderful, is the fact that you're not only playing as Sora, but as Riku as well. That adds a whole new dimension to the game.


I first encountered Kingdom Hearts at my cousins house in 2003. I was six, and thought the game's title sounded like a card game. But when I pulled the case out, and stared into the cover, I was happily mistaken! I wasn't familliar with Japanese Roleplaying Games, but I was definitely familliar with characters such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy. That was what actually drew me to the games. I've been a die hard Kingdom Hearts fan ever since.


Now, 9 years later, Kingdom Hearts 3D came out. Since I'm older, I'm less about the gameplay as I am about the story. As a writer, the story is what makes something good or not. These games have an amazing story, something that draws out emotions within you that you never thought were there. I often go back and replay the games, just so I can feel the emotions of the story. Heart wrenchingly beautiful, that is what they are. The struggled between good and evil, light and darkness, is intriuging to me.


I love the constant wondering whether good will prevail. With Kingdom Hearts 3D, my hope faltered, everything I knew about the characters seemed to be struck down and built back up. This story made the characters not only better, but stronger as well. I grew more emotionally connected to the characters. My heart broke for them. I felt what they felt, and that is what makes Kingdom Hearts 3D the best. By the end of the game, my heart was pounding, and I couldn't help but wait for the next game. These games are so special to me, and Kingdom Hearts 3D re-explained why they are.

Edited by Taylor Thomas B-Erumeldir

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Kingdom Hearts was first released in America on September 17, 2002, and it took the hearts of many players to a new world. One of the boys who fell in love with the series ten years ago was me. I was eight then. Back then, my introduction to Kingdom Hearts was a trailer on a Treasure Planet CD game. Watching the trailer made me want to play the game. Soon after, one of my brothers friends brought over Kingdom Hearts, and I loved it. Getting to explore some of my favorite movies as a kid was fantastic. And now, ten years later, that same zeal hasn't diminished a bit after the latest installment, Dream Drop Distance, arrived in a cardboard box.


The game starts out with Sora and Riku taking their Mark of Mastery exam. Former Master Yen Sid has sent them to the Realm of Sleep, where worlds once consumed by darkness (during the events of KH1) slumber, due to not being restored after the Door to Darkness was shut. The two Keyblade wielders must seek out seven Keyholes, which will awaken those worlds and give them a new power. However, the test does not go exactly as planned. A young man in a black coat immediately starts causing trouble, as well as some foes Sora and Riku thought were long defeated. Sora and Riku soon find out exactly what is going on, and what their future holds in store.




In recent years, the plot of Kingdom Hearts has become confusing to most new players and some old. Dream Drop Distance tries to remedy that with the Memento system. Throughout the game, several characters from past games appear and unlock their respective game's chronicle, which explains simply what events transpired in that game. Better yet, they're unlocked chronologically, which means you don't end up scratching your head wondering how things worked.


For the story of DDD itself, it's great. Sora and Riku both get great plots for their world visits, but usually, one or the other gets the actual plot of the movie. Sora gets the real story of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" and "The Three Musketeers", while Riku gets the true plot of "Tron Legacy". Despite this difference, though, either side still gets a good story. Sora tries to rescue Tron from CLU on the Grid, while Riku foils the defeat of the Musketeers. Later events in the main story get slightly confusing, but Theater Mode allows you to review the scenes and get what certain characters are revealing to Sora and Riku.






Dream Drop Distance uses some old gameplay techniques to complement the newer ones. The Deck Command system returns from Birth by Sleep and re:Coded, and it still works as great as ever. One of the new additions to the system, Flowmotion, allows Sora and Riku to bounce off walls, swing on poles and slide on rails, allowing for fast travel on the much larger maps. It also allows them new combat opportunities, as they can now throw larger enemies or clear out a large group of enemies with a shockwave attack.


Another new feature is the Dream Eaters. Replacing Donald and Goofy, these creatures vary from cats to pandas to dragons to frogs to tons of other critters! Each one has its own unique grid to unlock new abilities and deck commands for Sora and Riku. And each can bond with Sora and Riku for either Limit attacks (from KH2) for Sora or Style changes (from BBS) for Riku. You're also allowed to care for your Dream Eaters, by playing games with them or by petting them using the touch screen.


The last two features are the Drop system and Dive mode. Drop allows you to switch between Sora and Riku during the game. As you wander through the worlds, your Drop gauge will run out and eventually switch you to the other character. This system does induce a bit of a rush to hurry up, but in my experience, the only real time where the Drop gauge ran out during a fight was quite forgettable. Dive mode is the new mode of transportation between worlds and consists of you diving headfirst through a series of obstacles trying to grab stars to give you points to clear the dive.


Score: 8.5/10




First off, the music in this game is amazing. The new world themes really capture the feel of the worlds. A track that I initially had misgivings about (the Grid's themes) grew on me relatively quickly. The final boss themes, despite being remixes, are amazing and keep the battle's excitement high.


The voice acting for the main characters was great as well. Haley Joel Osment has finally gotten the hang of playing the young version of Sora, which makes Sora seem totally natural this time around. David Gallegher is still great as ever with Riku. Ben Diskin plays the new villain (whose identity will go unsaid to keep spoilers away) and he takes the cake. Bert Iwan as Mickey is actually still working after hitting the mark in re:coded. Sometimes, these actors give off


The minor character voices, however are lacking. In La Cite Des Cloches (Hunchback of Notre Dame), only Quasimodo and the gargoyles seemed natural. Quorra seems at times to not sound like Olivia Wilde. Rhyme sounds way too old for her character and Neku just seems to not hit the mark a lot of the times, unless he's being loud or in his opening scene. Corey Burton is also getting worse at making his characters sound different. Yen Sid, Ansem the Wise and Frollo sound the exact same. What happened to the guy who could mimic any actor? Did Hugo Strange ruin you?


Score: 8.5/10




Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance is the best so far in the series. Reaching out to new and old fans alike, this game ties all the previous games together and brings a new flavor to it. While some features are lacking, others pick up the slack. This is truly a great game and I recommend it to all.


Final Score: 9/10


(I apologize if this is too long, but this is my impression of the game.)

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As usual Square Enix has done a great job with the visuals; Kingdom Hearts 3D looks absolutely stunning. The facial detail on Sora is particularly impressive, and all of the environments and movie flashbacks look fantastic. The only downside to this is that the juxtaposition of the photo-realistic Tron: Legacy characters with the spiky-haired Sora and Riku is so odd that it destroys the atmosphere in The Grid.

While the 3D effect is not pivotal, it does add a sparkle to the beautifully detailed cut scenes, most noticeably when flames rise in the Cite des Cloches stage — make sure you have the 3D slider set to the max for that scene. Like all Kingdom Hearts games the voice acting is also spot-on; even where the original voice actors from the movies are missing, an impeccable replacement has been found, making the change barely noticeable.


Even though Kingdom Hearts 3D may look incredible, the gameplay is rather tedious. You must play as both Sora and Riku, undergoing each world twice and therefore defeating the same bosses twice too. This is where the new ‘Drop’ element features, as you're only given a certain amount of time playing as one character before you're dropped out and wake up again as the other. Having a time limit is essential, as it stops you from levelling up and progressing too far as one character. However, the drop counter continues to tick down even during boss fights, meaning you could be grinding down a big Dream Eater for ages only to be suddenly dropped out, forced to replay the whole fight over again when you next wake up.

The combat has been improved with the addition of free-flow, an acrobatic feature which adds speed to the many street brawls you encounter and becomes a very powerful tool once you get the hang of it. There is also a new Reality Shift system which allows you to perform a special command or attack depending on the world you are in. For example, in Traverse Town, when you use Reality Shift mode you execute a Slingshot attack.

One of the biggest grievances is that there are simply too many random encounters. Every time you pass through an area the same horde of neon Dream Eaters will attack you, no matter how many times you knock them down and out. Because of this, you end up rushing through the game in order to avoid all of the random encounters, and fail to fully explore the environments, thus missing many of the hidden treasures. This is worsened by the fact that there're only a few worlds in comparison to previous Kingdom Hearts games.


The controls are quite easy to get to grips with, thanks primarily to the tutorial level at the beginning in which you fight Ursula’s huge, flailing tentacles. Yet after this, Kingdom Hearts 3D bombards you with a hideous explanation screen every time a new feature or control is introduced, which can be overwhelming at first even for experienced Kingdom Hearts players.

Once you're fully immersed and battling it out against never-ending streams of Dream Eaters, you'll soon notice that potions aren't very easily accessible. You can't retrieve them from the main menu — which would force the battle to pause — or even select them on the touch screen; instead you have to flick through the X button menu using the D-pad while the fight still continues. This bad menu positioning causes a few unnecessary fatalities and doesn’t do anything to make up for the cascade of Dream Eaters that continuously come your way.


Kingdom Hearts 3D is a great looking, solid game, held back by a few design choices which stop it from being as enjoyable an experience as it should be. If you are new to the series and want to know what it’s all about, then try Kingdom Hearts I or II before diving into this one. However, if you are a series veteran then step this way, as there is still a lot of fun to be had if you can overlook the small gameplay problems.

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Kingdom Hearts is the best game series I have ever played. Although, I still didn’t had a chance to play KH3D. To tell the truth, I think I will be able to play it only in 2014. My family doesn’t have much money. I got my PS2 only four years before, when the price was already very low. That means my parents don’t have money to buy a 3DS and KH3D for me. But I knew various things about the game and saw various videos of it. So, even if hadn’t played KH3D, I will tell the story of how I knew it, write a review of what I think of the new features and say what it means to me.

Let’s start with my story; I first played a Kingdom Hearts game in the middle of the last year. It was Kingdom Hearts 2. I liked it so much, that I got all KH games for PS2, including KH2 Final Mix. One day, after I finished Kingdom Hearts 2 and cried when my Kingdom Hearts 1 copy didn’t worked, I found the KHWiki and saw Kingdom Hearts 3D for the first time. I wasn’t thinking on buying it, I was seeing it just like one more KH game that I would not be able to play. But each time, more and more, I saw how it would be the best KH game until now and desired to be able to buy it. So, an opportunity for me to work appeared (Although, it will be just two years from now, that’s why I still can’t buy it). The money is the main reason I don’t buy other KH games, so, I would be able to buy this one. Then, I found KH13. I don’t know how to explain how I felt when I found this forum. In my city, I don’t know anyone that likes KH, so I don’t have anyone to talk to. Finding the forum was amazing. All that information and people I could talk. I started to enter on it every day, and each day, something new about KH3D appeared. Then I started to enter especially to see what was new on KH3D and definitely decided to buy a 3DS and it, which will be the first things I will buy with my money. And now, two months later, I still don’t have the game or my 3DS, but I’m already planning how I will pay it and how wonderful will be to play it, after so much time waiting.

Now for the review; in my opinion, Kingdom Hearts 3D is the best Kingdom Hearts game until now, and have everything that it’s needed to be the best Nintendo 3DS game. I wasn’t thinking in buying KH3D. But after I saw the first trailers, I immediately changed my mind. It’s the only reason I want a 3DS. Its various new features can make someone keep playing four hours.

FlowMotion is very fun to use, at the same time that it’s useful and powerful. Sometimes, it can really help you get out of a pinch, and it’s very cool to explore the worlds, reaching places that you couldn’t in other ways. As there are poles, walls and rails, and there are various attacks and ways to use it, it doesn’t make you bored (just if you keep bouncing of walls and doesn’t do anything else). For me, it’s one of the best new features of the game, and one of the main reasons I want to play it.

The Dream Eaters are very cute and make the game much more interesting, since there is various things that you can do. You can pass hours raising and playing with them, as well as collecting and trying to see all possible Link attacks. The possibility to give names and change their colors is wonderful. That way, even if you don’t want to change their names, you can change their colors to difference two Spirits of the same type. You can also change their colors to your favorites! I will make a Black and white Meow Wow. Also, there’s cute Spirits, but there is bigger and stronger ones, like Aura Lion. So, people that don’t like cute cats and bats have other options. That was a great idea.

The new selection of worlds is awesome. I liked Space Paranoids in KH2 very much, because I had watched Tron: Legacy some weeks before. When I knew that Tron: Legacy would be in KH3D, I got very happy. The different worlds that Mickey appears make us think how will be Riku and Sora’s reaction when they see him, as well as how that can happen. And what will happen with the Mickeys when the worlds are restored? Also, making less, bigger worlds were a great idea, especially in this games. Know why? It’s cooler to have various areas to explore, that makes you need to have a good memory to remember where you already saw and where you still have to go. Also, as you play each world two times, as Sora and Riku, it’s like there are 14 worlds instead of 7, and larger worlds mean more time exploring.

Link Portals are very interesting. There are various different challenges that you can to complete and boss battles to replay. That, together with the possibility to collect all the Dream Eaters and the Secret Bosses (if the game has some), leaves various things for the player to do even after beating the game.

The Drop and Dive Systems are also great innovations. Drop is a great way to connects Sora and Riku’s story, as well as making it easier to understand. Although, it may be sometimes annoying to drop in the middle of a boss battle and have to start it all over again, but the player could solve this by dropping before it. Dive is a very cool minigame and is a creative new way to travel between worlds, and fits really well into the game’s story.

About the story I can’t say much, just that it looks very involving since it will talk about everyone, since characters from Birth by Sleep to characters from Kingdom Hearts 2. Also, it’s very good that the game will put players on par of the overall story, since some of them (like I) didn’t had the chance to play all the games of the series. Also, it leads to the long awaited Kingdom Hearts 3.

And, for last, the best feature of the game: the possibility to play as Riku. Some players, like me, likes Riku just as much or even more than Sora. So, It’s cool to see that him is finally becoming more recognized as a hero and a main character. In this game, he will have a more important role than in any other game. Sometimes it even appears that he is more skilled than Sora.

To finish, what KH3D means to me; I first played a KH game last year. For that, I’m not a long time KH fan. But that doesn’t mean anything. It’s not the time that you know the series that makes you a real fan, but how you feel about it, how you feel when you play it. For me, Kingdom Hearts is not a simple game series that I like and play to pass time. It is one of the most important things in my life. Even if none of my friends like, even if some people says that KH is something for children, I don’t mind. I will always keep playing it. That’s what Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance means to me: like all Kingdom Hearts series, something very important to me, the only reason I want a 3DS. It doesn’t mind that it will take a long time for I to play it. The important is that I will be able to play it someday and will have much fun with it. It is a dream that will become real, something that will make me happy, that I will keep playing for hours and hours, that I will take everywhere, and that I will tell what happens with me in the game to you, my friends of KH13.

Thanks for reading this. Goodbye!!

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I started playing this series when I was seven and it was one of the best decisions of my life. The Disney elements that are used are incredibly nostalgic, the battle systems are diverse and plentiful, and the storyline is complex and fun to understand. Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, where do I even begin. The battle system is astonishing, it is flamboyant, colorful and reminds me of things I see in my dreams. You really get into the depths of the storyline here. The addition of The World Ends With You characters makes me even more ecstatic.

Flowmotion is amazing, it is stunning. I have dreams in which I am doing Flowmotion in my city! Reality shifts just add to the flamboyant battle system. And to top is off you get to play as both Sora and Riku, and in more equal proportions so you don't get to hooked on one's story. I can remember playing Chain of Memories and my face lighting up when I figured out you get to play Riku's side of the story. The only thing that could've made this anymore flamboyant is if Shotlocks were incorporated into it!

All in all this is a brilliant game. With nostalgic Disney elements, fun battle elements, and a thrilling storyline. Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance is an honor to play, not to mention the fact that it has been the most hyped KH game to date!

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Man, do I like Kingdom Hearts. For me....my story is about average. It starts with an eight year old or so me, picking up Chain of Memories at a store for no reason...only because it looked neat. I was amazed by it, at how everything worked...even when I was horrible at it. Years later, I had forgotten about it. Until, I was at summer camp, and a fellow camper showed me his guide to KH II. Intrigued, I watched a playthrough of it on Youtube, and that's what got me into the series. And it all ends up to now, with Dream Drop Distance.

It's certainly an amazing game in it's own right, leading to some amazing cut scenes and a few twists. I, for one, enjoyed the game. One thing is the Battle System. Flow Motion works amazingly well. It makes battles fluid, dynamic, and overall just pure fun. Toss in the command deck style from Birth By Sleep, and the combat is just great.


The story is good, as long as you're a devoted fan like most of us. It can be confusing for those who pick it up randomly, though 3D does attempt to aid in that respect. Though I would rather many of those optional cut scenes be mandatory, for the sake of how the story flowed. But beyond that, the story successfully pulls all the plot points from previous games into a great installment.


I really liked 3D, even with the few flaws it had. Even though my 3DS says I've played 28 hours, I felt it was kinda short. It had it's moments where I felt it strayed too far from the nostalgia of Kingdom Hearts, but soon returned when a familiar character or sweet boss battle went up and said: "Oh look! Cool stuff!" And I went back to shun reality as I played more and more.


All in all, I liked 3D, and I feel it's a great step up, and hopefully, the last game before the momentous....

Kingdom Hearts 3.

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Dear KH13.com


I have had the game for a week now and without giving away too much, I will say that it has had a great impact on me as a fan of the series. The gameplay elements are fun and addictive and keep you coming back. The story is interesting enough to drive you to the edge of your seat and make you want to know what happens next. With references to past titles and funny moments that fans of the series are familiar with the story is what makes the game special and continues the lives of the series protagonists Sora amd Riku. The worlds are larger than I could have ever expected from a handheld Kingdom Hearts title. I always liked how the music would complement the world and the film or video game it is based on and it truely delivers that. I felt so used to the flowmotion controls later on in the game that I couldn't believe how I could have ever struggled with them in the beginning. The reality shifts are a nice touch to the gameplay and keeps it fresh and new in each world. It may take some time to master all the reality shifts but most are very simple to use and are each different and unique to each world. The story is where this game really shines and without giving anything away it will help you relate with Sora and Riku and understand completely who they are as characters. Ever since the very first Kingdom Hearts in 2002 I have always been a fan of the series, and even now at 18 I can honestly say Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance is the game that proves how much the series has grown up. And though Kingdom Hearts III is a long way ahead, the replay value of this game deserves a 10/10 for being the 3DS game with the largest replay value in my collection. So far I have not made it to the end of the game, but I give it a 9.5/10, two thumbs way up!

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I got KH3D the first day by mail. now call me what you want, but i pre-ordered the game on February 7th, 2012. one of the very first people to order it in the US. I've been playing the game for about 10 hours know un-expectedly...and so far...that game is amazing. I really appreciate how the flow motion gives you speed over the map. this allows you to go from one place to another in such great time...and plus it amusing. One little detail (the things i look for and are what make the game great) was how when you are in flow motion...when you jump...that freedom and position Sora goes through is quite fluent. Your on a rail in flow motion and you jump...just the way his back arches like it does is awesome.


Now the game play. All i have to say is that it is GREAT! its very fluent and not "clunky" like Re:Coded or Birth By Sleep. Oh no...its way better...so great and superior that it may be the best KH addition to the series. it really plays through what Sora and Riku are trying to accomplish by spreading the time between them equally with the drop gauge. And especially how you can drop on command. During my game play...i go the point before the boss fight with both players (Sora and Riku). There i beat the boss and go to the next world vice versa the other player. i go the same world as the other player would go so i don't get confused on what is what.


So now i go to comparisons. Between KH3D and KH2...i would have to say they are both equal. Just because they have different formats and both game play are extraordinary. Now for KH1 and KH3D...i say KH1 is better...for the reason that the story in KH1 is very good and detailed. even showed a twist with the main protagonist. I am not going to lie...i cried when Sora was turned into a heartless...but yet happy as ever because i COULD play as a heartless. just amazing guys. good job. Now for other comparisons for handhelds, KH3D tops them all.


Today...i am a very deep and obsessed fan of KH. SO obsessed that i have very game made with the title "Kingdom Hearts". It has been a great 10 years for Kingdom Hearts. The Dream Eater added a new dynamic flow and challenge to things where you could "fuse" in a way to over-come foes with new capabilities and powers. Flow motion...another great addition added speed and made the game fast-paced which is beyond what anyone could ask for. The game..even on normal/easy mode...still comes with very challenging bosses and challenges. Good job producers!


My Name is Jason...i really appreciate your imagination and new additons to the game. I look forward to the 20th anniversary >:3.


Good Job!

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I got the game on launch day...even though I pre-ordered the Mark of Mastery Collection(along with my day) for now I have to settle for the regular edition. I finished the game today August 6th on Proud Mode, a whole week of beating the game. I really enjoyed The World Ends With You cast in this game and would like to see a world for them in future games, I like and hate the Dream Eaters. While their a fun mechanic,we should have had the Birth By Sleep Command/Ability System. I enjoyed the twists in this game all except Yen Sid only declaring Riku Keyblade Master when he promised both our Heroes that title especially him admitting his mistake falling into Xehanort's trap and what he tells not only Sora and Riku but to Donald, Goofy and Mickey throughout the story. This is a very challenging game in the entire Kingdom Hearts game even if it is slightly unbalanced.



Sorry for a quick edit in my () section I meant "along with my dad" not day..I can't edit my comment on the wall here



I got the game on launch day...even though I pre-ordered the Mark of Mastery Collection(along with my dad) for now I have to settle for the regular edition. I finished the game today August 6th on Proud Mode, a whole week of beating the game. I really enjoyed The World Ends With You cast in this game and would like to see a world for them in future games, I like and hate the Dream Eaters. While their a fun mechanic,we should have had the Birth By Sleep Command/Ability System. I enjoyed the twists in this game all except Yen Sid only declaring Riku Keyblade Master when he promised both our Heroes that title especially him admitting his mistake falling into Xehanort's trap and what he tells not only Sora and Riku but to Donald, Goofy and Mickey throughout the story. This is a very challenging game in the entire Kingdom Hearts game even if it is slightly unbalanced.

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Kingdom Hearts is a very important game series that i hold close to my heart. It was the very first game that i got for my Playstation 2. I had loved the series ever since Destiny Islands got swallowed by Heartless. Over the years I have gotten almost every Kingdom Hearts game ( Except Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, but i know the story anyway.) for almost all the systems. I stayed with the series from the fabulous Kingdom Hearts 2 to the very sad Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days to the not so good Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. I haved seen every trailer for the current game Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. I have waited day by day for the release of the game and i filled with excitment the day it came out. By the way, i was the first one to get it at my local gamestop. The Game itself is also a very interesting and incredible game. The wait wasn't worth naught.

The game Kingdom Hearts: Dream drop distance can be a walk in the park or just brutal to get through. The highlights of the game in my opinion would be the "flowmotion" and the Shocking story. The flowmotion is a very useful technique not only for battle, but also as a means of transportation. I mean, seriously, flowmotion is a quicker way to travel along the immense maps. The story is as impressive as the flowmotion. It is full of twists and turns. My favorite part of the game would be the Dream Eaters. They are awesome party members that not only help you in battle, but also give you command attacks, some being common to very rare. The great things about the Spirits that you fight with is that they can be customized and they come in a variety of styles, some being cute and some being just spooky or fierce. Don't get me started on coloring or playing around with your Dream Eaters!

The game is a breakthrough in which it is the first Kingdom Hearts game to feature recurring Boss Battles. You can fight Rinzler as many times as you want! their are many difficulty levels from beginner to critical. My experience with the game is great. I look foward to beating each world as beating a world reveils a cutscene that relates to the outside world. I love how their are so many different attacks and a lot of different magic commands. usually, i would never use magic, but in Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, they put so many different types of magic commands that you have to try them all out. In addition, I love the way Yen Sid speaks as well as Sora's ability to link with his Dream Eaters. With Sora, every different Dream Eater gives you a different Link Ability.

In conclusion, Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance is the best game in the series to me so far, it has great combat, superb replay value, and is a great addition to the series. To me Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance is a story of two young men who have to overcome great challanges and painful memories to unlock worlds that are trapped in sleep and prove they they are indeed worthy of being a Keyblade Master. It also shows the pain of an ex-Organization XIII member who will go through any trial to save his friends and "bring them back" Got it memorized? It is a great game that i would recommend to any person that has a 3DS. It is not only a incredible Kingdom Hearts game in the series, but a great game for any 3DS owner to have and play with.

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