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Favourite Songs of the Series

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As you know, the Kingdom Hearts series had some uplifting and confident music throughout the series.It also had some of the most depressing music... and depressing music you're made to battle to D:Here are my favorite Kingdom Hearts music that I absolutely adore.Favorite Battle Music:

Favorite Field Music (original worlds)

Favorite Hero Theme:

Favorite Nobody Theme: (If only we had a higher quality version from the game!)

Favorite (current) Dearly Beloved:

Favorite Antagonist Theme (battle and field):

Favorite Orchestrated Theme (and my favorite CGI EVER)

Anyway, those are are my favorite songs from the Kingdom Hearts series. (Ironically, they are all from different games, except the orchestrated)What are some of your favorite songs from Kingdom Hearts? Tell me below!

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All great songs! However, with those songs, came painful moments. The Kingdom Hearts series has put us through some painful stuff:For Terra: Being concealed in a body in which you have no control over, killing someone who was pretty much your father to save your friend, but your friend still "died" anyways.For Ventus: Knowing that he had to merge with Vanitas, and there was no stopping it. Possibly the bravest character ever.For Aqua: Forced to battle your best friend, and goes into the realm of darkness, only to find out many, MANY years have passed, and you're friends are most likely dead.For Sora: His best friend becoming his worst enemy. For years upon years, you hung out, played around, and then suddenly, they never want to see your face again.For Riku: Made one stupid decision, and has to watch in horror as he is forced to battle and nearly kill his best friend.For Kairi: Being separated from the person you obviously love, forgetting about who they are, but still knowing you loved him. Imagine how horrible you would feel.For Axel: Your best friend completely forgetting about you. Imagine if that happened to you. Hanging out one day, nonexistent the next.For Roxas: Being forced to battle, and watch, one of your best friends until they die in your hands, saying everything is going to be okay... : ... and then forgetting about EVERYTHING, earn completely NEW friends, only to learn that they weren't real. That's depressing.For Xion: Her whole existence is depressing. She knows she is a fake, she knows she has to die, and knows that only her best friend can end her.For Naminé: Locked away by Organization, and being forced to take peoples memory away, and never being remembered.King Mickey: Losing so many people in your life. Ven, Terra, Aqua, Sora (for a short while) and who knows how many others.Ansem the Wise: Creating the monsters that will over run all worlds, Having your apprentice betray you, and all your assistance join him, and being sent into darkness.Donald and Goofy: Watching your partner "commit suicide" to save the one he loves.Wow.

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