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KH3D *SPOILER ALERT* Help with Riku boss fight

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Hi, I am currently stuck on one of Riku's final boss fights, Ansem round 2 (when he is inside the Guardian Heartless). He keeps on killing me with his mega lazer attack (when he sends you flying to the back of the map, and you have to run all the way back up). My current level is 41, and the commands in my deck are Spark Dive, Meteor, Dark Splicer, Dark Firaga, Curaga, and Dark Break, and my dream eaters are Meowjesty, Kab Kannon, and R&R Seal. does anyone have a strategy for me?

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As Sora, only while you are in The World that never was, if you rack up 60 dp you'll be able to get Dark Roll for Riku. It helps sooo much! To get lots of DP, as Sora, go to a previous world to collect tons of dp, then go to TWTNS before you drop. You should also try to get other drop bonuses. I couldn't beat Ansem's second form until I got Dark Roll and used dp for other stat boosts.

Edited by LightningXIII

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As Sora, only while you are in The World that never was, if you rack up 60 dp you'll be able to get Dark Roll for Riku. It helps sooo much! To get lots of DP, as Sora, go to a previous world to collect tons of dp, then go to TWTNS before you drop. You should also try to get other drop bonuses. I couldn't beat Ansem's second form until I got Dark Roll and used dp for other stat boosts.


unfortunately, I cant drop anymore, because I beat Sora's story D: what am I suppose to do now?

needs more ballonga and icebreaker and shadowbreaker with these three commands you can beat all the last bosses


Thanks, I'l try that :) Edited by kursedkey

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Have you tried dashing (with sonic impact and dark roll as stated above) through the air to get close to him faster when he does that attack? That worked for me.


Try using dream eaters that provide Defense boost/Dark boost or Hp boost so the laser doesn't kill you so quickly?


You could always level up


It might be wise to equip another cura/curaga command aswell.

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unfortunately, I cant drop anymore, because I beat Sora's story D: what am I suppose to do now?


Thanks, I'l try that :)


Second Chance and Once More, I don't recall where I got Second Chance, but Once More can be obtained from Tyranto Rex's ability link.

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When he sends to the back of the room use Flow Motion andd just jump back and forth between the walls. Those lazers are bound to miss you most of the time.

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For one, at least have Second Chance. it can be gotten from the AR card, MeowJesty.


Second, use Flowmotion from side to side. You'll have no problems doing that. this fight really isn't that hard. People complain about it since they don't know you can use flowmotion and avoid the lasers.

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You already beat the boss but I'd still like to point out (to anyone else who needs help) that when Ansem sends you to the back of the room, you can use Dark Splicer to teleport next to him. The only downside is the small chance you can get trapped in an orb.

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