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KHDays I've been thinking....

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What if 358/2 Days IS a remake of Chain of Memories?

Like, not neccesarily the story the battle style and crap, but like...there's two sides of the story. like...

Sora is the main story for CoM and Roxas is the main story for 358/2 Days.


Riku is the side story for CoM and Xion is the side story for 358/2 Days?

I would say Axel, but in this case it seems that Xion has a more important role, soo....


i'ma gonna go shut up now. My brain hurts. TT~TT

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That thought has come into my head before. I was just playing CoM a couple of days ago when i saw the scene (not a cut scene, like a scene when ppl talk with word bubbles) where in the 358/2 Days trailer Roxas makes his "WTF" face (minus Roxas, just Riku and Zexion, lol) I was like ""ZOMG!! THAT SCENE!" and my brother was like, "What scene?!"....


ok, so the whole point to this is that somehow Roxas goes into the past, and my guess is using Castle Oblivion. So seeing Zexion is why he makes that face because he's like, "Wait, weren't you dead?!"

(if this was already discovered by someone else, sry, I was slow:P) So like does this mean we have to play through every level in KH 1 AGAIN?! I just really hope that the game is not a copy! Ughs! I would still play it but I would love some new stuff!

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That thought has come into my head before. I was just playing CoM a couple of days ago when i saw the scene (not a cut scene, like a scene when ppl talk with word bubbles) where in the 358/2 Days trailer Roxas makes his "WTF" face (minus Roxas, just Riku and Zexion, lol) I was like ""ZOMG!! THAT SCENE!" and my brother was like, "What scene?!"....


ok, so the whole point to this is that somehow Roxas goes into the past, and my guess is using Castle Oblivion. So seeing Zexion is why he makes that face because he's like, "Wait, weren't you dead?!"

(if this was already discovered by someone else, sry, I was slow:P) So like does this mean we have to play through every level in KH 1 AGAIN?! I just really hope that the game is not a copy! Ughs! I would still play it but I would love some new stuff!


If zexy is alive .. you will se me running on walls .... I just hit the keyboard when I heard this xD



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That thought has come into my head before. I was just playing CoM a couple of days ago when i saw the scene (not a cut scene, like a scene when ppl talk with word bubbles) where in the 358/2 Days trailer Roxas makes his "WTF" face (minus Roxas, just Riku and Zexion, lol) I was like ""ZOMG!! THAT SCENE!" and my brother was like, "What scene?!"....


ok, so the whole point to this is that somehow Roxas goes into the past, and my guess is using Castle Oblivion. So seeing Zexion is why he makes that face because he's like, "Wait, weren't you dead?!"

(if this was already discovered by someone else, sry, I was slow:P) So like does this mean we have to play through every level in KH 1 AGAIN?! I just really hope that the game is not a copy! Ughs! I would still play it but I would love some new stuff!


If zexy is alive .. you will se me running on walls .... I just hit the keyboard when I heard this xD




Omg same same! xD Zexion's awesome-nesssss!

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Well, who knows...I doubt it but maybe they will make an Axel or Xion side story just like they did with COM? Either way, it's a new story, a new game, centered around my favorite group of characters (and Roxy) EVER!!! YAAAAAAAAAAYY~~~~~ *fanspazz*


All I DO know is that the game is seperated into "days" just like KH2 Prologue, except, there's...well, 358 of them. And it's seperated in missions, in which you obviously play as Roxas with another Org member. But what I'm really excited about, as much as more depth into Org XIII's past, is the multi-player function! For this I'm buying two copies so me and my bro can kick some Heartless ass as Org members!! sweeet~~ xD

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But what I'm really excited about, as much as more depth into Org XIII's past, is the multi-player function! For this I'm buying two copies so me and my bro can kick some Heartless ass as Org members!! sweeet~~ xD


Yeah, the muti-player is going to kick major butt!! I'm going to have to make my brother buy a copy so we can play co-op!



ZOMG! I just got like super hyped up!!! I CANT WAIT!!!



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That thought has come into my head before. I was just playing CoM a couple of days ago when i saw the scene (not a cut scene, like a scene when ppl talk with word bubbles) where in the 358/2 Days trailer Roxas makes his "WTF" face (minus Roxas, just Riku and Zexion, lol) I was like ""ZOMG!! THAT SCENE!" and my brother was like, "What scene?!"....


ok, so the whole point to this is that somehow Roxas goes into the past, and my guess is using Castle Oblivion. So seeing Zexion is why he makes that face because he's like, "Wait, weren't you dead?!"

(if this was already discovered by someone else, sry, I was slow:P) So like does this mean we have to play through every level in KH 1 AGAIN?! I just really hope that the game is not a copy! Ughs! I would still play it but I would love some new stuff!


If zexy is alive .. you will se me running on walls .... I just hit the keyboard when I heard this xD




Omg same same! xD Zexion's awesome-nesssss!


I knooooow! 8D


another zexy fan! WOHOOOO *high five*


I wan't zexy to live ... DAMN YOU AXEL!

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That thought has come into my head before. I was just playing CoM a couple of days ago when i saw the scene (not a cut scene, like a scene when ppl talk with word bubbles) where in the 358/2 Days trailer Roxas makes his "WTF" face (minus Roxas, just Riku and Zexion, lol) I was like ""ZOMG!! THAT SCENE!" and my brother was like, "What scene?!"....


ok, so the whole point to this is that somehow Roxas goes into the past, and my guess is using Castle Oblivion. So seeing Zexion is why he makes that face because he's like, "Wait, weren't you dead?!"

(if this was already discovered by someone else, sry, I was slow:P) So like does this mean we have to play through every level in KH 1 AGAIN?! I just really hope that the game is not a copy! Ughs! I would still play it but I would love some new stuff!


If zexy is alive .. you will se me running on walls .... I just hit the keyboard when I heard this xD




Omg same same! xD Zexion's awesome-nesssss!


I knooooow! 8D


another zexy fan! WOHOOOO *high five*


I wan't zexy to live ... DAMN YOU AXEL!


ZEXY should LIVE~~~!!!!!!


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That thought has come into my head before. I was just playing CoM a couple of days ago when i saw the scene (not a cut scene, like a scene when ppl talk with word bubbles) where in the 358/2 Days trailer Roxas makes his "WTF" face (minus Roxas, just Riku and Zexion, lol) I was like ""ZOMG!! THAT SCENE!" and my brother was like, "What scene?!"....


ok, so the whole point to this is that somehow Roxas goes into the past, and my guess is using Castle Oblivion. So seeing Zexion is why he makes that face because he's like, "Wait, weren't you dead?!"

(if this was already discovered by someone else, sry, I was slow:P) So like does this mean we have to play through every level in KH 1 AGAIN?! I just really hope that the game is not a copy! Ughs! I would still play it but I would love some new stuff!


If zexy is alive .. you will se me running on walls .... I just hit the keyboard when I heard this xD




Omg same same! xD Zexion's awesome-nesssss!


I knooooow! 8D


another zexy fan! WOHOOOO *high five*


I wan't zexy to live ... DAMN YOU AXEL!


ZEXY should LIVE~~~!!!!!!



yeah .. he didin't do anything wrong TT_TT .. except for trying to manipulate riku .. but riku deserved it TT_TT he attacked zexy that bastard!!!


zexy just followed orders D:


he, demyx and roxas should live! ... but roxas lives .. so I'm happy! xD but I wan't to se roxas as roxas .. not as sora ...

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That thought has come into my head before. I was just playing CoM a couple of days ago when i saw the scene (not a cut scene, like a scene when ppl talk with word bubbles) where in the 358/2 Days trailer Roxas makes his "WTF" face (minus Roxas, just Riku and Zexion, lol) I was like ""ZOMG!! THAT SCENE!" and my brother was like, "What scene?!"....


ok, so the whole point to this is that somehow Roxas goes into the past, and my guess is using Castle Oblivion. So seeing Zexion is why he makes that face because he's like, "Wait, weren't you dead?!"

(if this was already discovered by someone else, sry, I was slow:P) So like does this mean we have to play through every level in KH 1 AGAIN?! I just really hope that the game is not a copy! Ughs! I would still play it but I would love some new stuff!


If zexy is alive .. you will se me running on walls .... I just hit the keyboard when I heard this xD




Omg same same! xD Zexion's awesome-nesssss!


I knooooow! 8D


another zexy fan! WOHOOOO *high five*


I wan't zexy to live ... DAMN YOU AXEL!


ZEXY should LIVE~~~!!!!!!



yeah .. he didin't do anything wrong TT_TT .. except for trying to manipulate riku .. but riku deserved it TT_TT he attacked zexy that bastard!!!


zexy just followed orders D:


he, demyx and roxas should live! ... but roxas lives .. so I'm happy! xD but I wan't to se roxas as roxas .. not as sora ...


*nod nod*

demyx isn't THAT EVIL that he have to die~~~

when fighting him in KHII, i was like "I DON'T WANNA KILL YOU~~~!!!"


by that time,is Ienzo alive? so Zexion could merge with Ienzo like how Roxas is to Sora n Zexion SHALL LIVE!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA~!!!!! xP

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That thought has come into my head before. I was just playing CoM a couple of days ago when i saw the scene (not a cut scene, like a scene when ppl talk with word bubbles) where in the 358/2 Days trailer Roxas makes his "WTF" face (minus Roxas, just Riku and Zexion, lol) I was like ""ZOMG!! THAT SCENE!" and my brother was like, "What scene?!"....


ok, so the whole point to this is that somehow Roxas goes into the past, and my guess is using Castle Oblivion. So seeing Zexion is why he makes that face because he's like, "Wait, weren't you dead?!"

(if this was already discovered by someone else, sry, I was slow:P) So like does this mean we have to play through every level in KH 1 AGAIN?! I just really hope that the game is not a copy! Ughs! I would still play it but I would love some new stuff!


If zexy is alive .. you will se me running on walls .... I just hit the keyboard when I heard this xD




Omg same same! xD Zexion's awesome-nesssss!


I knooooow! 8D


another zexy fan! WOHOOOO *high five*


I wan't zexy to live ... DAMN YOU AXEL!


ZEXY should LIVE~~~!!!!!!



yeah .. he didin't do anything wrong TT_TT .. except for trying to manipulate riku .. but riku deserved it TT_TT he attacked zexy that bastard!!!


zexy just followed orders D:


he, demyx and roxas should live! ... but roxas lives .. so I'm happy! xD but I wan't to se roxas as roxas .. not as sora ...


*nod nod*

demyx isn't THAT EVIL that he have to die~~~

when fighting him in KHII, i was like "I DON'T WANNA KILL YOU~~~!!!"



by that time,is Ienzo alive? so Zexion could merge with Ienzo like how Roxas is to Sora n Zexion SHALL LIVE!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA~!!!!! xP


me too ..... i am always avoiding hollow bastion the second time xD demyx wasn't evil at all .... according to me ...


I SURE HOPE SO! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif I wan't to see Ienzo in bbs!!



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That thought has come into my head before. I was just playing CoM a couple of days ago when i saw the scene (not a cut scene, like a scene when ppl talk with word bubbles) where in the 358/2 Days trailer Roxas makes his "WTF" face (minus Roxas, just Riku and Zexion, lol) I was like ""ZOMG!! THAT SCENE!" and my brother was like, "What scene?!"....


ok, so the whole point to this is that somehow Roxas goes into the past, and my guess is using Castle Oblivion. So seeing Zexion is why he makes that face because he's like, "Wait, weren't you dead?!"

(if this was already discovered by someone else, sry, I was slow:P) So like does this mean we have to play through every level in KH 1 AGAIN?! I just really hope that the game is not a copy! Ughs! I would still play it but I would love some new stuff!


If zexy is alive .. you will se me running on walls .... I just hit the keyboard when I heard this xD




Omg same same! xD Zexion's awesome-nesssss!


I knooooow! 8D


another zexy fan! WOHOOOO *high five*


I wan't zexy to live ... DAMN YOU AXEL!


ZEXY should LIVE~~~!!!!!!



yeah .. he didin't do anything wrong TT_TT .. except for trying to manipulate riku .. but riku deserved it TT_TT he attacked zexy that bastard!!!


zexy just followed orders D:


he, demyx and roxas should live! ... but roxas lives .. so I'm happy! xD but I wan't to se roxas as roxas .. not as sora ...


*nod nod*

demyx isn't THAT EVIL that he have to die~~~

when fighting him in KHII, i was like "I DON'T WANNA KILL YOU~~~!!!"



by that time,is Ienzo alive? so Zexion could merge with Ienzo like how Roxas is to Sora n Zexion SHALL LIVE!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA~!!!!! xP


me too ..... i am always avoiding hollow bastion the second time xD demyx wasn't evil at all .... according to me ...


I SURE HOPE SO! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif I wan't to see Ienzo in bbs!!




ZEXY n DEM-DEM taking over Kingdom Hearts!!



....wait..then they'll have to face Roxas.....

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That thought has come into my head before. I was just playing CoM a couple of days ago when i saw the scene (not a cut scene, like a scene when ppl talk with word bubbles) where in the 358/2 Days trailer Roxas makes his "WTF" face (minus Roxas, just Riku and Zexion, lol) I was like ""ZOMG!! THAT SCENE!" and my brother was like, "What scene?!"....


ok, so the whole point to this is that somehow Roxas goes into the past, and my guess is using Castle Oblivion. So seeing Zexion is why he makes that face because he's like, "Wait, weren't you dead?!"

(if this was already discovered by someone else, sry, I was slow:P) So like does this mean we have to play through every level in KH 1 AGAIN?! I just really hope that the game is not a copy! Ughs! I would still play it but I would love some new stuff!


If zexy is alive .. you will se me running on walls .... I just hit the keyboard when I heard this xD




Omg same same! xD Zexion's awesome-nesssss!


I knooooow! 8D


another zexy fan! WOHOOOO *high five*


I wan't zexy to live ... DAMN YOU AXEL!


ZEXY should LIVE~~~!!!!!!



yeah .. he didin't do anything wrong TT_TT .. except for trying to manipulate riku .. but riku deserved it TT_TT he attacked zexy that bastard!!!


zexy just followed orders D:


he, demyx and roxas should live! ... but roxas lives .. so I'm happy! xD but I wan't to se roxas as roxas .. not as sora ...


*nod nod*

demyx isn't THAT EVIL that he have to die~~~

when fighting him in KHII, i was like "I DON'T WANNA KILL YOU~~~!!!"



by that time,is Ienzo alive? so Zexion could merge with Ienzo like how Roxas is to Sora n Zexion SHALL LIVE!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA~!!!!! xP


me too ..... i am always avoiding hollow bastion the second time xD demyx wasn't evil at all .... according to me ...


I SURE HOPE SO! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif I wan't to see Ienzo in bbs!!




ZEXY n DEM-DEM taking over Kingdom Hearts!!



....wait..then they'll have to face Roxas.....


MWAHAHAHAH! *singing what a wonderful world*


that would be a good world *dreamy look*

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That thought has come into my head before. I was just playing CoM a couple of days ago when i saw the scene (not a cut scene, like a scene when ppl talk with word bubbles) where in the 358/2 Days trailer Roxas makes his "WTF" face (minus Roxas, just Riku and Zexion, lol) I was like ""ZOMG!! THAT SCENE!" and my brother was like, "What scene?!"....


ok, so the whole point to this is that somehow Roxas goes into the past, and my guess is using Castle Oblivion. So seeing Zexion is why he makes that face because he's like, "Wait, weren't you dead?!"

(if this was already discovered by someone else, sry, I was slow:P) So like does this mean we have to play through every level in KH 1 AGAIN?! I just really hope that the game is not a copy! Ughs! I would still play it but I would love some new stuff!


If zexy is alive .. you will se me running on walls .... I just hit the keyboard when I heard this xD




Omg same same! xD Zexion's awesome-nesssss!


I knooooow! 8D


another zexy fan! WOHOOOO *high five*


I wan't zexy to live ... DAMN YOU AXEL!


ZEXY should LIVE~~~!!!!!!



yeah .. he didin't do anything wrong TT_TT .. except for trying to manipulate riku .. but riku deserved it TT_TT he attacked zexy that bastard!!!


zexy just followed orders D:


he, demyx and roxas should live! ... but roxas lives .. so I'm happy! xD but I wan't to se roxas as roxas .. not as sora ...


*nod nod*

demyx isn't THAT EVIL that he have to die~~~

when fighting him in KHII, i was like "I DON'T WANNA KILL YOU~~~!!!"



by that time,is Ienzo alive? so Zexion could merge with Ienzo like how Roxas is to Sora n Zexion SHALL LIVE!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA~!!!!! xP


me too ..... i am always avoiding hollow bastion the second time xD demyx wasn't evil at all .... according to me ...


I SURE HOPE SO! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif I wan't to see Ienzo in bbs!!




ZEXY n DEM-DEM taking over Kingdom Hearts!!



....wait..then they'll have to face Roxas.....


MWAHAHAHAH! *singing what a wonderful world*


that would be a good world *dreamy look*


*hums along What a Wonderful World~~~*

a world of musics(i'm SOO GONNA LOVE THIS!!)~~and illusions~~~~~~

how cool is that? (i always loved those optical illusions things)


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That thought has come into my head before. I was just playing CoM a couple of days ago when i saw the scene (not a cut scene, like a scene when ppl talk with word bubbles) where in the 358/2 Days trailer Roxas makes his "WTF" face (minus Roxas, just Riku and Zexion, lol) I was like ""ZOMG!! THAT SCENE!" and my brother was like, "What scene?!"....


ok, so the whole point to this is that somehow Roxas goes into the past, and my guess is using Castle Oblivion. So seeing Zexion is why he makes that face because he's like, "Wait, weren't you dead?!"

(if this was already discovered by someone else, sry, I was slow:P) So like does this mean we have to play through every level in KH 1 AGAIN?! I just really hope that the game is not a copy! Ughs! I would still play it but I would love some new stuff!


If zexy is alive .. you will se me running on walls .... I just hit the keyboard when I heard this xD




Omg same same! xD Zexion's awesome-nesssss!


I knooooow! 8D


another zexy fan! WOHOOOO *high five*


I wan't zexy to live ... DAMN YOU AXEL!


ZEXY should LIVE~~~!!!!!!



yeah .. he didin't do anything wrong TT_TT .. except for trying to manipulate riku .. but riku deserved it TT_TT he attacked zexy that bastard!!!


zexy just followed orders D:


he, demyx and roxas should live! ... but roxas lives .. so I'm happy! xD but I wan't to se roxas as roxas .. not as sora ...


*nod nod*

demyx isn't THAT EVIL that he have to die~~~

when fighting him in KHII, i was like "I DON'T WANNA KILL YOU~~~!!!"



by that time,is Ienzo alive? so Zexion could merge with Ienzo like how Roxas is to Sora n Zexion SHALL LIVE!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA~!!!!! xP


me too ..... i am always avoiding hollow bastion the second time xD demyx wasn't evil at all .... according to me ...


I SURE HOPE SO! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif I wan't to see Ienzo in bbs!!




ZEXY n DEM-DEM taking over Kingdom Hearts!!



....wait..then they'll have to face Roxas.....


MWAHAHAHAH! *singing what a wonderful world*


that would be a good world *dreamy look*


*hums along What a Wonderful World~~~*

a world of musics(i'm SOO GONNA LOVE THIS!!)~~and illusions~~~~~~

how cool is that? (i always loved those optical illusions things)




YEAH! that would be so cool! bahah .. the whole world would be a musical of illusions ... woooow ..

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