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KH3D Your view on the Dream Eaters?

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To be honest, I didn't like them at first (they seemed rather unoriginal to me), but when I was battling with them, they didn't seem so bad, and some of them seemed really cute

So what are your current opinions on the Dream Eaters?

Also, are there any ways/things that could have made them better in your opinion?

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They're actually my favorite enemies now, maybe because they're more aggressive, harder to fight (especially on proud and critical) and I just absolutely loves their designs and creating the spirits, playing with them, fighting with them just helped shaped my opinion of them more and now I adore all of them.

Edited by Doctor13

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I like them, but I hate that "fancy colors" they have. I mean, they all look like children's toys D=

In battle they do great! They are strong and have many abilities. Some combined attacks are cool, others, not so much (I'm talking about the one where Sora start dancing and the one where they are in a meteor).

I started playing on critical a week ago and I'm trying to make the lizzard/dragon hahaha

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at first i thought "meh, i DEFINITLY will not pet them at all only equip and battle them" Now i think " Hmmmm, my Komori Bat is not aggressive or not strong enough, TIME TO TRAIN THEM BY POKING AND PLAYING MINIGAMES!" I actually spend quite some time coloring/poking them. I didn't see that coming.


I'm acctually lauging so hard and idek why XDDDDD

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To be honest, I didn't like them at first (they seemed rather unoriginal to me), but when I was battling with them, they didn't seem so bad, and some of them seemed really cute

So what are your current opinions on the Dream Eaters?

Also, are there any ways/things that could have made them better in your opinion?



Ghost Drive on Riku: nuff said

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They are Adooooooorable!!!!!!!

I'd never thought i'd be so invested in them, but they are actually really fun and cute!

Currently I've named them all after famous musicians and bands, like Ringo Starr, Mike Love, Elvis, Rammstein, Ozzy (Osbourne), etc.

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I like the dream eaters, especially because with some of them, riku gets little bat wings and the ability to fly. The only real problem I had with them was their existence in Tron's world. They just weren't appropriate there. Every other world they fit in fine.

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Dream Eaters are prob the best addition to the series. The only drawback is that their the only way to achieve abilities. I hoped that Nomura would putted the command melding from BBS in DDD.


Also the fact that their indeed more agressive and more powerfull than the Heartless, Nobodies and Unversed makes them better. Even Standard Mode is a challenge in DDD.


By the way.... Unversed are a rehash man.... I totally hated those creatures, their ugly and weak.

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I LOVE them, except for the fact that you can only equip abilities if the spirit you got it from is in your party. mostly because im obbsessed with getting all the abilities. it seem like you cant get all of them ;o; but im sure theres a way


I agree, and I think they're cute and colorful, and there's just something about them that make them more appealing than Donald and Goofy ( Maybe their cute and colorfulness?). But that's just me :D Plus, there are so many that you can pick and with the interactive things, you become real comrades Edited by Crown Unlimit

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As enemies I don't totally love them, but they add a unique element to the game as far as the Spirits go. It reminds me of the chao garden in sonic adventure 2 battle which was a great game. :)

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There isn't anything really wrong with them besides the fact that when they die you have to rapidly press "a" to revive them or lose them forever. Other than that minor compliant, I really like them. Even though enemy wise I like heartless and nobodies much better, they're really tough and put up a good challenge. You can get lots of fighting in. As allies, they're cute and strong. Their link points were a great addition.


Nobody can overtake Donald and Goofy, but these guys are definitely second best.

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I don't have the game yet but my hype about it has recently changed to getting to play with my Dream Eaters instead of playing the game. When I do get the game I might end up spending much more time with my Spirits than going through the story.

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