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KH3D *MAJOR SPOILERS*keyblade masters?

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Ok so I love the game but the only thing I didn't like was that ONLY Riku was chosen as a true keyblade master. Master eraqus only picked aqua but that was because terra's darkness showed during the battle and terra even got another shot to prove himself and become a keyblade master. So why didn't yen sid pick BOTHsora AND Riku because they both passed. Let me know what you guys think of this.

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Ok so I love the game but the only thing I didn't like was that ONLY Riku was chosen as a true keyblade master. Master eraqus only picked aqua but that was because terra's darkness showed during the battle and terra even got another shot to prove himself and become a keyblade master. So why didn't yen sid pick BOTHsora AND Riku because they both passed. Let me know what you guys think of this.


To sum it up: Riku was modest, while Sora was too overconfident.

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To sum it up: Riku was modest, while Sora was too overconfident.


but overconfidence shows how strong soras heart is and how bright his light shines within, even in the deepest darkness sora will always find a way to keep smiling :) Edited by Destiny_of_a_Key_Bearer

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Riku has been the underdog and Sora has always been the golden child.

Riku had to grow up more than Sora had to.

Everyone was getting tired of Sora.


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I believe Riku solely passing the Mark of Mastery exam was the right choice.


Throughout the series, Sora has proved himself time and time again, while Riku has had to suffer the consequences of events that transpired in the first game. He has had to battle darkness within himself (as seen in 'Chain of Memories'), cast aside his own identity to ensure that his best friend remained unharmed ('358/2 Days'/'Kingdom Hearts II'), and then risks getting trapped in Sora's prison of slumber ('Dream Drop Distance').


Riku has always come to Sora's aid; and therefore, truly earned the right to become a full-fledged Keyblade master. Sora's time will come (probably in 'KH3'), but Riku needed this much-deserved redemption before then.

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Honestly, Riku is the only one that deserved it for the reason Master Yen Sid gave. He went back to save his friend. Sora literally slept through part of the exam, and when he was in danger, Riku stepped in and saved the day.

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Sora isn't too bright so he gave in to the emotions of the worlds and started to think it was reality until towards the end where he was like "maybe it's like how master yen sid said...". Sora basically let his heart win like always but this time it almost made him sleep forever or sleep like Ventus. I think if it was the other way around then Sora would have been picked but Riku battled the Darkness again...and won so he deserved it.

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I really don't think they'd ever let us play as Keyblade Master Sora.


I agree. Nomura designed Sora to be an average, normal boy and being a keyblade Master would deviate from this abit..... But then again in KHII he was labelled a true hero by Phil so anything is possible xD

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Sora's overconfidence is because he has Ventus's heart inside him. Like MX says at the end of DDD that Sora actually is just a dull ordinary boy with no special abilities. For Riku it would have been a matter of time anyway before he became a master.

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Riku becoming a Master was the right choice! He had to venture through the Realm of Sleep for a second time whilst saving Sora... for this reason Sora didn't return to the Realm of Light awake (whereas Riku did). Plus throughout the series it was Sora doing the majority of the saving and defeating the Darkness! xD


Oh... plus Riku had the "power" handed down to him by Terra.

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