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Hey I'm at level 20 in La Cite des Cloches and was wondering what a good level would be to beat the game at. I know I still have a long way to go but I like to plan ahead. So I'm asking what level you were at when you beat the game?

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Mkay, cause I set myself a goal of level 30 by the time i finish this world then get 10 more levels for every world after, including returning to any worlds...

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So you want to gain 10 lvls per world per character? Because thats gonna be long and pretty boring aswell tbh. I wasnt lvl 20 in La Cité des Cloches. Your pretty high lvl already considering your just in de 2nd world of the game.


Well anyway, i g2g, cya tomorrow maybe

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im in la cite de cloches too. 'cept im level 6. how the hell did u level up? id honestly love to know though, and preferably an approximate estimate of how long it took


Focus on the numbers, once you see it you'll be like, "But I can do it so I will" go in and out of the square and the big building(bell tower, church, whatever) go to the center of each, for both characters there will be 2 waves in the center of each(center of building is lit with a skylight or something) try to unlock zero gravity if you have a dream eater that can do it, it helps with the bigger ones until you get your level up a bit. Just keep going between the two and you'll be set. That's how I did it. I think I've spent...a few good hours, live anywhere between 2 or 5 depending on how many breaks and how well you do...

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Focus on the numbers, once you see it you'll be like, "But I can do it so I will" go in and out of the square and the big building(bell tower, church, whatever) go to the center of each, for both characters there will be 2 waves in the center of each(center of building is lit with a skylight or something) try to unlock zero gravity if you have a dream eater that can do it, it helps with the bigger ones until you get your level up a bit. Just keep going between the two and you'll be set. That's how I did it. I think I've spent...a few good hours, live anywhere between 2 or 5 depending on how many breaks and how well you do...


alright thanks ive never grinded so early in a game before http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png i usually do it towards the end, but thanks!

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