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Caution when playing in 3D.

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Hey everyone, i'm just here to make sure you guys understand the importance of taking caution with the 3D feature on the 3DS. With many doctors in my family, they say there have been many reports of children and adults getting the "lazy eye" which is were one eye is seeing better than the other. Make sure that when playing ANY 3DS game you take breaks every 30 min or so, if your eyes hurt before the 30 min is up then it's a good idea to save and turn it off then. Seeing as how addictive Dream Drop Distance is, I just want to make sure you guys aren't over doing it. However, if you have the 3D turned off, it's still a good idea to take a break every hour or so, and the breaks don't have to be that long but I would say at least 15 min breaks or until your eyes feel good enough to start playing again, if you have any questions please ask below. And enjoy Dream Drop Distance! :)

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I love the 3D effects of this game so much though. Thanks for the heads up! I guess my eyes have been maybe a little sore but that could be because I've been playing for so long. Guess it's break time for me.

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Healt warnings? PFFT! They are for pussies!


Anyways people don't follow those, there is healt warnings for every console, but almost no one follows them.

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Hey everyone, i'm just here to make sure you guys understand the importance of taking caution with the 3D feature on the 3DS. With many doctors in my family, they say there have been many reports of children and adults getting the "lazy eye" which is were one eye is seeing better than the other. Make sure that when playing ANY 3DS game you take breaks every 30 min or so, if your eyes hurt before the 30 min is up then it's a good idea to save and turn it off then. Seeing as how addictive Dream Drop Distance is, I just want to make sure you guys aren't over doing it. However, if you have the 3D turned off, it's still a good idea to take a break every hour or so, and the breaks don't have to be that long but I would say at least 15 min breaks or until your eyes feel good enough to start playing again, if you have any questions please ask below. And enjoy Dream Drop Distance! :)


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Edited by Alan Smithee

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My eyes are already firetrucked up enough as it is, my vision is terrible. I can't have the 3D on in battle in DDD, like I see double of everything. :/ I just turn it on for cutscenes.


You need to look from the right angle, otherwise the image splits.

That's actually why I tend not to use 3D

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Yeah, they kinda warn against this on the box, and Health and Safety menu, but thanks. It's kinda common sense though. Although I don't use 3D much anyway because when you push a button to do a move, the 3DS moves a bit and you can't see the 3D correctly. I never even bought the 3DS for the 3D feature, I just liked everything else xD


Also, maybe we should stop ignoring those messages from Nintendo telling us to take a break :l


I tried the 3ds in Best buy and I turned on the 3d switch and OH MY GOD MY EYES WERE HURTING ALREADY!


Same here. You just gotta get used to it.

Edited by Riku'sAngel

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Uh lol i always move when playing something so i wont have the 3D thing on. But only if it is a REEALLY epic moment.


Wich i guess it will be every moment :D

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Hey everyone, i'm just here to make sure you guys understand the importance of taking caution with the 3D feature on the 3DS. With many doctors in my family, they say there have been many reports of children and adults getting the "lazy eye" which is were one eye is seeing better than the other. Make sure that when playing ANY 3DS game you take breaks every 30 min or so, if your eyes hurt before the 30 min is up then it's a good idea to save and turn it off then. Seeing as how addictive Dream Drop Distance is, I just want to make sure you guys aren't over doing it. However, if you have the 3D turned off, it's still a good idea to take a break every hour or so, and the breaks don't have to be that long but I would say at least 15 min breaks or until your eyes feel good enough to start playing again, if you have any questions please ask below. And enjoy Dream Drop Distance! :)


Mine never hurt.

I already have one little lazy eye.

I played with the 3D on for 3 days. =/

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