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KH3D What's your KH3D story?

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So what's everyone's story regarding DDD? Where'd you buy it? What time? Any interesting stories regarding your purchase?



I pre-ordered mine at Gamestop a while back. Whenever I did, the sales rep told me they would be there at midnight so customers could pick up their copy. So, at around 11:45 last night, I hopped into my car and drove to Gamestop ... only to find them closed. I was SO ready to play the game, so I made my way to the nearest Walmart and prayed that they had it. The game wasn't out on display yet, so I had to ask someone if they had it. He checked in the back... and almost 25 minutes later, came out with a box full of DDD and another box of game guides. I snagged one of each and went on my marry way.


I lost $5 from my Gamestop preorder, but I'm not too worried about it. I have the game and I'm now a happy camper! :D

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Well July 31 was my birthday (I'm now officially fifteen, ugh) so it was my birthday gift in a sense. I was busy all throughout the morning because I was at driver's class and took my permit test. Once I finished that, I went on over to Target and bought the game. It was probably around noon when I got it. I'm not sure how many copies there were but I got the one that was set out on display with the big plastic box over it and everything. Nothing interesting else happened. The end!

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Did not sleep at all last night, was too excited. At about 9, I started getting ready (decided to actually groom since this was such a special occasion xD) and I left for GameStop. Got there, and two other people were also getting the game. Got it, went home, and finally, my summer-long dream was realized.

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My brother preorderd the mark of mastery edition for me and him from gamestop but had to leave a couple weeks before it came out so he canceled the preorders and tried to preorder the MoM edition elsewhere (ie: amazon) only to find out it was unavailable to preoder so now I have the normal version on it's way I am kind of bummed about it but it is the game that matters the most.

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I went to K-Mart (there is no Game spot, Best Buy, or Walmart near where I live :( ) on the NA release date and they didn't have it, though they said games are usually released on Thursdays... I'm going again today, wish me luck http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png




Edit: Okay so they didn't have it again. I went to the mainland to Game Stop (after I thought tornado and hail warnings had stopped. They hadn't). Luckily, they had it. But right before I opened the door, a HUGE clap of thunder scared the crap out of me. I didn't show it, but I was shaking inside.

Edited by Crown Unlimit

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Well I wanted to get it on launch day but I uh was too lazy too xP so I went to a toysrus I didnt go to for like four years since I bought my wii so when I was like eleven and I went back and went to the toysrus and the cashier dude was pressuring me to buy another 3ds but I was like meh and bought Kingdom hearts 3d :D

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I've entered in GAME and i've said:

I want to buy Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance please


GAME GUY - Here you go, there's gonna be 49,95 please.

And they even asked me if i played the demo and alot of stuff, so they were very cool :D

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GAME GUY - Here you go, there's gonna be 49,95 please.


$50? Mine was only like $40 plus tax. Probably around $42 all together.

Edited by Runay

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http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png Okay, here's MY story from that day! I remember it like it was yesterday. lol


Okay, my mom had jury duty that day, so I decided to walk the mile and a half to the Gamestop. It was a nice little journey, and the whole time, I kept hearing Twister from The World Ends With You in my head (The opening theme version) in commemoration of it being in the game.


Took me half an hour to get to Gamestop... only to find out that their system was down.


And not too long after I showed up, three guys wearing Kingdom Hearts T-shirts came in, and I went like "...Dream Drop Distance?" and they all nodded and said yes, and I went like "My story too, I'm a hardcore fan of the series." Waited ANOTHER half hour for their system to come back up, every five minutes going, "is it back up yet?!" only for a no in response. Then when the system came back up, I got frantic and got the first game from them. I got the normal version from pre-ordering since I waited too late to try and get the Mark of Mastery version. Someone else had pre-ordered it... T.T God, I couldn't stop looking at it, it hurt... It still hurts...


http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png And now I'm near the end... >.> STUCK AT THE LAST WORLD TRYING TO FRICKING MURDER XEMNAS AND ANSEM.

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I'm an idiot and didn't preorder it, so I woke up to get to K-mart at 8:00 AM when they open. I called them the day before to ask if they'd have the game, and they said they would. However, when I got there they didn't have it! So my sister and I took off for the nearest wal-mart and PTL they had the game! I bought it, and beat it in 48 hours lol

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Well, my boyfriend pre-ordered it for me back in May or June I believe and he paid for the whole thing! (really sweet of him) Anyway, the day it came out, I was working really late and he sent me a picture over text message of him picking up the game for me. It was so sweet. c:

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Well, my boyfriend pre-ordered it for me back in May or June I believe and he paid for the whole thing! (really sweet of him) Anyway, the day it came out, I was working really late and he sent me a picture over text message of him picking up the game for me. It was so sweet. c:


I couldn't help but have a "dawww" moment over this. So nice to see your boyfriend supportive of KH.

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I got there like 13 minutes early, I was the only one there and that morning the manager was opening at GameStop and he knows me like a friend so he let me in 10 minutes early got the game and he told me to tell him if it's good after I've finished it and yes... It Was GOOD

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I was going to preorder the MoM edition, but my local EB Games didn't have it up at all, so I went to Walmart on opening day and picked up a regular copy. It was unfortunate that I couldn't get the MoM edition, but at least I got the game.

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