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righty tighty, lefty loosey

Left or Right Handed?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Left or Right Handed?

    • Right
    • Left
    • Ambidextrous
    • Kaiso Hacks Post for Poll-Whoreness of Boredum.

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pay no attention to the very awesome title.




so, are you right-handed or left-handed? i know for a fact there are a couple of members that are lefties...[not kaiso cough 8D/shot]


i'm a fellow righty (: (though i wish i was lefty :O)



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"righty tighty, lefty loosey"

OMG WHUT THE FACE O.O are they talking about shoeswhut? .____. MUST SEE 8D








ilu <33 epic title 8D ;]]


i'mma fellow lefty. AND PROUD o-o

be jealous, i know you are.

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roflroflrofl. you see, it makes sense if you think about it in a stupid, weird way. but that's just me. 8D


EMMY IS LEFTY?!? crackers, i thought you were righty ;A;


JF IS RIGHTY!?!? high five thennnn. ;D

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IM A LEFT---- *sees my name* o.o oh.





o.o I has a killer left foot as well in soccer. <3 XDDD --- just as a site note.


8D BUT LEFT HANDYS FTW. /shotshotshotshotshot


Although apparently lefty's are screwed in proper etiquette when it comes to the "Americanized" ..... version of eating with a fork. We all apparently have bad manners the way we eat with our left hand. D8< You right handed people and all your silly rules. /shotshot


*edit* That's one Sexy poll you got thar. /shot

Slightly off topic:

Aww. It wouldn't let me change it to: Kaiso Hacks Post for Poll-Whoreness of Boredum. And is Obviously Left Handed and Full of Awesomeness and Decided To Make an Abnormally Long and Useless Fourth Option because Four is a Badass Number and was absolutely necessary to have over 9000 votes due to her extreme lack of entertainment.......She's done now. <3


Damn you poll option limit. D8<

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i know it sucks but rules also i use my left with somethings but i use my right with some other things but yeah im mostly a lefty go lefties all the way

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roflroflrofl. you see, it makes sense if you think about it in a stupid, weird way. but that's just me. 8D


EMMY IS LEFTY?!? crackers, i thought you were righty ;A;


JF IS RIGHTY!?!? high five thennnn. ;D


*High Fives* <3 8D


Righty Rock! But you know there are some Leftys that are awesome too. xD

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roflrofl. i don't remember putting that pole thar. must be the short-term memory rightys get.




XDDD lololol ilu kaiso. xDDDD


lefties ARE awesome. (: i really wish i was left-handed xD makes people more unique ;o


my little cousin is actually ambidextrous. one day, i was playing my ds, she wanted to play, so i let her play it on the pictochat thing so she could draw; i showed her how to do it, (with my right hand, and she's more a leftie than a rightie), she started out with her right hand...


....and continued with her left xD like as if it was the most natural thing ever xD talk about being unique 8D



...ahem, anyway, moving on. use the poll. it was made by a sexy person, (you should also use the fourth option because it's mostly correct. /shot)

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it sucks when you're writing and liek .. it SMUDGES.

ALL THE EFFING TIME LIEK URGG. <-- i <3 the weerd urg. UUURRGG. 8DD



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rofl yeah. when i see my left-handed friends write, they look...weird xD not weird, but like...unique xD?/shot


they just look a lot more different when they write from my point of view 8D


URG? sounds like that time you lost to me in paper, rock, scissors-- /shot


XDDD rofl. especially mr. better-than-zac-efron

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I'm a Righty, but my left hand has more strength than my right o.o


XDDD have you tried writing with your left hand? it might be that you're secretly ambidextrous 8D/shot



JENNY says:

aka mr. way better than zac efron

or something 8D


FFFFF. once ;A; but then i won in Uno 8D/shot

lolololol. i didn't say that cough./shot

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Oh, you know you put that poll there.


D8 So has ever tried to write with your other hand? x. x; How do you righties do it? the pen feels so awkward in my right hand. Also I have to hold a pen in my right hand like a retard in order to write with it and still be legible, sadly.

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Oh, you know you put that poll there.


D8 So has ever tried to write with your other hand? x. x; How do you righties do it? the pen feels so awkward in my right hand. Also I have to hold a pen in my right hand like a retard in order to write with it and still be legible, sadly.


XDD i try writing with my left hand sometimes. i write worse than a little kid starting out in kindergarten lol.


lmaooo. same here xDDD and i can never write at, like, the right angle. i always end up writing down or very, very scribbly. i already write bad with my right hand xD.../shot


iend' pid='88549' dateline='1265021256']

im a righty .... and im fine with that .....


who wouldn't be xD?


Righty :D i like being righthanded:]


high five fellow righty. C:


ambidextrisosity. or something to that effect.


rofl. we've got a unique member within us.

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i never knew there existed someone like that. an even more unique member among us lol.


i wish i could write with my leftie properly. i can't even cut a fruit or a paper with my left without either cutting myself or making it look like an animal did it. xD

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