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Damion Strife

Text Damion's Poems

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(First off, you'll find out everything you need to know about me from my profile. My poems are going to come fairly regularly. That's pretty much it.)



There is no poem I can write,

That won't cause pain or sorrow,

I've felt nothing but the two since that night,

When my heart she did borrow.


I gave my heart out that hour,

She seemed to care for me,

Two years later that love turned sour,

I was too blind to see.


Then the fateful night came,

When we had our talk,

She left and I took the blame,

My heart brittle as chalk.


I don't want pitty,

I don't want love,

I want to leave this city,

And see the mountains above.


Above my fear,

Above my sorrow,

But maybe I'll stay here,

Until tomorrow...

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  On 7/29/2012 at 10:38 PM, 'Damion Strife' said:

(First off, you'll find out everything you need to know about me from my profile. My poems are going to come fairly regularly. That's pretty much it.)



There is no poem I can write,

That won't cause pain or sorrow,

I've felt nothing but the two since that night,

When my heart she did borrow.


I gave my heart out that hour,

She seemed to care for me,

Two years later that love turned sour,

I was too blind to see.


Then the fateful night came,

When we had our talk,

She left and I took the blame,

My heart brittle as chalk.


I don't want pitty,

I don't want love,

I want to leave this city,

And see the mountains above.


Above my fear,

Above my sorrow,

But maybe I'll stay here,

Until tomorrow...


This is very Beautifully written. Amazing Job :DD your a poet too? me to!! anyways Your very good in poetry! keep up the good work!! :DD

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all right!! yea that will be cool!! ill be starting on poetry a little too so ill definetly see you around the forums. and maybe u can become a poet. :DD


and your Welcome :D

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(Alright...I wrote this one after I got into a fight with my brother...)


I feel like I'm drowning in my own tears,

You yelled at me and I yelled back,

It was like an accumulation of all my fears,

If you learned anything from me it was talking smack.


We hadn't fought like that in a long time,

I don't feel like fighting anymore,

Our arguments aren't worth a dime,

Let's just shove it inside a dungeon and lock the door.


I'll never yell at you again,

I'll be your friend,

Restart and let the good times begin,

Brothers until the end.

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(Alright, so this one is kind of a new subject. It touches up on 'Relationships' and can be used anywhere! xD )


When I first met you I didn't know what to say,

My tounge got notted up and I felt like I was cooking,

So I wrote you this note and gave it to you today,

Make sure your alone and nobody else is looking.


I feel like I could talk to you for hours,

You make me feel lighter than air,

I wanna buy you some flowers,

I think we'd be a good pair.


You're kind, beautiful, and neat,

I just don't know what to do,

Because I don't feel quite complete,

When I'm anywhere without you.


This may seem like a cry of desperation,

But I just feel this is right,

Ordained from creation,

That I take you out tonight.

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(Alright. This one is something I wrote a while back, and it's something special to me. I wrote it for my grandpa, but never got to read it to him. I recently added the last little note to the end.)


Hop on pop I'd always beg,

When I was a little boy,

I'd crawl up and sit on your leg,

Then once you were done I'd make ya read to my toy.


You always knew how to make me smile,

We always had fun you and me,

Even if it was only a little while,

It was always where I wanted to be.


You taught me how to act to my mom,

You taught me how to drive a car,

I always thought you were the bomb,

But I never let my feelings show that far.


I'll never be able to say how much I miss you now,

I learned a lot about you after you had to go,

You were a piolet and I'll never learn how,

I also learned you were a guardsmen but never let it show.


I'll try my best to make you proud,

In everything that I try,

I won't share my opinions so loud,

I know I'll see you again when I die.


Until then just wait where you are,

I'll come meet up with you,

I just hope that it's not too far,

Knowing how you like to run like ya do.

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I know....sometimes I wanna not rhyme...but then my hand uncontrollably slaps me in the face... xP

I'm not kidding either, it's like my brain can't stand me to write unrhyming poems.

I wanna write a dark poem sometime though...

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  On 8/4/2012 at 5:47 AM, 'Damion Strife' said:

I know....sometimes I wanna not rhyme...but then my hand uncontrollably slaps me in the face... xP

I'm not kidding either, it's like my brain can't stand me to write unrhyming poems.

I wanna write a dark poem sometime though...


Its okay to rhyme


Dark poems seem legit but is it like those emo type of poems?

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My free will was murdered last night,

It was bashed brutally in the street,

Didn't put up much of a fight,

Just got trampled by angry feet.


My free will was murdered last night,

Some one shot it in the heart,

Didn't get to put up a fight,

Just got ripped a part.


My free will was murdered last night,

She stomped out it's eyes,

It'll never see the light,

It's said it's goodbyes.


I feel like a lifeless vagabond,

That just got tied up and beat,

Thrown into a pond,

and left for fresh meat.


No more time for me to rest,

I've got nothing to call my own,

I'm not anywhere near my best,

My true colors of failure have shown.

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This time I'm not playing a game,

There isn't any time for those foolish things,

Nothing will remain the same,

This is what my heart sings.


I don't trust you anymore,

You slapped my face,

Then slammed my door,

With me you have no place.


I'm not yours and never will be,

I'm leaving now so say goodbye,

Don't you make that sad face at me,

Everything we were was a lie.


You never loved me you never could,

So I'm going to leave you now,

I'm going away for good,

I won't take you back no way no how.


Get away from me and don't speak a word,

You've spoken your poison before,

Not another lie will be heard,

Especially not through this door.


Now that you're shut out I can be at rest,

I tried what I could with you,

And I did my best,

You struck me though and I'm now through.

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