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Damion Strife

Text Damion's Poems

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But...telling them what they are isn't good enough. You have to tell them they are the best. Why? Because every girl is beautiful, but they all want to know that the guy they are with thinks they look the best. This, is the truth of life.

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  On 8/24/2012 at 6:18 AM, 'Damion Strife' said:

But...telling them what they are isn't good enough. You have to tell them they are the best. Why? Because every girl is beautiful, but they all want to know that the guy they are with thinks they look the best. This, is the truth of life.


Agree, but its anoyying and I have to deal with it every time I wear something xD

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  On 8/24/2012 at 6:40 AM, 'Damion Strife' said:

Lolz...I used to have to deal with it a lot...still do with my five year old sister...boy I wish she didn't grow up so fast...


I'm the youngest so my older brothers have to deal with it xD

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(Ok this one is probably the best I've got. I've had some things come up these past months and I gotta say this sums it up.)


Getting ready to go just not quite so easy,

I thought it would be faster than this,

All calm cool and breezey,

But here's the thing I've got a lot to miss.


My family is here and my friends are here,

All of my things and everything I need,

I won't leave without sheding a tear,

But all of these things my doubts feed.


Did I make the right choice?

Yes without a doubt I did.

Once I'm there will I be able to silence my voice?

For nineteen years I have kept it hid.


It's not that easy I keep telling myself,

I just want to know I'll have someone,

But I gotta put all my emotions on the shelf,

When I get on that plane I am the only one.


I am the only one there who cares,

I am the only one there who sees,

I am the only one there who breaks,

I am the only one there who cries out in pain,

and all these things I leave behind...


No more tears,

No more sorrow,

I must forget my fears,

Read my letters and from them strength borrow.


I am not going to go down,

I will push until my body breaks,

I will move over this like a storm over a town,

Even if my whole world quakes.


I am not going to fall,

I'm going to rise,

At the end I'll stand tall,

Touch the skies.


This is how it will be,

All that I ask of you,

Is to put your trust in me,

You'll see what I can do.


Then when I'm out,

I'll make damn sure to come see you.

That way I can shout,

How greatful I was for doing what you do.

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